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Matti Kiviluoto edited this page Oct 19, 2020 · 3 revisions

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Data Collection and Preprocessing

Our data is collected from two sources. From the UN SDG Data Hub website and from Ian Coleman’s website – a third-party API to the CIA Factbook data. Both sources provide a staggering amount of data as .json files.

Although the UN SDG API provides a clear interface to the data, the problem of grasping which indicators are available remains. We have listing the indicators into a multi-workbook EXCEL-file, which groups the indicators with the same grouping as in the data.

From the available SDG data, we chose Indicator 4.4.1: Proportion of youth and adults with information and communications technology (ICT) skills by sex and type of skill (percent) to be used for our predictions. Some preprocessing had to be made since the .geojson file contained missing values. We chose to take the means of values of each country for simplicity. We built our models in order that they work with different SDG data that is preprocessed similarly. The CIA data came in a preprocessed form. Main problem was, how to find relevant data that was relevant and usable in building our regression model. The nested structure of the factbook.json file meant a lot of manual digging to find the usable information. A set of 33 variables was handpicked as the set of independent variables to be used in the regression. These were chosen based on two principles. First, data was to have potential in making the predictions. Second, data was to be comparable. As an example of the first point, the highest point in any given country probably will not reveal much about its success in attaining SD goals. A second case example could be different ethnic and religious groups in any given country, which are very specific to that country, and cannot be compared in a meaningful way across multiple countries. Next, a code-based interface for reading data from the factbook.json was created. This was implemented in the class Reader, which is inside the file The constructor takes a .json file as a parameter and creates a Reader object. The Reader object implements a read_data() method, which takes as a parameter a list of query words defined by user (by uncommenting from a ready-made list). Each query word matches an independent variable. The interrelation between query words and variables is given in the file CIA_factbook_manual.xlsx. The Reader object takes care of the backend processes needed to find the information asked by the user from the nested structure of the factbook.json file. If some information is missing, a NaN value for that variable is inserted instead. The Reader object also implements a get_missing_data() method, which the user can use to check what data is not available for a given country. Main functionality is implemented inside the file The main method starts by opening the factbook.json and passing it to Reader constructor. Next, the list of user chosen query words is passed to the read_data() method of the Reader object just created, which returns the asked information in a pandas DataFrame with countries as indexes and variables as columns. Then, geographic area codes are added as a column to this DataFrame. These are manually inserted inside the file country_codes.csv and are used to match the CIA data with the SDG data. Next, user is given an option to manually drop some regions from the analysis. These can be larger regions (such as World or EU) or outliers found in the exploratory phase. Finally, countries with any NaN values are dropped. The SDG-data and the CIA-data did not have a joint key as for some reason the CIA data did not use any standard code for the countries, luckily spelling of the names of the countries were fairly similar with each other. We could determine a linkage between the ISO-coded SDG data and the CIA data and implemented a method that combines the datasets. Here we discovered two unfortunate countries, where politics made matching impossible – Taiwan and Palestine (Taiwan not listed in the UN data and Palestine not in the CIA data). Sadly, we had to drop these countries from our data. Exploratory data analysis Before building the machine learning model, some exploratory analysis was executed. A quick discovery was that choosing some variables led to a situation, where a large number of countries were dropped. Some consideration was given to whether imputation of missing values was to be implemented. However, this was ruled out mostly due to the fact, that the dataset already contained a rather small number of data points. Imputing missing values might have led to a poorer performance of the regression model. Rather, the choice of variables was left to user discretion. Some tools for exploratory analysis were implemented. The method transform() uses PowerTransformer from the sklearn.preprocessing package to standardize the values of the independent variables. This method was chosen because most of the variables were not normally distributed. These standardized values are then passed to method principal(), which does three things. First, it performs k-means clustering for the variables, with the number of clusters given by user in the method call. Then, it performs dimensionality reduction with principal component analysis (PCA) to several components given by the user in the method call. Finally, it creates a scatter plot with first principal component on the x-axis, second principal component on the y-axis and third principal component as point size. The clusters are indicated by the different colors of the points. At first, PCA was performed to non-standardized variables, which led to some large-scale variables (notably population size and area) dominating the variance. After standardization, results became more useful.

Machine Learning

Our goal was to predict the SDG data values for countries that were missing in the SDG data using the CIA data. First, we built a Linear Regression model to predict these values. We evaluated the model with 3-fold cross validation with R-squared as the scoring metric. The means of cross validation scores were around 0.3 when choosing reasonable variables from the CIA-data to use as the predictors. Since Linear Regression predicted negative values for some dependent variables, and negative values were off the scale, a non-linear regression model was devised. We decided to use a Random Forest Regressor as our second take on the problem. First, the question of how to choose optimal hyperparameters for the model, given that the choice depended on what variables the user had decided to use, was raised. For this problem, a hyperparameter optimizer was implemented in the method rfr_optimizer(). It takes the independent and dependent variables as parameters, constructs a random grid out of different handpicked hyperparameter value combinations. These values were carefully chosen after thorough testing to always provide for a feasible set of hyperparameters, no matter what variables the user chooses to use. The method makes use of RandomizedSearchCV() method provided by sklearn.model_selection package. It goes through a preset number of iterations (100 in this case), chooses a random set of hyperparameters from the random grid on each iteration, and performs a 3-fold cross validation to evaluate the set of hyperparameters. Finally, it returns the set of best hyperparameters found. After optimization, a Random Forest Regression model is constructed with the given hyperparameters. This model is evaluated once more with 3-fold cross validation with R-squared as the scoring metric. With a reasonable selection of independent variables, the mean of cross validation scores ranged from 0.74 to 0.77 which is a significant improvement over the Linear Regression model. Finally, the regression model is used to predict the missing values for the SDG data, just as with the Linear Regression model.


We created scatterplots of the real and the predicted SDG data values as y with each of the chosen explanatory variable from CIA data as x. This helps the user see which variables of the CIA data correlate with the SDG data. When using only variables with clear correlation with the SDG data, we found that the predictions were more accurate. One added benefit of these scatterplots was, that outlier points were easy to detect. If a given country was clearly separated from the other data points in several different scatter plots, it was classed as an outlier. Manually removing these outliers from the training set, led to significant improvements in the model accuracy. This is something the user must do on a case by case basis.

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