POE-powered touchscreen controller for AmpliPi A touchscreen keypad designed to control AmpliPi, using the Olimex ESP32-PoE board.
For the WiFi version, go to this repo: https://github.com/kjk2010/AmpliPi-Touchscreen-Keypad
Currently a work in progress, nearing initial release.
Built using VS Code with Platform.IO.
- Olimex ESP32-PoE board
- ILI9341 or ILI9488 compatible TFT touchscreen
- Wire the TFT touchscreen to the ESP32-PoE using the UEXT connector (PCB details coming soon). Edit platform.ini as needed.
- TFT_CS=15
- TFT_DC=2
- Clone this Github project
- Upload Filesystem Image to ESP32-PoE (this uploads the files in the data folder to the ESP32's file system)
- Compile and upload to ESP32-PoE
- Replace app.py from the amplipi folder on the AmpliPi server. This patch includes the 'get_stream_image' function to provide album art to the controller. Requires 'pillow' python3 library (pip3 install pillow).
Note: WiFi functionality on the ESP32-PoE is not available in this repo. If WiFi is needed, use the WiFi repo: https://github.com/kjk2010/AmpliPi-Touchscreen-Keypad
- Add support for stream commands: Play/Pause, Next, Stop, Like
- Add local inputs to source selection screen
- Show configured names for local inputs
- Add AmpliPi preset functionality
- Put metadata into sprites and scroll long titles
- Split display functions from update data functions. Display functions should be drawing everything from memory, and update functions should be updating the data and triggering a draw if data has changed.
- Show album art for all available stream sources (will require patching AmpliPi)
- Switch to JPEG images instead of BMP in order to speed up downloading and display of album art
- Add support full multiple screen sizes
- Add POE and Ethernet capabilities, utilizing the Olimex ESP32-POE board
- Add source selection screen
- Add local source to source selection screen
- Add settings screen: Change Zone, Change Source, Reset WiFi & AmpliPi Host, Reset Touchscreen
- Move zone selection to settings screen and save to config file
- Show album art for local inputs
- Support controlling one or two zones
- Add mDNS resolution support so touchscreen can find amplipi.local
- Screen time out options (PIR, touch, screensaver showing full screen only metadata?)
- Switch to using SSE or WebSockets, whichever AmpliPi server offers, instead of spamming API
- Simple web server to allow changing of AmpliPi name/IP, display settings, color scheme
- Add OTA upgrades
- Integrate Home Assistant control options on a second screen
- Add support for expansion units (more than 6 output zones)
- Control stream sources like Spotify playlists or Pandora stations