- NEW - new thread instance, not yet started via
. State switches to Runnable at start. - RUNNABLE - a potentially running thread, waiting for the next slot from the scheduled.
- RUNNING - a running thread.
- BLOCKED - a running thread becomes blocked if it needs to enter a sync section, but can’t.
- WAITING - if it waits for another thread to perform a particular action when it called
. - TIMED_WAIT - same as above, but thread waits after calling a timed version of
etc. - TERMINATED - thread has completed the execution of its
method and terminated.
- User threads are ==high-priority== threads and JVM will wait for user thread to complete its task before terminating it.
- Daemon threads are ==low-priority== threads who provide services to user threads. Since daemon threads are only needed while user threads are running, they won’t prevent the JVM from exiting once all user threads have finished their execution. Daemon threads are not recommended for I/O tasks, as code won't execute once the user threads have finished execution.
$ java -XX:+PrintFlagsFinal -version | grep ThreadStackSize
$ java -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:NativeMemoryTracking=summary -XX:+PrintNMTStatistics -version
- Reserved — the size which is guaranteed to be available by a host's OS (but still not allocated and cannot be accessed by JVM) — it's just a promise
- Committed — already taken, accessible, and allocated by JVM
Condition in which the time it takes to compute is primarily determined by the period spent waiting for I/O to complete. Rate at which data is consumed is faster than the rate at which data is requested. This issue has been since inception of computers. Based on Von Neumann's architecture of a ALU, Processing Unit, Memory - where instruction fetch and data fetch can't happen at the same time because they share the common bus to access memory. Later Harvard architecture brought the concept of splitting instruction and data into separate buses or cache between CPU and memory.
Most modern architectures include hardware cache, closer to the CPU - instruction cache, data caches - further broken into L1, L2, L3, L4 etc. L1 cache are split into instruction and data. L1 and L2 are typically per core, and L3 are shared by all cores.
Condition where the time it takes to complete the task is determined by the speed of the CPU. Loads are getting decentralized with use of multiple buses, parallel processing, dedicated CPUs in components such as graphics and sound cards. The bottleneck effect is shifting to between components.
Condition where the time it takes to complete the task is determined by the amount of memory required to hold the data. Concept of memory functions run in linear time and helps address the problems of recursion which run in exponential time. Results of each function are held for future reuse.
Failure or suspension of one thread doesn't cause other threads to fail.
Synchronized blocks use monitor
or intrinsic lock. The monitor is bound to the object and can have only one thread executing them at the same time. Limited to block of lines within a method. A thread that owns the object's monitor (for instance, a thread that has entered a synchronized section guarded by the object) may call object.wait()
to temporarily release the monitor and give other threads a chance to acquire the monitor.
When another thread that acquired the monitor fulfills the condition, it may call object.notify()
or object.notifyAll()
and release the monitor. The notify method awakes a single thread in the waiting state, and the notifyAll method awakes all threads that wait for this monitor, and they all compete for re-acquiring the lock.
Semaphores are signaling mechanism for locking controls. Two operations: wait()
(entering a critical region) and signal()
(leaving a critical region) allow for a variable value to decrement to 0 or increment. A value of 0 means that a requesting thread is blocked until the value is higher than 0. A binary semaphore's max value is 1 and acts like a mutex. A counting semaphore's max value is greater than 1 and allows multiple threads access to the resource at the same time. Semaphores are exposed to deadlocks, mis-ordered wait/signal, not able to honor priority threads.
Mutex is an exclusive lock on object, its acquired and released. Other threads can't acquire the object if its locked. A mutex is a semaphore with a value of 1. A mutex unlike a semaphore offers ownership. The thread acquiring the mutex is the only thread that can release the mutex. A thread can't unlock a mutex it hasn't locked.This ownership addresses the issues with semaphore.
offers better solutions compared to synchronized blocks. The lock()
and unlock()
operations can be in separate methods. Lock
offers fairness by offering the lock to the longest waiting thread. Lock
also offers try
options to avoid getting blocked. A thread waiting to acquire a synchronized block can't be interrupted, but Lock
has lockinterruptibly()
to do this.
tryLock(optional timeout)
lock(), unlock()
ReadWriteLock interface offers two locks - readLock(), writeLock().
