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37 lines (24 loc) · 1.11 KB

File metadata and controls

37 lines (24 loc) · 1.11 KB


This was created as a test of FTXUI library in an attempt to create terminal-based dialogs for i3 use. It may be developed further in the future, it may not. :)


Building should be as simple as:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..


To allow small windows on i3, You have to configure minimum floating window size. You also need a rule that will make the terminal float. I use matching with floatme title.

For example:

for_window [title="floatme"] floating enable    # make windows with "floatme" title float
floating_minimum_size 50 x 20                   # lower the minimum floating window size
                                                # to 50 width and 20 height


Dialog for increasing and decreasing volume.

volume screenshot

Example usage:

urxvtc --geometry 60x3 --title floatme -e volume    # urxvt has a bug where new window height
                                                    # is 1 row lower than specified
st -g 60x2 -t floatme -e volume
xterm -T floatme -g 60x2 -e .build/volume