This has not been converted into a class, it's basically a boilerplate snippet.
Phosphosite plus contains an automatically generated dataset built upon curated data listing detected post-translational modifications (PTMs).
I could, and have for VENUS, use the downloaded dataset, but inspecting the values by human never hurt so the starting point is a copy-paste, which is something like:
0 1
0 3 '''
This can be converted using ptms = convert_psp(raw)
from below:
from typing import List
import re
def convert_psp(copypasted: str):
return split_ptms(psp2list(copypasted))
def psp2list(copypasted: str):
return [part for part in copypasted.split() if '-' in part]
def split_ptm(ptm: str):
return {'resn': ptm[0],
'resi': int('(\d+)', ptm).group(1)),
'modification': ptm.split('-')[1]}
def split_ptms(ptms: List[str]):
return [split_ptm(ptm) for ptm in ptms]
Apply the PTMs to a pose:
# mod from michelanglo_protein/analyse/
modification_name = {'p': 'phosphorylated',
'ac': 'acetylated',
'm1': 'monomethylated',
'm2': 'dimethylated',
'm3': 'trimethylated'
# no ubiquitination or gal
def apply_ptm(pose: pyrosetta.Pose, ptm:dict, chain:str='A') -> None:
MutateResidue = pyrosetta.rosetta.protocols.simple_moves.MutateResidue
r = pose.pdb_info().pdb2pose(res=ptm['resi'], chain=chain)
if r == 0:
residue = pose.residue(r)
assert residue.name1() == ptm['resn'], f"Unexpected {ptm['resn']} for {residue.name1()}"
#new_res = pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.get_residue_from_name1(resn).name3()
if ptm['modification'] not in modification_name:
print(f'Not doing {ptm["modification"]}')
mod_name = modification_name[ptm['modification']]
new_res = f'{residue.name3()}:{mod_name}'
MutateResidue(target=r, new_res=new_res).apply(pose)
So using the above and minimising (do note that MutateResidue
can repack if requested to)
for ptm in ptms: # not too logical applying them all, but shhh.
apply_ptm(pose, ptm, 'V')
scorefxn = pyrosetta.get_fa_scorefxn()
relax = pyrosetta.rosetta.protocols.relax.FastRelax(scorefxn, 5).apply(pose)
pose.dump_scored_pdb('👾👾👾.r.phospho.pdb', scorefxn)
To inspect (if using a Jupyter notebook) via nglview
and a comically long list of residue names from blog post about PTMs
import nglview
view = nglview.show_rosetta(pose)
# this overkill list
view.add_representation('hyperball', 'SEP or TPO or PTR or MLZ or MLY or M3L or ORN or SEC or MSE or HCS or SLZ or NLE or ALO or ALN or 2MR or CIR or ALY')
Now, a nice thing to know is how close is a given residue to a PTM.
import itertools, functools
# v = pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_unsigned_long()
# v.extend(resis)
# resi_sele =
def get_distance(pose: pyrosetta.Pose, ptms: dict, chain:str='A') -> float:
# ptm
# PEP says its bad practise to assign an anonymous fx to variable. Schmeh.
ptm2pose = lambda ptm: pose.pdb_info().pdb2pose(res=ptm['resi'], chain=chain)
ptm_resis = list(filter(bool, map(ptm2pose, ptms)))
# common xyz
get_xyzs = lambda residue: [ for atom_i in range(1, 1+residue.natoms())]
# mut xyzs
mut_res = pose.pdb_info().pdb2pose(res=int(row.mutation[1:-1]), chain='V')
if mut_res == 0:
return float('nan')
mut_xyzs = get_xyzs(pose.residue(mut_res))
# ptm xyzs
ptm_xyzs = []
for ptm_res in ptm_resis:
# distances
distance = [(mut_xyz - ptm_xyz).norm() for ptm_xyz in ptm_xyzs for mut_xyz in mut_xyzs]
return min(distance)
Using a pandas dataframe scores
def get_pose(pdb_filename: str, params_filenames: Optional[List[str]]=None) -> pyrosetta.Pose:
pose = pyrosetta.Pose()
if params_filenames and isinstance(params_filenames, pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_string):
pyrosetta.generate_nonstandard_residue_set(pose, params_filenames)
if params_filenames and isinstance(params_filenames, list):
params_filenames2 = pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_string()
pyrosetta.generate_nonstandard_residue_set(pose, params_filenames2)
pyrosetta.rosetta.core.import_pose.pose_from_file(pose, pdb_filename)
return pose
def filename2distance(filename:str) -> float:
return get_distance(get_pose(filename))
scores['distance_to_PTM'] = scores.filename.apply(filename2distance)