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@@ -16,7 +17,7 @@ gpt-plan-benchmark/
diff --git a/examples/WebAgent/README.md b/examples/WebAgent/README.md
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+++ b/examples/WebAgent/README.md
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+# Web Agent Example:
+This is an example code for running the web agent implemented by LLM Reasoners. We also offer a baseline agent based on `BrowsingAgent` from [OpenHands](https://github.com/All-Hands-AI/OpenHands).
+## Setup
+Aside from installing `reasoners`, please also install the dependencies specific to this example using the command below:
+pip install -r requirements.txt
+## Datasets
+We provide two datasets for evaluating web agents as informational assistants:
+1. [FanOutQA](https://fanoutqa.com/index.html), which requires the agent to answer questions that require searching for and compiling information from multiple websites. We include their development set of 310 examples.
+2. FlightQA, a dataset prepared by us to evaluate the ability of LLM agents in answering queries with varying number of constraints, specifically while searching for live flight tickets using the internet. To control for confounding variables like specific query content, we iteratively add to lists of constraints to form new questions. In total we have 120 examples consisted of 20 groups of questions ranging from 3 to 8 constraints.
+## Commands
+To run evaluation using one of our datasets, use the following command as an example:
+python main.py \
+ [job_name] \
+ --dataset [fanout, flightqa] \
+ --agent [reasoner, openhands] \
+ --config_name [only applies to reasoner agent;
+ options: browsergym, browsergym-world-model, browsergym-llama;
+ default: browsergym]
+ --model [any model accessible via litellm; default: gpt-4o]
+ --start_idx [index of the first example] \
+ --end_idx [index of the last example]
+One way to speed up the inference is to open several terminals and run inference on separate slices of the data.
+Before that, you'll need to enter your default API key at `default_api_key.txt`.
+The agent outputs will be stored under `browsing_data` and will be automatically loaded for evaluation.
+## Evaluation
+python evaluation/fanout/run.py [job_name]
+python evaluation/flight/run.py [job_name]
+Note: Running evaluation for FlightQA involves calling `gpt-4o`, which may incur costs to you. So please run judiciously.
+## Installation
+If any issue arises while trying to install BrowserGym, please refer to the [official repo](https://github.com/ServiceNow/BrowserGym).
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diff --git a/examples/WebAgent/baseline/__init__.py b/examples/WebAgent/baseline/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4f268abf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/WebAgent/baseline/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+from .openhands_browsing_agent import BrowsingAgent
+__all__ = ['BrowsingAgent']
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/examples/WebAgent/baseline/openhands_browsing_agent.py b/examples/WebAgent/baseline/openhands_browsing_agent.py
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index 00000000..a9bffe04
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/WebAgent/baseline/openhands_browsing_agent.py
@@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
+import os
+from datetime import datetime
+from browsergym.core.action.highlevel import HighLevelActionSet
+from browsergym.utils.obs import flatten_axtree_to_str
+import sys
+sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..'))
+from utils.llm import LLM
+from logging import Logger
+from .openhands_response_parser import BrowsingResponseParser
+USE_NAV = (
+ os.environ.get('USE_NAV', 'true') == 'true'
+) # only disable NAV actions when running webarena and miniwob benchmarks
+ os.environ.get('USE_CONCISE_ANSWER', 'false') == 'true'
+) # only return concise answer when running webarena and miniwob benchmarks
+ EVAL_MODE = True # disabled NAV actions and only return concise answer, for webarena and miniwob benchmarks\
+ EVAL_MODE = False
+def get_error_prefix(last_browser_action: str) -> str:
+ return f'IMPORTANT! Last action is incorrect:\n{last_browser_action}\nThink again with the current observation of the page.\n'
+def get_system_message(goal: str, action_space: str) -> str:
+ current_datetime = datetime.now().strftime('%a, %b %d, %Y %H:%M:%S')
+ return f"""\
+# Instructions
+Review the current state of the page and all other information to find the best
+possible next action to accomplish your goal. Use Google Flights for questions \
+related to flight search. Your answer will be interpreted
+and executed by a program, make sure to follow the formatting instructions.
+# Goal:
+# Action Space
+# Current Date and Time:
+Here is another example with chain of thought of a valid action when providing a concise answer to user:
+In order to accomplish my goal I need to send the information asked back to the user. This page list the information of HP Inkjet Fax Machine, which is the product identified in the objective. Its price is $279.49. I will send a message back to user with the answer.
+def get_prompt(
+ error_prefix: str, cur_url: str, cur_axtree_txt: str, prev_action_str: str
+) -> str:
+ prompt = f"""\
+# Current Page URL:
+# Current Accessibility Tree:
+# Previous Actions
+Here is an example with chain of thought of a valid action when clicking on a button:
+In order to accomplish my goal I need to click on the button with bid 12
+ return prompt
+class BrowsingAgent():
+ def __init__(self,
+ llm: LLM,
+ logger: Logger,
+ **kwargs):
+ self.llm = llm
+ self.logger = logger
+ action_subsets = ['chat', 'bid']
+ if USE_NAV:
+ action_subsets.append('nav')
+ self.action_space = HighLevelActionSet(
+ subsets=action_subsets,
+ strict=False, # less strict on the parsing of the actions
+ multiaction=True, # enable to agent to take multiple actions at once
+ )
+ self.response_parser = BrowsingResponseParser(logger=self.logger)
+ self.reset()
+ def reset(self):
+ """Resets the Browsing Agent."""
+ self.cost_accumulator = 0
+ self.error_accumulator = 0
+ self.prev_actions = []
+ def step(self, raw_obs):
+ """Performs one step using the Browsing Agent.
+ This includes gathering information on previous steps and prompting the model to make a browsing command to execute.
+ Parameters:
+ - state (State): used to get updated info
+ Returns:
+ - BrowseInteractiveAction(browsergym_command) - BrowserGym commands to run
+ - MessageAction(content) - Message action to run (e.g. ask for clarification)
+ - AgentFinishAction() - end the interaction
+ """
+ # messages: list[Message] = []
+ # prev_actions = []
+ cur_url = ''
+ cur_axtree_txt = ''
+ error_prefix = ''
+ # last_obs = None
+ # last_action = None
+ goal = raw_obs['goal']
+ observation = {
+ 'clean_axtree_txt': cur_axtree_txt,
+ 'error_prefix': error_prefix,
+ 'goal': goal,
+ }
+ step = {
+ 'observation': observation,
+ 'state': None,
+ 'intent': None,
+ 'action': None,
+ }
+ prev_action_str = '\n'.join(self.prev_actions)
+ # last_action = self.prev_actions[-1]
+ if raw_obs['last_action_error']:
+ error_prefix = get_error_prefix(raw_obs['last_action'])
+ observation.update({'error_prefix': error_prefix})
+ self.error_accumulator += 1
+ if self.error_accumulator > 5:
+ action = "send_msg_to_user('Too many errors encountered. Task failed.')"
+ step.update({'action': action})
+ return action, step
+ cur_url = raw_obs['url']
+ try:
+ cur_axtree_txt = flatten_axtree_to_str(
+ raw_obs['axtree_object'],
+ extra_properties=raw_obs['extra_element_properties'],
+ with_clickable=True,
+ filter_visible_only=True,
+ )
+ obs_txt = cur_url + '\n' + cur_axtree_txt
+ observation.update({'clean_axtree_txt': obs_txt})
+ self.logger.info(f'*Observation*: {obs_txt}')
+ except Exception as e:
+ self.logger.error(
+ 'Error when trying to process the accessibility tree: %s', e
+ )
+ action = "send_msg_to_user('Error encountered when browsing.')"
