Releases: milakov/nnForge
Releases · milakov/nnForge
- Squared Hinge Loss error function added
- Local contrast subtractive layer hessian and updater implementations added both to CPU and GPU backends
- Maxout layer added with CPU and GPU backends implemented
- Added tester functionality for rgb_to_you_convert layer in CUDA backend
- Learning rate decay functionality for tail iterations is added
- Fixed:
- Functionality bug in L2 incoming weights regularizer
- Functionality bug for rectangular local contrast subtractive
- Recovered snapshot_invalid functionality
- supervised_data_reader now naturaly inherits unsupervised_data_reader: code is simplified
- supervised_transformed_output_data_reader and unsupervised_transformed_input_data_reader added
- Stats for readers (max, min, avg, std_dev) implemented
- normalize_data_transformer added
- Regression output type added
- Convolutional 3D layer implemented in CUDA backend
- Max subsampling 3D layer implemented in CUDA backend
- Dropout support is extended to all layers
- Data transformers simplified; removed deterministic mode of noise
- Added sanity check for mse in order to drop ANNs with broken weights during training
- Fixed plain (CPU) backend for rectangular convolutional and subsampling layers
- CUDA exceptions now go with filename and line number
- Minor fixes and improvements
- Regularization "Upper bound on L2 norm of the incoming weight vector for each output neuron" added
- ROC-type result now works fine for multi-class output types
- rotate_band data and noise_data_transformer transformers added
- Dropout is now done per input neuron instead of per input feature map - more robust option
- Minor fixes
- Ability to validate and test with multiple samples per entry (averaging results)
- Max Subsampling layer in CUDA backend (2D only)
- Flipping image option added to the toolset
- Additional constructor with fixed seed for random generator
- preparing_data command split into preparing_training_data and preparing_testing_data
- A couple of minor bug-fixes