Import the HTTP adapter in usecase adapter.
import { IHttpAdapter } from '@/infra/http'; import { UserCreateInput, UserCreateOutput } from './types'; export abstract class IUserCreateAdapter { abstract execute(input: UserCreateInput, httpService: IHttpAdapter): Promise<UserCreateOutput>; }
Get HTTP tracing and send it to the usecase adapter.
import { Controller, Post, Req } from '@nestjs/common'; import { ApiRequest } from '@/utils/request'; import { IUserCreateAdapter } from './adapter'; import { UserListOutput } from './types'; @Controller() export class UserController { constructor(private readonly userCreate: IUserCreateAdapter) {} @Post('/users') async list(@Req() { tracing, body }: ApiRequest): UserListOutput { return await this.userCreate.execute(body, { instance: tracing.axios, tracing }); } }
Call the instance HTTP.
# internal async execute(input: UserListInput, httpService: IHttpAdapter): Promise<UserListOutput> { const http = httpService.instance(); await http.post('http://localhost:4000/api/cats', input); }
# external async execute(input: UserListInput, httpService: IHttpAdapter): Promise<UserListOutput> { const http = httpService.instance(); const externalSpan = httpService.tracing.createSpan('google'); try { externalSpan.setTag(httpService.tracing.tags.PEER_SERVICE, 'www.google.com.br'); externalSpan.setTag(httpService.tracing.tags.SPAN_KIND, 'client'); externalSpan.setTag(httpService.tracing.tags.PEER_HOSTNAME, 'https://www.google.com.br'); await http.get('https://www.google.com.br'); externalSpan.finish(); } catch (error) { externalSpan.setTag(httpService.tracing.tags.ERROR, true); externalSpan.setTag('message', error.response.message || error.message); externalSpan.setTag('statusCode', error.response.status || error.status); externalSpan.finish(); throw error } }
Access Jaeger URL