- Twitch URL
- YouTube URL
- Encoding?
- streaming
- ffmepeg alleged instability ?
- sb-pusher ?
- make lint/format
- deploy to local
- deploy to AWS !
- Basic schedule
- Content captions
- multi-layer composition, Photoshop style
- Save the Planet - RAM loop !
- keep RAW ?
- keep Encoded and manage timestamps ?
- REST integration, backdoor to jump in schedule
- Chat integration, like an animated "Hi there user42!"
- yaml/JSON -> dict tree or what ?
- Cfg Starfield / Starfall
- Cfg Schedule
- gcc => clang
- static cruft
- Seedable separate random engines
- Starfield construtor/cfg
- float/double mess
- Vector3 in class Star
- decrease Raylib dependency ?
- eg Vector3 => own type
- Autumn Leaves
- Sliding Doors
- Mondrianesque
- Bubbles
- Pong
- Fun with Typography
- Fancy particle stuff by Blender or Blackmagic Fusion (a guy can dream, can't he?)
- etc etc etc
- [ . . . ]