Tweet_trigger is an application which collects earthquake events that come in through PDL and tweets them from a configurable Twitter account. For testing purposes, the notedalerts Twitter account was used.
The ted conda environment must be activated for whichever user is running PDL. The PDL runs this code when a new event or event update (origin product) is received. To activate this environment for that user, type:
source activate ted
If the environment has not been created yet or does not exist, type:
The tweet_audit tables must exist in Postgres. If this table has not been created yet, activate the desired PostgreSQL database from the terminal by typing:
psql -d <DB_name> -U <DB_user> -p <DB_port>
And entering the same password that is used for the TED Dev database. Create the tweet_audit table by typing:
create sequence tweet_audit_id_seq;
create table tweet_audit(
id bigint not null primary key default nextval('tweet_audit_id_seq'),
event_id character varying(40) not null,
event_lat numeric(8,5),
event_lon numeric(8,5),
event_time timestamp without time zone,
magnitude real,
tweet_time timestamp without time zone not null
tweet_text chracter varying(290) not null
Tweet_trigger has been designed to run in Python 3.
To run tweet_trigger, first copy over tweet_trigger from ./bin into ~/tedapp. Make sure that has been copied from ./ted into ~/tedapp.
The config file for tweet_trigger must be installed in ~/tedapp and named tweet_config.ini. An example tweet_config.ini can be found in this Git repository under ./exampleConfigFiles. The following pieces of information must be updated in the example tweet_config.ini to use it with tweet_trigger:
gousa_username Username associated with go.usa account for shortening links
gousa_apikey Api key associated with go.usa account for shortening links
db_ip IP address of the Postgres database
db_port port number of the Postgres database
db_name name of the Postgres database
db_user username for the Postgres database
db_password password for the Postgres database
twitter_apikey Twitter API account key
twitter_apisecret Twitter API account secret key
twitter_accesstoken Twitter API account token
twitter_accesstoken_secret Twitter API account secret token
Tweet_trigger is instantiated by PDL, and needs its own indexer_listener and listener in the Product Client config file to run.
The config file for PDL should include something like this:
type = gov.usgs.earthquake.indexer.ExternalIndexerListener
command = your/file/path/tweet_trigger
storage = indexer_listener_exec_storage
includeTypes = origin
processDuplicateProducts = false
processPreferredOnly = false
autoArchive = true
And the line which begins with "listeners = " should include the new listener defined previously in brackets, like this:
listeners = indexer_listener_exec, indexer_listener_exec_tweeter
After editing config.ini, restart PDL.