+ step.update({'action': action})
+ return action, step
+ # return {'return_action': "send_msg_to_user('Error encountered when browsing.')"}
+ system_msg = get_system_message(
+ goal,
+ self.action_space.describe(with_long_description=False, with_examples=True),
+ )
+ prompt = get_prompt(error_prefix, cur_url, cur_axtree_txt, prev_action_str)
+ messages = [
+ {'role': 'system', 'content': system_msg},
+ {'role': 'user', 'content': prompt}
+ ]
+ response = self.llm.completion(
+ messages=messages,
+ stop=[')```', ')\n```'],
+ )
+ parser_output = self.response_parser.parse(response)
+ thought, action = parser_output['thought'], parser_output['action']
+ step.update({'state': thought,
+ 'action': action})
+ self.prev_actions.append(action)
+ self.logger.info(f'*Thought*: {thought}')
+ self.logger.info(f'*Action*: {action}')
+ return action, step
diff --git a/examples/WebAgent/baseline/openhands_response_parser.py b/examples/WebAgent/baseline/openhands_response_parser.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c7ef6b41
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/WebAgent/baseline/openhands_response_parser.py
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+import ast
+import re
+# from openhands.controller.action_parser import ActionParser, ResponseParser
+# from openhands.core.logger import openhands_logger as logger
+# from openhands.events.action import (
+# Action,
+# BrowseInteractiveAction,
+# )
+# class BrowsingResponseParser(ResponseParser):
+class BrowsingResponseParser:
+ def __init__(self, logger=None):
+ # Need to pay attention to the item order in self.action_parsers
+ # super().__init__()
+ self.action_parsers = [BrowsingActionParserMessage()]
+ self.default_parser = BrowsingActionParserBrowseInteractive(logger)
+ self.logger = logger
+ def parse(self, response: str) -> str:
+ action_str = self.parse_response(response)
+ # return action_str
+ return self.parse_action(action_str)
+ def parse_response(self, response) -> str:
+ action_str = response['choices'][0]['message']['content']
+ if action_str is None:
+ return ''
+ action_str = action_str.strip()
+ # Ensure action_str ends with ')```'
+ if action_str:
+ if not action_str.endswith('```'):
+ if action_str.endswith(')'):
+ action_str += '```' # prevent duplicate ending paranthesis, e.g. send_msg_to_user('Done'))
+ else:
+ action_str += ')```' # expected format
+ # if self.logger:
+ # self.logger.info(f'*Action String*: {action_str}')
+ return action_str
+ def parse_action(self, action_str: str):
+ for action_parser in self.action_parsers:
+ if action_parser.check_condition(action_str):
+ return action_parser.parse(action_str)
+ return self.default_parser.parse(action_str)
+class BrowsingActionParserMessage:
+ """Parser action:
+ - BrowseInteractiveAction(browser_actions) - unexpected response format, message back to user
+ """
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ ):
+ pass
+ def check_condition(self, action_str: str) -> bool:
+ return '```' not in action_str
+ def parse(self, action_str: str):
+ msg = f'send_msg_to_user("""{action_str}""")'
+ return {'action': msg,
+ 'thought': action_str}
+ # return BrowseInteractiveAction(
+ # browser_actions=msg,
+ # thought=action_str,
+ # browsergym_send_msg_to_user=action_str,
+ # )
+class BrowsingActionParserBrowseInteractive:
+ """Parser action:
+ - BrowseInteractiveAction(browser_actions) - handle send message to user function call in BrowserGym
+ """
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ logger=None
+ ):
+ self.logger = logger
+ def check_condition(self, action_str: str) -> bool:
+ return True
+ def parse(self, action_str: str):
+ # parse the action string into browser_actions and thought
+ # the LLM can return only one string, or both
+ # when both are returned, it looks like this:
+ ### Based on the current state of the page and the goal of finding out the president of the USA, the next action should involve searching for information related to the president.
+ ### To achieve this, we can navigate to a reliable source such as a search engine or a specific website that provides information about the current president of the USA.
+ ### Here is an example of a valid action to achieve this:
+ ### ```
+ ### goto('https://www.whitehouse.gov/about-the-white-house/presidents/'
+ # in practice, BrowsingResponseParser.parse_response also added )``` to the end of the string
+ # when the LLM returns only one string, it looks like this:
+ ### goto('https://www.whitehouse.gov/about-the-white-house/presidents/')
+ # and parse_response added )``` to the end of the string
+ parts = action_str.split('```')
+ browser_actions = (
+ parts[1].strip() if parts[1].strip() != '' else parts[0].strip()
+ )
+ thought = parts[0].strip() if parts[1].strip() != '' else ''
+ # if the LLM wants to talk to the user, we extract the message
+ msg_content = ''
+ for sub_action in browser_actions.split('\n'):
+ if 'send_msg_to_user(' in sub_action:
+ try:
+ tree = ast.parse(sub_action)
+ args = tree.body[0].value.args # type: ignore
+ msg_content = args[0].value
+ except SyntaxError:
+ if self.logger:
+ self.logger.error(f'Error parsing action: {sub_action}')
+ # the syntax was not correct, but we can still try to get the message
+ # e.g. send_msg_to_user("Hello, world!") or send_msg_to_user('Hello, world!'
+ match = re.search(r'send_msg_to_user\((["\'])(.*?)\1\)', sub_action)
+ if match:
+ msg_content = match.group(2)
+ else:
+ msg_content = ''
+ # print(thought)
+ # print(browser_actions)
+ return {'action': browser_actions,
+ 'thought': thought}
+ # return BrowseInteractiveAction(
+ # browser_actions=browser_actions,
+ # thought=thought,
+ # browsergym_send_msg_to_user=msg_content,
+ # )
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/examples/WebAgent/data/fanout-final-dev.json b/examples/WebAgent/data/fanout-final-dev.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..76ad1feb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/WebAgent/data/fanout-final-dev.json
@@ -0,0 +1,39520 @@
+ {
+ "id": "7dcbbbdc7f1120cd",
+ "question": "What is the batting hand of each of the first five picks in the 1998 MLB draft?",
+ "decomposition": [
+ {
+ "id": "bca4ab7d1f4df703",
+ "question": "Who were the first 5 picks in the 1998 MLB Draft?",
+ "decomposition": [],
+ "answer": [
+ "Pat Burrell",
+ "Mark Mulder",
+ "Corey Patterson",
+ "Jeff Austin",
+ "JD Drew"
+ ],
+ "depends_on": [],
+ "evidence": {
+ "pageid": 18468611,
+ "revid": 1172527864,
+ "title": "1998 Major League Baseball draft",
+ "url": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1998_Major_League_Baseball_draft"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "739617a754ded71f",
+ "question": "What is the batting hand of Pat Burrell?",
+ "decomposition": [],
+ "answer": "Right",
+ "depends_on": [
+ "bca4ab7d1f4df703"
+ ],
+ "evidence": {
+ "pageid": 428791,
+ "revid": 1184558033,
+ "title": "Pat Burrell",
+ "url": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pat_Burrell"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "2891593cc0531647",
+ "question": "What is the batting hand of Mark Mulder?",
+ "decomposition": [],
+ "answer": "Left",
+ "depends_on": [
+ "bca4ab7d1f4df703"
+ ],
+ "evidence": {
+ "pageid": 1224672,
+ "revid": 1169013077,
+ "title": "Mark Mulder",
+ "url": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mark_Mulder"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "704cca854386d810",
+ "question": "What is the batting hand of Corey Patterson?",
+ "decomposition": [],
+ "answer": "Left",
+ "depends_on": [
+ "bca4ab7d1f4df703"
+ ],
+ "evidence": {
+ "pageid": 966752,
+ "revid": 1178045549,
+ "title": "Corey Patterson",
+ "url": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corey_Patterson"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "3e4b89409b6fae40",
+ "question": "What is the batting hand of Jeff Austin?",
+ "decomposition": [],
+ "answer": "Right",
+ "depends_on": [
+ "bca4ab7d1f4df703"
+ ],
+ "evidence": {
+ "pageid": 21964523,
+ "revid": 1160882537,
+ "title": "Jeff Austin (baseball)",
+ "url": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeff_Austin_(baseball)"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "8592de009cf61a86",
+ "question": "What is the batting hand of JD Drew?",
+ "decomposition": [],
+ "answer": "Left",
+ "depends_on": [
+ "bca4ab7d1f4df703"
+ ],
+ "evidence": {
+ "pageid": 1084979,
+ "revid": 1169999583,
+ "title": "J. D. Drew",
+ "url": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J._D._Drew"
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ "answer": {
+ "Pat Burrell": "Right",
+ "Mark Mulder": "Left",
+ "Corey Patterson": "Left",
+ "Jeff Austin": "Right",
+ "JD Drew": "Left"
+ },
+ "categories": [
+ "Sports",
+ "Statistics"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "2120afba8009bad3",
+ "question": "What were box office values of the Star Wars films in the prequel and sequel trilogies?",
+ "decomposition": [
+ {
+ "id": "0aa4e637db6918ab",
+ "question": "What are the Star Wars films in the prequel and sequel trilogies?",
+ "decomposition": [],
+ "answer": [
+ "The Phantom Menace",
+ "Attack of the Clones",
+ "Revenge of the Sith",
+ "The Force Awakens",
+ "The Last Jedi",
+ "The Rise of Skywalker"
+ ],
+ "depends_on": [],
+ "evidence": {
+ "pageid": 26678,
+ "revid": 1185937156,
+ "title": "Star Wars",
+ "url": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Star_Wars"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "495f497083959290",
+ "question": "What was the box office value of The Phantom Menace?",
+ "decomposition": [],
+ "answer": "$1.027 billion",
+ "depends_on": [
+ "0aa4e637db6918ab"
+ ],
+ "evidence": {
+ "pageid": 50793,
+ "revid": 1185883860,
+ "title": "Star Wars: Episode I \u2013 The Phantom Menace",
+ "url": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Star_Wars:_Episode_I_%E2%80%93_The_Phantom_Menace"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "26f342a172002bc2",
+ "question": "What was the box office value of The Attack of the Clones?",
+ "decomposition": [],
+ "answer": "$653.8 million",
+ "depends_on": [
+ "0aa4e637db6918ab"
+ ],
+ "evidence": {
+ "pageid": 50957,
+ "revid": 1185896387,
+ "title": "Star Wars: Episode II \u2013 Attack of the Clones",
+ "url": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Star_Wars:_Episode_II_%E2%80%93_Attack_of_the_Clones"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "00f938b6484f0126",
+ "question": "What was the box office value of The Revenge of the Sith?",
+ "decomposition": [],
+ "answer": "$868.4 million",
+ "depends_on": [
+ "0aa4e637db6918ab"
+ ],
+ "evidence": {
+ "pageid": 55447,
+ "revid": 1185897706,
+ "title": "Star Wars: Episode III \u2013 Revenge of the Sith",
+ "url": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Star_Wars:_Episode_III_%E2%80%93_Revenge_of_the_Sith"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "f2c713a6d423337d",
+ "question": "What was the box office value of The Force Awakens?",
