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Releases: micrometer-metrics/micrometer


08 May 15:28
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This patch release contains the changes included in the 1.1.14 milestone.


29 Apr 07:59
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1.5.x is an LTS release line.

Thank you to all the people who contributed to this release.

Compatibility impacting

  • [Atlas] The tag on histogram gauges for what was previously called sla is now named service.level.objective. Queries on this tag will need to be updated.
  • [Graphite] #2007 to make the upgrade experience smoother, the default value for the configuration option for the recently added Graphite Tag support has been changed from true to being true if there are no tagsAsPrefix configured.
  • [Wavefront] #1901 WavefrontMeterRegistry uses a WavefrontSender now instead of the Micrometer HttpSender to publish metrics to Wavefront. If you were customizing the HttpSender used for Wavefront, you should look at customizing the WavefrontSender instead now.

New metrics

  • #1975 Jetty handshake metrics via JettySslHandshakeMetrics configured as an SslHandshakeListener
  • #2019 Jetty HttpClient metrics via JettyClientMetrics configured as a Request.Listener
  • #2041 ThreadPoolExecutor metrics for pool max and core configuration


  • #1242 Automatic-Module-Name is now included in manifest files. Module path users will now have stable Automatic-Module-Names that match the previously derived file name-based names.
  • #1697 HazelcastCacheMetrics has been updated to support both Hazelcast 3 and Hazelcast 4
  • #1702 Align target tags on HTTP client implementations (Apache HttpComponents and OkHttp) to include, target.port, and target.scheme
  • #1912 OkHttpMetricsEventListener can be configured with a function to add a tag based on the Request and Response
  • #1919 ExecutorServiceMetrics can now prefix the metric names used, which is particularly useful when instrumenting multiple Executors with different tag sets
  • #2005 LongTaskTimer has been improved to allow additional measurements like max, percentiles, histogram
  • #2001 sla configuration options have been renamed as serviceLevelObjectives to better align with their purpose
  • #2008/#2009 CompletableFuture support for the @Timed and @Counted annotations
  • #2011 Registry Config validation has been reworked to do more validation of configuration options

Registry-specific changes


  • The tag on histogram gauges for what was previously called sla is now named service.level.objective. Queries on this tag will need to be updated.


  • #2007 to make the upgrade experience smoother, the default value for the configuration option for the recently added Graphite Tag support has been changed from simply true to being true if there are no tagsAsPrefix configured.


  • #1883 Support filtering by metric name on the CollectorRegistry used by the PrometheusMeterRegistry


  • Wavefront SDK version 2.2 or later is now a required dependency for the Wavefront module
  • #1901 WavefrontMeterRegistry uses a WavefrontSender now instead of the Micrometer HttpSender to publish metrics to Wavefront. If you were customizing the HttpSender used for Wavefront, you should look at customizing the WavefrontSender instead now.

See the 1.5.0 milestone for all included changes.


24 Apr 10:26
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This patch release includes changes from the 1.1.13 release, 1.3.8 release, and the 1.4.2 milestone.

Note: 1.4.x is a non-LTS release line that will have patch releases only until the next LTS release line 1.5.x starts with the 1.5.0 release. See the support policy for more details.

  • #1993 has reverted the changes made in the 1.4.0 release for #1796. The behavior for Timer#max is now back to what it was before the 1.4.0 release.
  • #1958 NewRelicClientProvider implementations mistakenly had public constructors that took a NamingConvention. These have been removed. NamingConvention should be configured via the NewRelicMeterRegistry.Builder.

#2002 There was a backwards incompatible change made in 1.4.0 to the DistributionStatisticsConfig.getMinimumExpectedValue() and DistributionStatisticsConfig.getMaximumExpectedValue(), changing their return type from Long to Double. If you are using these methods in a library that intends to support users on Micrometer 1.3.x and 1.4.x+, you should instead use the newly added getMinimumExpectedValueAsDouble and getMaximumExpectedValueAsDouble methods, available since 1.3.8 and 1.4.2 and 1.5.0.
Similarly, getSlaBoundaries return type was changed from long[] to double[], so a getServiceLevelObjectiveBoundaries() method has been added to 1.3.8 and 1.4.2 and 1.5.0.


24 Apr 09:45
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This patch release includes changes from the 1.1.13 release and the 1.3.8 milestone.

