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-[[deps.nghttp2_jll]] -deps = ["Artifacts", "Libdl"] -uuid = "8e850ede-7688-5339-a07c-302acd2aaf8d" -version = "1.52.0+1" - -[[deps.p7zip_jll]] -deps = ["Artifacts", "Libdl"] -uuid = "3f19e933-33d8-53b3-aaab-bd5110c3b7a0" -version = "17.4.0+2" - -[[deps.prrte_jll]] -deps = ["Artifacts", "Hwloc_jll", "JLLWrappers", "Libdl", "PMIx_jll", "libevent_jll"] -git-tree-sha1 = "5adb2d7a18a30280feb66cad6f1a1dfdca2dc7b0" -uuid = "eb928a42-fffd-568d-ab9c-3f5d54fc65b9" -version = "3.0.2+0" diff --git a/src/chkpt_time_integration.jl b/src/chkpt_time_integration.jl deleted file mode 100644 index 33ce11b..0000000 --- a/src/chkpt_time_integration.jl +++ /dev/null @@ -1,350 +0,0 @@ -"""Integrate ShallowWaters forward AND checkpoints the integration. This is the -integration function needed if we want to use Enzyme on the model.""" -function checkpointed_integration(S, scheme) - - # setup - Diag = S.Diag - Prog = S.Prog - - @unpack u,v,η,sst = Prog - @unpack u0,v0,η0 = Diag.RungeKutta - @unpack u1,v1,η1 = Diag.RungeKutta - @unpack du,dv,dη = Diag.Tendencies - @unpack du_sum,dv_sum,dη_sum = Diag.Tendencies - @unpack du_comp,dv_comp,dη_comp = Diag.Tendencies - - @unpack um,vm = Diag.SemiLagrange - - @unpack dynamics,RKo,RKs,tracer_advection = S.parameters - @unpack time_scheme,compensated = S.parameters - @unpack RKaΔt,RKbΔt = S.constants - @unpack Δt_Δ,Δt_Δs = S.constants - - @unpack nt,dtint = S.grid - @unpack nstep_advcor,nstep_diff,nadvstep,nadvstep_half = S.grid - - # calculate layer thicknesses for initial conditions - ShallowWaters.thickness!(Diag.VolumeFluxes.h,η,S.forcing.H) - ShallowWaters.Ix!(Diag.VolumeFluxes.h_u,Diag.VolumeFluxes.h) - ShallowWaters.Iy!(Diag.VolumeFluxes.h_v,Diag.VolumeFluxes.h) - ShallowWaters.Ixy!(Diag.Vorticity.h_q,Diag.VolumeFluxes.h) - - # calculate PV terms for initial conditions - urhs = convert(Diag.PrognosticVarsRHS.u,u) - vrhs = convert(Diag.PrognosticVarsRHS.v,v) - ηrhs = convert(Diag.PrognosticVarsRHS.η,η) - - ShallowWaters.advection_coriolis!(urhs,vrhs,ηrhs,Diag,S) - ShallowWaters.PVadvection!(Diag,S) - - # propagate initial conditions - copyto!(u0,u) - copyto!(v0,v) - copyto!(η0,η) - - # store initial conditions of sst for relaxation - copyto!(Diag.SemiLagrange.sst_ref,sst) - - t = 0 # model time - # run integration loop with checkpointing - loop(S, scheme) - - # end - - # separately defined J - return S.parameters.J - - # final state cost function - # return S.Prog.η[24,24] - - # spatially averaged energy cost function - # temp = ShallowWaters.PrognosticVars{Float32}(ShallowWaters.remove_halo(u,v,η,sst,S)...) - # S.parameters.J = (sum(temp.u.^2) + sum(temp.v.