- Fixed unknown props warning in React v15.2 #195. Closes #193 <@nuc>
- Updated to the latest lint-staged (2.0.0)
- Fixed unknown props warning in React v15.2 #194. Closes #193 <@nuc>
- Updated to the latest lint-staged (1.0.2)
- Fixed:
is now called only if all files are passing theaccept
check. #173 Closes #138, #145
- Optionally handle onDragStart event #181
- Added lint-staged and npmpub to improve DX
- Added support for React 15.x
- fix issue Cannot find module "React" (#159)
- More MIME type examples <Matija Marohnić>
- Fix off-by-one in droppedFiles length (#156)
- Use webpack for build (#112)
- Fixed npm build for 3.3.1
- Added travis.yml and build badge. Closes #111
- Fixed the React warning
Invalid prop 'children' supplied to 'Dropzone', expected a single ReactElement.
- Fir for Drag & Drop From Application Non-Functional in OS/X / Chrome (#74)
- Use function instead of legacy string reference. Closes #91
- Added support for dynamic props on input element via inputProps prop
- Added
documentation to README - Fix for disablePreview property not being obeyed
- Added ESLint
- Added tests
- Added compatibility with React 0.14
- Converted to ES2015 class
If you're using React 0.13, you should install 2.x release.
- Fixed #83
This is the last React 013 release.