-generate the benchmark plots by calling the gen_bencmark_plots(...) function
-import os
-from ast import literal_eval # literal_eval can safe evaluate python expression
-import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
-import matplotlib
-import pandas as pd
-import seaborn as sns
-import numpy as np
-COLNAME_ALGO = "algo"
-COLNAME_PARAM = "params"
-[docs]def gen_benchmark_plots(agg_results: str, output_dir: str):
- '''
- generate the benchmark plots from a csv file containing the aggregated restults.
- The csv file must have the columns:
- [param_index, task, algo, epos, te_d, seed, params, ...]
- all columns after seed are intrepreted as objectives of the results, they can e.g.
- be acc, precision, recall, specificity, f1, auroc.
- agg_results: path to the csv file
- output_dir: path to a folder which shall contain the results
- '''
- raw_df = pd.read_csv(agg_results, index_col=False,
- converters={COLNAME_PARAM: literal_eval},
- # literal_eval can safe evaluate python expression
- skipinitialspace=True)
- raw_df[COLNAME_PARAM] = round_vals_in_dict(raw_df[COLNAME_PARAM])
- # crop param_index and task from the dataframe
- dataframe = raw_df.iloc[:, 2:] # @FIXME: hard coded
- # generating plot
- gen_plots(dataframe, output_dir)
-[docs]def round_vals_in_dict(df_column_in):
- '''
- replaces the dictionary by a string containing only the significant digits of the hyperparams
- df_column_in: columns of the dataframe containing the dictionary of hyperparams
- '''
- df_column = df_column_in.copy()
- df_column_out = df_column_in.copy()
- for i in range(df_column.shape[0]):
- string = ''
- for num, val in enumerate(list(df_column[i].values())):
- key = list(df_column[i].keys())[num]
- val = np.format_float_scientific(val, precision=1, unique=False, trim='0')
- string += str(key) + ': ' + str(val) + ', '
- df_column_out[i] = string[:-2]
- return df_column_out
-[docs]def gen_plots(dataframe: pd.DataFrame, output_dir: str):
- '''
- dataframe: dataframe with columns
- [' algo', ' epos', ' te_d', ' seed', ' params', ' acc', ' precision', ... ]
- '''
- os.makedirs(output_dir, exist_ok=True)
- # scatterplot matrices
- scatterplot_matrix(dataframe, file=output_dir + '/sp_matrix_reg.png',
- reg=True, distinguish_param_setups=False)
- scatterplot_matrix(dataframe, file=output_dir + '/sp_matrix.png',
- reg=False, distinguish_param_setups=False)
- scatterplot_matrix(dataframe, file=output_dir + '/sp_matrix_dist_reg.png',
- reg=True, distinguish_param_setups=True)
- scatterplot_matrix(dataframe, file=output_dir + '/sp_matrix_dist.png',
- reg=False, distinguish_param_setups=True)
- # radar plots
- radar_plot(dataframe, file=output_dir + '/radar_dist.png', distinguish_hyperparam=True)
- radar_plot(dataframe, file=output_dir + '/radar.png', distinguish_hyperparam=False)
- # scatter plots for parirs of objectives
- os.makedirs(output_dir + '/scatterpl', exist_ok=True)
- obj = dataframe.columns[5:]
- for i, obj_i in enumerate(obj):
- for j in range(i+1, len(obj)):
- try:
- scatterplot(dataframe, [obj_i, obj[j]],
- file=output_dir + '/scatterpl/' + obj_i + '_' + obj[j] + '.png')
- except IndexError:
- print(f'WARNING: disabling kde because cov matrix is singular for objectives '
- f'{obj_i} & {obj[j]}')
- scatterplot(dataframe, [obj_i, obj[j]],
- file=output_dir + '/scatterpl/' + obj_i + '_' + obj[j] + '.png',
- kde=False)
- # create plots for the different algortihms
- for algorithm in dataframe[COLNAME_ALGO].unique():
- os.makedirs(output_dir + '/' + str(algorithm), exist_ok=True)
- dataframe_algo = dataframe[dataframe[COLNAME_ALGO] == algorithm]
- # scatterplot matrices
- scatterplot_matrix(dataframe_algo,
- file=output_dir + '/' + str(algorithm) + '/sp_matrix_reg.png',
- reg=True, distinguish_param_setups=False)
- scatterplot_matrix(dataframe_algo,
- file=output_dir + '/' + str(algorithm) + '/sp_matrix.png',
- reg=False, distinguish_param_setups=False)
- scatterplot_matrix(dataframe_algo,
- file=output_dir + '/' + str(algorithm) + '/sp_matrix_dist_reg.png',
- reg=True, distinguish_param_setups=True)
- scatterplot_matrix(dataframe_algo,
- file=output_dir + '/' + str(algorithm) + '/sp_matrix_dist.png',
- reg=False, distinguish_param_setups=True)
- # radar plots
- radar_plot(dataframe_algo, file=output_dir + '/' + str(algorithm) + '/radar_dist.png',
- distinguish_hyperparam=True)
- radar_plot(dataframe_algo, file=output_dir + '/' + str(algorithm) + '/radar.png',
- distinguish_hyperparam=False)
- # scatter plots for parirs of objectives
- os.makedirs(output_dir + '/' + str(algorithm) + '/scatterpl', exist_ok=True)
- obj = dataframe_algo.columns[5:]
- for i, obj_i in enumerate(obj):
- for j in range(i + 1, len(obj)):
- try:
- scatterplot(dataframe_algo, [obj_i, obj[j]],
- file=output_dir + '/' + str(algorithm) +
- '/scatterpl/' + obj_i + '_' + obj[j] + '.png',
- distinguish_hyperparam=True)
- except IndexError:
- print(f'WARNING: disabling kde because cov matrix is singular for objectives '
- f'{obj_i} & {obj[j]}')
- scatterplot(dataframe_algo, [obj_i, obj[j]],
- file=output_dir + '/' + str(algorithm) +
- '/scatterpl/' + obj_i + '_' + obj[j] + '.png',
- kde=False,
- distinguish_hyperparam=True)
-[docs]def scatterplot_matrix(dataframe_in, file=None, reg=True, distinguish_param_setups=True):
- '''
- dataframe: dataframe containing the data with columns
- [algo, epos, te_d, seed, params, obj1, ..., obj2]
- file: filename to save the plots (if None, the plot will not be saved)
- reg: if True a regression line will be plotted over the data
- distinguish_param_setups: if True the plot will not only distinguish between models,
- but also between the parameter setups
- '''
- dataframe = dataframe_in.copy()
- index = list(range(5, dataframe.shape[1]))
- if distinguish_param_setups:
- dataframe_ = dataframe.iloc[:, index]
- dataframe_.insert(0, 'label',
- dataframe[COLNAME_ALGO].astype(str) + ', ' +
- dataframe[COLNAME_PARAM].astype(str))
- else:
- index_ = list(range(5, dataframe.shape[1]))
- index_.insert(0, 0)
- dataframe_ = dataframe.iloc[:, index_]
- if reg:
- if not distinguish_param_setups:
- g_p = sns.pairplot(data=dataframe_, hue=COLNAME_ALGO, corner=True, kind='reg')
- else:
- g_p = sns.pairplot(data=dataframe_, hue='label', corner=True, kind='reg')
- else:
- if not distinguish_param_setups:
- g_p = sns.pairplot(data=dataframe_, hue=COLNAME_ALGO, corner=True)
- else:
- g_p = sns.pairplot(data=dataframe_, hue='label', corner=True)
- for i in range(len(index)):
- for j in range(len(index)):
- if i >= j:
- g_p.axes[i, j].set_xlim((-0.1, 1.1))
- for k in range(j):
- g_p.axes[j, k].set_ylim((-0.1, 1.1))
- g_p.fig.set_size_inches(12.5, 12)
- sns.move_legend(g_p, loc='upper right', bbox_to_anchor=(1., 1.), ncol=1)
- plt.tight_layout()
- if file is not None:
- plt.savefig(file, dpi=300)
-[docs]def scatterplot(dataframe_in, obj, file=None, kde=True, distinguish_hyperparam=False):
- '''
- dataframe: dataframe containing the data with columns
- [algo, epos, te_d, seed, params, obj1, ..., obj2]
- obj1 & obj2: name of the objectives which shall be plotted against each other
- file: filename to save the plots (if None, the plot will not be saved)
- kde: if True the distribution of the points will be estimated and plotted as kde plot
- distinguish_param_setups: if True the plot will not only distinguish between models,
- but also between the parameter setups
- '''
- obj1, obj2 = obj
- dataframe = dataframe_in.copy()
- dataframe[COLNAME_PARAM] = dataframe[COLNAME_PARAM].astype(str)
- if distinguish_hyperparam:
- if kde:
- g_p = sns.jointplot(data=dataframe, x=obj1, y=obj2, hue=COLNAME_PARAM,
- xlim=(-0.1, 1.1), ylim=(-0.1, 1.1), kind='kde',
- zorder=0, levels=8, alpha=0.35, warn_singular=False)
- gg_p = sns.scatterplot(data=dataframe, x=obj1, y=obj2, hue=COLNAME_PARAM,
- ax=g_p.ax_joint)
- else:
- g_p = sns.jointplot(data=dataframe, x=obj1, y=obj2, hue=COLNAME_PARAM,
- xlim=(-0.1, 1.1), ylim=(-0.1, 1.1))
- gg_p = g_p.ax_joint
- else:
- if kde:
- g_p = sns.jointplot(data=dataframe, x=obj1, y=obj2, hue=COLNAME_ALGO,
- xlim=(-0.1, 1.1), ylim=(-0.1, 1.1), kind='kde',
- zorder=0, levels=8, alpha=0.35, warn_singular=False)
- gg_p = sns.scatterplot(data=dataframe, x=obj1, y=obj2, hue=COLNAME_ALGO,
- ax=g_p.ax_joint)
- else:
- g_p = sns.jointplot(data=dataframe, x=obj1, y=obj2, hue=COLNAME_ALGO,
- xlim=(-0.1, 1.1), ylim=(-0.1, 1.1))
- gg_p = sns.scatterplot(data=dataframe, x=obj1, y=obj2, style=COLNAME_PARAM,
- ax=g_p.ax_joint)
- gg_p.set_aspect('equal')
- gg_p.legend(fontsize=6, loc='best')
- if file is not None:
- plt.savefig(file, dpi=300)
-[docs]def max_0_x(x_arg):
- '''
- max(0, x_arg)
- '''
- return max(0, x_arg)
-[docs]def radar_plot(dataframe_in, file=None, distinguish_hyperparam=True):
- '''
- dataframe_in: dataframe containing the data with columns
- [algo, epos, te_d, seed, params, obj1, ..., obj2]
- file: filename to save the plots (if None, the plot will not be saved)
- distinguish_param_setups: if True the plot will not only distinguish between models,
- but also between the parameter setups
- '''
- dataframe = dataframe_in.copy()
- if distinguish_hyperparam:
- dataframe.insert(0, 'label',
- dataframe[COLNAME_ALGO].astype(str) + ', ' +
- dataframe[COLNAME_PARAM].astype(str))
- else:
- dataframe.insert(0, 'label', dataframe[COLNAME_ALGO])
- index = list(range(6, dataframe.shape[1]))
- num_lines = len(dataframe['label'].unique())
- _, axis = plt.subplots(figsize=(9, 9 + (0.28 * num_lines)), subplot_kw=dict(polar=True))
- num = 0
- # Split the circle into even parts and save the angles
- # so we know where to put each axis.
- angles = list(np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, len(dataframe.columns[index]), endpoint=False))
- for algo_name in dataframe['label'].unique():
- mean = dataframe.loc[dataframe['label'] == algo_name].iloc[:, index].mean().to_list()
- std = dataframe.loc[dataframe['label'] == algo_name].iloc[:, index].std().to_list()
- angles_ = angles
- # The plot is a circle, so we need to "complete the loop"
- # and append the start value to the end.
- mean = np.array(mean + mean[:1])
- std = np.array(std + std[:1])
- angles_ = np.array(angles_ + angles_[:1])
- # Draw the outline of the data.
- axis.plot(angles_, mean,
- color=list(plt.rcParams["axes.prop_cycle"])[num]['color'],
- linewidth=2, label=algo_name)
- # Fill it in.
- axis.fill_between(angles_, list(map(max_0_x, mean - std)),
- y2=mean + std,
- color=list(plt.rcParams["axes.prop_cycle"])[num]['color'],
- alpha=0.1)
- num += 1
- num = num % len(list(plt.rcParams["axes.prop_cycle"]))
- # Fix axis to go in the right order and start at 12 o'clock.
- axis.set_theta_offset(np.pi / 2)
- axis.set_theta_direction(-1)
- # Draw axis lines for each angle and label.
- axis.set_thetagrids(np.degrees(angles), dataframe.columns[index])
- axis.set_ylim((0, 1))
- plt.legend(loc='lower right', bbox_to_anchor=(1., 1.035),
- ncol=1, fontsize=10)
- if file is not None:
- plt.savefig(file, dpi=300)