^2)) / (S.grid.nx * S.grid.ny) - # return S.parameters.J - -end - -function loop(S,scheme) - - @checkpoint_struct scheme S for S.parameters.i = 1:S.grid.nt - - Diag = S.Diag - Prog = S.Prog - - @unpack u,v,η,sst = Prog - @unpack u0,v0,η0 = Diag.RungeKutta - @unpack u1,v1,η1 = Diag.RungeKutta - @unpack du,dv,dη = Diag.Tendencies - @unpack du_sum,dv_sum,dη_sum = Diag.Tendencies - @unpack du_comp,dv_comp,dη_comp = Diag.Tendencies - - @unpack um,vm = Diag.SemiLagrange - - @unpack dynamics,RKo,RKs,tracer_advection = S.parameters - @unpack time_scheme,compensated = S.parameters - @unpack RKaΔt,RKbΔt = S.constants - @unpack Δt_Δ,Δt_Δs = S.constants - - @unpack nt,dtint = S.grid - @unpack nstep_advcor,nstep_diff,nadvstep,nadvstep_half = S.grid - t = S.t - i = S.parameters.i - - # ghost point copy for boundary conditions - ShallowWaters.ghost_points!(u,v,η,S) - copyto!(u1,u) - copyto!(v1,v) - copyto!(η1,η) - - if time_scheme == "RK" # classic RK4,3 or 2 - - if compensated - fill!(du_sum,zero(Tprog)) - fill!(dv_sum,zero(Tprog)) - fill!(dη_sum,zero(Tprog)) - end - - for rki = 1:RKo - if rki > 1 - ShallowWaters.ghost_points!(u1,v1,η1,S) - end - - # type conversion for mixed precision - u1rhs = convert(Diag.PrognosticVarsRHS.u,u1) - v1rhs = convert(Diag.PrognosticVarsRHS.v,v1) - η1rhs = convert(Diag.PrognosticVarsRHS.η,η1) - - ShallowWaters.rhs!(u1rhs,v1rhs,η1rhs,Diag,S,t) # momentum only - ShallowWaters.continuity!(u1rhs,v1rhs,η1rhs,Diag,S,t) # continuity equation - - if rki < RKo - ShallowWaters.caxb!(u1,u,RKbΔt[rki],du) #u1 .= u .+ RKb[rki]*Δt*du - ShallowWaters.caxb!(v1,v,RKbΔt[rki],dv) #v1 .= v .+ RKb[rki]*Δt*dv - ShallowWaters.caxb!(η1,η,RKbΔt[rki],dη) #η1 .= η .+ RKb[rki]*Δt*dη - end - - if compensated # accumulate tendencies - ShallowWaters.axb!(du_sum,RKaΔt[rki],du) - ShallowWaters.axb!(dv_sum,RKaΔt[rki],dv) - ShallowWaters.axb!(dη_sum,RKaΔt[rki],dη) - else # sum RK-substeps on the go - ShallowWaters.axb!(u0,RKaΔt[rki],du) #u0 .+= RKa[rki]*Δt*du - ShallowWaters.axb!(v0,RKaΔt[rki],dv) #v0 .+= RKa[rki]*Δt*dv - ShallowWaters.axb!(η0,RKaΔt[rki],dη) #η0 .+= RKa[rki]*Δt*dη - end - end - - if compensated - # add compensation term to total tendency - ShallowWaters.axb!(du_sum,-1,du_comp) - ShallowWaters.axb!(dv_sum,-1,dv_comp) - ShallowWaters.axb!(dη_sum,-1,dη_comp) - - ShallowWaters.axb!(u0,1,du_sum) # update prognostic variable with total tendency - ShallowWaters.axb!(v0,1,dv_sum) - ShallowWaters.axb!(η0,1,dη_sum) - - ShallowWaters.dambmc!(du_comp,u0,u,du_sum) # compute new compensation - ShallowWaters.dambmc!(dv_comp,v0,v,dv_sum) - ShallowWaters.dambmc!(dη_comp,η0,η,dη_sum) - end - - elseif time_scheme == "SSPRK2" # s-stage 2nd order SSPRK - - for rki = 1:RKs - if rki > 1 - ShallowWaters.ghost_points_η!(η1,S) - end - - # type conversion for mixed precision - u1rhs = convert(Diag.PrognosticVarsRHS.u,u1) - v1rhs = convert(Diag.PrognosticVarsRHS.v,v1) - η1rhs = convert(Diag.PrognosticVarsRHS.η,η1) - - ShallowWaters.rhs!(u1rhs,v1rhs,η1rhs,Diag,S,t) # momentum only - - # the update step - ShallowWaters.axb!(u1,Δt_Δs,du) # u1 = u1 + Δt/(s-1)*RHS(u1) - ShallowWaters.axb!(v1,Δt_Δs,dv) - - # semi-implicit for continuity equation, use new u1,v1 to calcualte dη - ShallowWaters.ghost_points_uv!(u1,v1,S) - u1rhs = convert(Diag.PrognosticVarsRHS.u,u1) - v1rhs = convert(Diag.PrognosticVarsRHS.v,v1) - ShallowWaters.continuity!(u1rhs,v1rhs,η1rhs,Diag,S,t) - ShallowWaters.axb!(η1,Δt_Δs,dη) # η1 = η1 + Δt/(s-1)*RHS(u1) - end - - a = 1/RKs - b = (RKs-1)/RKs - ShallowWaters.cxayb!(u0,a,u,b,u1) - ShallowWaters.cxayb!(v0,a,v,b,v1) - ShallowWaters.cxayb!(η0,a,η,b,η1) - - elseif time_scheme == "SSPRK3" # s-stage 3rd order SSPRK - - @unpack s,kn,mn,kna,knb,Δt_Δnc,Δt_Δn = S.constants.SSPRK3c - - # if compensated - # fill!(du_sum,zero(Tprog)) - # fill!(dv_sum,zero(Tprog)) - # fill!(dη_sum,zero(Tprog)) - # end - - for rki = 2:s+1 # number of stages (from 2:s+1 to match Ketcheson et al 2014) - if rki > 2 - ShallowWaters.ghost_points_η!(η1,S) - end - - # type conversion for mixed precision - u1rhs = convert(Diag.PrognosticVarsRHS.u,u1) - v1rhs = convert(Diag.PrognosticVarsRHS.v,v1) - η1rhs = convert(Diag.PrognosticVarsRHS.η,η1) - - rhs!(u1rhs,v1rhs,η1rhs,Diag,S,t) - - if rki == kn # special case combining more previous stages - ShallowWaters.dxaybzc!(u1,kna,u1,knb,u0,Δt_Δnc,du) - ShallowWaters.dxaybzc!(v1,kna,v1,knb,v0,Δt_Δnc,dv) - else # normal update case - ShallowWaters.axb!(u1,Δt_Δn,du) - ShallowWaters.axb!(v1,Δt_Δn,dv) - - # if compensated - # axb!(du_sum,Δt_Δn,du) - # axb!(dv_sum,Δt_Δn,dv) - # end - end - - # semi-implicit for continuity equation, use new u1,v1 to calcualte dη - ShallowWaters.ghost_points_uv!(u1,v1,S) - u1rhs = convert(Diag.PrognosticVarsRHS.u,u1) - v1rhs = convert(Diag.PrognosticVarsRHS.v,v1) - ShallowWaters.continuity!(u1rhs,v1rhs,η1rhs,Diag,S,t) - - if rki == kn - ShallowWaters.dxaybzc!(η1,kna,η1,knb,η0,Δt_Δnc,dη) - else - ShallowWaters.axb!(η1,Δt_Δn,dη) - # if compensated - # axb!(dη_sum,Δt_Δn,dη) - # end - end - - # special stage that is needed later for the kn-th stage, store in u0,v0,η0 therefore - # or for the last step, as u0,v0,η0 is used as the last step's result of any RK scheme. - if rki == mn || rki == s+1 - copyto!(u0,u1) - copyto!(v0,v1) - ShallowWaters.ghost_points_η!(η1,S) - copyto!(η0,η1) - end - end - - elseif time_scheme == "4SSPRK3" # 4-stage SSPRK3 - - for rki = 1:4 - if rki > 1 - ShallowWaters.ghost_points!