+ "decomposition": [],
+ "answer": "$2.071 billion",
+ "depends_on": [
+ "0aa4e637db6918ab"
+ ],
+ "evidence": {
+ "pageid": 14723194,
+ "revid": 1185889585,
+ "title": "Star Wars: The Force Awakens",
+ "url": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Star_Wars:_The_Force_Awakens"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "4237f2229604cf90",
+ "question": "What was the box office value of The Last Jedi?",
+ "decomposition": [],
+ "answer": "$1.334 billion",
+ "depends_on": [
+ "0aa4e637db6918ab"
+ ],
+ "evidence": {
+ "pageid": 43910621,
+ "revid": 1185873947,
+ "title": "Star Wars: The Last Jedi",
+ "url": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Star_Wars:_The_Last_Jedi"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "9a09d57951b9034a",
+ "question": "What was the box office value of The Rise of Skywalker?",
+ "decomposition": [],
+ "answer": "$1.077 billion",
+ "depends_on": [
+ "0aa4e637db6918ab"
+ ],
+ "evidence": {
+ "pageid": 43910733,
+ "revid": 1185946963,
+ "title": "Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker",
+ "url": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Star_Wars:_The_Rise_of_Skywalker"
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ "answer": {
+ "The Phantom Menace": "$1.027 billion",
+ "Attack of the Clones": "$653.8 million",
+ "Revenge of the Sith": "$868.4 million",
+ "The Force Awakens": "$2.071 billion",
+ "The Last Jedi": "$1.334 billion",
+ "The Rise of Skywalker": "$1.077 billion"
+ },
+ "categories": [
+ "Economics",
+ "Film Studies"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "a047ca3f750a134d",
+ "question": "Who won the World Car of the Year Award from 2019 to 2023, and what was the height of each winning car in inches?",
+ "decomposition": [
+ {
+ "id": "f80aa1dcf29dc7cc",
+ "question": "Who won the World Car of the Year Award from 2019-2023?",
+ "decomposition": [],
+ "answer": [
+ "Jaguar I-Pace",
+ "Kia Telluride",
+ "Volkswagen ID.4",
+ "Hyundai Ioniq 5",
+ "Hyundai Ioniq 6"
+ ],
+ "depends_on": [],
+ "evidence": {
+ "pageid": 1462671,
+ "revid": 1183989397,
+ "title": "World Car Awards",
+ "url": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_Car_Awards"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "dd7b8780971e896f",
+ "question": "What is the height of the Jaguar I-Pace in inches?",
+ "decomposition": [],
+ "answer": 61.6,
+ "depends_on": [
+ "f80aa1dcf29dc7cc"
+ ],
+ "evidence": {
+ "pageid": 52331455,
+ "revid": 1185467557,
+ "title": "Jaguar I-Pace",
+ "url": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jaguar_I-Pace"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "f60a75173c104ca1",
+ "question": "What is the height of the Kia Telluride in inches?",
+ "decomposition": [],
+ "answer": 68.9,
+ "depends_on": [
+ "f80aa1dcf29dc7cc"
+ ],
+ "evidence": {
+ "pageid": 49416953,
+ "revid": 1182552469,
+ "title": "Kia Telluride",
+ "url": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kia_Telluride"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "2be44a26f462f8e3",
+ "question": "What is the height of the Volkswagen ID.4 in inches?",
+ "decomposition": [],
+ "answer": 64.4,
+ "depends_on": [
+ "f80aa1dcf29dc7cc"
+ ],
+ "evidence": {
+ "pageid": 63265580,
+ "revid": 1180728563,
+ "title": "Volkswagen ID.4",
+ "url": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Volkswagen_ID.4"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "8f56eecc43a2bdc5",
+ "question": "What is the height of the Hyundai Ioniq 5 in inches?",
+ "decomposition": [],
+ "answer": 63.2,
+ "depends_on": [
+ "f80aa1dcf29dc7cc"
+ ],
+ "evidence": {
+ "pageid": 65319960,
+ "revid": 1181510929,
+ "title": "Hyundai Ioniq 5",
+ "url": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyundai_Ioniq_5"
+ }
+ },
+ {
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+ "question": "According to the U.S. Census Bureau, which states make up the Pacific region?",
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+ "Colorectal": "Blood in stool, change in bowel movements, unintentional weight loss, vomiting, fatigue",
+ "Pancreatic": "Yellow skin, abdominal or back pain, unexplained weight loss, light-colored stools, dark urine, loss of appetite",
+ "Ovarian": "Bloating, pelvic pain, constipation, abdominal swelling, loss of appetite"
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+ "Paul Pierce": "October"
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+ "question": "Find the members of the current British Royal Family.",
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+ "King Charles III",
+ "Queen Camilla",
+ "William, Prince of Wales",
+ "Catherine, Princess of Wales",
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+ "Sophie, Duchess of Edinburgh"
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+ "William, Prince of Wales": "Charles III",
+ "Catherine, Princess of Wales": "Michael Middleton",
+ "Anne, Princess Royal": "Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh",
+ "Prince Edward, Duke of Edinburgh": "Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh",
+ "Sophie, Duchess of Edinburgh": "Christopher Rhys-Jones"
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+ "question": "What are the 5 most recent presidents of the United States?",
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+ "Bill Clinton"
+ ],
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+ "question": "What are the top 5 most widely spoken languages?",
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+ "Ed Rendell": "New York City, NY",
+ "Wilson Goode": "Seaboard, NC"
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+ "question": "Who were the heads of state of the belligerents in the War of the Third Coalition ?",
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+ "answer": [
+ "Francis I",
+ "William Grenville",
+ "Alexander I",
+ "Ferdinand IV",
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+ "Maximilian I",
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+ "Alexander I": "1 December 1825",
+ "Ferdinand IV": "4 January 1825",
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+ "question": "What are the five most popular grape varieties from the Bordeaux appellation",
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+ "Cabernet Sauvignon",
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+ "Cabernet Sauvignon": "Haut-Medoc",
+ "Cabernet Franc": "Saint-Emilion",
+ "Merlot": "Saint-Emilion and Pomerol",
+ "Semillon": "Saint-Emilion",
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+ "question": "What are the countries that has the 4 tallest buildings in the world?",
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+ },
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+ "question": "What codons encode the essential amino acids?",
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+ "question": "What are the essential amino acids",
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+ "question": "Which clubs won the top five most titles of the European Cup and UEFA Champions League?",
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+ }
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+ "Liverpool": "Anfield",
+ "Barcelona": "Estadi Ol\u00edmpic Llu\u00eds Companys"
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+ "question": "What are the top 5 highest-grossing movies of all time?",
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+ "Avatar",
+ "Avengers: Endgame",
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+ "Titanic",
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+ "Avatar: The Way of Water": "Simon Franglen",
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+ "Star Wars: The Force Awakens": "John Williams"
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+ "Music",
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+ "question": "What are the 3 most common law schools attended by members of the US Supreme Court?",
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+ "question": "Who are the current members of the US Supreme Court?",
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+ "Clarence Thomas",
+ "Stephen Breyer",
+ "Samuel Alito",
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+ "question": "What are new 7 wonders of the world?",
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+ "University of Cambridge": "Hinc lucem et pocula sacra",
+ "University of Oxford": "Dominus illuminatio mea",
+ "Harvard University": "Veritas",
+ "Stanford University": "Die Luft der Freiheit weht"
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+ "question": "Which Countries hosted the last 5 Olympics?",
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+ "question": "What are the top 5 most populoud countries in the world?",
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+ "Rita Moreno",
+ "John Gielgud",
+ "Audrey Hepburn",
+ "Marvin Hamlisch",
+ "Jonathan Tunick",
+ "Mel Brooks",
+ "Mike Nichols",
+ "Whoopi Goldberg",
+ "Scott Rudin",
+ "Robert Lopez",
+ "Andrew Lloyd Webber",
+ "Tim Rice",
+ "John Legend",
+ "Alan Menken",
+ "Jennifer Hudson",
+ "Viola Davis",
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+ "Terminator 2: Judgement Day": "94-102 million",
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+ "The Abyss": "$90 million",
+ "Terminator 2: Judgement Day": "94-102 million",
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+ "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban",
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+ "2022": "Argentina",
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+ "Jennifer A. Doudna",
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+ "Greenland": "Nuuk",
+ "New Guinea": "Port Moresby (Papua New Guinea side), Jayapura (Indonesian side)",
+ "Borneo": "Multiple capitals - Palangka Raya (Central Kalimantan), Bandar Seri Begawan (Brunei), Kota Kinabalu (Sabah), Kuching (Sarawak)",
+ "Madagascar": "Antananarivo",
+ "Baffin Island": "Iqaluit",
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+ "question": "What was the population in 1980 of the five most populous states in the United States?",
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+ "question": "What are the 5 most populous cities in the United States?",
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+ "Pennsylvania": 11863895
+ },
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+ "question": "What are the 5 most valuable brands?",
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+ "Microsoft": "Bill Gates, Paul Allen",
+ "Amazon.com": "Jeff Bezos",
+ "McDonald's": "Richard McDonald, Maurice McDonald, Ray Kroc"
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+ "question": "Who are the top 5 US athletes with most Olympics medals",
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+ "Natalie Coughlin": 1982
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+ "Twitter": "X Corp."
