- NULL safety
- Allow a scroll controller to be specified
- Support subtitle for selection lists
- Allow to use library in web #26
- Update cupertino_icons to 1.0.0 #24
- Remove state from CSSelection widget #22
- added support for the different types of CSLink based on UITableViewCell
- use CupertinoDynamicColors to match the official DynamicColors added with iOS13
- use CupertinoColors and CupertinoIcons instead of Material one
- added HapticFeedback to CSSelection
- updated example
- bump Flutter Version to 1.12.13-hotfix.5
- Dark Mode Support
- Support for different font sizes
- Added Example App
- Added Optional Shrink Wrap
- Includes SafeArea Wrapper
- Dart 2.1.0 Support Added
- TODO: Describe initial release.