groupList = new ArrayList<>();
private final PathD normals = new PathD();
private final Paths64 solution = new Paths64();
private double groupDelta; // *0.5 for open paths; *-1.0 for negative areas
private double delta;
- private double absGroupDelta;
private double mitLimSqr;
private double stepsPerRad;
private double stepSin;
@@ -58,6 +59,7 @@ public class ClipperOffset {
private double miterLimit;
private boolean preserveCollinear;
private boolean reverseSolution;
+ private DeltaCallback64 deltaCallback;
* @see #ClipperOffset(double, double, boolean, boolean)
@@ -93,8 +95,8 @@ public ClipperOffset() {
* Creates a ClipperOffset object, using the supplied parameters.
* @param miterLimit This property sets the maximum distance in multiples
- * of groupDelta that vertices can be offset from
- * their original positions before squaring is applied.
+ * of groupDelta that vertices can be offset from their
+ * original positions before squaring is applied.
* (Squaring truncates a miter by 'cutting it off' at 1
* × groupDelta distance from the original vertex.)
@@ -203,6 +205,11 @@ public final void Execute(double delta, Paths64 solution) {
+ public void Execute(DeltaCallback64 deltaCallback64, Paths64 solution) {
+ deltaCallback = deltaCallback64;
+ Execute(1.0, solution);
+ }
public void Execute(double delta, PolyTree64 polytree) {
@@ -260,6 +267,14 @@ public final void setReverseSolution(boolean value) {
reverseSolution = value;
+ public final void setDeltaCallBack64(DeltaCallback64 callback) {
+ deltaCallback = callback;
+ }
+ public final DeltaCallback64 getDeltaCallBack64() {
+ return deltaCallback;
+ }
private static PointD GetUnitNormal(Point64 pt1, Point64 pt2) {
double dx = (pt2.x - pt1.x);
double dy = (pt2.y - pt1.y);
@@ -374,10 +389,10 @@ private void DoSquare(Group group, Path64 path, int j, int k) {
} else {
vec = GetAvgUnitVector(new PointD(-normals.get(k).y, normals.get(k).x), new PointD(normals.get(j).y, -normals.get(j).x));
+ double absDelta = Math.abs(groupDelta);
// now offset the original vertex delta units along unit vector
PointD ptQ = new PointD(path.get(j));
- ptQ = TranslatePoint(ptQ, absGroupDelta * vec.x, absGroupDelta * vec.y);
+ ptQ = TranslatePoint(ptQ, absDelta * vec.x, absDelta * vec.y);
// get perpendicular vertices
PointD pt1 = TranslatePoint(ptQ, groupDelta * vec.y, groupDelta * -vec.x);
@@ -401,12 +416,26 @@ private void DoSquare(Group group, Path64 path, int j, int k) {
private void DoMiter(Group group, Path64 path, int j, int k, double cosA) {
- double q = groupDelta / (cosA + 1);
+ final double q = groupDelta / (cosA + 1);
group.outPath.add(new Point64(path.get(j).x + (normals.get(k).x + normals.get(j).x) * q,
path.get(j).y + (normals.get(k).y + normals.get(j).y) * q));
private void DoRound(Group group, Path64 path, int j, int k, double angle) {
+ if (deltaCallback != null) {
+ // when deltaCallback is assigned, groupDelta won't be constant,
+ // so we'll need to do the following calculations for *every* vertex.
