- Atte Huhtakangas (@jazmon)
🎉 This release contains work from new contributors! 🎉
Thanks for all your work!
❤️ Atte Huhtakangas (@jazmon)
❤️ null@AnotherGitProfile
❤️ Ryan Geyer (@rgeyer)
❤️ Bogdan Matei (@bfmatei)
- feat(): release exporter for Apollo Server 3 (@bfmatei)
- feat: migrate to apollo v4 #1 (@AnotherGitProfile @jazmon)
- feat(): implement skipMetrics (@bfmatei)
- feat(): add support for customizable buckets for histograms (@bfmatei)
- feat(): add support for node 12 (@bfmatei)
- feat(): add compatibility with prom-client@13 (@bfmatei)
- feat(): add apollo version to apollo_server_starting and apollo_server_closing (@bfmatei)
- feat(): refactor the lib (@bfmatei)
- feat(): initial release (@bfmatei)
- chore: add .env file to gitignore #3 (@jazmon)
- ci: configure auto #2 (@jazmon)
- fix(lib): add support for prom-client 14 (@bfmatei)
- fix(): release new version with updated mixin (@bfmatei)
- fix(): enforce a new package publish (@bfmatei)
- chore: empty commit to trigger release (@jazmon)
- chore: create a namespaced npm package fork (@jazmon)
- chore(dashboard): update dashboard (@rgeyer)
- chore(deps): update dependencies (@bfmatei)
- Merge branch 'main' of github.com:bfmatei/apollo-prometheus-exporter (@bfmatei)
- chore(docs): update readme.md (@bfmatei)
- chore(): set semantic release to work on 1.x and main branches (@bfmatei)
- chore(): prepare for splitting versioning (@bfmatei)
- chore(): migrate to yarn (@bfmatei)
- chore(): update to node 16 (@bfmatei)
- chore(): rename master to main (@bfmatei)
- chore(mixin): use rate interval variable in the dashboard (@rgeyer)
- ci(): update actions (@bfmatei)
- chore(): update dependencies (@bfmatei)
- docs(mixin): remove rules mention (@bfmatei)
- chore(mixin): remove prometheus rules (@bfmatei)
- Merge branch 'master' of github.com:bfmatei/apollo-prometheus-exporter (@bfmatei)
- chore(mixin): add annotations for node.js start and apollo server start (@bfmatei)
- chore(): select correct versions for apdex score in dashboard (@bfmatei)
- chore(): enhance grafana dashboard (@bfmatei)
- chore(): add artillery to generate activity in example app (@bfmatei)
- chore(): improve example async response generation (@bfmatei)
- chore(): rename actions in intellij (@bfmatei)
- chore(): improvements to example (@bfmatei)
- chore(): rename command prettify to prettier (@bfmatei)
- chore(): add lint-staged as npm command (@bfmatei)
- style(): reformat prettier config file (@bfmatei)
- chore(): improve mixin (@bfmatei)
- ci(): improve security scan workflow (@bfmatei)
- ci(): add security scan (@bfmatei)
- chore(): fix mixin (@bfmatei)
- docs(): add shields (@bfmatei)
- chore(): move mixin to proper folder (@bfmatei)
- ci(): remove changelog from github release (@bfmatei)
- build(): copy assets during build process (@bfmatei)
- build(): remove license and changelog from package (@bfmatei)
- ci(): save tar archive (@bfmatei)
- ci(): add cache for node modules (@bfmatei)
- ci(): fix ci (@bfmatei)
- ci(): improve ci process (@bfmatei)
- chore(): initial commit (@bfmatei)
- @AnotherGitProfile
- Atte Huhtakangas (@jazmon)
- Bogdan Matei (@bfmatei)
- Ryan Geyer (@rgeyer)
2.1.1 (2021-10-22)
- lib: add support for prom-client 14 (0ee031a)
2.1.0 (2021-10-11)
2.0.0 (2021-10-11)
- release exporter for Apollo Server 3 (ca95a3e)
- use v1 for Apollo Server 2 and v2 for Apollo Server 3
1.2.0 (2021-03-26)
1.1.0 (2020-12-13)
- add apollo version to apollo_server_starting and apollo_server_closing (ba52552)
- refactor the lib (c80c7ce)
1.0.4 (2020-12-10)
- release new version with updated mixin (65ba29e)
1.0.3 (2020-12-08)
- enforce a new package publish (25c1bdc)
1.0.2 (2020-12-08)
- enforce a new package publish (cd0302c)
1.0.1 (2020-12-08)
- enforce a new package publish (2d9d0e7)