- Opcodes refactored and fixed.
- Testcases added for all opcodes.
- REG_VERSION string conversion fixed.
- Changed >> to >>>.
- Merged with DeZog.
- Fixed disassembly of ZX Next opcode 'PUSH nn'.
- Updated libraries.
- Renamed '--lblsin' to '--comments'.
- Fix: Labels in dot file now support dot-notation.
- New parameter '--rstend address' to stop the disassembler diving into the RST subroutine. Use e.g. '--rstend 8' to get correct disassembly results if ESXDOS file handling is used.
- Added parameter '--callgraphnode addr|label' to output only a certain label in the dot graph.
- Added parameter '--callgraphformat format' to offer more format options for dot.
- Renamed old parameter '--callgraphformat format' to '--callgraphnodeformat format'.
- '--callgraphhighlight' now also allows labels as input.
- Corrected opcode "SUB A,s" to "SUB s".
- Added new Z80N barrel shift and "JP (C)" opcodes.
- Corrected "JP (IX)" and "JP (IY)" disassembly.
- Made "JP (HL)" etc. a stopping insruction.
- Improved decoding of 'NEXTREG': Register names are decoded.
- Internal changes for z80-debug.
- "--opcode": User opcode extensions
- Branch labels that jump into the middle of an opcode adjusted. These use offsets now (e.g. "JP LBL1+1").
- Warnings added for wrong branch labels.
- Warnings added for code that is accessed as data (self-modifying code).
- Corrected handling of apostrophes in argument files.
- Output of flowcharts: "--flowchartout" and "--flowchartaddresses: Output flow-chart for a particular address (subroutine).
- "--dot..." renamed to "--callgraph...".
- "--dotformat": Formatting of dot node output.
- Changed "--noaddr0" to "--noautomaticaddr". Also suppresses the SNA start address.
- Subroutines are divided into several subroutines if not in a coherent block.
- Opcodes use hex numbers now, comments decimal.
- "--lblsin": Input of labels with comments.
- Supports output of callgraphs into dot files for visualization with graphviz.
- Callgraph visualization emphasizes:
- Code start
- Leafs
- Interrupt
- Improved trace file parsing.
- Better interrupt recognition.
- Disassembles the given binary via Code-Flow-Grap analysis.
- Divides into data and code area.
- Creates labels from hex addresses.
- Distinguishes labels for subroutines or jump addresses.
- Separates subroutines visually.
- Uses "local" label syntax inside subroutines.
- Points out all callers of a subroutine.
- Customization of the output
- Label prefixes
- List file with or without address and opcode bytes
- Opcodes in upper or lower case
- Can read MAME trace (*.tr) files for better results.
- Supports *.sna (snapshot) files.
- Supports undocumented opcodes.
- Supports Spectrum Next opcodes.
- Support for mame .tr (trace) files.
Initial version.