Git and Github for GeoData
By Calvin Metcalf
This is for:
Data less then 10MB
Preferably much less
This is an 80% solution
You can not jigger it to work for your 300MB data inventory
Don't waste your time
Use it for your 12 other datasets that are 800k or less
just putting it out there
nobody gives a shit about authoritative data sources except their publisher
bear that in mind before asking your question about preventing forks
you'll understand when we get there
Version Control
No Central Source
Unless you want one.
As complex as you want it to be
developed by linux maintainers so that large groups could code together via email
commit: a set of changes
they are cumulative
like drafts of a paper
you can hope back to the state your repo was at by going to the commit
and also compare the difference between commits to see what was changed
the basic 'unit' of git
repository (repo): a place where you put code (or data or anything)
you can have a repository on your computer
and one on another one (like a server)
you edit your repo
then commit the changes (with a message)
then push the changes from your local computer to the server
its like editing a word doc
saving a draft
and then posting the new draft with a note
except if 8 people are all doing it for the same document it doesn't suck
a place to store your git repo
big deal right?
code view
evolved into data view
and difs of data
every repo is a static site (if you want it to be)
next slides few slides from Bill Morris's presentation on git
How to github
step one
That's it!
(not really; we have some work to do. But is is that easy to get started.)
For good measure, install the github app (aka CodeBeGone)
(for mac & for windows)
any geojson or topojson (under 10mb) will be rendered
free hosting of static sites
to get data in you can use esri2open
best parts
great place to store data
likely a better ui for browsing
others can fork it
make their own local version
and make changes
maybe open a pull request to get it merged back in
maybe not
maybe go fuck yourself make something even cooler
good examples include