General guidelines for contributing to node-mapnik
See the Mapnik guide.
Please update the inline documentation when adding/editing functionality. All documentation is generated dynamically with documentationjs. Node Mapnik docs are located at
All documentation is updated on a daily basis if there have been changes to the master
branch. To view your documentation changes locally:
npm run docs
python -m SimpleHTTPServer # localhost:8000/documentation/<version>
Note: since has a specific theme for documentationjs, it will look different than viewing locally.
In order for any code to be pulled into master it must contain tests for 100% of all lines. The only lines that are not required to be tested are those that cover extreme cases which can not be tested with regularity, such as race conditions.
If this case does occur you can put a comment block such as shown below to exclude the lines from test coverage.
Create a milestone for the next release on github. If all anticipated changes are back compatible then a patch
release is in order. If minor API changes are needed then a minor
release is in order. And a major
bump is warranted if a new Mapnik major version is dependent upon or major API changes are needed.
Assign tickets and pull requests you are working to the milestone you created.
To release a new node-mapnik version:
1) Create a branch for your work
2) Updating the Mapnik SDK used for binaries
If your node-mapnik release requires a new Mapnik version, then a new Mapnik SDK would need to be published first.
To get a new Mapnik SDK published for Unix:
- The Mapnik master branch must be production ready.
- Or you can build an SDK from a testing branch. In this case the
value here can be edited. - Next you would commit to the
repo with the message of-m "[publish]"
. - Watch the end of the travis logs to get the url of the new SDK (
Then, back at node-mapnik, take the new SDK version (which is generated by git describe
and add it to the MAPNIK_GIT
variable in the .travis.yml
To get a new Mapnik SDK published for Windows:
- The scripts at are used
- They do not run fast enough to work on appveyor so we plan AWS automation to get this working.
- In the meantime ping @BergWerkGIS to run them and provide a new SDK.
Then, back at node-mapnik, take the new SDK version (which is generated by git describe
and add it to the MAPNIK_GIT
variable in the appveyor.yml
3) Make sure all tests are passing on travis and appveyor for your branch. Check the links at
4) Within your branch edit the version
value in package.json
to something unique that will not clash with existing released versions. For example if the current release (check this via is 3.1.4
then you could rename your version
to 3.1.5-alpha
or 3.1.5-branchname
5) Commit the new version and publish binaries
Do this like:
git commit package.json -m "bump to v3.1.5-alpha [publish binary]"
What if you already committed the package.json
bump and you have no changes to commit but want to publish binaries. In this case you can do:
git commit --allow-empty -m "[publish binary]"
If you need to republish binaries you can do this with the command below, however this should not be a common thing for you to do!
git commit --allow-empty -m "[republish binary]"
Note: NEVER republish binaries for an existing released version.
6) Test your binaries
Lots of ways to do this of course. Just updating a single dependency of node-mapnik is a good place to start:
But the ideal way is to test a lot at once: enter mapnik-swoop.
Head over to Install it and run it like so after ensuring that it is pointed at your upcoming node-mapnik version.
Ensure that all tests are passing and no dupes are reported. Only ignore failing tests for dependencies if you can confirm with the downstream maintainers of the modules that those tests are okay to fail and unrelated to your node-mapnik changes. You can check recent builds to see if all builds were green and passing before your change. If they were red and failing before then try to resolve those issues before testing your new node-mapnik version.
7) Official release
An official release requires:
- Updating the
- Publishing new binaries for a non-alpha version like
. So you'd want to merge your branch and then edit theversion
value in package.json back to a decent value for release. - Create a github tag like
git tag --annotate v3.1.5 -m "v3.1.5"
- Push new tags
git push --tags
- Optional: Test mapnik-swoop again for your new tagged version
- Ensure you have a clean checkout (no extra files in your check that are not known by git). You need to be careful, for instance, to avoid a large accidental file being packaged by npm. You can get a view of what npm will publish by running
make testpack
- Fully rebuild and ensure install from binary works:
make clean && npm install --fallback-to-build=false
- Then publish the module to npm repositories by running
npm publish