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File metadata and controls

359 lines (289 loc) · 19.6 KB


gulp-metal provides a collection of gulp tasks, all ready to be used on Metal.js projects.

To understand how they work it's important to first have a good understanding of gulp itself, so let's start by taking a look at it. Note that this won't be a full gulp tutorial, so if you're not very familiar with it, it'd be best to stop for a while to go deeper into gulp first.


Gulp is a build system that makes use of file streaming and piping to perform tasks. It can be really helpful when you need to automate something related to file handling, as everything is done with pure javascript, and there are a lot of npm modules out there with gulp plugins you can use to build your tasks.

To use it in a project all you need is to:

  1. Install gulp globally, with npm install --global gulp-cli.
  2. Install gulp locally (yes, they require both), with npm install gulp --save-dev.
  3. Create a file named gulpfile.js. It will define the tasks you want to use.

Check out the following example of a gulpfile.js:

var concat = require('gulp-concat');
var gulp = require('gulp');
var uglify = require('gulp-uglify');

gulp.task('build', function() {
  return gulp.src('src/**/*.js')

Even without knowing much about gulp, it's possible to read this file and have an idea of what it's doing. It's basically defining a task named build, which will get all javascript files inside the src folder, concatenate them to a file named bundle.js, uglify it, and then put it inside the build folder. To run this task you'd just need to type gulp build in your terminal.

So, as you can see, tasks are created by calling this gulp.task function. It can receive its name and a handler function. Inside the handler, gulp.src is used to determine the files that the task will use to start the stream. The value returned by that will allow chaining pipe calls to other functions, meant to handle these files.

Files will go down the stream, and go through these functions in the order defined by these pipe calls. Each of these functions will receive the stream files and decide what to output back to the stream. concat, for example, will bundle all the stream files into a single one, and output just that bundle to the stream again. uglify will never access the original files, just the one that concat created, and it will be uglify's turn to decide what to do with it, and what to output next.

One thing that's important to know is that the files going through the stream are by default handled independently, even in parallel. For example, it's possible for a file to be in a task's third pipe while another is still being transformed at the first. Pipelines such as concat can decide to buffer the stream files until all of them are received before doing something though, such as concatenating them together. For transformations that can be independently, this approach from gulp can speed things up though, as while a file is still being read, another may start being processing, instead of having to wait, for example.

The final pipe used in the example code calls gulp.dest. This function is usually at the end of a task, as it writes the files in the stream to the specified folder, in this case build.

Finally, the task handler function returns the return value from all these calls. This is important, since the operations done by the task are asynchronous, so this return value helps gulp determine when the stream is done, so that it can inform the user that the task has finished in the terminal. If nothing is returned, gulp will assume that the task is synchronous, and will end it immediately after the handler function finishes running. Another option is to have the handler use the done callback passed to it, as in the following example:

var concat = require('gulp-concat');

gulp.task('build', function(done) {

In this case the task will end once done is called, so you can use the task to run any asynchronous function and pass done as its callback.

Task dependencies

It's possible to define a gulp task, specifying other tasks that should run before it, like this:

gulp.task('build', ['clean'], function(done) {
  // My task code

In this case, whenever gulp build is called, the clean task will run first, and build will only start after that finishes. This second argument can specify any number of tasks as dependencies.


Gulp also makes it easy to write tasks that will automatically watch for changes in some specified files, and trigger tasks to handle them when that happens. For example:

gulp.task('watch', function(done) {'src/**/*.js', ['buildJs']);'src/**/*.css', ['buildCss']);

After running this task, every time that a javascript file in src is changed, the gulp task named buildJs will be called. In this case we want this task to keep running forever, so we can just receive the done function, but never use it.


Now that we're more familiar with gulp, we can start looking at gulp-metal. Instead of being one more gulp plugin, gulp-metal is actually a collection of tasks, already created for you. To use it, you need something like this in your gulpfile.js:

var metal = require('gulp-metal');

Calling registerTasks will add enable the tasks provided by gulp-metal to be used in your project. This function receives an optional object with options for configuring those tasks. We'll see these options as we start looking at the tasks themselves.

If you look at the entry file for gulp-metal, you'll see that it exports registerTasks, but gets it from another file, so let's go to it.

As you can see, the function returned by that file creates many gulp tasks. The ones that are defined directly inside this function are the most simple ones, such as clean, lint, uglify and watch. Those can be understood just by looking at their code, but it's important for us to take a special look at the ones with the build prefix.

Build tasks

Let's start with the build task. It uses a function named runSequence to run several other tasks in order. I've mentioned that you can define task dependencies via the second argument to the gulp.task call, but the tasks defined there will always run in parallel, unless they've also specified that they depend on one another. runSequence is very useful when you need some tasks to run in order, only starting after the previous one has finished. So, in this case, the build task will first run clean, then after that finishes it will run both css and build:js (these will run in parallel, since they were given in an array). Once these two are done, it will be uglify's turn, and then build will end.

Looking at build:js next you'll see that it just runs the tasks specified by the mainBuildJsTasks option. This is time to start looking at the supported options then. At the beginning of the registerTasks function, you'll see a call to normalizeOptions. This function will grab the given options object and set the default values for any config that wasn't given. If we go down the file we'll find that the default value for mainBuildJsTasks is build:globals:js. That task is not defined directly inside registerTasks, but by its call to a function named globalTasks.


In that function you'll find the build:globals:js task. You can see that it calls a function from a module named metal-tools-build-globals. This module is also part of the metal org in github, you can check it out here.

