- ** Release 0.8.9 December 28th 2018 **
- Update to Bootstrap 4.2.1
- Fix for #796 - thx @IanDelMar
- Add .editorconfig - thx @IanDelMar
- Clean up gulp file and package.json according to #853
- Conditionally add pingback - thx @IanDelMar
- Add mobile-web-app meta as action - thx @IanDelMar
- Fixing spacing and indentation on a lot of spots - thx @IanDelMar
- Update comments.php - thx @IanDelMar
- Update sidebar-statichero.php - thx @IanDelMar
- Update several .php files - thx @IanDelMar
- Fix dropdown when setting depth=0 in wp_nav_menu - thx @stevygee
- WooCommerce 3.5.2 update - thx @Fatshape
- Fix for issue #876 - thx @Noel Springer
- ** Release 0.8.8 November 1st 2018 **
- Refactor functions.php - Thx @ylkyrg
- Fix for #808 - Thx @VarunBatraIT
- Add filters for posted on/by - Thx @IanDelMar
- Adjust byline for hidden date case - Thx @IanDelMar
- Fixed typo in wp_enqueue_style() call in inc/wpcom.php - Thx @Salmatron
- Add woocommerce product gallery slider width fix - Thx @IanDelMar
- Prevent modifications to read_more affecting dashboard expected behavior - thx @pattonwebz
- Tidy up left sidebar check - thx @gillespieza
- Add gulp default talk (watcher) - thx @redpik
- Remove $sidebar_pos - Thx @IanDelMar
- Update Woocommerce templates for WC 3.5.x - thx @ Noel Springer
- ** Release 0.8.7 September 11th 2018 **
- Spelling corrections thx @davidshq
- Updated pt_PT Translation thx @jfig
- Code cleanup thx @pattonwebz
- Using bootstrap.bundle.js instead of bootstrapjs and popper.js
- Update widgets.php thx @0dp
- Update form-coupon thx @Noel Springer
- Remove the X-UA-Compatible meta tag thx @redpik
- Fixing typo in FR text thx @redpik
- Create hooks.php thx @IanDelMar
- Using site info hook thx @IanDelMar
- Fix function_exists & parenthesis thx @IanDelMar
- Fix for Issue #769 thx @IanDelMar
- searchform.php replace assistive-text by sr-only thx @IanDelMar
- Update gulpconfig.json thx @0dp
- Fix for issue #785 thx @IanDelMar
- sidebar-footerfull.php: incorrect spacing thx @IanDelMar
- Stick to single quotes & other minor changes thx @IanDelMar
- Define .screen-reader-text thx @IanDelMar
- Focusable 'Skip to content' thx @IanDelMar
- Prevent direct access thx @IanDelMar
- ** Release 0.8.6 July 26th 2018 **
- Re - Release
- ** Release 0.8.5 July 26th 2018 **
- Update to Bootstrap 4.1.3
- ** Release 0.8.4 July 16th 2018 ** Maintenace Release:
- Update to Bootstrap 4.1.2
- fixing sidebar.php problem
- Revert to Gulp 3.x support
- ** Maintenance Release 0.8.4 July 16th 2018 **
- Update to Bootstrap 4
- fixing sidebar.php problem
- Revert to Gulp 3.x support
- ** Release 0.8.3 July 3rd 2018 **
- Update to Bootstrap 4.1.1
- Update to Gulp 4
- Moving closing primary </div> into right-sidebar-check.php
- Adding hero canvas widget pos
- Swap customized walker to latest upstream wp-bootstrap-navwalker class - Thx @pattonwebz
- gulp-rev - Thx @0dp
- Update pagination - thx @0dp
- Adding german formal language - Thx @Thomas-A-Reinert
- Added cookies checkbox support for inc/custom-comments.php - Thx @Jean Pierre Kolb
- Create Japanese translation - Thx @teruteru128
- WooCommerce 3.4.0 update - Thx @ZacharyElkins
- Organize sidebar files into loop-templates directory - Thx @axlright
- Update package.json
- POT file and Russian translation update - Thx @edkozuto
- ** Release 0.8.2 April 11th 2018 **
- Update to Bootstrap 4.1
- Adding CONTRIBUTING.md and ISSUE_TEMPLATE.md - Thx @Thomas-A-Reinert
- Adding empty JS file into build process for adding own JS more easily - Thx @Thomas-A-Reinert
- WooCommerce update and cleanup - Thx @ZacharyElkins
- Adding SASS source map functionality - Thx @axlright
- Cleanup - Thx @axlright
- Adding custom editor SASS stylesheet into build process
