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MaNGOS Zero Changelog

This change log references the relevant changes (bug and security fixes) done in recent versions.

0.19 (2014-07-09) - Ludas Legacy

Major changes for this build which require your attention when upgrading include:

Many Thanks to all the groups and individuals who contributed to this release.

  • The mangos-zero build system has been overhauled again since the previous version was unwieldy for a majority of windows users and some devs !.

  • In the win folder there is a new solution "BuildEverything" which does just that. It builds the Core, Extraction Tools and Scripts library.

  • From this release Eluna scripting has been added. Many thanks to the Eluna Team

  • Add a configurable delay between when a creature respawns

  • Add clang to the compiler list.

  • Add script support for quest 660.

  • Added a few basics for embedding Lua, and updated docs accordingly.

  • Added creature_equip_template sql

  • Added exception to allow/restrict use of specific mounts.

  • Added files for Lua engine.

  • Added missing definition

  • Added support for quest 2118.

  • Added Trash spell for Ebonroc, Firemaw and Flamegor

  • Added VS2013 support

  • All dispel spells will check if there is something to dispell

  • Anger control and Superposition of combustion

  • Backport recastnavigation

  • Big rename of creature_template fields.

  • Change to random movement

  • Chat commands disabled for normal players.

  • Chat system refactoring All chat function now call same method

  • Cleaned up references slightly

  • Cleanup world state sending

  • Closed a few resource leaks.

  • Continued fixing EventAI documentation.

  • Correct Holy Light Cast time.

  • Correct some BG chat message missing target name.

  • Corrected some missed year updates

  • Correctly check aura on target for HealingBonusTaken instead.

  • Don't do periodic heal ticks if the target is already at max

  • Drop gossip for learning/unlearning advanced tailor skills

  • EventAI documentation style fixes.

  • Extract vmaps using correct path.

  • Finished Movemap-generator and added new BuildTools projects

  • Fix a bug that area was not correctly returned in some cases.

  • Fix conflict between quest 8447 and 8733

  • Fix creature flee dont loose target.

  • Fix creature loose target while rooted.

  • Fix failed assertions while playing with the Mac client.

  • Fix fleeing creature walking instead of running.

  • Fix freeze if opcode.txt file does not exist on .debug send

  • Fix LANG_ADDON use on Guild Channels

  • Fix libmpq

  • Fix mistake in Twin Emperors script

  • Fix npc_Ame01 aggro texts

  • Fix PostgreSQL bindings and add support to build

  • Fix reloading horde controlled capture point

  • Fix Rockbiter Weapon and remove some TBC-specific code.

  • Fix some spellmods.

  • Fix spell 6346 (Fear Ward)

  • Fix spirit based mana regen

  • Fix Tauren druid size when shapeshifted.

  • Fix vmapexporter building on Mac OS X

  • Fixed a race condition in Thread.

  • Fixed an error in map extractor help message.

  • Fixed architecture name.

  • Fixed issue with PCH not working on some versions of GCC

  • Fixed the debug send chatmmessage.

  • Get rid of bounding radius in GetNearPoint[2D] and ObjectPosSelector.

  • Hide known recipes when the Usable box is checked in the AH.

  • Hunter pet's will now properly follow stay commands.

  • Hunter pets will gain full experience while in group, instead of half.

  • Implement 2 chat channel responses

  • Implement basic follow-quest 2904 - A fine mess.

  • Implement escort quests 1222, 1270.

  • Implement new stats system for Health and Mana.

  • Implement script support for quest 3367.

  • Implemented fix from for issue #152 (fixed by user EdwardTuring)

  • Improve 'NPCs gets stuck in melee animation while casting'.

  • Improve chat channel code.

  • Improve handling of TargetMMGen.

  • Improve random movement by permit randomly no wait time.

  • Instantiate Lua engine as singleton.

  • Integrate map extractor into build process.

  • Let git_id create mysqldump alike dumps.

  • Loading/reloading classlevelstats.

  • Looting in groups has been corrected, and you should now be able to use group loot

  • Looting will be cancelled upon movement.

  • Makes Paladin's talent Benediction reduces mana cost

  • Map extractor messages have been cleaned up.

  • Map/Vmap extractor dependancies cleaned up

  • Maximum path length can be provided from random movement generator.

  • Merged ACTION_T_EMOTE_TARGET from mangos-three.

  • Mobs fleeing in fear will now properly flee, instead of running.

