This document is a little guide that can be used to setup a fresh MacBook.
I usually clone this repo into ~/Projects/mbrochh-dotfiles/src
Before you wipe your MacBook, you might want to back up the following folders:
You might also have a ton of files in ~/Projects
, you can delete all node_modules
folders like so:
find . -name 'node_modules' -type d -prune -print -exec rm -rf '{}' \;
Afterwards, compressing the ~/Projects
should not take as much time.
You can count the number of tiles via find . -type f | wc -l
You might want to install things like Standard Notes or Cryptomator on the new machine, first, and make sure that you are still able to login.
Now you can wipe the machine:
- Boot computer and hold CMD + R
- Select
Disk Util
>Macintosh HD
- Then select the option to install or repair the OS
After installing the OS, you might want to update to the latest OS
(i.e Mojave)
by searching for it on the App Store.
After installing the latest OS, you might want to install XCode
via the
App Store.
After installing XCode, just open it and accept the license agreement
, then
enter this into the terminal: xcode-select --install
Surely you made a backup of your old ~/.ssh
and ~/.aws
folders? Copy them
back into your home folder now!
Next you want to install Homebrew. See
Now that Python 3.6 is in place, you can install all kinds of other software:
brew tap macos-fuse-t/homebrew-cask
brew tap epk/epk
brew install git zsh zsh-completions autojump wget curl gettext imagemagick watchman tmux reattach-to-user-namespace git-crypt tree findutils libyaml readline openssl git-open postgresql autoconf automake libtool pkg-config geos zlib bzip2 neovim ripgrep starship zoxide fzf skhd yabai lazydocker lazygit fuse-t fuse-t-sshfs
I got a warning here that Python is already installed, but it seems like it did indeed install all the above.
brew install --cask font-sf-mono-nerd-font amethyst alfred google-chrome firefox iterm2 caffeine skitch dropbox slack fantastical numi cryptomator pgadmin4 skype standard-notes visual-studio-code signal telegram obsidian
NOTE: I use Dropbox, Cryptomator and Standard Notes and need it as early as possible when setting up a new machine.
Most people can probably just skip this step.
First you'd want to start Dropbox and login and select which folders shall be synced. Make sure to sync the Standard Notes folder and the Vault folder and set those to "Local". Wait for it to be fully downloaded.
Once that is done, you can launch Cryptomator and connect it to the Dropbox Vault.
Finally, you can launch and login to Standard Notes and Cryptomator.
We need to install Python 3.6:
Now install Node:
brew install node
npm -g install yarn
I ran into issues when installing awscli via Homebrew, so let's install it via pip instead:
sudo pip install awscli
brew install --cask homebrew/cask-versions/adoptopenjdk8
brew install elasticsearch@6 kibana@6
npm -g install elasticdump
Add this to ~/.bash_profile
export PATH="/usr/local/opt/elasticsearch@6/bin:$PATH"
- If you had a wrong version of elasticsearch installed, first, make sure to uninstall it and then delete all traces:
rm -rf /usr/local/etc/elasticsearch
rm -rf /usr/local/var/elasticsearch
rm -rf /usr/local/var/lib/elasticsearch
Then re-isntall.
- If you are getting this warning when staring the service:
Cannot open file logs/gc.log due to No such file or directory
, see this issue: elastic/windows-installers#249 (comment)
Launch iTerm2
and change the font size of the default
profile to 22
Now install oh-my-zsh. See
Activate these plugins in ~/.zshrc
plugins=(git osx autojump python virtualenv)
Add this at the top of ~/bash_profile
eval "$(/opt/homebrew/bin/brew shellenv)"
export LANG=en_US.UTF-8
export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8
alias ld=lazydocker
alias lg=lazygit
Add this at the end of ~/.zshrc
source ~/.bash_profile
Open a new terminal and make sure that there are no errors and that it launched into zsh.
See this video to make the terminal look awesome:
mkdir ~/Repos
git clone --depth=1 ${ZSH_CUSTOM:-$HOME/.oh-my-zsh/custom}/themes/powerlevel10k
# edit ~/.zshrc and set ZSH_THEME to "powerlevel10k/powerlevel10k"
source ~/.zshrc
# answer: y, y, y, y, 3(Rainbow), 1(Unicode), 3(12-hour), 1(Angled), 1(Sharp), 1(Flat), 2(Two lines), 3(Solid), 4(Full), 1(Lightest), 2(Sparse), 2(Many icons), 1(Concise), n, y(Verbose), y(Save)
# iTerm > Preferences > Profiles > Default > Colors > Import coolnight.itermcolors and then select it
# find more themes here:
git clone ${ZSH_CUSTOM:-~/.oh-my-zsh/custom}/plugins/zsh-autosuggestions
git clone ${ZSH_CUSTOM:-~/.oh-my-zsh/custom}/plugins/zsh-syntax-highlighting
Add to ~/.zshrc
: `
This little bastard is so useful, but the version on homebrow is usually outdated and therefore not compatible with the version of tmux that is on homebrew. Try this instead:
sudo gem install tmuxinator
Launch VSCode and activate JavaScript
, Typescript
and Python
Symlink settings.json
and keybindings.json
cd ~/Library/Application\ Support/Code/User/
rm settings.json
rm keybindings.json
ln -s ~/Projects/mbrochh-dotfiles/src/vscode/settings.json .
ln -s ~/Projects/mbrochh-dotfiles/src/vscode/keybindings.json .
sudo npm install typescript -g
sudo npm install -g eslint
The above assumes that you cloned this repo into ~/Projects/mbrochh-dotfiles/src/
Install plugins: Vim, Prettier, ESLint, Python, Sort lines
Update settings:
"terminal.integrated.fontFamily": "MesloLGS NF",
Run the app and click at the Initialize
At this point, your machine should be ready to start working on Python and React projects.