- Remove woocommerce.php integration and replace it with hooked approach - See: https://docs.woocommerce.com/document/third-party-custom-theme-compatibility/#section-5
- New pagination - Thx @0dp
- Update functions.php - Thx @0dp
- Add pluggable functions - Thx @axlright
- Add polish translation - Thx @mirzal
- Adding timestamp to js and css resources to prevent caching while developinh - Thx @@gintsmurans
- Improve left sidebar check - Thx @ZacharyElkins
- ** Release 0.8.1 March 7th 2018 **
- Updating dependencies
- Fixing and improing gulpfile.js - thx @0dp
- add function exists check in custom-comments.php - Thx @MarieComet
- Updated the markup for input groups according to BS 4 changes - Thx @IngoVals
- Lot of fixes and improvements - Thx @Thomas-A-Reinert and @lilolbear
- Fixes invalid code due to WP´s itemprop insertion - Thx @Thomas-A-Reinert
- Enhanced contrast to comply with WCAG 2.0 rules - Thx @Thomas-A-Reinert
- Completed german translation, fixed typos etc. - Thx @Thomas-A-Reinert
- Fixing typos in FR translation - Thx @MarieComet
- Adding hebrew language file - Thx @asaf147369
- Adding gulp-autoprefixer - Thx @axlright
- Updating WooCommerce compatibility
- Adding turkish translation - thx @mavisland
- Adding gulpconfig - Thx @lilolbear
- Enable woocommerce product gallery slider by default. - Thx @typeplus
- ** Release 0.8.0 January 22th 2018 **
- Update to Bootstrap 4 (no more Beta...)
- ** Release 0.7.0 December 29th 2017 **
- Update to Bootstrap 4 Beta 3
- Create rigth-sidebar-check.php - Thx @Vishal-Deshpande
- Fixing container type customizer setting - Thx @0dp
- Fixing comments.php - Thx @Vishal-Deshpande
- ** Release 0.6.12 December 14th 2017 **
- Hotfix release
- ** Release 0.6.11 December 11th 2017 **
- Fixing WooCommerce functions
- Fixing sanitizing, escaping and prefix´s issues
- Fixing customizer settings
- Removing duplicate code
- Resort theme-settings.php
- Cleaning functions.php
- Changing licensing infos
- ** Release 0.6.10 December 4th 2017 **
- Hotfix release
- ** Release 0.6.9 November 28th 2017 **
- Basic guideline adjustments
- Update prefixes
- Remove automatically db updates by theme
- Rename and streamline functions
- Changing WooCommerce text domain to "kerwaapp"
- Disable theme-settings.php call
- Remove jQuery 3.2.1 slim and switch back to WP core jQuery version
- Update Bootstrap 4 Beta 2 to commit which fixes jQuery conflict
- ** Release 0.6.8 November 27th 2017 **
- Theme check updates
- Bugfix release
- ** Release 0.6.7 November 24th 2017 **
- Workaround for jQuery inconsistency problem between Bootstrap Beta 2 and WordPress in noConflict mode
- Adding jQuery slim 3.2.1
- Update page.php - thx @Vishal-Deshpande
- Fixing colormap problem with beta 2
- Making navwalker function pluggable - Thx @bruceconlon
- Adding WordPress title attribute - Thx @JDVirtual and @Thomas-A-Reinert
- Fixing comments in theme_variable.scss - thx @ianwyllie
- Adding spaces the separate "posted on" and "edited" timestamps - Thx @bruceconlon
- ** Release 0.6.6 October 23h 2017 **
- Update to Bootstrap 4 Beta 2
- Moving hamburger icon to the right by default
- Fixing issue #392
- Gramma and typo fixes
- Making inc/security.php hookable
- Variable product ajax_add_to_cart fix
- Update Woocommerce 3.2.1 compatibility
- ** Release 0.6.5 August 17h 2017 **
- Hot fix release
- ** Release August 17h 2017 **
- Hot fix release - Rebuild new Bootstrap 4 Beta navbar markup into kerwaapp
- ** Release 0.6.3 August 14h 2017 **
- Update to Bootstrap 4 Beta
- Fixing wrong escaping - Thx @ramiy
- Adding composer.json - Thx @selfagency
- WooCommerce 3.1 compatibility update - Thx @typeplus
- WooCommerce Bootstrap buttons - Thx @yeszao