(u1,v1,η1,S) - end - - # type conversion for mixed precision - u1rhs = convert(Diag.PrognosticVarsRHS.u,u1) - v1rhs = convert(Diag.PrognosticVarsRHS.v,v1) - η1rhs = convert(Diag.PrognosticVarsRHS.η,η1) - - ShallowWaters.rhs!(u1rhs,v1rhs,η1rhs,Diag,S,t) - - ShallowWaters.caxb!(u0,u1,Δt_Δ,du) # store Euler update into u0,v0 - ShallowWaters.caxb!(v0,v1,Δt_Δ,dv) - ShallowWaters.cxab!(u1,1/2,u1,u0) # average u0,u1 and store in u1 - ShallowWaters.cxab!(v1,1/2,v1,v0) # same - - # semi-implicit for continuity equation, use u1,v1 to calcualte dη - ShallowWaters.ghost_points_uv!(u1,v1,S) - u1rhs = convert(Diag.PrognosticVarsRHS.u,u1) - v1rhs = convert(Diag.PrognosticVarsRHS.v,v1) - ShallowWaters.continuity!(u1rhs,v1rhs,η1rhs,Diag,S,t) - - ShallowWaters.caxb!(η0,η1,Δt_Δ,dη) # store Euler update into η0 - ShallowWaters.cxab!(η1,1/2,η1,η0) # average η0,η1 and store in η1 - - if rki == 3 - ShallowWaters.cxayb!(u1,2/3,u,1/3,u1) - ShallowWaters.cxayb!(v1,2/3,v,1/3,v1) - ShallowWaters.cxayb!(η1,2/3,η,1/3,η1) - elseif rki == 4 - copyto!(u0,u1) - copyto!(v0,v1) - copyto!(η0,η1) - end - end - end - - ShallowWaters.ghost_points!(u0,v0,η0,S) - - # type conversion for mixed precision - u0rhs = convert(Diag.PrognosticVarsRHS.u,u0) - v0rhs = convert(Diag.PrognosticVarsRHS.v,v0) - η0rhs = convert(Diag.PrognosticVarsRHS.η,η0) - - # ADVECTION and CORIOLIS TERMS - # although included in the tendency of every RK substep, - # only update every nstep_advcor steps if nstep_advcor > 0 - if dynamics == "nonlinear" && nstep_advcor > 0 && (i % nstep_advcor) == 0 - ShallowWaters.UVfluxes!(u0rhs,v0rhs,η0rhs,Diag,S) - ShallowWaters.advection_coriolis!(u0rhs,v0rhs,η0rhs,Diag,S) - end - - # DIFFUSIVE TERMS - SEMI-IMPLICIT EULER - # use u0 = u^(n+1) to evaluate tendencies, add to u0 = u^n + rhs - # evaluate only every nstep_diff time steps - if (S.parameters.i % nstep_diff) == 0 - ShallowWaters.bottom_drag!(u0rhs,v0rhs,η0rhs,Diag,S) - ShallowWaters.diffusion!(u0rhs,v0rhs,Diag,S) - ShallowWaters.add_drag_diff_tendencies!(u0,v0,Diag,S) - ShallowWaters.ghost_points_uv!(u0,v0,S) - end - - t += dtint - - # TRACER ADVECTION - u0rhs = convert(Diag.PrognosticVarsRHS.u,u0) # copy back as add_drag_diff_tendencies changed u0,v0 - v0rhs = convert(Diag.PrognosticVarsRHS.v,v0) - ShallowWaters.tracer!(i,u0rhs,v0rhs,Prog,Diag,S) - - # feedback and output - # feedback.i = i - # feedback!(Prog,feedback,S) - # ShallowWaters.output_nc!(S.parameters.i,netCDFfiles,Prog,Diag,S) # uses u0,v0,η0 - - # if feedback.nans_detected - # break - # end - - #### cost function evaluation (if extra calculations needed) - - if S.parameters.i in S.parameters.data_steps - - temp = ShallowWaters.PrognosticVars{Float32}(ShallowWaters.remove_halo(u,v,η,sst,S)...) - energy_lr = (sum(temp.u.