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Blazor Components Modal dialog control

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Blazor component that can be used for prompting Modal dialog window for lightboxes, user notifications or with fully customizable Header, Content and Footer parameterized Overlay, etc.. All components work with WebAssembly and Server hosted models. For code examples see usage.

You can try it out by using the demo app.

Modal demo


  • ModalDialog: renders Modal dialog window with fully customizable Header, Content and Footer and parameterized Overlay, etc...

ModalDialog component

Modal dialogs are positioned over everything else in the document with optional Overlay (customizable opacity and color). Modal dialogs are removed from DOM when closed. Only one modal window can be shown at a time. Dialog automatically (can be disabled) focuses itself to capture keyboard events when closed will refocus the last element.


  • Header: RenderFragment HTML content
    HTML content to show on the Modal header (top), right to the close button (if visible). Can be any valid HTML but should be only Title text. Must not be defined if you want to leave it out. Also ShowCloseButton must be set to false
  • Content: RenderFragment HTML content - Required
    Required HTML content to show on the Modal dialog. Can be any valid HTML.
  • Footer: RenderFragment HTML content
    HTML content to show on the Modal footer (bottom). Can be any valid HTML but should be only custom action buttons. Must not be defined if you want to leave it out.
  • OverlayBackgroundColor: string { get; set; } (default: "gray")
    Sets the style of the HTML <div> background-color. Use HTML specified: Color Names, RGB or with HEX values.
  • OverlayOpacity: double { get; set; } (default: 0.9)
    Opacity of the overlay <div>. Value should be between 0..1. Where 0 means the overlay layer is not visible.
  • CloseOnOverlayClick: bool { get; set; } (default: true)
    When true Modal dialog will be closed when Overlay (background) clicked. It works even if Overlay not visible (Opacity is set to 0)
  • CloseOnEscapeKey: bool { get; set; } (default: true)
    When true Modal dialog will be closed when Esc (Escape) key pressed.
  • Height: double { get; set; } (default: 0)
    Modal dialog window Height in px if set to 0 Height is set auto.
  • Width: double { get; set; } (default: 0)
    Modal dialog window Width in px if set to 0 Width is set auto.
  • MinHeight: double { get; set; } (default: 200)
    Modal dialog window minimum Height in px.
  • MinWidth: double { get; set; } (default: 200)
    Modal dialog window minimum Width in px.
  • Focus: bool { get; set; } (default: true)
    When true Modal dialog will automatically set focus to itself when it opens, and set it bact to the last focused element when it closes. In general this should never be set to false as it makes the Modal less accessible to screen-readers, etc.
  • Animate: bool { get; set; } (default: true)
    When true Modal dialog will appear and disappear by using smooth CSS slide and fade transitions.
  • Centered: bool { get; set; } (default: false)
    When true Modal dialog will be vertically centered, otherwise shown near to the top. Modal dialog horizontally always centered.
  • ShowCloseButton: bool { get; set; } (default: true)
    When true Modal dialog will show Header (even if Header is not defined) with closed x button.
  • IsOpen: bool { get; }
    Returns true if the Modal dialog is opened, otherwise false.

Arbitrary HTML attributes e.g.: id="diag1" will be passed to the corresponding rendered root HTML element Overlay <div>.


  • OnOpen: EventCallback
    Callback function called when the Modal dialog is opening.
  • OnClose: EventCallback
    Callback function called when the Modal dialog is closing.
  • OnCloseButtonClicked: EventCallback<MouseEventArgs>
    Callback function called when close x button was clicked.
  • OnOverlayClicked: EventCallback<MouseEventArgs>
    Callback function called when Overlay (background) was clicked.
  • OnEscapeKeyPress: EventCallback<KeyboardEventArgs>
    Callback function called when Esc key was pressed.
  • OnTransitionEnded: EventCallback<TransitionEventArgs[]>
    Callback function called when CSS transitions are ended. It will be triggered when dialog opened or closed.


  • Open(): Task Open()
    When method called Modal dialog will be opened. It should be await-ed.
  • Close(): Task Close()
    When method called Modal dialog will be closed. It should be await-ed.
  • DisposeAsync(): Task DisposeAsync()
    Component implements IAsyncDisposable interface Blazor framework will call it when parent removed from render tree.



Majorsoft.Blazor.Components.Modal is available on NuGet.

dotnet add package Majorsoft.Blazor.Components.Modal

Use the --version option to specify a preview version to install.


Add using statement to your Blazor <component/page>.razor file. Or globally reference it into _Imports.razor file.

@using Majorsoft.Blazor.Components.Modal


Majorsoft.Blazor.Components.Modal package depends on other Majorsoft Nuget packages:

Register services

In case of WebAssembly project register services in your Program.cs file:

using Majorsoft.Blazor.Components.CssEvents;
public static async Task Main(string[] args)
	var builder = WebAssemblyHostBuilder.CreateDefault(args);

	//Register dependencies

In case of Server hosted project register services in your Startup.cs file:

using Majorsoft.Blazor.Components.CssEvents;

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
	//Register dependencies

ModalDialog usage

Following code example shows how to use ModalDialog component. Most important is you have to add @ref="" Blazor tag to the component in order to access it in your code.

This example shows a simple dialog with Content message. Blazor does not support empty content check. Which means if you want to skip, remove Header and Footer you should not define it. To achieve this do not place Header or Footer into the HTML markup.

<button class="btn btn-primary mb-2" @onclick="@(() => _simpledialog1.Open())">Default dialog</button>

<ModalDialog @ref="_simpledialog1" MinHeight="50">
		Welcome to Blazor default ModalDialog...

@code {
	private ModalDialog _simpledialog1;

This example shows a fully customized dialog with Header, Content and Footer sections.

<ModalDialog @ref="_dialog"
		@*If you want to hide Header remove the whole Header definition and set ShowCloseButton="false"*@
		<div class="container">
			<div class="row pb-2">
		@*If you want to hide Header remove the whole Footer definition"*@
		<button class="btn btn-warning ml-2" @onclick="CancelDialog">Cancel</button>
		<button class="btn btn-primary ml-2" @onclick="AcceptDialog">Ok</button>

@code {
	//Fully customized dialog
	private string _overlayColor = "128,128,128"; //gray
	private double _overlayOpacity = 0.5;
	private double _modalHeight = 270;
	private double _modalWitdth = 500;
	private double _modalMinHeight = 100;
	private double _modalMinWitdth = 100;
	private bool _modalAnimate = true;
	private bool _modalCloseOnClick = true;
	private bool _modalCloseOnEsc = true;
	private bool _modalFocus = true;
	private bool _modalCentered = true;
	private bool _modalShowClose = true;
	private string _modalTitle = "Modal title";
	private string _modalText = "Congratulations to your first modal!";

	private ModalDialog _dialog;
	private async Task OpenDialog()
		await _dialog.Open();

	private async Task AcceptDialog()
		//Dialog accepted code
		await _dialog.Close();
	private async Task CancelDialog()
		//Dialog cancelled code
		await _dialog.Close();

	//Dialog events
	public async Task OnOpen()
		//Write your event handling code here...
	public async Task OnClose()
		//Write your event handling code here...
	private async Task OnCloseButtonClicked(MouseEventArgs e)
		//Write your event handling code here...
	private async Task OnOverlayClicked(MouseEventArgs e)
		//Write your event handling code here...
	private async Task OnEscapeKeyPress(KeyboardEventArgs e)
		//Write your event handling code here...
	private async Task OnTransitionEnded(TransitionEventArgs[] e)
		//Write your event handling code here...