This bundle integrate Structured Data from to your project.
composer requiere the-cocktail/sulu-schema-org-bundle
Insert this code into your "base.html.twig" so that the entire generated schema is automatically inserted into the response.
{{ constant('TheCocktail\\Bundle\\SuluSchemaOrgBundle\\Factory\\SchemaOrgFactory::TWIG_KEY')|raw }}
Now you can define Schema types for each template adding a 'sulu.schema_org' tag for each template and elements.
Basic example in homepage.xml
<tag name="sulu.schema_org" itemtype="WebSite"/>
<title lang="en">Homepage</title>
<title lang="es">Homepage</title>
<property name="title" type="text_line" mandatory="true">
<title lang="en">Title</title>
<title lang="es">Título</title>
<param name="headline" value="true"/>
<tag name="sulu.schema_org" itemtype="WebSite" itemprop="name"/>
<tag name="sulu.rlp.part"/>
<property name="url" type="resource_locator" mandatory="true">
<title lang="es">Slug</title>
<title lang="en">Slug</title>
<tag name="sulu.schema_org" itemtype="WebSite" itemprop="url"/>
<tag name="sulu.rlp"/>
Generated code:
<script type="application/ld+json">
There are some useful options for self-assigning Seo and Extracts properties
# image format generated for all image types
image_format: "sulu-240x"
enabled: true
schema: EducationalOrganization
uid: main
property: name
type: text_line
property: description
type: text_line
property: headline
type: text_line
property: image
type: media_selection
You can define properties in all blocks of the project by assigning the fields according to the scope.
<type name="hero">
<title lang="es">01M - Hero</title>
<title lang="en">01M - Hero</title>
<property name="title" type="text_line" mandatory="true">
<title lang="es">Título</title>
<title lang="en">Title</title>
<property name="images" type="media_selection" mandatory="true" maxOccurs="1">
<title lang="es">Imágenes</title>
<title lang="en">Images</title>
<tag name="sulu.schema_org" itemtype="WebSite" itemprop="image"/>
Sometimes the field is used in multiple scopes, then you can change 'itemtype' property by "*"
<tag name="sulu.schema_org" itemtype="*" itemprop="image"/>
Many schemas define child objects, like Addrees in a Event, so you must register all in template with its scope. The property itemscope defines the parent so you must specify
<tag name="sulu.schema_org" itemtype="Event"/>
<tag name="sulu.schema_org" itemtype="Place" itemscope="Event" itemprop="location" />
<tag name="sulu.schema_org" itemtype="PostalAddress" itemscope="Place" itemprop="address" />
Now if a property with itemtype="PostalAddress exists in your code it will be assigned to its schema:
<property name="city" type="text_line" mandatory="true">
<title lang="en">City</title>
<tag name="sulu.schema_org" itemtype="PostalAddress" itemscope="Place" itemprop="addressLocality" />
<property name="zip" type="text_line" mandatory="true">
<title lang="en">Zip</title>
<tag name="sulu.schema_org" itemtype="PostalAddress" itemscope="Place" itemprop="postalCode" />
There is a Twig Function to generate Breadcrumb schema. Put in any place of your twig templates:
{{ sulu_schema_org('breadcrumb', breadcrumb) }}
If organitation option is enabled in configuration. An Organization Schema with uid defined will be inyected in schema list. You must specify the type of your organization. See some types here