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+ "question": "Who are five other notable people from West Reading?",
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+ "answer": [
+ "John Fetterman",
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+ "Andrew H. Knoll"
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+ "Al Gursky": "November 23, 1940",
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+ "Chad Henne": "July 2, 1985",
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+ "Andrew H. Knoll": "April 23, 1951"
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+ "Agatha Christie",
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+ "2000": "John Woo"
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+ "Film Studies"
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+ "Duke",
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+ "question": "Which teams in the Nippon Professional Baseball league were founded after 1945?",
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+ "Yokohama DeNA BayStars": "DB.Starman and DB.Kirara",
+ "Chiba Lotte Marines": "Mar-kun, Rine-chan, and Zu-chan",
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+ "Country Cousins": "That's So Raven",
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+ "question": "What are the 5 Studio Ghibli movies with the highest Rotten Tomato Ratings?",
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+ "Grave of the Fireflies",
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+ "question": "Which are the five most successful football clubs in the English Premier League?",
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+ "We Belong Together",
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+ "question": "In what years since 2012 have the Boston Celtics and the Philadelphis 76ers played in the playoffs?",
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+ "question": "What are the 5 largest companies in America (by revenue)?",
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+ "Apple": "1 Apple Park Way, Cupertino, California, U.S.",
+ "ExxonMobil": "Unincorporated Harris County near Spring, Texas, U.S.",
+ "Amazon": "Seattle, Washington and Arlington County, Virginia, US",
+ "Walmart": "Bentonville, Arkansas, U.S."
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+ "question": "Identify the Nobel Prize winners in Physics from 2010 to 2014 and their latest alma maters (universities or colleges).",
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+ "question": "Who were the Nobel Prize winners in Physics from 2010 to 2014?",
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+ "Andre Geim",
+ "Konstantin Novoselov",
+ "Saul Perlmutter",
+ "Brian P. Schmidt",
+ "Adam G. Riess",
+ "Serge Haroche",
+ "David J. Wineland",
+ "Fran\u00e7ois Englert",
+ "Peter Higgs",
+ "Isamu Akasaki",
+ "Hiroshi Amano",
+ "Shuji Nakamura"
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+ "Konstantin Novoselov": "Radboud University Nijmegen",
+ "Saul Perlmutter": "University of California, Berkeley",
+ "Brian P. Schmidt": "Harvard University",
+ "Adam G. Riess": "Harvard University",
+ "Serge Haroche": "Pierre-and-Marie-Curie University",
+ "David J. Wineland": "Harvard University",
+ "Fran\u00e7ois Englert": "Free University of Brussels",
+ "Peter Higgs": "University of London",
+ "Isamu Akasaki": "Nagoya University",
+ "Hiroshi Amano": "Nagoya University",
+ "Shuji Nakamura": "University of Tokushima"
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+ "Physics"
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+ "question": "What are the hometowns of NBA players at least 7 foot 6 inches in height who played in at least one NBA game?",
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+ "question": "What are the hometowns of NBA players at least 7 foot 6 inches in height who played in at least one NBA game?",
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+ "Gheorghe Mure\u0219an",
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+ "Manute Bol": "Turalei, Sudan",
+ "Shawn Bradley": "Landstuhl, West Germany",
+ "Yao Ming": "Shanghai, China",
+ "Slavko Vrane\u0161": "Pljevlja, SR Montenegro, SFR Yugoslavia",
+ "Tacko Fall": "Dackar, Senegal"
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+ "Dan Sullivan",
+ "Kyrsten Sinema",
+ "Mark Kelly",
+ "John Boozman",
+ "Tom Cotton",
+ "Alex Padilla",
+ "Laphonza Butler",
+ "Michael Bennet",
+ "John Hickenlooper",
+ "Richard Blumenthal",
+ "Chris Murphy",
+ "Tom Carper",
+ "Chris Coons",
+ "Marco Rubio",
+ "Rick Scott",
+ "Jon Ossoff",
+ "Raphael Warnock",
+ "Brian Schatz",
+ "Mazie Hirono",
+ "Mike Crapo",
+ "Jim Risch",
+ "Dick Durbin",
+ "Tammy Duckworth",
+ "Todd Young",
+ "Mike Braun",
+ "Chuck Grassley",
+ "Joni Ernst",
+ "Jerry Moran",
+ "Roger Marshall",
+ "Mitch McConnell",
+ "Rand Paul",
+ "Bill Cassidy",
+ "John Kennedy",
+ "Susan Collins",
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+ "Ed Markey",
+ "Debbie Stabenow",
+ "Gary Peters",
+ "Amy Klobuchar",
+ "Tina Smith",
+ "Roger Wicker",
+ "Cindy Hyde-Smith",
+ "Josh Hawley",
+ "Eric Schmitt",
+ "Jon Tester",
+ "Steve Daines",
+ "Deb Fischer",
+ "Pete Ricketts",
+ "Catherine Cortez Masto",
+ "Jacky Rosen",
+ "Jeanne Shaheen",
+ "Maggie Hassan",
+ "Bob Menendez",
+ "Cory Booker",
+ "Martin Heinrich",
+ "Ben Ray Luj\u00e1n",
+ "Chuck Schumer",
+ "Kirsten Gillibrand",
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+ "John Hoeven",
+ "Kevin Cramer",
+ "Sherrod Brown",
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+ "Ron Wyden",
+ "Jeff Merkley",
+ "Bob Casey Jr.",
+ "John Fetterman",
+ "Jack Reed",
+ "Sheldon Whitehouse",
+ "Lindsey Graham",
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+ "John Thune",
+ "Mike Rounds",
+ "Marsha Blackburn",
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+ "Mitt Romney",
+ "Bernie Sanders",
+ "Peter Welch",
+ "Mark Warner",
+ "Tim Kaine",
+ "Patty Murray",
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+ "Debbie Stabenow": "72",
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+ "question": "What are top 5 most populous cities in Pennsylvania?",
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+ "question": "What are the top 5 highest grossing movies of all time(adjusted for inflation)?",
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+ "Star Wars": "George Lucas",
+ "Avengers: Endgame": "Anthony Russo, Joe Russo"
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+ "question": "What are the 5 cat breeds?",
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+ "Persian",
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+ "Daniel Kwan and Daniel Scheinert": "Everything Everywhere All at Once",
+ "Jane Campion": "The Power of the Dog",
+ "Chlo\u00e9 Zhao": "Eternals",
+ "Bong Joon-ho": "Mickey 17",
+ "Alfonso Cuar\u00f3n": "Roma"
+ },
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+ "id": "59f805bb72e71948",
+ "question": "What is the student population of the 5 oldest universities in the world?",
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+ "question": "What are the 5 oldest universities in the world?",
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+ },
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+ "University of Cambridge": 24450,
+ "University of Salamanca": 30000,
+ "University of Padua": 72280
+ },
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+ "question": "Who are the first five provosts of the University of Pennsylvania?",
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+ "id": "efac681de642e27c",
+ "question": "Identify the countries in South Asia and the name of the anthems of each of these countries in english text(untranslated)",
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+ "question": "Which countries are a part of South Asia?",
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+ "question": "What is Bangladesh's national anthem called?",
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+ "question": "What is Bhutan's national anthem called?",
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+ "question": "What is Sri Lanka's national anthem called?",
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+ "Bhutan": "Druk Tsenden",
+ "India": "Jana Gana Mana",
+ "Maldives": "Qaumee Salaam",
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+ "Mexico City": "3930m"
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+ "question": "Who were the top five richest people in the United States in 2022?",
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+ "url": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Argentina_national_football_team"
+ }
+ },
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+ "question": "What confederation does the Brazil belong to?",
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+ },
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+ "question": "What confederation does the England belong to?",
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+ "answer": "UEFA",
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+ }
+ },
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+ "question": "What confederation does the Italy belong to?",
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+ "answer": "UEFA",
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+ "Uruguay": "CONMEBOL",
+ "Argentina": "CONMEBOL",
+ "Brazil": "CONMEBOL",
+ "England": "UEFA",
+ "Italy": "UEFA"
+ },
+ "categories": [
+ "History",
+ "Sports"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "32df6ef356c5b2c6",
+ "question": "How many Ivy League universities have never had a female president or provost?",
+ "decomposition": [
+ {
+ "id": "222eb2e9c65499a6",
+ "question": "What are the League universities?",
+ "decomposition": [],
+ "answer": [
+ "Brown University",
+ "Columbia University",
+ "Cornell University",
+ "Dartmouth College",
+ "Harvard University",
+ "University of Pennsylvania",
+ "Princeton University",
+ "Yale University"
+ ],
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+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "0703edf5e435418e",
+ "question": "Has Brown University ever had a female president or provost?",
+ "decomposition": [],
+ "answer": "Yes, Ruth Simmons",
+ "depends_on": [
+ "222eb2e9c65499a6"
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+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "f961c7299d37d495",
+ "question": "Has Columbia University ever had a female president or provost?",
+ "decomposition": [],
+ "answer": "Yes, Minouche Shafik",
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+ "222eb2e9c65499a6"
+ ],
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+ "revid": 1178850495,
+ "title": "President of Columbia University",
+ "url": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/President_of_Columbia_University"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "bff7c14283e8b47b",
+ "question": "Has Cornell University ever had a female president or provost?",
+ "decomposition": [],
+ "answer": "Yes, Elizabeth Garrett",
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+ "222eb2e9c65499a6"
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+ "revid": 1183029797,
