GitHub Action
Robot Framework RoboCop
Latest version
Robocop is a tool that performs static code analysis of Robot Framework code.
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
- name: Run RoboCop
uses: carlosnizolli/RoboCop@v01
max-warnings: 30
path: Back/Tests Front
argumentfile: .github/robocop-arguments.txt
max-warnings: Required argument, maximum number of warnings allowed. By default, it blocks any critical error, this can be changed in the arguments file;
path: Indicates the location to be scanned, location of robot files. When not informed, all files in the repository will be analyzed;
argumentfile: Text file with list of arguments.
--exclude 0302 --exclude 0913 --exclude 0508 --exclude 0305 --configure too-many-arguments:max_args:6 --configure too-many-calls-in-keyword:max_calls:15