- theme-settings.php update - Thx @oralunal
- Update responisve meta tags for Bootstrap 4 - Thx @chuckreynolds
- ** Release 0.6.2 June 7h 2017 **
- Hot fix release
- ** Release 0.6.1 May 18th 2017 **
- Replacing some older BS3 markup - Thx @typeplus and @Kostas Vrouvas
- Add basic error handling for `gulp-plumber` - thx @L422Y
- Correcting woo commerce customer login markup
- Replacing cssnano with minify-css
- Fix deprecated product accessor for WooCommerce 3.0 - Thx @willgorham
- Declare woocommerce support - Thx @typeplus
- Adding norwegian translation files - Thx @joakimhellum
- Adding info for GitHub updater plugin
- Fixing imagemin task
- Specify correct post templates for jetpack infinite scroll - Thx @typeplus
- Streamline 404.php and aligning with other page templates
- Adding gulp-sequence
- ** Release 0.6.0 (skipping 0.5.8 and 0.5.9 ) Apr. 21th 2017 **
- Adding WooCommerce 3.0.0 support - Big thx @typeplus
- Add npm-debug.log to .gitignore file - thx @OussamaElgoumri
- Adding swedish translation files
- Fixing problems if both forms (login and register) are present
- Adding image optimization task to gulpfile - thx @VesterDe
- Removing old and unused BS4 Alpha 5 variables
- Include call to jQuery into if block - hx @wingertjp
- phpcs fixes - thx @typeplus
- Fixing col-1 problem on my account WooCommerce page
- Updating Font Awesome imports
- ** Release 0.5.7 Feb. 13th 2017 **
- Fixing WooCommerce base layout by reverting custom woocommerce integration and switch back to default integration
- Adding /js/ folder to watcher task excluding theme.js and theme.min.js
- Removing duplicate DIV from "both-sidebars" page template - Thx @evandiamond
- Fixing sidebar check
- Remove customizer from theme.min.js
- ** Release 0.5.6 (skipping 0.5.5) Feb. 9th 2017 **
- Adding automated tests - thx @carl-alberto
- Remove custom Bootstrap gellery completely
- Fixing typos - thx to @catgofire
- Checking for WP coding standards
- Adding a "dist-product" gulp task
- Adding WooCommerce form-checkout.php - thx @stef-k
- Fixing bug #240 - thx @arpage
- Adding AJAX classes to add-to-cart buttons - thx @typeplus
- Updating Jetpack integration
- Fixing "missing" h1 on frontpage problem
- Updating inc/template-tags.php from s
- Fixing W3C validator issues
- Removing cleancss gulp task from cssnano task sequence due to performance issues
- ** Release 0.5.4 Jan. 25th 2017 **
- Fixing problems with dynamic sidebars (footerfull and statichero) - Thx @NayeemNipun
- Removes Owl Carousel slider and replace it with the BS4 carousel
- Fixing "both sidebars" problem - Thx @ZXCVLuke
- SEO improvements - Thx @raisonon
- CSS cleanup
- Updating dependencies
- ** Release 0.5.3 Jan. 12th 2017 **
- Updating dependencies
- Adding BS4 styles to editor style formats - Thx @ZXCVLuke
- Adding theme css to editor
- Dynamize the full footer and static hero widget area.
- Custom header preparations
- adding customizer edit icon support
- Fixing "no sidebar" problem
- Update Custom Logo Tags - Thx @jessijean
- ** Release 0.5.2 Jan. 7th 2017 **
- Updating to Bootstrap 4 Alpha 6
- Fixing german translation issues
- Cleanup navbar code
- Cleanup kerwaapp Sass file
- Fixing browsersync issues
- Removing one page vertical template
- Update dependencies
- ** Release 0.5.1 Dec. 29th 2016 **
- Adding spanish translation
- Translation updates for: Greek, German, French
- Updating language bas file
- Streamlining Gulp tasks
- Adding WooCommerce templates
- Adding Contact Form 7 support
- Fixing W3C validator issues
- Adding BS4 pagination
- Adding BS4 article nav
- Include /JS folder to watcher task
- Some SEO improvements (especially h1 for article titles on single item pages, etc.)