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+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "d0df012343817313",
+ "question": "Has Dartmouth College ever had a female president or provost?",
+ "decomposition": [],
+ "answer": "Yes, Sian Leah Beilock",
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+ "222eb2e9c65499a6"
+ ],
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+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "6621c1bd06fba8e0",
+ "question": "Has Harvard University ever had a female president or provost?",
+ "decomposition": [],
+ "answer": "Yes, Drew Gilpin Faust",
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+ "222eb2e9c65499a6"
+ ],
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+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "becb62ff8d5f96c6",
+ "question": "Has University of Pennsylvania ever had a female president or provost?",
+ "decomposition": [],
+ "answer": "Yes, Amy Gutmann",
+ "depends_on": [
+ "222eb2e9c65499a6"
+ ],
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+ "title": "Amy Gutmann",
+ "url": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amy_Gutmann"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "299b0488f64e1d33",
+ "question": "Has Princeton University ever had a female president or provost?",
+ "decomposition": [],
+ "answer": "Yes, Shirley M. Tilghman",
+ "depends_on": [
+ "222eb2e9c65499a6"
+ ],
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+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "9c9bc4de3b8c942d",
+ "question": "Has Yale University ever had a female president or provost?",
+ "decomposition": [],
+ "answer": "Yes, Hanna Holborn Gray",
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+ "222eb2e9c65499a6"
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+ "Education",
+ "Gender Studies"
+ ]
+ },
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+ "id": "e635c39658e9e75b",
+ "question": "List the venues for the last five Ed Sheeran concerts and their estimated construction costs in dollars.",
+ "decomposition": [
+ {
+ "id": "73b4e860c6a0ac83",
+ "question": "List the venues for the last five Ed sheeran concerts in US",
+ "decomposition": [],
+ "answer": [
+ "Allegiant Stadium",
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+ "Levi's Stadium",
+ "Lumen Field",
+ "Empower Field at Mile High"
+ ],
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+ }
+ },
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+ "question": "What was the construction cost (estimated) for the Allegiant Stadium?",
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+ "question": "What was the construction cost (estimated) for the Levi's Stadium?",
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+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "614f28a695b9213a",
+ "question": "What was the construction cost (estimated) for the Lumen Field?",
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+ }
+ },
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+ "id": "bce52f0ca654bf40",
+ "question": "What was the construction cost (estimated) for the Empower Field at Mile High?",
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+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ "answer": {
+ "Allegiant Stadium": 1900000000,
+ "SoFi Stadium": 5500000000,
+ "Levi's Stadium": 1300000000,
+ "Lumen Field": 430000000,
+ "Empower Field at Mile High": 400900000
+ },
+ "categories": [
+ "Architecture",
+ "Music"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "67fc04df63afb29c",
+ "question": "What were the regular season records of the Major League Baseball World Series winning teams in the last five years?",
+ "decomposition": [
+ {
+ "id": "9b0826d2274dfb54",
+ "question": "What is the name of the Major League Baseball World Series winning team in the last five years?",
+ "decomposition": [],
+ "answer": {
+ "2023": "Texas Rangers",
+ "2022": "Houston Astros",
+ "2021": "Atlanta Braves",
+ "2020": "Los Angeles Dodgers",
+ "2019": "Washington Nationals"
+ },
+ "depends_on": [],
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+ "pageid": 7599168,
+ "revid": 1185888946,
+ "title": "List of World Series champions",
+ "url": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_World_Series_champions"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "bb74531996c76b91",
+ "question": "What is the regular season record of the Texas Rangers in 2023?",
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+ },
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+ "question": "What is the regular season record of the Houston Astros in 2022?",
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+ }
+ },
+ {
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+ "question": "What is the regular season record of the Atlanta Braves in 2021?",
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+ },
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+ "question": "What is the regular season record of the Los Angeles Dodgers in 2020?",
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+ },
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+ "question": "What is the regular season record of the Washington Nationals in 2019?",
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+ "Texas Rangers": "90-72",
+ "Houston Astros": "106-56",
+ "Atlanta Braves": "88-73",
+ "Los Angeles Dodgers": "43-17",
+ "Washington Nationals": "93-69"
+ },
+ "categories": [
+ "Sports"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "0967e3f9e468813b",
+ "question": "What were the six most populous cities in the United States in 2000, and what were their respective populations in number of people?",
+ "decomposition": [
+ {
+ "id": "52b3f2d58f1d3e64",
+ "question": "What are the six most populous cities in the United States?",
+ "decomposition": [],
+ "answer": [
+ "New York",
+ "Los Angeles",
+ "Chicago",
+ "Houston",
+ "Phoenix",
+ "Philadelphia"
+ ],
+ "depends_on": [],
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+ }
+ },
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+ "question": "What was the population of New York in 2000?",
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+ "52b3f2d58f1d3e64"
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+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "38042298913f0837",
+ "question": "What was the population of Los Angeles in 2000?",
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+ "52b3f2d58f1d3e64"
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+ "question": "What was the population of Chicago in 2000?",
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+ "52b3f2d58f1d3e64"
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+ "question": "What was the population of Houston in 2000?",
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+ "question": "What was the population of Phoenix in 2000?",
+ "decomposition": [],
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+ "52b3f2d58f1d3e64"
+ ],
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+ "title": "Phoenix, Arizona",
+ "url": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phoenix,_Arizona"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "51efb5c2426332cf",
+ "question": "What was the population of Philadelphia in 2000?",
+ "decomposition": [],
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+ "52b3f2d58f1d3e64"
+ ],
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+ "title": "Philadelphia",
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+ }
+ }
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+ "answer": {
+ "New York": 8008278,
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+ "Chicago": 2896016,
+ "Houston": 1953631,
+ "Phoenix": 1321045,
+ "Philadelphia": 1517550
+ },
+ "categories": [
+ "Demographics",
+ "Geography"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "caa3b0a9e14c1ec6",
+ "question": "Find the five main islands of Japan. What are the names of these islands and names of their respective highest points?",
+ "decomposition": [
+ {
+ "id": "312832462bc3421b",
+ "question": "What are the five main islands of Japan?",
+ "decomposition": [],
+ "answer": [
+ "Hokkaido",
+ "Honshu",
+ "Shikoku",
+ "Kyushu",
+ "Okinawa"
+ ],
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+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "121bbb30477918f3",
+ "question": "What is the name of the highest point on Hokkaido?",
+ "decomposition": [],
+ "answer": "Mount Asahi",
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+ "312832462bc3421b"
+ ],
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+ "title": "Hokkaido",
+ "url": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hokkaido"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "a7d5b49ceaca73de",
+ "question": "What is the name of the highest point on Honshu?",
+ "decomposition": [],
+ "answer": "Mount Fuji",
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+ "312832462bc3421b"
+ ],
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+ "title": "Honshu",
+ "url": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Honshu"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "65dd28dc40879139",
+ "question": "What is the name of the highest point on Shikoku?",
+ "decomposition": [],
+ "answer": "Mount Ishizuchi",
+ "depends_on": [
+ "312832462bc3421b"
+ ],
+ "evidence": {
+ "pageid": 61722,
+ "revid": 1184324277,
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+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "b9754f4eb449952b",
+ "question": "What is the name of the highest point on Kyushu?",
+ "decomposition": [],
+ "answer": "Mount Kuj\u016b",
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+ "312832462bc3421b"
+ ],
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+ "pageid": 16914,
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+ "url": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kyushu"
+ }
+ },
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+ "id": "788f9512837527dd",
+ "question": "What is the name of the highest point on Okinawa?",
+ "decomposition": [],
+ "answer": "Mount Yonaha",
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+ "312832462bc3421b"
+ ],
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+ "pageid": 725125,
+ "revid": 1178734436,
+ "title": "Okinawa Island",
+ "url": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Okinawa_Island"
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ "answer": {
+ "Hokkaido": "Mount Asahi",
+ "Honshu": "Mount Fuji",
+ "Shikoku": "Mount Ishizuchi",
+ "Kyushu": "Mount Kuj\u016b",
+ "Okinawa": "Mount Yonaha"
+ },
+ "categories": [
+ "Geography"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "50fa232e3f44887a",
+ "question": "Identify the capital cities of the five most populous countries as of 2023. What are the major rivers flowing through these capital cities?",
+ "decomposition": [
+ {
+ "id": "85520893dafceed4",
+ "question": "What are the five most populous countries as of 2023?",
+ "decomposition": [],
+ "answer": [
+ "China",
+ "India",
+ "United States",
+ "Indonesia",
+ "Pakistan"
+ ],
+ "depends_on": [],
+ "evidence": {
+ "pageid": 69058,
+ "revid": 1185694277,
+ "title": "List of countries and dependencies by population",