  • Move Lua engine to different folder.

  • Movement flags for character movement have been updated for vanilla WoW.

  • Movement map generator now will print clean usage instructions.

  • Movement maps generator will report map version on startup.

  • Pet stats are not modified by owner stats in vanilla.

  • Power Infusion spell from priests now has more restrictions

  • Prevent resource leaks in DBC loader.

  • Properly detect clang and TR1 features.

  • Readd clang to condition.

  • Remove a compile warning and better test with float.

  • Remove prebuild extractors

  • Remove unused argument in CalculateMeleeDamage.

  • Remove unused constructor overloads.

  • Removed off-mesh coordinates for maps not available in vanilla WoW.

  • Removed redundant log output, and corrected a few compile time warnings.

  • Removed script library entries for creatures not available in vanilla

  • Rename m_respawnAggroDelay to make it more generic

  • Renamed DBC field format enums.

  • Reorder and unify the config's stat modifier handling.

  • Reorganize code to allow rage rewarded for critter type.

  • Reputation discount fix. Now there is a flat 10% discount

  • Reserve more DB_SCRIPT_STRING_ID. It seems that could be useful

  • Restore warnings, and provide macros for C++11.

  • Script for quest 4021 Counterattack

  • Script Library Fixup #1

  • Script support for quest 2987 Gordunni cobalt

  • Set max gossip menu items to 32.

  • Simple fix to avoid corpse moving in some situation.

  • startup check for action_t_summon_unique

  • Summon ID checks now for EVENT_T_SUMMON_UNIQUE

  • support for creature_item_template

  • There is no unit flag for mounted state.

  • Prevent creatures from pulling too many nearby mobs

  • Trade channel and guild recruitment channel still had notifications

  • Trap GO now dispawn with their parrent object and special case for quest

  • Update all stats after creature respawn.

  • Update and improve script for quest 1249

  • Update Vmap asembler and others

  • Updated database structure and default contents.

  • Updated HandleMoveTimeSkippedOpcode to use proper definition

  • Updated libmpq library slightly

  • Updated ScriptData/ContentData comments in Script library.

  • Updated VS2010/13 projects for scripts

  • Use proper path in usage examples.

  • Various 64Bit Build fixes

  • When consuming potions not usable by their class, characters will now to told they can't

  • Windows service handler / ACE compatibility fixed.

0.18.1 (2013-11-02)

Major changes for this build which require your attention when upgrading include awesome things such as these:

  • The mangos-zero build system has been overhauled, and we are now using CMake only. For Linux and FreeBSD users this means you can always use packages as provided by your distribution, and for Windows users this means you'll now have to download and install dependencies just once. We recommend that our Windows users pick up pre-built dependencies from GNUWin32.
  • The tools for map extraction and generation from the game client are finally first class citizens when you build mangos-zero, and will be built, too.
  • The genrevision application has been removed from the build. Revision data and build information is now extracted via Git only.
  • SOAP bindings for the world server are now optional, and will be disabled by default when building mangos-zero. If you need them, there is a CMake switch available to enable the bindings.
  • The output given by all map tools has been cleaned up, and will now give you useful information such as the map version, or complete usage instructions. Pass the --help parameter, and any map tool will provide usage instructions!
  • Documentation has been rewritten and converted to Markdown format, which is readable and converts nicely to HTML when viewing in the repository browser.
  • Documentation has been added for all map tools including usage instructions and examples.
  • Player movement has been rewritten, and now factors in possible issues such as lag when sending out character movement. This also means, looting when moving is no longer possible, and will be canceled.
  • Looting in groups has been corrected, and you should now be able to use round robin, master looter, free for all and need before greed looting.
  • EventAI is now more verbose, and will validate targets for commands upon server start-up. It's very likely that you will see many more errors now. Additionally the npc aiinfo command will display more useful info.
  • ScriptDev2 has been merged into the server repository! You do not need to make a clone, and may need to delete previously checkouts of the scripts repository. This also means, ScriptDev2 will now always be built when you build the mangos-zero server.