- Adding italian language
- General bug fixing
- Fixing live preview for customizer
- Font Awesome update
- Udating all npm dependencies
- ARIA roles update
- Updating hamburger icon behavior
- ** Release 0.5.0 Nov. 24th 2016 **
- Update Owl Carousel to 2.2.0
- Update Font Awesome to 4.7.0
- Greek language file added - Thx @stef-k
- Portugese language file added - Thx @jfig
- Adding vertical-one-page template for landingpages - Thx @stef-k
- Making all theme functions pluggable to allow child themes to overwrite ´em
- French language file added - Thx @tchama
- Adding article pagination and page nav BS4 markup - Thx @stef-k & @Thomas-A-Reinert
- Adding dynamic sidebar function - Thx @stef-k
- Korean language file added
- Basic WooCommerce templates added
- Fixing "Gulp dist" Task
- Adding masonry layout option to optimizer - Thx @stef-k
- Adding fluid/fixed conatiner option to optimizer
- ** 0.4.9 Oct. 25th 2016 **
- Updating to Bootstrap 4 Alpha 5
- Using the correct BS4 markup for navbar - Thx @tedgeving
- Inject theme name and version into the footer dynamically - Thx @maxdmyers
- Adding a blank template for building up a landingpage via WP editor or as blank canvas for Visual Compoeser etc. - Thx @omarusman
- Fixing problem with empty folders after "gulp dist" - Thx @alwizo
- Fixed custom logo function typo - Thx @willgorham
- ** 0.4.8 Oct. 10th 2016 **
- Removing Bower and replace the dependency managment with npm
- Update to Bootstrap 4 Alpha 4
- Optimizing WooCommerce loop - Thx @typeplus
- Updating all dependencies
- Add WP Theme logo feature - Thx @jessijean
- ** 0.4.7 Aug. 15th 2016 **
- Fixing problem with tag page
- Fixing Navbar "hopping"
- Global bugfixing and streamlining performance issues
- ** 0.4.6 Aug. 1st 2016 **
- Update to Bootstrap 4 Alpha 3
- Adding basic padding to aligned content images
- Adding author.php template with author infos
- Correct language file + german translation
- ** 0.4.5 Jun. 20th 2016 **
- Adding right sanitizing function for customizer
- Fixing some escaping problems
- Removing "add script" customizer function
- Calling all sidebars with "get_sidebar"
- Load hero area on index.php conditionally
- Remove unused code, files and dependencies
- Adding credits for WP Bootstrap Navwalker by Edward McIntyre
- ** 0.4.4 Jun. 18th 2016 **
- Adding the new empty.php page template. Comes just with header, footer and a content area without markup. Good for build up landingpages. An empty canvas for your Bootstrap markup.
- Update bower.json dependencies to latest versions
- Update package.json dependencies to latest versions
- Adding Theter script as dependency for BS4 tooltip component
- Resorting gulpfile.js
- Removing BS3 completely as dependency
- Smaller bugfixes and code improvements
- ** 0.4.0 Apr. 29th 2016 **
- Switching from Bootstrap 3 to Bootstrap 4
- Adding BrowserSync to gulpfile (again thx to @dvlopes)
- Preparing the navbar markup so that the current version will work with Bootstrap 3 AND 4
- Adding "gulp scripts" command - This uglifies and minifies all JS files (except jQuery...) into one single JS file called theme.min.js
- Updating Gulpfile - now "gulp copy-assets" command copies all files from dependency folders into mid-layer folder called "/src"
- Load jQuery again as extra script instead of concat it into on single file. After some problems with WooCommerce and other plugins
- Checking WordPress 4.5 compatibility
- Updating language template
- Adding Brazilian Portuguese (pt-BR) translation (thx to @dvlopes).
- ** 0.3.8 Mar. 9th 2016 **
- Adding footer widget area
- Adjust Bootstrap markup for searchform and search widget
- ** 0.3.7 Jan. 8th 2016**
- Cleanup for submitting to WordPress.org theme repository:
- Fixing sticky post problem
- Fixing skip-to-content link
- re-activating the admin bar
- adding readme.txt
- Fixing missing translation strings in comments template
- ** 0.3.6 Jan. 4th 2016**
- Cleanup
- Updating dependencies
- Upgrade to Bootstrap 3.3.6 and Font Awesome 4.5.0
- ** 0.3.4 SEP. 9th 2015**
- Adding basic WooCommerce support
- Cleanup for submitting to wordpress.org
- Removing s SASS ... no need for basic styling. Thats Bootstrap´s job.
- ** 0.3.1 AUG. 12th 2015**
- Adding bower dependency manager and replacing GRUNT taskrunner with GULP
- ** 0.3.0 Mar. 23th 2015**
- Streamlining some code, adding extra "sticky" area (sticky posts above the main content area inside an extra loop). Fixing some child theme issues (now its really child theme ready...really...trust me...)
- ** 0.2.9 Mar. 10th 2015**
- Adding a new theme customizer option. It lets you add a code snippet right before the closing </body> tag.
For example for Google Analytics, Google Tag Mananger, Pingdom etc. Just copy and past your code to the input field and save the setting.
So you don´t have to edit the theme source file´s directly and your theme stay´s updateable
- ** 0.2.8 Feb. 6th 2015**
- Adding Grunt and Grunt SASS task
- ** 0.2.7 Jan. 26th 2015**
- Adding some basic theme option for the build-in slider script
- ** 0.2.6 Dec. 28th 2014**
- CLean up
- ** 0.2 Dec. 22th 2014**
- Adding Jasny Off-Canvas nav and Owl.Carousel Slider script
- Enqueue scipts and styled dynamically
- ** 0.1 Dec. 10th 2014 - First commit**