To run this app, you need to install Java 8, Maven. Run these apps below as: Simpler server -> gateway -> client
Using Spring boot, accept http request and just return the response with error rate is 10%. Run on default port 8080.
Using Netty Gateway address config variable live in com.demo.gateway.NettyServer
private static final int GATEWAY_PORT=6969;
private static final String GATEWAY_HORT="localhost";
We need to point gateway to server, change the variable in com.demo.gateway.service.GetPriceService if needed
public static final String PRICE_URL="http://localhost:8080/price";
We can choose which kind of client to use in config file.
Change config in gateway/src/main/resources/config.yaml
The clientType in config file can be reference from com.demo.gateway.GatewayConfiguration.ClientType
Using Netty. Config variable to point to gateway and number of client live in
private static final String GATEWAY_SERVER_HOST="localhost";
private static final int GATEWAY_SERVER_PORT=6969;
private static final int NUM_OF_CLIENT=200;
Each client will send a message to gateway and print response when receiving.