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Maxence Charriere edited this page Nov 26, 2016 · 37 revisions


Package to build multiplatform apps with Go, HTML and CSS.

How it works?

Murlok is built on these 2 notions: contexts and components.


Contexts are app parts that contains graphic elements. Can be windows, menus, dock, etc... They implement the interface app.Contexter that defines their available operations.

type Contexter interface {
	// Mounts the component and renders it in the context.
	Mount(c Componer)

	// If applicable, returns the position of the context.
	Position() (x float64, y float64)

	// If applicable, moves the context.
	Move(x float64, y float64)

	// If applicable, returns the size of the context.
	Size() (width float64, height float64)

	// If applicable, resizes the context.
	Resize(width float64, height float64)

	// If applicable, set the icon targeted by path.
	SetIcon(path string)

	// If applicable, set the badge with v.
	SetBadge(v interface{})

	// If applicable, closes the context.

    // ...


Components are what you write to build graphic elements. It is a Go stucture that satisfy the app.Componer interface. It embeds HTML markup to describes a graphic element. It can also contains other components, and defines the view logic.

type Componer interface {
	Render() string

How they interact?

app To be completed.

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