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File metadata and controls

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Configuring a platform

Function configuration carries information about the specific function (how it's triggered, the runtime type, etc) whereas a platform configuration carries information about the platform that function runs on. For example, where should the function log to? What sort of metric mechanism is in place? Which port should the function listen on for health checks?

While this could theoretically be passed in the function configuration, it would make configuration updates a complex task of regenerating the configuration for all provisioned functions. The platform configuration is therefore stored seperately, shared amongst all functions that share a platform.

Note: A "platform" could be a cluster or any sub resource of that cluster like a namespace. If, for example, we have a namespace per tenant we configure logging, metrics, etc differently for each tenant

Creating a platform configuration in Kubernetes

In Kubernetes, a platform configuration is stored as a configmap named platform-config in the namespace of the function. For example, to create a configmap in the nuclio namespace from a local file called platform.yaml, run:

kubectl create configmap platform-config  --namespace nuclio --from-file platform.yaml

Configuration elements

Log sinks (logger)

Configuring where a function logs to is a two step process. First we create a named logger sink and provide it with configuration. We then reference this logger sink at the desired scope with a given log level. Scopes include:

  • System logging: This is where logs from services like the controller, the dashboard, etc are shipped to
  • Function logging: Unless overridden per function, this is where the function logs are shipped to
  • A specific function: An optional override per function, allowing specific functions to ship elsewhere than the platform function logger

Let's say we want to ship all function logs and only warning/error logs from the system to an ElasticSearch cluster. However, we want all system logs to also go to stdout. Our logger section in the platform.yaml would look like:

      kind: stdout
      kind: elasticsearch
        shipInterval: 5s
  - level: debug
    sink: myStdoutLogger
  - level: warning
    sink: myElasticSearchLogger
  - level: debug
    sink: myElasticSearchLogger

First we declared the two sinks: myStdoutLogger and myElasticSearchLogger. Then we bound system:debug (which catches all logs at the severity level and higher) to myStdoutLogger, and system:warning, functions:debug to myElasticSearchLogger.

Supported log sinks

All log sinks support the following fields:

  • kind: The kind of output
  • url: The URL at which the sink resides
  • attributes: Kind specific attributes

Standard output (stdout)

The standard output sink currently does not support any specific attributes.

Metric sinks (metrics)

Metric sinks behave similarly to logger sinks in that first you declare a sink and then bind a scope to it. To illustrate with an example, if we would (for some reason) want all of our system metrics to be pulled by prometheus whereas all function metrics pushed to a prometheus pushproxy, our metrics section in the platform.yaml would look like:

      kind: prometheusPush
      url: http://prometheus-prometheus-pushgateway:9091
        jobName: myPushJob
        instanceName: myPushInstance
        interval: 10s
      kind: prometheusPull
      url: :8090
        jobName: myPullJob
        instanceName: myPullInstance
  - myPromPull
  - myPromPush

Supported metric sinks

All metric sinks support the following fields:

  • kind: The kind of output
  • url: The URL at which the sink resides
  • attributes: Kind specific attributes

Prometheus push (prometheusPush)

  • url: The URL at which the push proxy resides
  • attributes.jobName: The prometheus job name
  • attributes.instanceName: The prometheus instance name
  • attributes.interval: A string holding the interval to which the push occurs such as "10s", "1h" or "2h45m". Valid time units are "ns", "us" (or "µs"), "ms", "s", "m", "h"

Prometheus pull (prometheusPull)

  • url: The URL at which the HTTP listener serves pull requests
  • attributes.jobName: The prometheus job name
  • attributes.instanceName: The prometheus instance name

Webadmin (webAdmin)

Functions can optionally serve requests to get and update their configuration via HTTP. By default this is enabled at address :8081 but can be overridden by the configuration:

  • enabled: Whether or not to listen to requests. true, by default
  • listenAddress: The address to listen on. :8081, by default

For example to listen on port :10000, the configuration section would be:

  listenAddress: :10000

Health check (healthCheck)

An important part of the function lifecycle is to verify its health via HTTP. By default this is enabled at address :8082 but can be overridden by the configuration:

  • enabled: Whether or not to listen to requests. true, by default
  • listenAddress: The address to listen on. :8082, by default

For example, to disable responding to health checks:

  enabled: false