Also numerous minor fixes and improvements have been added, such as:

  • Using potions for power types not used by a class will now raise the correct error messages, e.g. Warriors can no longer consume Mana potions.
  • Hunter pets will receive full experience when their masters are grouped.
  • Mobs fleeing will do so now in normal speed, instead of crazy speed.
  • The world server will now provide improved, readable output on start-up, and less confusing messages for identical issues.
  • In-game commands goname and namego have been replaced with appear and summon. If you happen to find other commands with weird naming, let us know!
  • We have done extensive house-keeping and removed many TBC specific code parts, and replaced TBC specific values with the proper vanilla WoW counterparts. This includes the TBC spell modifiers, which now have been dropped and are no longer available.
  • Unprivileged player accounts will no longer be able to execute mangos dot commands in the in-game chat. If you need this, enable PlayerCommands in the mangosd configuration. The default setting is off.

0.18.0 (2013-08-31)

Major changes for this build which require your attention when upgrading include awesome things such as these:

  • A build fix for FreeBSD has been added, thanks to @bels. mangos-zero should now successfully build again.
  • In-game channels Local defense and zone channels no longer have characters as owners.
  • Creature emotes have been fixed, and work again.
  • Weather updates for zones without any defined weather have been fixed. A zone without weather will no longer cause the client to play random sounds.
  • Spell linking based on conditions has been added. The table spell_linked now allows you to cast additional spells when a spell was cast based on a set of conditions.
  • The table scripted_event_id has been renamed to scripted_event.
  • dbscripts_... received a new command: SCRIPT_COMMAND_TURN_TO allows to turn creatures towards a target.
  • EventAI received a new action: ACTION_T_SUMMON_UNIQUE which allows to summon a unique creature, which means the summon target can only be summoned once.
  • The Scripting API has been streamlined to use more consistent function naming for all exported functions.

The following highlights the changes to the Scripting API:

  • isVendor renamed to IsVendor
  • isTrainer renamed to IsTrainer
  • isQuestGiver renamed to IsQuestGiver
  • isGossip renamed to IsGossip
  • isTaxi renamed to IsTaxi
  • isGuildMaster renamed to IsGuildMaster
  • isBattleMaster renamed to IsBattleMaster
  • isBanker renamed to IsBanker
  • isInnkeeper renamed to IsInnkeeper
  • isSpiritHealer renamed to IsSpiritHealer
  • isSpiritGuide renamed to IsSpiritGuide
  • isTabardDesigner renamed to IsTabardDesigner
  • isAuctioneer renamed to IsAuctioneer
  • isArmorer renamed to IsArmorer
  • isServiceProvider renamed to IsServiceProvider
  • isSpiritService renamed to IsSpiritService
  • isInCombat renamed to IsInCombat
  • isFeared renamed to IsFeared
  • isInRoots renamed to IsInRoots
  • isFrozen renamed to IsFrozen
  • isTargetableForAttack renamed to IsTargetableForAttack
  • isAlive renamed to IsAlive
  • isDead renamed to IsDead
  • getDeathState renamed to GetDeathState
  • isCharmedOwnedByPlayerOrPlayer renamed to IsCharmedOwnedByPlayerOrPlayer
  • isCharmed renamed to IsCharmed
  • isVisibleForOrDetect renamed to IsVisibleForOrDetect
  • canDetectInvisibilityOf renamed to CanDetectInvisibilityOf
  • isVisibleForInState renamed to IsVisibleForInState
  • isInvisibleForAlive renamed to IsInvisibleForAlive
  • getThreatManager renamed to GetThreatManager
  • addHatedBy renamed to AddHatedBy
  • removeHatedBy renamed to RemoveHatedBy
  • getHostileRefManager renamed to GetHostileRefManager
  • setTransForm renamed to SetTransform
  • getTransForm renamed to GetTransform
  • isHover renamed to IsHover
  • addFollower renamed to AddFollower
  • removeFollower renamed to RemoveFollower
  • propagateSpeedChange renamed to PropagateSpeedChange

Also numerous minor fixes and improvements have been added, such as:

  • We have continued our research on client data, and resolved another batch of unknown variables and flags with their proper values including spell families and item classes.
  • A few compile time warnings have been resolved, as well as a number of possible security issues, thanks to @Coverity scanning service for OS projects!
  • Spells rewarding spells, and/or casting spells on reward will now cast the proper spell. Also quest givers will be able to cast spells ignoring Mana requirements when they are out of combat on reward.
  • Documentation for many parts of the source code has been extended.
  • An issue in the realm list server has been fixed, where it would loose the connection to MySQL.
  • When casting Soothe Animal, the level of the targeted creature will be checked.
  • The map extractor build for Linux was fixed, and builds properly again.
  • A fix for applying speed for fleeing creatures was added.