+ double absDelta = Math.abs(groupDelta);
+ double arcTol = arcTolerance > 0.01 ? arcTolerance : Math.log10(2 + absDelta) * DEFAULT_ARC_TOLERANCE;
+ double stepsPer360 = Math.PI / Math.acos(1 - arcTol / absDelta);
+ stepSin = Math.sin((2 * Math.PI) / stepsPer360);
+ stepCos = Math.cos((2 * Math.PI) / stepsPer360);
+ if (groupDelta < 0.0) {
+ stepSin = -stepSin;
+ }
+ stepsPerRad = stepsPer360 / (2 * Math.PI);
+ }
Point64 pt = path.get(j);
PointD offsetVec = new PointD(normals.get(k).x * groupDelta, normals.get(k).y * groupDelta);
if (j == k) {
@@ -449,21 +478,23 @@ private void OffsetPoint(Group group, Path64 path, int j, RefObject k)
sinA = -1.0;
- if (cosA > 0.99) // almost straight - less than 8 degrees
- {
- group.outPath.add(GetPerpendic(path.get(j), normals.get(k.argValue)));
- if (cosA < 0.9998) { // greater than 1 degree (#424)
- group.outPath.add(GetPerpendic(path.get(j), normals.get(j))); // (#418)
- }
- } else if (cosA > -0.99 && (sinA * groupDelta < 0)) // is concave
- {
+ if (deltaCallback != null) {
+ groupDelta = deltaCallback.calculate(path, normals, j, k.argValue);
+ }
+ if (Math.abs(groupDelta) < TOLERANCE) {
+ group.outPath.add(path.get(j));
+ return;
+ }
+ if (cosA > 0.99) {
+ DoMiter(group, path, j, k.argValue, cosA);
+ } else if (cosA > -0.99 && (sinA * groupDelta < 0)) {
+ // is concave
group.outPath.add(GetPerpendic(path.get(j), normals.get(k.argValue)));
// this extra point is the only (simple) way to ensure that
// path reversals are fully cleaned with the trailing clipper
group.outPath.add(path.get(j)); // (#405)
group.outPath.add(GetPerpendic(path.get(j), normals.get(j)));
- } else if (joinType == JoinType.Round) {
- DoRound(group, path, j, k.argValue, Math.atan2(sinA, cosA));
} else if (joinType == JoinType.Miter) {
// miter unless the angle is so acute the miter would exceeds ML
if (cosA > mitLimSqr - 1) {
@@ -471,14 +502,13 @@ private void OffsetPoint(Group group, Path64 path, int j, RefObject k)
} else {
DoSquare(group, path, j, k.argValue);
- }
- // don't bother squaring angles that deviate < ~20 degrees because
- // squaring will be indistinguishable from mitering and just be a lot slower
- else if (cosA > 0.9) {
- DoMiter(group, path, j, k.argValue, cosA);
- } else {
+ } else if (joinType == JoinType.Square) {
+ // angle less than 8 degrees or a squared join
DoSquare(group, path, j, k.argValue);
+ } else {
+ DoRound(group, path, j, k.argValue, Math.atan2(sinA, cosA));
k.argValue = j;
@@ -503,19 +533,28 @@ private void OffsetOpenPath(Group group, Path64 path) {
group.outPath = new Path64();
int highI = path.size() - 1;
+ if (deltaCallback != null) {
+ groupDelta = deltaCallback.calculate(path, normals, 0, 0);
+ }
// do the line start cap
- switch (this.endType) {
- case Butt :
- group.outPath
- .add(new Point64(path.get(0).x - normals.get(0).x * groupDelta, path.get(0).y - normals.get(0).y * groupDelta));
- group.outPath.add(GetPerpendic(path.get(0), normals.get(0)));
- break;
- case Round :
- DoRound(group, path, 0, 0, Math.PI);
- break;
- default :
- DoSquare(group, path, 0, 0);
- break;
+ if (Math.abs(groupDelta) < TOLERANCE) {
+ group.outPath.add(path.get(0));
+ } else {
+ // do the line start cap
+ switch (this.endType) {
+ case Butt :
+ group.outPath
+ .add(new Point64(path.get(0).x - normals.get(0).x * groupDelta, path.get(0).y - normals.get(0).y * groupDelta));
+ group.outPath.add(GetPerpendic(path.get(0), normals.get(0)));
+ break;
+ case Round :
+ DoRound(group, path, 0, 0, Math.PI);
+ break;
+ default :
+ DoSquare(group, path, 0, 0);
+ break;
+ }
// offset the left side going forward
@@ -530,19 +569,26 @@ private void OffsetOpenPath(Group group, Path64 path) {
normals.set(0, normals.get(highI));
+ if (deltaCallback != null) {
+ groupDelta = deltaCallback.calculate(path, normals, highI, highI);
+ }
// do the line end cap
- switch (this.endType) {
- case Butt :
- group.outPath.add(new Point64(path.get(highI).x - normals.get(highI).x * groupDelta,
- path.get(highI).y - normals.get(highI).y * groupDelta));
- group.outPath.add(GetPerpendic(path.get(highI), normals.get(highI)));
- break;
- case Round :
- DoRound(group, path, highI, highI, Math.PI);
- break;
- default :
- DoSquare(group, path, highI, highI);
- break;
+ if (Math.abs(groupDelta) < TOLERANCE) {
+ group.outPath.add(path.get(highI));
+ } else {
+ switch (this.endType) {
+ case Butt :
+ group.outPath.add(new Point64(path.get(highI).x - normals.get(highI).x * groupDelta,
+ path.get(highI).y - normals.get(highI).y * groupDelta));
