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The OSPatching extension for Linux is deprecated.

OSPatchingForLinux is deprecated and will be retired February 2018.

Your Linux distro has well supported and maintained ways to enable automatic updates for your VMs to include VMs you use in Production environments. It is recommended that you consult your distro's best practices for automatic updates.

Linux Distributions

  • Ubuntu
  • CentOS and RHEL
    • See the manpage of yum-cron for the auto-update mechanism documentation

OSPatching Extension

Allows the owner of the Azure VM to configure a Linux VM patching schedule cycle or perform OS patching on-demand as a one-time task. The actual patching operation is scheduled as a cron job.

Lastest version is 2.3.

You can read the User Guide, Automate Linux VM OS Updates Using OSPatching Extension (outdated, needs to update).

OSPatching Extension can:

  • Patch the OS automatically as a scheduled task
  • Patch the OS as a one-time task
  • The patching can be stopped before the actual patching operation begins
  • The status of VM can be checked by user-defined scripts stored locally, in GitHub, or in Azure Storage

User Guide

1. Configuration schema

All settings are set in the protected configuration. No settings are available in the public configuration and it can be omitted.

1.1. Protected configuration

Schema for the protected configuration file.

Name Description Value Type Default Value
disabled Flag to disable this extension required, boolean false
stop Flag to cancel the OS update process required, boolean false
rebootAfterPatch The reboot behavior after patching optional, string RebootIfNeed
category Type of patches to install optional, string Important
installDuration The allowed total time for installation optional, string 01:00
oneoff Patch the OS immediately optional, boolean false
intervalOfWeeks The update frequency (in weeks) optional, string 1
dayOfWeek The patching date (of the week)You can specify multiple days in a week optional, string Everyday
startTime Start time of patching optional, string 03:00
distUpgradeList Path to a repo list which for which a full upgrade (e.g. dist-upgrade in Ubuntu) will occur optional, string /etc/apt/sources.list.d/custom.list
distUpgradeAll Flag to enable full upgrade (e.g. dist-upgrade in Ubuntu) for all repos/packages. Disabled (False) by default optional, bool True
vmStatusTest Including local, idleTestScript and healthyTestScript optional, object
local Flag to assign the location of user-defined scripts optional, boolean false
idleTestScript If local is true, it is the contents of the idle test script. Otherwise, it is the uri of the idle test script. optional, string
healthyTestScript If local is true, it is the contents of the healthy test script. Otherwise, it is the uri of the healthy test script. optional, string
storageAccountName The name of the storage account optional, string
storageAccountKey The access key of the storage account optional, string

If the vmStatusTest scripts are stored in the private Azure Storage, you must provide storageAccountName and storageAccountKey. You can get these two values from Azure Portal.

  "disabled": false,
  "stop": false,
  "rebootAfterPatch": "RebootIfNeed|Required|NotRequired|Auto",
  "category": "Important|ImportantAndRecommended",
  "installDuration": "<hr:min>",
  "oneoff": false,
  "intervalOfWeeks": "<number>",
  "dayOfWeek": "Sunday|Monday|Tuesday|Wednesday|Thursday|Friday|Saturday|Everyday",
  "startTime": "<hr:min>",
  "distUpgradeList": "</etc/apt/sources.list.d/custom.list>",
  "vmStatusTest": {
    "local": false,
    "idleTestScript": "<path_to_idletestscript>",
    "healthyTestScript": "<path_to_healthytestscript>"
  "storageAccountName": "<storage-account-name>",
  "storageAccountKey": "<storage-account-key>"

2. Deploying the Extension to a VM

You can deploy it using Azure CLI, Azure Powershell and ARM template.

NOTE: Creating VM in Azure has two deployment model: Classic and Resource Manager. In diffrent models, the deploying commands have different syntaxes. Please select the right one in section 2.1 and 2.2 below.

2.1. Using Azure CLI

Before deploying OSPatching Extension, you should configure your protected.json (in section 1.1 above).

