A shopping app with Admin panel, User panel and a shop using Next.js v13(app directory), Tailwindcss, React-Query, Fromik-Yup, etc
Here're some of the project's best features:
Established a secure sign-in process for users by integrating OTP code functionality through Kavehnegar service.
Deployed a logic to create access token using refresh token to optimize user experience.
Implemented a feature to sort products and filter based on categories using “query-string”.
incorporated a feature that lets users save products they like and easily add them to their cart.
Administering all user, product, category, payment, and coupon operations solely through the Admin panel.
Improved security measures for the Admin and User panels to reduce security breaches.
Employed responsive design across multiple devices like mobile phones, tablets and laptops.
Because back-end is local, the project could not be deployed on a server