+ group.outPath.add(GetPerpendic(path.get(highI), normals.get(highI)));
+ break;
+ case Round :
+ DoRound(group, path, highI, highI, Math.PI);
+ break;
+ default :
+ DoSquare(group, path, highI, highI);
+ break;
+ }
// offset the left side going back
@@ -556,8 +602,10 @@ private void OffsetOpenPath(Group group, Path64 path) {
private void DoGroupOffset(Group group) {
if (group.endType == EndType.Polygon) {
- // the lowermost polygon must be an outer polygon. So we can use that as the
- // designated orientation for outer polygons (needed for tidy-up clipping)
+ /*
+ * The lowermost polygon must be an outer polygon. So we can use that as the
+ * designated orientation for outer polygons (needed for tidy-up clipping)
+ */
OutObject lowestIdx = new OutObject<>();
OutObject grpBounds = new OutObject<>();
GetBoundsAndLowestPolyIdx(group.inPaths, lowestIdx, grpBounds);
@@ -576,18 +624,20 @@ private void DoGroupOffset(Group group) {
group.pathsReversed = false;
this.groupDelta = Math.abs( * 0.5;
- this.absGroupDelta = Math.abs(this.groupDelta);
+ double absDelta = Math.abs(this.groupDelta);
this.joinType = group.joinType;
this.endType = group.endType;
// calculate a sensible number of steps (for 360 deg for the given offset
- if (group.joinType == JoinType.Round || group.endType == EndType.Round) {
- // arcTol - when fArcTolerance is undefined (0), the amount of
- // curve imprecision that's allowed is based on the size of the
- // offset (delta). Obviously very large offsets will almost always
- // require much less precision. See also offset_triginometry2.svg
- double arcTol = arcTolerance > 0.01 ? arcTolerance : Math.log10(2 + this.absGroupDelta) * DEFAULT_ARC_TOLERANCE;
- double stepsPer360 = Math.PI / Math.acos(1 - arcTol / absGroupDelta);
+ if (deltaCallback == null && (group.joinType == JoinType.Round || group.endType == EndType.Round)) {
+ /*
+ * arcTol - when fArcTolerance is undefined (0), the amount of curve imprecision
+ * that's allowed is based on the size of the offset (delta). Obviously very
+ * large offsets will almost always require much less precision. See also
+ * offset_triginometry2.svg
+ */
+ double arcTol = arcTolerance > 0.01 ? arcTolerance : Math.log10(2 + absDelta) * DEFAULT_ARC_TOLERANCE;
+ double stepsPer360 = Math.PI / Math.acos(1 - arcTol / absDelta);
stepSin = Math.sin((2 * Math.PI) / stepsPer360);
stepCos = Math.cos((2 * Math.PI) / stepsPer360);
if (groupDelta < 0.0) {
@@ -609,7 +659,7 @@ private void DoGroupOffset(Group group) {
group.outPath = new Path64();
// single vertex so build a circle or square ...
if (group.endType == EndType.Round) {
- double r = this.absGroupDelta;
+ double r = absDelta;
group.outPath = Clipper.Ellipse(path.get(0), r, r);
} else {
int d = (int) Math.ceil(this.groupDelta);
diff --git a/src/main/java/clipper2/offset/ b/src/main/java/clipper2/offset/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f95cf7a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/java/clipper2/offset/
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+package clipper2.offset;
+import clipper2.core.Path64;
+import clipper2.core.PathD;
+ * Functional interface for calculating a variable delta during polygon
+ * offsetting.
+ *
+ * Implementations of this interface define how to calculate the delta (the
+ * amount of offset) to apply at each point in a polygon during an offset
+ * operation. The offset can vary from point to point, allowing for variable
+ * offsetting.
+ */
+public interface DeltaCallback64 {
+ /**
+ * Calculates the delta (offset) for a given point in the polygon path.
+ *
+ * This method is used during polygon offsetting operations to determine the
+ * amount by which each point of the polygon should be offset.
+ *
+ * @param path The {@link Path64} object representing the original polygon
+ * path.
+ * @param path_norms The {@link PathD} object containing the normals of the
+ * path, which may be used to influence the delta calculation.
+ * @param currPt The index of the current point in the path for which the
+ * delta is being calculated.
+ * @param prevPt The index of the previous point in the path, which can be
+ * referenced to determine the delta based on adjacent
+ * segments.
+ * @return A {@code double} value representing the calculated delta for the
+ * current point. This value will be used to offset the point in the
+ * resulting polygon.
+ */
+ double calculate(Path64 path, PathD path_norms, int currPt, int prevPt);