2.1.1 Classic

The Classic mode is also called Azure Service Management mode. You can change to it by running:

$ azure config mode asm

You can deploying OSPatching Extension by running:

$ azure vm extension set <vm-name> \
OSPatchingForLinux Microsoft.OSTCExtensions <version> \
--private-config-path protected.json

In the command above, you can change version with "*" to use latest version available, or "2.*" to get newest version that does not introduce non- breaking schema changes. To find the latest version available, run:

$ azure vm extension list

2.1.2 Resource Manager

You can change to Azure Resource Manager mode by running:

$ azure config mode arm

You can deploy OSPatching Extension by running:

$ azure vm extension set <resource-group> <vm-name> \
OSPatchingForLinux Microsoft.OSTCExtensions <version> \
--private-config-path protected.json

NOTE: In ARM mode, azure vm extension list is not available for now.

2.2. Using Azure Powershell

2.2.1 Classic

You can login to your Azure account (Azure Service Management mode) by running:


You can deploying OSPatching Extension by running:

$VmName = '<vm-name>'
$vm = Get-AzureVM -ServiceName $VmName -Name $VmName

$ExtensionName = 'OSPatchingForLinux'
$Publisher = 'Microsoft.OSTCExtensions'
$Version = '<version>'

$idleTestScriptUri = '<path_to_idletestscript>'
$healthyTestScriptUri = '<path_to_healthytestscript>'

$PrivateConfig = ConvertTo-Json -InputObject @{
    "disabled" = $false;
    "stop" = $true|$false;
    "rebootAfterPatch" = "RebootIfNeed|Required|NotRequired|Auto";
    "category" = "Important|ImportantAndRecommended";
    "installDuration" = "<hr:min>";
    "oneoff" = $true|$false;
    "intervalOfWeeks" = "<number>";
    "dayOfWeek" = "Sunday|Monday|Tuesday|Wednesday|Thursday|Friday|Saturday|Everyday";
    "startTime" = "<hr:min>";
    "vmStatusTest" = (@{
        "local" = $false;
        "idleTestScript" = $idleTestScriptUri;
        "healthyTestScript" = $healthyTestScriptUri
    "storageAccountName" = "<storage_account_name>";
    "storageAccountKey" = "<storage_account_key>"

Set-AzureVMExtension -ExtensionName $ExtensionName -VM $vm `
  -Publisher $Publisher -Version $Version `
  -PrivateConfiguration $PrivateConfig |

2.2.2 Resource Manager

You can login to your Azure account (Azure Resource Manager mode) by running:


Click HERE to learn more about how to use Azure PowerShell with Azure Resource Manager.

You can deploying OSPatching Extension by running:

$RGName = '<resource-group-name>'
$VmName = '<vm-name>'
$Location = '<location>'

$ExtensionName = 'OSPatchingForLinux'
$Publisher = 'Microsoft.OSTCExtensions'
$Version = '<version>'

$PrivateConf = ConvertTo-Json -InputObject @{
    "disabled" = $false;
    "stop" = $true|$false;
    "rebootAfterPatch" = "RebootIfNeed|Required|NotRequired|Auto";
    "category" = "Important|ImportantAndRecommended";
    "installDuration" = "<hr:min>";
    "oneoff" = $true|$false;
    "intervalOfWeeks" = "<number>";
    "dayOfWeek" = "Sunday|Monday|Tuesday|Wednesday|Thursday|Friday|Saturday|Everyday";
    "startTime" = "<hr:min>";
    "vmStatusTest" = (@{
        "local" = $false;
        "idleTestScript" = $idleTestScriptUri;
        "healthyTestScript" = $healthyTestScriptUri
    "storageAccountName" = "<storage_account_name>";
    "storageAccountKey" = "<storage_account_key>"