- if no thread acquired or requested the write lock, then multiple threads can acquire the read lock.
- If no threads are reading or writing then only one thread can acquire the write lock.
ReentrantLock is same as a synchronized block
StampedLock also offers read/write locks, but a stamp that is returned when the lock is acquired has to be used to release the lock, and can also be used to check the status of the lock. This lock also offers optimistic locking
wait(), notify(), notifyAll() - are old java methods.
tells thread to give up the lock and go to sleep so that some other thread can enter the same monitor.notify()
signals to one thread to wake up and acquire the monitor.notifyAll()
signals to all waiting threads. Which thread gets the monitor depends upon thread priority and OS implementations.
Condition offers more flexibility than wait() / notify() / notifyAll() methods. This provides the ability for a thread to wait for some condition to occur while executing the critical section. Condition.await() and Condition.notifyAll().
CountDownLatch and CyclicBarrier expresses how thread(s) should wait, but address different needs.
- With
a thread waits on while other threads count down on a latch until it reaches zero.
Waiter waits for a single dish containing n items to be prepared by multiple chefs, and n can arrive at different times. The dish is taken by waiter once all items are on the dish.
- With
, a group of threads wait together until all the threads arrive.
Group of friends decide on a common point to meet and then all go to a restuarant together.
- With
execute tasks by implementing the Runnable
interface and coding the task in the run
Lamda version
//Using runnable
Runnable task = () -> {
//do something
task.run(); //on calling thread
new Thread(task).start(); //on new thread
//without using runnable
new Thread(() -> {
//do something
Pre-lamda version
// pass the runnable task
Thread t = new Thread(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
//do something
// code the task in the thread as it already implements Runnable
Thread t = new Thread() {
public void run() {
//do something
Both Runnable
and Callable
interfaces can execute a task by multiple threads.
- A
can't return result and can't throw anCheckedException
. Its best for a fire and forget use case and can use theThread
or theExecutorService
class. - A
can return result and can throw anException
. It requires the use ofFuture
and will block the calling thread. It can only use theExecutorService
class. Keep in mind that every non-terminated future will throw exceptions if the executor (below) is shutdown.
is an core interface as an abstraction for parallel execution. It has a single methodexecute
to submit aRunnable
command. The command may execute an asynchronous task in a new thread or a pooled thread or in the calling thread, at the discretion of the implementation.ExecutorService
interface extendsExecutor
to manage progress of tasks viaFuture
and termination of tasks. It provides a methodsubmit
and accepts aRunnable
is a helper class to create pre-configured thread pools. Executors have to be stopped explicitly otherwise they continue to listen for more tasks.ScheduledExecutorService
schedules tasks after a given delay or periodically.- https://javarevisited.blogspot.com/2017/02/difference-between-executor-executorservice-and-executors-in-java.html
ExecutorService es = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor();
es.submit(() -> {
String threadName = Thread.currentThread().getName();
System.out.println("Hello " + threadName);
// void execute(Runnable command)
es.execute(() -> System.out.println("Hello World"));
es.execute(new RunnableTask1());
// run on current thread
class DirectExecutor implements Executor {
public void execute(Runnable r) {
// run on a new thread
class ThreadPerTaskExecutor implements Executor {
public void execute(Runnable r) {
new Thread(r).start();
// Future<?> submit(Runnable command)
// <T> Future<T> submit(Runnable command, T result)
// <T> Future<T> submit(Callable command)
try {
ExecutorService pool = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(10);
// some operations
Future<String> future = pool.submit(() -> "Hello World");
String result = future.get();
} catch (IOException ex) {
// proper way to shutdown
void shutdownGracefully() {
pool.shutdown(); //disable submitting of new tasks, on-going tasks are not terminated
try {
// Wait a while for existing tasks to terminate
if (!pool.awaitTermination(60, TimeUnit.SECONDS)) {
pool.shutdownNow(); // Cancel currently executing tasks
// Wait a while for tasks to respond to being cancelled
if (!pool.awaitTermination(60, TimeUnit.SECONDS))
System.err.println("Pool did not terminate");
} catch (InterruptedException ie) {
// (Re-)Cancel if current thread also interrupted
// Preserve interrupt status
Know the following types of thread pools. There are three standard implementations: ThreadPoolExecutor
, ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor
, and ForkJoinPool
. In addition there are other modes:
- Cached - keep a number of threads alive, and create new ones as needed
- Fixed - limit the maximum number of threads. Additional threads wait in queue
- Single - Keep only one thread
- Fork/Join - Takes advantage of multiple processors, breaks a task into smaller tasks and runs it recursively.
