- Maintenance release.
- More robust redirection handling, refs #47.
- Look for redirects, MAX_REDIRECTS set to 3, refs #36.
- Fix border style expanding, refs #58.
- load_string! described, refs #70.
- Ship license with package, refs #69.
- Fix background shorthands, refs #66.
- Add support for background-size in the shorthand property @mitio
- Fix bug not setting general rules after media query @jievans.
- We doesn't support Ruby 1.8 anymore.
- Run tests on Ruby 2.0 and Ruby 2.1.
- Respect the :import option.
- Use URI#request_uri instead of URI#path @duckinator.
- Media_query_support @mzsanford
- Don't require open-uri @aripollak
- Symbols not sortable on 1.8.7 @morten
- Improve create_dimensions_shorthand performance @aaronjensen
- Fixes hash ordering in tests @morten
- Enable code highlighting for tests @grosser
- Fix error in media query parsing @smgt
- Add test to missing cleaning of media type in parsing @smgt
- Require version before requiring classes that depend on it @morten
- Fix them crazy requires and only define version once @grosser
- Apply ocd @grosser
- More tests (and fixes) for background gradients @fortnightlabs
- Support declarations with
in them @flavorpill - Stricter detection of !important @flavorpill
- Updates of gem by @grosser
- Multiple selectors should properly calculate specificity @alexdunae
- Specificity: The selector with the highest specificity may be in a compound selector statement? @morten
- Selectors should not be registered with surrounding whitespace. @morten
- Fix RE_GRADIENT reference @alexdunae
- Add load_string! method tests @alexdunae
- Gradient regexp tests @alexdunae
- Edited rule set @mccuskk
- JRuby and Ruby 1.9.3-preview1 compat
- Fix merging of multiple !important rules to match the spec
- First pass of media query support
- Fix merging of multiple !important rules to match the spec
- Better border shorthand handling
- List shorthand handling
- Malformed URI handling improvements
- Use Bundler
- Specificity improvements
- RGBA, HSL and HSLA support
- Bug fixes
- Add remove_declaration! to RuleSet
- Fix syntax error
- Automatically close missing braces at the end of a block
- Fix media type handling in add_block! and load_uri!
- Fix merging of !important declarations
- Ruby 1.9.2 compat
- allow limiting by media type in add_block!
- improve parsing of malformed declarations
- improve support for local files
- added support for loading over SSL
- added support for deflate
- Ruby 1.9 compatibility
- @import regexp updates
- various bug fixes
- Added support for local @import
- Better remote @import handling
- Fallback for declarations without sort order
- Various test fixes and udpate for Ruby 1.9 (thanks to Tyler Cunnion)
- Allow setting CSS declarations to nil
- Initial version forked from Premailer project
- re-implement caching on CssParser.merge
- correctly parse http://www.webstandards.org/files/acid2/test.html