The Azion CLI (command-line interface) is an open source tool that enables you to manage any Azion service via command line. Through it, you can manage all Azion products, create automations using CI/CD scripts or pipelines, provision multiple services that make up your application with a few commands, and also manage your Azion configurations as code.
The developer friendly way to interact with Azion!
- Downloading
- Building
- Setup Autocomplete
- How to Use
- Commands Reference
- Contributing
- Code of Conduct
- License
There are two ways to download and use azioncli
The first, is the regular way of cloning this repository and building the project manually.
However, azioncli
is also available as homebrew
, rpm
, deb
and apk
To use rpm
, deb
and apk
packages, please visit our releases page, and download the desired package.
To download azioncli through Homebrew, use the following:
brew install aziontech/tap/azioncli
# Build project, by default it will connect to Production APIs
$ make build
# Cross-Build for multiple platforms and architectures
$ make cross-build
Please verify if you have autocomplete enabled globally, otherwise the autocomplete for cli will not work
You need to install zsh-autosuggestions
brew install zsh-autosuggestions
git clone \${ZSH_CUSTOM:-~/.oh-my-zsh/custom}/plugins/zsh-autosuggestions
echo "autoload -U compinit; compinit" >> ~/.zshrc
Then run
echo "source <(azioncli completion zsh); compdef _azioncli azioncli" >> ~/.zshrc
If you uninstall azioncli, please edit your ~/.zshrc
file and remove the line source <(azioncli completion zsh); compdef _azioncli azioncli
echo "autoload -U compinit; compinit" >> ~/.zshrc
Then open your ~/.zshrc
file, and add the following content to it
if type brew &>/dev/null
FPATH="$(brew --prefix)/share/zsh/site-functions:${FPATH}"
autoload -Uz compinit
Open your ~/.zshrc
file and add the following content to it
If you have other plugins, just add zsh-zutosuggestions to the end.
Whether you chose to activate autocomplete globally or for azioncli only, the steps of each section should only be run once. After that, autocomplete will work every time you open a new terminal.
You need to install bash-completion
brew install bash-completion
Centos/RHEL 7
yum install bash-completion bash-completion-extras
apt-get install bash-completion
apk add bash-completion
echo "source <(azioncli completion bash)" >> ~/.bashrc
If you uninstall azioncli, please edit your ~/.bashrc
file and remove the line source <(azioncli completion bash)
Open your ~/.bashrc
file, and add the following content to it
BREW_PREFIX=$(brew --prefix)
[[ -r "${BREW_PREFIX}/etc/profile.d/" ]] && . ${BREW_PREFIX}/etc/profile.d/
echo "source /etc/profile.d/" >> ~/.bashrc
Whether you chose to activate autocomplete globally or for azioncli only, the steps of each section should only be run once. After that, autocomplete will work every time you open a new terminal.
Run the command below once
echo "azioncli completion fish | source" >> ~/.config/fish/
If you uninstall azioncli, please edit your ~/.config/fish/
file and remove the line azioncli completion fish | source
In order to perform network operations it is mandatory to provide an authentication token
You can provide token in two ways.
- Using azion-cli configure command (this command saves the token in a configuration file for further use): $ azioncli configure -t
- Using environment variable (in this way the token will be cleared when the terminal is closed): $ export AZIONCLI_TOKEN=
You can just run azioncli
and see it's options
$ azioncli
Interact easily with Azion services
azioncli [flags]
edge_functions: Manages your Azion account's Edge Functions
edge_services: Manages your Azion account's Edge Services
configure: Configure parameters and credentials
help: Help about any command
version: Returns the binary version
-h, --help help for azioncli
-v, --verbose Makes azioncli verbose during the operation
--version version for azioncli
Use 'azioncli <command> <subcommand> --help' for more information about a command
For each subcommand use the -h|--help
flag to learn more about it:
$ ./bin/azioncli edge_functions --help
You can create, update, delete, list and describe your Azion account's Edge Functions
azioncli edge_functions [flags]
create: Create a new Edge Function
delete: Deletes an Edge Function
describe: Describes an Edge Function
list: Lists your account's Edge Functions
update: Updates an Edge Function
-h, --help help for edge_functions
-v, --verbose Makes azioncli verbose during the operation
Use 'azioncli <command> <subcommand> --help' for more information about a command
This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.