+ "url": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_and_dependencies_by_population"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "598247eeaec50404",
+ "question": "What are the capital cities of China, India, the United States, Indonesia, and Pakistan?",
+ "decomposition": [],
+ "answer": [
+ "Beijing",
+ "New Delhi",
+ "Washington, D.C.",
+ "Jakarta",
+ "Islamabad"
+ ],
+ "depends_on": [],
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+ "pageid": 33728,
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+ "title": "List of national capitals",
+ "url": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_national_capitals"
+ }
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+ "id": "36b4ae8effc72a13",
+ "question": "What major river flows through Beijing?",
+ "decomposition": [],
+ "answer": "Yongding River",
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+ "85520893dafceed4",
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+ ],
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+ "revid": 1185762800,
+ "title": "Beijing",
+ "url": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beijing"
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+ },
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+ "id": "5a535532fdf04304",
+ "question": "What major river flows through New Delhi?",
+ "decomposition": [],
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+ "url": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Delhi"
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+ {
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+ "question": "What major river flows through Washington, D.C.?",
+ "decomposition": [],
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+ "title": "Washington, D.C.",
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+ "Beijing": "Yongding River",
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+ "Islamabad": "Soan River"
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+ "id": "ca085ff48e269f74",
+ "question": "Identify the presidents of the United States who served two terms and their respective political affiliations.",
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+ "question": "Who are the 2 time presidents of the US?",
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+ "Thomas Jefferson",
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+ "James Monroe",
+ "Andrew Jackson",
+ "Ulysses S. Grant",
+ "Grover Cleveland",
+ "Woodrow Wilson",
+ "Dwight D. Eisenhower",
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+ }
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+ "question": "What is George W. Bush's political alliance?",
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+ "James Monroe": "Democratic-Republican",
+ "Andrew Jackson": "Democrat",
+ "Ulysses S. Grant": "Republican",
+ "Grover Cleveland": "Democrat",
+ "Woodrow Wilson": "Democrat",
+ "Dwight D. Eisenhower": "Republican",
+ "Ronald Reagan": "Republican",
+ "Bill Clinton": "Democrat",
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+ "Barack Obama": "Democrat"
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+ "question": "What were the major battlefronts of World War II?",
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+ "question": "What were the key events on the Western Front?",
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+ "answer": "Battle of Stalingrad, Siege of Leningrad, Operation Barbarossa",
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+ "Western Front": "D-Day, Battle of the Bulge, Liberation of Paris",
+ "Eastern Front": "Battle of Stalingrad, Siege of Leningrad, Operation Barbarossa",
+ "Pacific Front": "Attack on Pearl Harbor, Battle of Midway, Battle of Iwo Jima",
+ "African Front": "Battle of El Alamein, Operation Torch, Battle of Gazala",
+ "Italian Front": "Battle of Monte Cassino, Invasion of Sicily, Battle of Anzio"
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+ },
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+ "Best Alternative Music Performance",
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+ "Best Score Soundtrack for Video Games and Other Interactive Media": "Assassin's Creed Valhalla: Dawn of Ragnarok",
+ "Best Spoken Word Poetry Album": "J. Ivy",
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+ "question": "Who are the members of Joe Biden's cabinet?",
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+ "Antony Blinken",
+ "Janet Yellen",
+ "Lloyd Austin",
+ "Merrick Garland",
+ "Deb Haaland",
+ "Tom Vilsack",
+ "Gina Raimondo",
+ "Julie Su",
+ "Xavier Becerra",
+ "Marcia Fudge",
+ "Pete Buttigieg",
+ "Jennifer Granholm",
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+ "question": "Which are the top 5 universities in the UK ranked by The Complete University Guide (2024)?",
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+ "University of Cambridge",
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+ "Golgo 13": "Thriller",
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+ "Hajime no Ippo": "Sports",
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+ },
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+ "question": "What are the 5 largest states in France, and what is their population?",
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+ "question": "What are the 5 largest states in France?",
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+ "Occitanie": 5973969,
+ "Auvergne-Rh\u00f4ne-Alpes": 8078652,
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+ },
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+ "question": "Who are the best-selling female rappers?",
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+ "Lauryn Hill": "Newark, New Jersey",
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+ "question": "What is the average rainfall in Honolulu, Hawaii in inches?",
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+ "Meteorology",
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+ "question": "Who were the doctoral advisors of the Nobel Prize in Physics winners for the years 2020 and 2022, if applicable?",
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+ "Roger Penrose",
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+ "John Clauser": "Patrick Thaddeus",
+ "Anton Zeilinger": "Helmut Rauch"
+ },
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+ "question": "Who are the current top 5 singles tennis players in the ATP rankings?",
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+ "Carlos Alcaraz": "El Palmar Murcia",
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+ },
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+ "question": "What are the top 5 most watched Netflix series in the first 28 days?",
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+ "Squid Game: Season 1",
+ "Stranger Things: Season 4",
+ "Wednesday: Season 1",
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+ "Money Heist: Part 5"
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+ "Stranger Things: Season 4": 9,
+ "Wednesday: Season 1": 8,
+ "Dahmer \u2013 Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story": 10,
+ "Money Heist: Part 5": 10
+ },
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+ "Television",
+ "Film Studies"
+ ]
+ },
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+ "id": "258f06111ca64e70",
+ "question": "What are the country calling codes of the 5 most populous countries in the world?",
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+ "question": "What are the 5 most populous countries in the world?",
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+ "Indonesia",
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+ "Pakistan": "+92"
+ },
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+ "Technology",
+ "Geography"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "ccf5ad3c45eabe40",
+ "question": "How old are the Japanese voice actors for the second year students in Tokyo Prefectural Jujutsu High School in the anime Jujutsu Kaisen?",
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+ {
+ "id": "a6b01aac7a62522d",
+ "question": "Who are the Japanese voice actors of the second year students in Tokyo Prefectural Jujutsu High School in Jujutsu Kaisen?",
+ "decomposition": [],
+ "answer": [
+ "Mikako Komatsu",
+ "Koki Uchiyama",
+ "Tomokazu Seki",
+ "Megumi Ogata"
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+ "question": "How old is Tomokazu Seki?",
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+ "Japanese Culture"
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+ "question": "What are the five smallest countries in Europe by land area?",
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+ "question": "Among the Ivy League universities, which four have the lowest endowments and how many Nobel laureates do each of them have?",
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+ "question": "Which are the five bands with the most album sales in rock history?",
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+ "The Beatles": "John Lennon and Paul McCartney",
+ "Led Zeppelin": "Robert Plant",
+ "Pink Floyd": "Syd Barrett, David Gilmour, and Roger Waters",
+ "Eagles": "Don Henley and Glenn Frey",
+ "Queen": "Freddie Mercury"
+ },
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+ "question": "Identify the architects of five historical landmarks: the Eiffel Tower, the Sydney Opera House, the Taj Mahal, the Empire State Building, and the Parthenon.",
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+ "Sydney Opera House": "J\u00f8rn Utzon",
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+ "Aaron Horvath": 2018
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+ },
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+ "question": "What is the elevation and name of the source of the Amazon River?",
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+ "answer": "The Amazon's source is at an elevation of approximately 5,220 meters and is named the Apur\u00edmac River.",
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+ "question": "What is the elevation and name of the source of the Yangtze River?",
+ "decomposition": [],
+ "answer": "The Yangtze's source is at an elevation of about 5,170 meters and is named Dam Qu.",
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+ "question": "What is the elevation and name of the source of the Mississippi River?",
+ "decomposition": [],
+ "answer": "The Mississippi's source is at an elevation of about 450 meters and is named Lake Itasca.",
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+ },
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+ "id": "2df1f08dbdd7db94",
+ "question": "What is the elevation and name of the source of the Yenisei River?",
+ "decomposition": [],
+ "answer": "The Yenisei's source is at an elevation of around 3,351 meters and is named Mungaragiyn-Gol.",
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+ }
+ ],
+ "answer": {
+ "Nile": "2,400 meters and is named the White Nile.",
+ "Amazon": "approximately 5,220 meters and is named the Apur\u00edmac River.",
+ "Yangtze": "About 5,170 meters and is named Dam Qu.",
+ "Mississippi": "About 450 meters and is named Lake Itasca.",
+ "Yenisei": "Around 3,351 meters and is named Mungaragiyn-Gol."
+ },
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+ "Geography"
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+ },
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+ "question": "What are the top 5 best-selling video games in history?",
+ "decomposition": [],
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+ "Minecraft",
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+ "Wii Sports",
+ "PUBG: Battlegrounds"
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+ },
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+ "id": "491c9fd7a5d1ad40",
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+ "question": "What is Tetris' genre?",
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+ "question": "What is PUBG: Battlegrounds' genre?",
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+ },
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+ "Video Games",
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+ "History"
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+ "question": "Who were the first five astronauts to land on the moon and what were their birth states?",
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+ {
+ "id": "7f70b134b7a31c4d",
+ "question": "Who were the first 5 people to go to the moon?",
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+ "question": "What is the birth state of Neil Armstrong",
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+ "id": "90f488cdb31586b2",
+ "question": "What is the birth state of Pete Conrad",
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+ "Pete Conrads": "Pennsylvania",
+ "Alan Bean": "Texas",
+ "Alan Shepard": "New Hampshire"
+ },
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+ "History",
+ "Space Exploration"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "c64872786e1a2ab6",
+ "question": "Identify the host cities of the Summer Olympic Games from 2000 to 2020 and name the main stadiums used in each of these Olympics.",
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+ "question": "What are the host cities of the Summer Olympic Games from 2000 to 2020?",
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+ "Sydney",
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+ "London",
+ "Rio de Janeiro",
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+ ],
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+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "7f9b2145f662c5df",
+ "question": "What was the main stadium used in the 2000 Sydney Olympics?",
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+ "question": "What was the main stadium used in the 2004 Athens Olympics?",
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+ }
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+ "id": "3aedab03e193d326",
+ "question": "What was the main stadium used in the 2012 London Olympics?",
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+ "question": "What was the main stadium used in the 2020 Tokyo Olympics?",
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+ "answer": {
+ "Sydney": "Stadium Australia",
+ "Athens": "Olympic Stadium",
+ "Beijing": "Beijing National Stadium",
+ "London": "London Olympic Stadium",
+ "Rio de Janeiro": "Maracan\u00e3 Stadium",
+ "Tokyo": "Japan National Stadium"
+ },
+ "categories": [
+ "Sports"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "cbbb1450f8d4f36b",
+ "question": "List the 5 largest automotive manufacturers by production volume in 2010 and provide the year each company was founded.",
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+ {
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+ "question": "What are the 5 largest automotive manufacturers by production volume in 2010?",
+ "decomposition": [],
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+ "Toyota",
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+ }
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+ "question": "What year was Toyota founded?",
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+ "question": "What year was General Motors founded?",
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+ "question": "What year was Volkswagen Group founded?",
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+ "question": "What year was Hyundai Motor Group founded?",
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+ "question": "What year was Ford founded?",
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+ }
+ ],
+ "answer": {
+ "Toyota": "1937",
+ "General Motors": "1908",
+ "Volkswagen Group": "1937",
+ "Hyundai Motor Group": "1998",
+ "Ford": "1903"
+ },
+ "categories": [
+ "History",
+ "Business"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "486e7defa1fa1ca0",
+ "question": "What are the five most popular dog breeds according to the American Kennel Club, and where did each of these breeds originate?",
+ "decomposition": [
+ {
+ "id": "0973846fa57a8753",
+ "question": "What are the five most populer dog breeds (according to the American Kennel Club)?",
+ "decomposition": [],
+ "answer": [
+ "Labrador Retriever",
+ "Yorkshire Terrier",
+ "German Shepherd",
+ "Golden Retriever",
+ "Beagle"
+ ],
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": "36ee1e4ff9982b87",
+ "question": "Where did Labrador Retrievers originate?",
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+ "answer": "United Kingdom",
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+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "7a8e95a991564470",
+ "question": "Where did Yorkshire Terriers originate?",
+ "decomposition": [],
+ "answer": "Yorkshire, England",
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+ "0973846fa57a8753"
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+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "4a331cbabe56e454",
+ "question": "Where did German Shepherds originate?",
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+ "question": "Where did Golden Retrievers originate?",
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+ {
+ "id": "0e1c9c0839d58569",
+ "question": "Where did Beagles originate?",
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+ "0973846fa57a8753"
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+ "Labrador Retriever": "United Kingdom",
+ "Yorkshire Terrier": "Yorkshire, England",
+ "German Shepherd": "Germany",
+ "Golden Retriever": "Scotland",
+ "Beagle": "England"
+ },
+ "categories": [
+ "History",
+ "Zoology"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "673d82368b23a8f4",
+ "question": "When were each of the specialized high schools in New York City founded?",
+ "decomposition": [
+ {
+ "id": "a2d15d62779a4ba6",
+ "question": "What are the specialized high schools of New York City?",
+ "decomposition": [],
+ "answer": [
+ "The Bronx High School of Science",
+ "Brooklyn Latin School",
+ "Brooklyn Technical High School",
+ "Fiorello H. LaGuardia High School of Music & Art and Performing Arts",
+ "High School for Math, Science and Engineering at City College",
+ "High School of American Studies at Lehman College",
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+ "Stuyvesant High School"
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+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "bf50ce4de225db71",
+ "question": "When was The Bronx High School of Science founded?",
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+ "answer": "1938",
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+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "dff10c92ce1bab50",
+ "question": "When was Brooklyn Latin School founded?",
+ "decomposition": [],
+ "answer": "2006",
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+ "a2d15d62779a4ba6"
+ ],
+ "evidence": {
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+ },
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+ "question": "When was Brooklyn Technical High School founded?",
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": "5617f4c0d6b15ed5",
+ "question": "When was The Fiorello H. LaGuardia High School of Music & Art and Performing Arts founded?",
+ "decomposition": [],
+ "answer": "1961",
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+ "a2d15d62779a4ba6"
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+ }
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+ "question": "When was High School for Math, Science and Engineering at City College founded?",
+ "decomposition": [],
+ "answer": "2002",
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+ "evidence": {
+ "pageid": 3642679,
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+ }
+ },
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+ "answer": "2002",
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+ "Fiorello H. LaGuardia High School of Music & Art and Performing Arts": "1961",
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+ "High School of American Studies at Lehman College": "2002",
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+ "Mo Yan": "A Late Bloomer",
+ "Alice Munro": "Family Furnishings: Selected Stories",
+ "Patrick Modiano": "La Danseuse",
+ "Svetlana Alexievich": "\u0412\u0440\u0435\u043c\u044f \u0441\u0435\u043a\u043e\u043d\u0434 \u0445\u044d\u043d\u0434"
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+ "question": "What are the name of the top 5 tallest mountains?",
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+ "Cornell University": "745 acres",
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+ "Columbia University": "299 acres",
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+ "question": "Find the 5 most popular dog breeds in America.",
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+ "Labrador Retriever",
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+ "Golden Retriever",
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+ "Labrador Retriever": "United Kingdom",
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+ "German Shepherd": "Germany",
+ "Golden Retriever": "Scotland",
+ "Beagle": "England"
+ },
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+ "question": "What are the 5 largest states in the United States?",
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+ },
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+ "Demographics",
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+ "id": "2fb2f7bf7a638df7",
+ "question": "What are the nine Colonial Colleges?",
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+ "New College (Harvard University)",
+ "College of William & Mary",
+ "Collegiate School (Yale University)",
+ "College of New Jersey (Princeton University)",
+ "King's College (Columbia University)",
+ "College of Philadelphia (University of Pennsylvania)",
+ "College of Rhode Island (Brown University)",
+ "Queen's College (Rutgers University)",
+ "Dartmouth College"
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+ "question": "Who is the current president of College of New Jersey (Princeton University)?",
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+ "College of William & Mary": "Robert Gates",
+ "Collegiate School (Yale University)": "Peter Salovey",
+ "College of New Jersey (Princeton University)": "Christopher L. Eisgruber",
+ "King's College (Columbia University)": "Minouche Shafik",
+ "College of Philadelphia (University of Pennsylvania)": "M. Elizabeth Magill",
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+ "answer": "AlphaGo versus Lee Sedol, also known as the DeepMind Challenge Match, was a five-game Go match between top Go player Lee Sedol and AlphaGo, a computer Go program developed by DeepMind, played in Seoul, South Korea between 9 and 15 March 2016.",
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+ "Italy (2021)",
+ "Portugal (2016)",
+ "Spain (2012)",
+ "Spain (2008)",
+ "Greece (2004)",
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+ "Spain (2012)": "Various",
+ "Spain (2008)": "Various",
+ "Greece (2004)": "Agia Sophia Stadium",
+ "France (2000)": "Stade de France",
+ "Germany (1996)": "Various",
+ "Denmark (1992)": "Parken Stadium",
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+ "Spain (2008)": "Various",
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+ "France (2000)": "Stade de France",
+ "Germany (1996)": "Various",
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+ "question": "Who are the Vice Premiers of the current Chinese State Council?",
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+ "Liu Guozhong": "July"
+ },
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+ "question": "What was the population in the year 2000 of the top four countries with the most FIFA World Cup wins?",
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+ "question": "What are the top four countries that have won the most FIFA World Cup?",
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+ },
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+ "question": "List the premier league 2023/24 season football teams based in London and their home stadiums?",
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+ "question": "Who are the London based premier league football teams and where are their home stadiums?",
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+ "question": "List the premier league 2023/24 season football teams based in London?",
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+ "question": "Name Arsenal FC's home stadium?",
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+ "question": "Who won the Best Picture Oscar in the years 2000, 2005, 2010, 2015, and 2020?",
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+ "question": "Who are the five top scorers of all time in the UEFA Champions League?",
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+ "Cristiano Ronaldo",
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+ "question": "What is Ra\u00fal's birthday?",
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+ "Lionel Messi": "06/24/1987",
+ "Robert Lewandowski": "08/21/1988",
+ "Karim Benzema": "12/19/1987",
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+ "question": "What percent of earthquakes with at least 9.0 magnitude were associated with tsunamis?",
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+ "question": "What were the earthquakes with at least 9.0 magnitude?",
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+ "1964 Alaska earthquake",
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+ "Ted Hsu",
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+ "HP": "Bill Hewlett, David Packard",
+ "Dell": "Michael Dell",
+ "Apple": "Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, Ronald Wayne",
+ "Asus": "Ted Hsu, M. T. Liao, Wayne Tsiah, T. H. Tung, Luca D. M."
