version: '3.9'
This specifies the Docker Compose file format version. 3.9 is the latest version of the v3 specification, released in October 2020. It requires Docker Engine 19.03.0+.
prometheus_data: {}
grafana_data: {}
These define named volumes for persistent data storage. This is important because:
- prometheus_data stores your metrics history
- grafana_data stores your dashboards, users, and settings The empty brackets {} mean using default options, which is fine here.
Creates two custom networks for service segregation:
front-tier: For services that need external access
- Currently used by: Grafana, nginx
- This allows these services to handle external web traffic while maintaining isolation
back-tier: For internal service communication
- Used by: All services (Prometheus, Grafana, Alertmanager, Blackbox, nginx)
- Enables secure internal communication between services
- Prevents direct external access to monitoring components
Current benefits:
- Grafana and nginx can serve web traffic while keeping monitoring services private
- Services in back-tier can communicate without being exposed to the internet
- Services can be selectively added to either network based on their needs
- Provides a foundation for adding more services with proper isolation
This network segregation is a security best practice, though currently underutilized as most services are in both networks.
Uses the official Prometheus image. Good practice to specify explicitly.
Volume configuration:
- ./prometheus/:/etc/prometheus/
- prometheus_data:/prometheus
- Local config directory to container
- Named volume for data persistence This is correctly configured.
Command configuration:
- '--config.file=/etc/prometheus/config.yml'
- '--storage.tsdb.path=/prometheus'
- '--web.console.libraries=/usr/share/prometheus/console_libraries'
- '--web.console.templates=/usr/share/prometheus/consoles'
- '--web.enable-lifecycle'
Standard Prometheus configuration flags. The --web.enable-lifecycle is particularly useful for runtime configuration reloading.
Links (Note: Deprecated):
- alertmanager:alertmanager
- blackbox_exporter
'links' is legacy and deprecated. Consider removing this and rely on network aliases instead.
Historical note on Grafana users:
- Pre-6.5.0 (2019): Grafana ran as root (user ID 0) by default
- A common fix was to set user: "104" (internal grafana user)
- Post-6.5.0: Grafana runs as non-root by default (user ID 472)
- Current best practice: Let Grafana use its default non-root user
- Consider adding healthchecks for each service
- Consider adding resource limits
- You might want to add container_name for easier identification
- Consider adding labels for better organization
- You might want to add logging configuration
- Services are properly segregated into front-tier and back-tier networks
- Volumes are properly configured for persistence
- Consider reviewing exposed ports and limiting access where possible
- The 'links' directive in Prometheus service should be removed as it's deprecated
- Version 3.8 is appropriate for current needs
- Grafana now handles non-root user configuration automatically