^2) + sum(temp.v.^2)) / (S.grid.nx * S.grid.ny) - - # spacially averaged energy objective function - S.parameters.J += (energy_lr - S.parameters.data[S.parameters.j])^2 - - S.parameters.j += 1 - - end - - ############################################################# - - # Copy back from substeps - copyto!(u,u0) - copyto!(v,v0) - copyto!(η,η0) - - end - - return nothing - -end diff --git a/src/ghost_points.jl b/src/ghost_points.jl index bc9aede..11c38ff 100644 --- a/src/ghost_points.jl +++ b/src/ghost_points.jl @@ -1,3 +1,37 @@ +""" Extends the matrices u,v,η,sst with a halo of ghost points for boundary conditions.""" +function add_halo( u::Array{T,2}, + v::Array{T,2}, + η::Array{T,2}, + sst::Array{T,2}, + S::ModelSetup) where {T<:AbstractFloat} + + @unpack nx,ny,nux,nuy,nvx,nvy = S.grid + @unpack halo,haloη,halosstx,halossty = S.grid + + # Add zeros to satisfy kinematic boundary conditions + u = cat(zeros(T,halo,nuy),u,zeros(T,halo,nuy),dims=1) + u = cat(zeros(T,nux+2*halo,halo),u,zeros(T,nux+2*halo,halo),dims=2) + + v = cat(zeros(T,halo,nvy),v,zeros(T,halo,nvy),dims=1) + v = cat(zeros(T,nvx+2*halo,halo),v,zeros(T,nvx+2*halo,halo),dims=2) + + η = cat(zeros(T,haloη,ny),η,zeros(T,haloη,ny),dims=1) + η = cat(zeros(T,nx+2*haloη,haloη),η,zeros(T,nx+2*haloη,haloη),dims=2) + + sst = cat(zeros(T,halosstx,ny),sst,zeros(T,halosstx,ny),dims=1) + sst = cat(zeros(T,nx+2*halosstx,halossty),sst,zeros(T,nx+2*halosstx,halossty),dims=2) + + # SCALING + @unpack scale,scale_sst = S.constants + u *= scale + v *= scale + sst *= scale_sst + + ghost_points!(u,v,η,S) + ghost_points_sst!(sst,S) + return u,v,η,sst +end + """ Extends the matrices u,v,η,sst with a halo of ghost points for boundary conditions.""" function add_halo( u::Array{T,2}, v::Array{T,2}, @@ -34,6 +68,25 @@ function add_halo( u::Array{T,2}, return u,v,η,sst end +"""Cut off the halo from the prognostic variables.""" +function remove_halo( u::Array{T,2}, + v::Array{T,2}, + η::Array{T,2}, + sst::Array{T,2}, + S::ModelSetup) where {T<:AbstractFloat} + + @unpack halo,haloη,halosstx,halossty = S.grid + @unpack scale_inv,scale_sst = S.constants + + # undo scaling as well + @views ucut = scale_inv*u[halo+1:end-halo,halo+1:end-halo] + @views vcut = scale_inv*v[halo+1:end-halo,halo+1:end-halo] + @views ηcut = η[haloη+1:end-haloη,haloη+1:end-haloη] + @views sstcut = sst[halosstx+1:end-halosstx,halossty+1:end-halossty]/scale_sst + + return ucut,vcut,ηcut,sstcut +end + """Cut off the halo from the prognostic variables.""" function remove_halo( u::Array{T,2}, v::Array{T,2},