A simple python wrapper for ThingsBoard IoT Platform Telemetry API
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
- ThingsBoard account
- Python2.7 installed
- PIP Dependency Management
To start using tbpywrapper we need to first creat an .env file for our credentials. Open ..env file with an text editor and replace the following strings with yours:
BASE_URL = 'https://demo.thingsboard.io #for example
And then import thingsboard module to wherever you want to use it:
from tbpywrapper import *
Now we are ready to get the data from the Devices.
What this wrapper does it basically making GET requests according to our needs using two different approaches.
hint: used when you already know what device you want your data from
Go to ThingsBoard dashboard and choose a Device. Then, create a device object using its ID:
deviceOne = startDeviceInstance('INPUT_DEVICE_ID_HERE')
Now we can call methods on this device object to get the lastest datakey value:
print deviceOne
print deviceOne.getDataAttributes()
print deviceOne.getDataKeys()
print deviceOne.getDataValue('accelarationX')
Or an aggregation of values for a specific datetime interval:
key = 'temperature'
fromDateTime = '2017-12-18,11:26'
toDateTime = '2017-12-18,12:30'
agg = 'AVG'
print deviceOne.getDataValuesInterval(key,fromDateTime,toDateTime,agg)
hint: used when you dont know what device you want your data from
Calling the following function will map all devices present on ThingsBoard dashboard and instantiate objects for all of them.
deviceList = startAllDevices()
Then we can print all their information like this:
for i in deviceList:
print i.id, i.token,i.entityType, i.dataKeys, i.attributes
To retrieve our data we have two functions. One to get get the latest values simply by passing the device's list and the intendend datakey:
print searchDataValueForKey(deviceList,'humidity')
Another to get values for a specific time interval by passing the same parameter plus inital and final datetime:
print searchDataIntervalForKey(deviceList,'temperature','2017-12-18,11:26',\
Note: We assume that each datakey is unique accross all different Devices and the that the datetime format is respected.
Pushing data to thingsboard can be achieved by:
while True:
temperature =random.randint(10,20)
humidity =random.randint(30,70)
data = json.dumps({'temperature': temperature,'humidity': humidity})
#print 'Temperature: ' + str(temperature) + ' Humidity: ' + str(humidity)
response = deviceList[0].postDataValues(data)
print response
Either user ThingsBoard demo version or follow the instructions to deploy your own instance.
- ThingsBoard - The IoT Platform used
- Python2.7 - Programming Language
- PIP - Dependency Management
- Mário Duarte - MAESTRI Project - thingsboardpywrapper
This project is licensed under the Apache License 2.0 - see the LICENSE.md file for details