We won't go inside it though, because it's about to be deprecated. It was built for us to have a way of bundling our ES6 library into a single file that replaced ES6 modules with global variables. At the time this was built, ES6 was still beginning to be used, and there weren't so many tools as there are today for this kind of thing. We'll soon be moving from using metal-tools-build-globals to using metal-tools-build-rollup by default, as it can provide us with what we want without us having to maintain our own code for this, besides being good for removing dead code. If you open this rollup repo, you'll see that it just calls rollup to handle the build, passing it any options that the developer may have chosen.


There are other tasks inside the globalTasks function though. Another important one is build:globals:jquery:js. This task will also build all the source files to a bundle, but it will also make components exported there support being called via jQuery. This last part is done by another module called metal-tools-build-jquery.

Going inside this module you can see that it just adds a footer to each file it receives. This footer adds a call to JQueryAdapter.register, using the file's name to create a name for the jQuery function that will be created for that component. JQueryAdapter comes from another module in the metal org, called **metal-jquery-adapter.

Note that there is another task inside gulp-metal that also convert components to be used via jQuery, and uses the same metal-tools-build-jquery module for this, called build:amd:jquery:js. The idea here is the same, the only difference is that this is done for AMD files instead of for a global bundle.


Besides a globals build, gulp-metal also provides a task for building files to AMD. Take a look at the following example, showing the output of the State file in metal-state after being built to AMD:

  ['exports', 'metal/src/metal', 'metal-events/src/events'],
  function (exports, _metal, _events) {
    // State code here

    exports.default = State;

State has two import statements, one for metal and another for metal-events. As you can see, the resulting AMD file also lists these dependencies, but it lists them in a more specific way, already pointing to the entry file. Note that it doesn't use the full path to the entry files though, but rather the module's name concatenated with the path starting from src. Building files to AMD format can be easily done by just using babel and its plugins, but this automatic resolution of names to entry files is done by our own code.

The AMD gulp task is defined by callling the amdTasks function. There you can see that, again, we're using a separate module for the main logic, this time called metal-tools-build-amd.

The main thing we need to understand in this module is how it does this conversion from the imported module's name to its entry file's path. This is done inside an option called resolveModuleSource passed to babel. There we'll just return the original source if it's a relative path, but otherwise we'll call getAmdModuleId, and pass the result of renameWithoutJsExt to it.

So let's see renameWithoutJsExt first. This is the function that will find the entry file of the given module, and will return its full path, but without the .js extension. To do that, it calls a function from another module, called babel-preset-metal-resolve-source. This is a babel preset we use when we want this entry path resolution logic to run in babel. In this particular case, we can't just use it directly inside babel's configuration because we need this logic to run outside it as well.

Inside babel-preset-metal-resolve-source, we first check the package.json file to see if it has a jsnext:main entry. If so, we'll use that, otherwise we'll let node's resolve function run its default behavior, of looking up main instead.

The result from renameWithoutJsExt is wrapped around getAmdModuleId, which will transform the full path it receives into a path relative to node_modules. This is the path babel will use when building the AMD file.

Soy task

gulp-metal also provides a soy task, which is already setup to always run before the build task, being listed as its dependency. This task is created by the call to the soyTasks function. Going there you'll see that it calls another module for most of the work, called metal-tools-soy, which is also inside the metal organization. The logic provided by this module is required by all soy components in Metal.js, so it's important to understand what it does.

Let's go straight to the exported function of the file that is used by the soy task. You can see that it's using a function called combiner, and passing it several different functions. This combiner function is used when you need to combine different stream handlers, so that one will be run after the other. It's the same idea as gulp's pipe, but in this case we're not directly inside a gulp task, we're actually building a plugin to be used inside a gulp pipe. In this case, combiner can be very helpful.

Phase 1: params extraction

The first stream handler that gets passed to combiner is using gulp-if to decide if extractParams should be called. gulp-if is another stream handler that will call what you pass to it according to a given flag. In this case, we're checking the skipMetalGeneration option. This option can be used in case the user wants to run the soy compiler, but skip all the extra handling done for Metal.js components. It's false by default.

Let's assume that this option is false. In this case we'll run extractParams, which is where we go through the given soy files and get some information about the template's params that will be later used when adding more data to the final compiled soy file. To do this, it makes use of soyparser, which will find all the templates and their params for us, so we just need to store them for later use.

Phase 2: soy compilation

After all the information we need has already been extracted from the original soy files, we can actually compile them to javascript. This is done by a call to compileToIncDom. This is another stream handler that will wait for all the soy files to arrive so that they can all be compiled with a single call to the official compiler from google, which will turn the templates into incremental dom calls. This compiler is a jar file though, so we run it as a child process. After everything is done, we emit the compiled files to the stream.

Phase 3: enhancement of compiled code for Metal.js

After the files have been compiled, we enhance the results with a few more things that are important for the template's integration with Metal.js components. Some of these include:

  • Adding params info for each template
  • Creating a simple component and exporting it, to reduce boilerplates for components that don't need js code.
  • Exporting the object with all templates in the file.
  • Replacing calls to goog.require for external templates with a calls to Soy.getTemplate, to avoid problems with the order in which templates are imported via ES6.

Test tasks

Another important set of tasks are the ones related to tests. There are a few of them and they're all defined by a function called testTasks. You can see that, in the end, they all end up calling runKarma, so let's go to that.

runKarma will first try to figure out what karma configuration file to use. By default, it will look for a file named karma.conf.js, where this suffix is passed to it. If this file isn't found, it will look for a generic karma.conf.js instead. If that's not found either, it'll use a file defined in the module metal-karma-config. If you open that you'll see that it defines a simple config file that covers most of the use cases for testing Metal.js components. It will include all any metal dependencies that are present, as well as source and test files. The files will be transpiled to ES5 via babel.

After defining the configuration to be used, runKarma will actually start karma to run the tests.

Next steps

Next we'll take a look at: metal-cli.

↪ Package: metal-cli