Build Docker image with Chef provisioning:
go to folder where servers are located
run to build one server
# run from folder where servers are located
docker-builder build -s nginx
# or run from any folder
docker-builder build -s nginx --root-path /path/to/example-nginx
it generates temp json file with node attributes examples/example-nginx/temp/nginx.json
runs chef-client to build image
SERVER_NAME=nginx chef exec chef-client -z -N nginx -j /mnt/data/projects/mmx/docker-builder/examples/example-nginx/temp/nginx.json lib/docker_builder/chef/chef_build_image.rb
chef-client takes json file and recipe and create new Docker image and run recipe 'servers/nginx/cookbooks/recipes/build.rb'
a new Docker image named '<>nginx' is created i.e. example-nginx
docker images
- run test container
docker run -ti --rm example-nginx /bin/bash
in the interactive terminal inside the container: check we have resources from build.rb
exit container
container will be automatically destroyed