Eureka Server for Getting Started with Spring Boot presentation.
I used the following at to create the Eureka Server application.
- Build tool - Gradle
- Language - Java
- Spring Boot Version - 1.5.10.RELEASE
- Group = com.scmc
- Artifact = boot-demo-eureka-server
- Name = boot-demo-eureka-server
- Package Name = com.scmc.bootdemo.eureka
- Packaging = JAR
- Java Version = 1.8
- Dependencies = Eureka Server, Actuator
Next in the class BootDemoEurekaServerApplication, I needed to add the following annotation to the class:
This enables a registry that other applications can talk to.
Next, I added the following to the file found in the main resources directory:
eureka.client.register-with-eureka=false eureka.client.fetch-registry=false
- This changes the server port so that we don't have conflicts with the 8000's range planned for our microservices.
- This also prevents the registry from attempting to register itself.
- Finally, I've turned off stacktrace as it will complain about not having replica nodes for the registry to connect to. Replication is recommended for production, but we aren't building that type of environment in the example.
Simply run the following command to start the Eureka server:
.\gradlew bootRun
This will start the server on port 8761.
- You can check out the following link for more details on service registration and discovery from Spring:
- You can find more about the pattern here: