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DomainLab Usage Guide

Given the repository and the dependencies are set up, here is how can use DomainLab:

Essential Commands

To run DomainLab, the minimum necessary parameters are:

  1. Task Specification (--tpath or --task): This is to specify a task. You can eiter give a path to as Python file which specifies the task, or use a predfined set. You can find more about specifying tasks here.
  2. Test Domain (--te_d): Specifies the domain(s) used for testing. Can be a single domain or multiple domains.
  3. Model Choice (--model): Chooses the algorithm or model for the training (e.g., erm, diva). This also includes hyperparameters for the model, e.g., --gamma_d and --gamma_y for diva.
  4. Neural Network (--nname or --npath): Specifies which neural network is used for feature extraction, either through a path or predefined options.

Example Command

python3 --te_d 0 1 2 --task=mnistcolor10 --model=diva --nname=conv_bn_pool_2 --gamma_y=7e5 --gamma_d=1e5

Optional Commands

Advanced Configuration

  • Learning Rate (--lr): Set the training learning rate.

  • Regularization (--gamma_reg): Sets the weight of the regularization loss. This parameter can be configured either as a single value applied to individual classes, or using a dictionary to specify different weights for different models and trainers.

    • Command Line Usage:

      • For a single value: python --gamma_reg=0.1
      • For multiple values: python --gamma_reg='default=0.1,dann=0.05,jigen=0.2'
    • YAML Configuration:

      • For a single value:

        gamma_reg: 0.1
      • For different values:

          dann: 0.05
          dial: 0.2
          default: 0.1 # value for every other instance

Gamma reg is available for the trainers, as well as the dann and jigen model.

  • Early Stopping (--es): Steps for early stopping.
  • Random Seed (--seed): Seed for reproducibility.
  • CUDA Options (--nocu, --device): Configure CUDA usage and device settings.
  • Generated Images (--gen): Option to save generated images.
  • Model Preservation (--keep_model): Choose not to delete the model at the end of training.
  • Epochs (--epos, --epos_min): Configure maximum and minimum numbers of epochs.
  • Test Interval (--epo_te): Set intervals for testing performance.
  • Hyperparameter Warm-Up (-w or --warmup): Epochs for hyperparameter warm-up.
  • Debugging (--debug): Enable debug mode for verbose output.
  • Memory Debugging (--dmem): Memory usage debugging.
  • Output Suppression (--no_dump): Suppress saving the confusion matrix.
  • Trainer Selection (--trainer): Specify which trainer to use.
  • Output Directory (--out): Directory to store outputs.
  • Data Path (--dpath): Path for storing the downloaded dataset.
  • Additional Neural Network Options:
    • Custom Argument Values (--npath_argna2val, --nname_argna2val)
    • Domain Feature Extraction Network (--npath_dom, --nname_dom)
    • Custom Algorithm Path (--apath)
  • Experiment and Aggregation Tags (--exptag, --aggtag): Tags for experiment tracking and result aggregation.
  • Benchmarking and Plotting:
    • Partial Benchmark Aggregation (--agg_partial_bm)
    • Plot Generation (--gen_plots, --outp_dir, --param_idx)

Task-Specific Arguments

  • Batch Size (--bs): Loader batch size for mixed domains.
  • Training-Validation Split (--split): Proportion of training, a value between 0 and 1.
  • Training Domain (--tr_d): Specify training domain names.
  • Sanity Check (--san_check): Save images from the dataset as a sanity check.
  • Sanity Check Image Count (--san_num): Number of images for the sanity check.
  • Logging Level (--loglevel): Set the log level of the logger.
  • Shuffling (--shuffling_off): Disable shuffling of the training dataloader for the dataset.

Model-Specific Hyperparameters

VAE Model Parameters

  • Latent Space Dimensions (--zd_dim, --zx_dim, --zy_dim): Set the size of latent spaces for domain, unobserved, and class features.
  • Topic Dimension (--topic_dim): Number of topics for HDUVA.
  • Networks for HDUVA Model:
    • Image to Topic Distribution (--nname_encoder_x2topic_h, --npath_encoder_x2topic_h)
    • Image and Topic to ZD (--nname_encoder_sandwich_x2h4zd, --npath_encoder_sandwich_x2h4zd)
  • Hyperparameters for DIVA and HDUVA (--gamma_y, --gamma_d, --beta_t, --beta_d, --beta_x, --beta_y): Multipliers for various classifiers and loss components.

MatchDG Parameters

  • Cosine Similarity Factor (--tau): Magnify cosine similarity.
  • Match Tensor Update Frequency (--epos_per_match_update): Epochs before updating the match tensor.
  • Epochs for CTR (--epochs_ctr): Total epochs for CTR.

Jigen Parameters

  • Permutation Settings (--nperm, --pperm, --jigen_ppath): Configure image tile permutations.
  • Grid Length (--grid_len): Length of image in tile units.

DIAL Parameters

  • Adversarial Image Generation (--dial_steps_perturb, --dial_noise_scale, --dial_lr, --dial_epsilon): Configure parameters for generating adversarial images.

For a comprehensive understanding of all available commands, use:

python --help


DomainLab comes with some minimal toy-dataset to test its basis functionality, see a minimal subsample of the VLCS dataset and an example configuration file for vlcs_mini.

To train a domain invariant model on the vlcs_mini task:

python --te_d=caltech --tpath=examples/tasks/ --config=examples/yaml/demo_config_single_run_diva.yaml

where --tpath specifies the path of a user specified python file which defines the domain generalization task see here, --te_d specifies the test domain name (or index starting from 0), --config specifies the configurations of the domain generalization algorithms, see here

In more detail, in a verbose mode without using the algorithm configuration file:

python --te_d=caltech --tpath=examples/tasks/ --debug --bs=2 --model=diva --gamma_y=7e5 --gamma_d=1e5 --nname=alexnet --nname_dom=conv_bn_pool_2

where --model specifies which algorithm to use, --bs specifies the batch size, --debug restrain only running for 2 epochs and save results with prefix 'debug'. For DIVA, the hyper-parameters include --gamma_y=7e5 which is the relative weight of ERM loss compared to ELBO loss, and --gamma_d=1e5, which is the relative weight of domain classification loss compared to ELBO loss. --nname is to specify which neural network to use for feature extraction for classification, --nname_dom is to specify which neural network to use for feature extraction of domains.

See more examples.

Further Resources