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Invariant Risk Minimization (IRM)


Decompose a classification task into feature extraction \(\Phi(\cdot)\) and classificaiton layer \(w(\cdot)\), then the task loss is


\(\ell^{(d)} (w \circ \Phi) = \mathbb{E}_{(X, Y) \sim \mathcal{D}_d}[\ell(w \circ \Phi(X), Y)]\) +where we use \(\ell\) to denote the cross entropy for a classification task, and \(\mathcal{D}_d\) for distribution of domain \(d\).


The idea of IRM is to choose classifier \(w\) to be in the intersection of optimal classifiers for each domain $\(d\)$.

+\[w \in {\argmin}_{\bar{w}} \ell^{(d)}(\bar{w} \circ \Phi) \quad \forall d\]

regardless of feature extractor $\(\Phi(\cdot)\)\(, this serves as a constraint on the choice of classifiers \)w$.


The feature extractor \(\Phi(\cdot)\) then get optimized under this constraint.


Thus IRM forms a bi-level optimization by jointly optimize \(\Phi\) and \(w\) which is hard to solve, so in practice IRMv1 is used.




In DomainLab, we write the loss function as $\(\ell(\cdot) + \lambda R(\cdot)\)$, which result in the optmization below:

+\[\min_{\Phi, w} \sum_{d} \ell^{(d)}(w \circ \Phi) + \lambda \sum_{d} \|\nabla_{w|w=1.0} \ell^{(d)}(w \circ \Phi)\|^2\]

where \(\lambda\) is a hyperparameter that controls the trade-off between the empirical risk and the penalty. One interpretation can be the penalty encourages the representation \(\Phi\) to be small evaluated at \(w = 1.0\) across all domains.


In practice, one could simply divide one mini-batch into two subsets, let \(i\) and \(j\) to index these two subsets, multiply subset \(i\) and subset \(j\) forms an unbiased estimation of the L2 norm of gradient. +In detail: the squared gradient norm via inner product between \(\nabla_{w|w=1} \ell(w \circ \Phi(X^{(d, i)}), Y^{(d, i)})\) of dimension dim(Grad) with \(\nabla_{w|w=1} \ell(w \circ \Phi(X^{(d, j)}), Y^{(d, j)})\) of dimension dim(Grad) For more details, see section 3.2 and Appendix D of : Arjovsky et al., “Invariant Risk Minimization.”

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