Used where there are a lot of short-lived parallel tasks to be executed. The number of threads of this executor pool is not bounded. If all the threads are busy executing tasks and a new task comes, the pool will create and add a new thread to the executor. As soon as one of the threads becomes free, it will take up the execution of the new tasks. If a thread remains idle for sixty seconds, they are terminated and removed from cache.
Thread pool of a fixed number of threads. The tasks submitted to the executor are executed by the n
threads and if there is more task they are stored on a LinkedBlockingQueue
. This number is usually the total number of the threads supported by the underlying processor.
However, if the tasks are not short-lived, the thread pool will have lots of live threads and may lead to resource thrashing and hence performance drop.
Has only a single thread and execute tasks in a sequential manner. If the thread dies due to an exception while executing a task, a new thread is created to replace the old thread and the subsequent tasks are executed in the new one.
Schedule tasks to execute after a given delay, or to execute periodically. Consider using this executor if you want to schedule tasks to execute concurrently.
Used when we have a task that needs to be run at regular intervals or if we wish to delay a certain task. scheduleAtFixedRate
or scheduleWithFixedDelay
Implements ExecutorService
. A ForkJoinTask
is a thread-like entity, lighter-weight than normal thread. So huge number of such tasks can be hosted by a small number of threads in ForkJoinPool
. Such tasks are usually computing-only, likely on isolated objects, so blocking is mostly avoidable. Fork
starts the task, Join
returns the result. The pool uses work-stealing
approach, and usually daemon threads.
The ForkJoinPool makes it easy for tasks to split their work up into smaller tasks which are then submitted to the ForkJoinPool too. Tasks can keep splitting their work into smaller subtasks for as long as it makes sense to split up the task
typically, but don't necessarily order elements as FIFO. Exceptions are PriorityQueue which order according to a comparator and stack
which is LIFO. Queue operations are add, remove, element, poll, peek, offer.
- The
is the element that will be removed by aremove
(throws exception when queue is empty) orpoll
(returns null when queue is empty). - The
return the head but don't remove it.element
will throw exception when queue is empty.peek
will return null when the queue is empty.
- All elements are inserted at the
.- The
throws exception when queue is full. - The
returns false if the element can't be added. - The
block. Theoffer
also offer timeouts
- The
BlockingQueue can be bounded with a defined maximal capacity or be unbounded which can grow indefinitely. They are thread-safe.
- ArrayBlockingQueue - classic bounded blocking queue backed by an array.
- LinkedBlockingQueue - optionally-bounded queue backed by linked nodes.
- LinkedBlockingDeque - Deque allows insertion and removals at both ends. Also called double ended queue.
- LinkedTransferQueue - The producer blocks until consumer is ready to receive elements. Useful when message delivered acknowledgement is needed, or where backpressure is required.
- PriorityBlockingQueue - unbounded queue where ordering is based on some comparator. The head is the least element with respect to the specified ordering.
- SynchronousQueue is an exchange point for a single element between two threads, where one thread hands-off to the other. The queue has a put() and take() operation that operate as a synchronous pair. The put signal block until a take signal is received indicating that some thread is ready to take an element. The approach is better than CountDownLatch when it involves just a sending and receiving thread.
- DelayQueue - unbounded queue in which an element can only be taken when its delay has expired.
- Can you tell me some of the constructor signatures for
class?- (), (Runnable), (Runnable, name), (ThreadGroup, Runnable), (ThreadGroup, Runnable, name)