Set-AzureRmVMExtension -ResourceGroupName $RGName -VMName $VmName -Location $Location `
  -Name $ExtensionName -Publisher $Publisher -ExtensionType $ExtensionName `
  -TypeHandlerVersion $Version -ProtectedSettingString $PrivateConf

2.3. Using ARM Template

  "type": "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/extensions",
  "name": "<extension-deployment-name>",
  "apiVersion": "<api-version>",
  "location": "<location>",
  "dependsOn": [
    "[concat('Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/', <vm-name>)]"
  "properties": {
    "publisher": "Microsoft.OSTCExtensions",
    "type": "OSPatchingForLinux",
    "typeHandlerVersion": "2.0",
    "protectedSettings": {
      "disabled": false,
      "stop": false,
      "rebootAfterPatch": "RebootIfNeed|Required|NotRequired|Auto",
      "category": "Important|ImportantAndRecommended",
      "installDuration": "<hr:min>",
      "oneoff": false,
      "intervalOfWeeks": "<number>",
      "dayOfWeek": "Sunday|Monday|Tuesday|Wednesday|Thursday|Friday|Saturday|Everyday",
      "startTime": "<hr:min>",
      "vmStatusTest": {
        "local": false,
        "idleTestScript": "<path_to_idletestscript>",
        "healthyTestScript": "<path_to_healthytestscript>"
      "storageAccountName": "<storage-account-name>",
      "storageAccountKey": "<storage-account-key>"

The sample ARM template is 201-ospatching-extension-on-ubuntu.

For more details about ARM template, please visit Authoring Azure Resource Manager templates.

3. Scenarios

3.1 Setting up regularly scheduled patching

Protected Settings

  "disabled": false,
  "stop": false,
  "rebootAfterPatch": "RebootIfNeed",
  "intervalOfWeeks": "1",
  "dayOfWeek": "Sunday|Wednesday",
  "startTime": "03:00",
  "category": "ImportantAndRecommended",
  "installDuration": "00:30"

3.2 Setting up one-off patching

Protected Settings

  "disabled": false,
  "stop": false,
  "rebootAfterPatch": "RebootIfNeed",
  "oneoff": true,
  "category": "ImportantAndRecommended",
  "installDuration": "00:30"

3.3 Stop the running patching

You can stop the OS updates to debug issues. Once the stop parameter is set to true, the OS update will stop after the current update is finished.

Protected Settings

  "disabled": false,
  "stop": true  

3.4 Test the idle before patching and the health after patching

If the vmStatusTest scripts are stored in Azure Storage private containers, you have to provide the storageAccountName and storageAccountKey.

Protected Settings

  "disabled": false,
  "stop": false,
  "rebootAfterPatch": "RebootIfNeed",
  "category": "ImportantAndRecommended",
  "installDuration": "00:30",
  "oneoff": false,
  "intervalOfWeeks": "1",
  "dayOfWeek": "Sunday|Wednesday",
  "startTime": "03:00",
  "vmStatusTest": {
    "local": false,
    "idleTestScript": "<path_to_idletestscript>",
    "healthyTestScript": "<path_to_healthytestscript>"
  "storageAccountName": "MyAccount",
  "storageAccountKey": "Mykey"

3.5 Enable the extension repeatedly

Enabling the OSPatching Extension with the exact same configuration is unsupported and will result in a no-op (nothing will happen). If you need to run scripts repeatedly, you can add a timestamp.

"timestamp": 123456789

3.6 Disable the extension

If you want to switch to manual OS update temporarily, you can set the disable parameter to true instead of uninstalling the OSPatching Extension.


  • The operation log of the extension is /var/log/azure/<extension-name>/<version>/extension.log file.
  • The installation status of the extension is reported back to Azure so that the user can see the status on Azure Portal. This does not mean the OSPatching Extension successfully applied the current configuration to the VM.
  • Attempting to enable the OSPatching Extension 2 or more times with the same configuration will result in nothing happening. See [Enable the extension repeatedly](#3.5 Enable the extension repeatedly) section above for more details.

Known Issues