#2002 There was a backwards incompatible change made in 1.4.0 to the DistributionStatisticsConfig.getMinimumExpectedValue() and DistributionStatisticsConfig.getMaximumExpectedValue(), changing their return type from Long to Double. If you are using these methods in a library that intends to support users on Micrometer 1.3.x and 1.4.x+, you should instead use the newly added getMinimumExpectedValueAsDouble and getMaximumExpectedValueAsDouble methods, available in this release (1.3.8) and forthcoming 1.4.2 and 1.5.0.
Similarly, getSlaBoundaries return type was changed in 1.4.0 from long[] to double[], so a getServiceLevelObjectiveBoundaries() method has been added to 1.3.8 and 1.4.2 and 1.5.0.


24 Apr 08:59
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See the 1.1.13 milestone for the included changes.


  • #1955 PushRegistryConfig.numThreads() has been deprecated - it was never used.


30 Mar 07:24
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This patch release includes changes from the 1.3.7 release and the 1.4.1 milestone.

  • Supports Java 14.

Note: 1.4.x is a non-LTS release line that will have patch releases only until the next LTS release line (currently planned to be 1.5.x). See the support policy for more details.


30 Mar 06:01
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This patch release includes changes from the 1.1.12 release and the 1.3.7 milestone.


30 Mar 05:01
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See the 1.1.12 milestone for included changes.


  • bug #1937 "OkHttpMetricsEventListener leaks memory when used with OkHttpClient caching."
    Users affected by this bug will need to be using a recent version of OkHttp (3.14.2+) for the fix in this release to work.


20 Mar 17:23
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NOTE: This is a non-LTS release. 1.4.x patches will be provided only until 1.5.0 is released. See the support policy for more details.

Thank you to all the contributors we had to bring the many changes included in this release.

Deprecation and removals

  • #1662 The micrometer-spring-legacy module has been removed
  • [Humio] #1668 Removed the deprecated method HumioConfig.repository()

Dependency upgrades

  • [Graphite] #1740 Upgrade to metrics-graphite 4.1.+
  • [statsd] #1741 Upgrade to netty 4.1.44 and reactor-netty 0.9.4


  • Java 13 support
  • Incubating Kafka metrics rewrite without JMX #1835
    • KafkaClientMetrics for consumer and producer metrics replaces previous KafkaConsumerMetrics
    • KafkaStreamsMetrics supports Kafka Streams
  • #1796 StepTimer#max now returns max value for previous step interval
  • #1909 Allow histogram buckets to be defined as doubles
  • #1589 JVM compilation metrics via JvmCompilationMetrics
  • #1911 JVM memory pressure metrics via JvmHeapPressureMetrics
  • #1757 Support extra tags with @Counted annotation
  • #1716 PoolingHttpClientConnectionManagerMetricsBinder can now be used with async Apache HTTP client connection pools
  • #1886 time requests with Apache HTTP async client via MicrometerHttpClientInterceptor
  • #1704 Jetty connector metrics via JettyConnectionMetrics
  • #1764 JOOQ SQL metrics via MetricsDSLContext
  • [Stackdriver] #1682 Ability to configure credentials
  • [Stackdriver] #1724 Avoid creating Stackdriver metrics if they already exist
  • [Stackdriver] #1818 Support for Stackdriver resource labels
  • [statsd] Rewrite StatsdMeterRegistry publishing implementation
    • #1212 TCP connection recovers on failure
    • #1591 UDP connection recovers on failure
    • #1676 Connection reestablished after registry stopped and started
  • [Graphite] #1806 Graphite tag support
  • [Datadog] #1867 Allow disabling sending metadata for performance
  • [Datadog] #1869 Update default endpoint to api one expected for calls from applications
  • [New Relic] #1540 New Relic Java Agent option for NewRelicMeterRegistry
  • #1916 Adding OpenTSDB registry and support of VictoriaMetrics histograms
  • #1006 Support for per-query metrics in Hibernate statistics


  • Removed use of pcollections from Micrometer
  • Upgraded build to Gradle 6.2.2
  • Upgraded build to Java 13
  • Integration tests against Elasticsearch and Kafka using Testcontainers

See the 1.4.0 milestone for all included changes.


16 Mar 12:33
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See the 1.3.6 milestone and the 1.1.11 milestone for included changes.