+ },
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+ "India": "New Delhi",
+ "China?": "Beijing",
+ "United States": "Washington, D.C.",
+ "Indonesia": "Jakarta"
+ },
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+ "Geography"
+ ]
+ },
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+ "id": "f384f0d0b3af54e4",
+ "question": "What are the largest moons of Earth, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn, and what are their diameters in kilometers?",
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+ "id": "82d9dd13b9feec5e",
+ "question": "What are the largest moons of Earth, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn?",
+ "decomposition": [],
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+ "Moon",
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+ "question": "What is the diameter of the Moon?",
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+ "answer": "3,474.8 km",
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+ "id": "dc6d0c0a7b39cd32",
+ "question": "What is the diameter of Ganymede?",
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+ "answer": "5,268.2 km",
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+ "question": "What is the diameter of Titan?",
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+ "answer": "5,149.4 km",
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+ "82d9dd13b9feec5e"
+ ],
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+ "pageid": 47402,
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+ "Moon": "3,474.8 km",
+ "Phobos": "22.4 km",
+ "Ganymede": "5,268.2 km",
+ "Titan": "5,149.4 km"
+ },
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+ "Astronomy"
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+ },
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+ "id": "4d3d6f1c14f3fdbb",
+ "question": "What are the birthplaces of the mathematicians who won the Fields Medal in 2010, and what are the primary educational institutions where they studied?",
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+ "id": "dfaadb6c5f6011b1",
+ "question": "Who were the winners of the Fields Medal in 2010?",
+ "decomposition": [],
+ "answer": [
+ "Elon Lindenstrauss",
+ "Ng\u00f4 B\u1ea3o Ch\u00e2u",
+ "Stanislav Smirnov",
+ "C\u00e9dric Villani"
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+ "question": "Where was Elon Lindenstrauss born and what educational institution did he primarily study at?",
+ "decomposition": [],
+ "answer": "Born in Jerusalem, Israel; studied at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.",
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+ "question": "Where was Ng\u00f4 B\u1ea3o Ch\u00e2u born and what educational institution did he primarily study at?",
+ "decomposition": [],
+ "answer": "Born in Hanoi, Vietnam; studied at the University of Paris-Sud.",
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+ }
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+ "question": "Where was Stanislav Smirnov born and what educational institution did he primarily study at?",
+ "decomposition": [],
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+ }
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+ "id": "5ae5a9f2aa5b079e",
+ "question": "Where was C\u00e9dric Villani born and what educational institution did he primarily study at?",
+ "decomposition": [],
+ "answer": "Born in Brive-la-Gaillarde, France; studied at the \u00c9cole Normale Sup\u00e9rieure in Paris.",
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+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ "answer": {
+ "Elon Lindenstrauss": "Born in Jerusalem, Israel; studied at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.",
+ "Ng\u00f4 B\u1ea3o Ch\u00e2u": "Born in Hanoi, Vietnam; studied at the University of Paris-Sud.",
+ "Stanislav Smirnov": "Born in Saint Petersburg, Russia; studied at Saint Petersburg State University.",
+ "C\u00e9dric Villani": "Born in Brive-la-Gaillarde, France; studied at the \u00c9cole Normale Sup\u00e9rieure in Paris."
+ },
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+ "Education",
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+ "question": "Who are the main artists in the 2 songs Bryson Tiller made a guest appearance on in 2022?",
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+ "Nav",
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+ },
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+ "id": "4926bd3e62712e39",
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+ "question": "Who is the current principal of Essex High School?",
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+ "4926bd3e62712e39"
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+ },
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+ "Education",
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+ ]
+ },
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+ "id": "0ed1869d5d5b62f9",
+ "question": "List the names and birthplaces of the current head coach and the five tallest current players of the Philadelphia 76ers.",
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+ "question": "List the names of the current head coach and five tallest current Philadelphia 76ers players (may contain ties)",
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+ "Nick Nurse",
+ "Bamba, Mo",
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+ "Morris, Marcus Sr."
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+ "question": "What was the birthplaces of coach Nick Nurse?",
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+ "question": "What was the birthplaces of player Bamba, Mo?",
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+ "question": "What was the birthplaces of player Embiid, Joel?",
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+ "question": "What was the birthplaces of player Reed, Paul?",
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+ "answer": "Orlando, Florida, U.S",
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+ "1c6f52587050960e"
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+ "Nick Nurse": "Carroll, Iowa, U.S",
+ "Bamba, Mo": "New York City, New York, U.S",
+ "Embiid, Joel": "Yaound\u00e9, Cameroon",
+ "Reed, Paul": "Orlando, Florida, U.S",
+ "Batum, Nicolas": "Lisieux, France",
+ "Harris, Tobias": "Islip, New York, U.S",
+ "Morris, Marcus Sr.": "Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S"
+ },
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+ "Sports"
+ ]
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+ "question": "What are the capital cities of the countries with the most Olympic gold medals?",
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+ "id": "833ad04bc1524ece",
+ "question": "What are the 5 countries with the most Olympic gold medals?",
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+ "United States",
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+ "China"
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+ "question": "What is the capital of the United States?",
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+ "question": "What is the capital of Germany?",
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+ "Great Britain": "London",
+ "China": "Beijing"
+ },
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+ "Sports",
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+ "id": "f3a8115bcfb58655",
+ "question": "What are the official websites of the five most populous cities in the world?",
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+ "id": "408092e52bcc7a65",
+ "question": "What are the 5 most populous cities in the world?",
+ "decomposition": [],
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+ "Tokyo",
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+ "S\u00e3o Paulo",
+ "Mexico City"
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+ "question": "What is Tokyo's website?",
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+ "Mexico City": "www.cdmx.gob.mx"
+ },
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+ "Technology",
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+ "question": "Identify the four largest deserts on Earth and the dominant type of animal life found in each.",
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+ "question": "What are the four largest deserts on Earth?",
+ "decomposition": [],
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+ "Antarctic Desert",
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+ "Arabian Desert"
+ ],
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+ "question": "What is the dominant type of animal life in the Antarctic Desert?",
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+ "question": "What is the dominant type of animal life in the Arctic Desert?",
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+ "question": "What is the dominant type of animal life in the Sahara Desert?",
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+ "question": "What is the dominant type of animal life in the Arabian Desert?",
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+ "question": "What exclusive Mountain Dew flavors are no longer in production, and what company was each exclusive to?",
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+ "Mountain Dew Southern Shock": "Bojangles",
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+ "answer": "874,579",
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+ },
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+ "question": "Which banks are the top five largest banks in the world by market capitalization?",
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+ "JPMorgan Chase",
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+ "question": "What are the episodes of the Marvel miniseries 'Moon Knight' that released in 2022?",
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+ "The Goldfish Problem",
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+ "question": "Identify the top five countries with the highest total number of medals. What is the sport in which each of these countries has won the most gold medals?",
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+ "question": "Which five countries have the most number of total medals?",
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+ "question": "What was the population in 1990 of the countries that have successfully landed on the moon?",
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+ "question": "What are the countries that have landed on the moon?",
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+ "question": "Find a list of the top 5 fastest animals.",
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+ "Peregrine falcon",
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+ "White-throated needletail swift": "H. caudacutus",
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+ "id": "aef342e283752db1",
+ "question": "What university/company does Clifford Stein work at?",
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+ "Thomas H. Cormen": "Dartmouth College",
+ "Charles E. Leiserson": "Massachusetts Institute of Technology",
+ "Ronald L. Rivest": "Massachusetts Institute of Technology",
+ "Clifford Stein": "Columbia University"
+ },
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+ "Education",
+ "Computer Science"
+ ]
+ },
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+ "id": "30485427b5578fcd",
+ "question": "What was the per capita GDP in US dollars in the four continents with the highest GDP in 2022?",
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+ "question": "What are the top three continents with highest GDP in 2022?",
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+ }
+ },
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+ "id": "557f4ed94aad391e",
+ "question": "What was the GDP per capta of Asia in 2022?",
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+ "answer": "$8890",
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+ "question": "What was the GDP per capta of North America in 2022?",
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+ "question": "What was the GDP per capta of Europe in 2022?",
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+ "question": "What was the GDP per capta of South America in 2022?",
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+ "Asia": "$8890",
+ "North America": "$57410",
+ "Eruope": "$34230",
+ "South America": "$8340"
+ },
+ "categories": [
+ "Economics"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "7a60f1cc781f2fbe",
+ "question": "Which are the top four teams with the most Super Bowl wins and in which states are they located?",
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+ {
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+ "question": "What are the top four teams with most super bowl wins?",
+ "decomposition": [],
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+ ],
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+ },
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+ "id": "3411c7251aea470b",
+ "question": "What state is Boston located?",
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+ "question": "What state is Pittsburgh located?",
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+ "question": "What state is Dallas located?",
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+ "question": "What state is San Francisco located?",
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+ "Dallas Cowboys": "Texas",
+ "San Francisco 49ers": "California"
+ },
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+ "Sports",
+ "Geography"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "498337828f5896d3",
+ "question": "What is the area in square kilometers of the city that hosts the alma mater of all partners of the main actors from 'How I Met Your Mother' who eventually hosted the Academy Awards?",
+ "decomposition": [
+ {
+ "id": "7d88ed025e2cdc02",
+ "question": "List of main actors in 'How I Met Your Mother'",
+ "decomposition": [],
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+ "Josh Radnor",
+ "Jason Segel",
+ "Cobie Smulders",
+ "Neil Patrick Harris",
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+ "Cristin Milioti"
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+ "question": "Identify the partner of Neil Patrick Harris",
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+ "answer": "David Burtka",
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+ "id": "ab29b4162efaddb0",
+ "question": "What is the alma mater of David Burtka?",
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+ "answer": "University of Michigan",
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+ "id": "cfa47fa53562ead1",
+ "question": "What is the area of the city of Ann Arbor?",
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+ "question": "What are the top 5 companines on the Fortune Global 500 in 2023?",
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+ "question": "Where is the headquarter of Walmart?",
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+ "question": "Where is the headquarter of China National Petroleum?",
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+ }
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+ "Walmart": "Bentonville, Arkansas, U.S",
+ "Saudi Aramco": "Dhahran, Saudi Arabia[",
+ "State Grid": "Xicheng District, Beijing, China",
+ "Amazon": "Seattle, Washington",
+ "China National Petroleum": "Dongcheng District, Beijing, China"
+ },
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+ "Business",
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+ ]
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+ "id": "70da494f6dbf575c",
+ "question": "Who are the current government leaders of the top four countries in terms of GDP?",
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+ "id": "e5404a44c2861459",
+ "question": "What are the top four countries in GDP?",
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+ "Japan"
+ ],
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+ }
+ },
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+ "question": "Who is the government leader of the United States?",
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+ "question": "Who is the government leader of the Germany?",
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+ }
+ },
+ {
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+ "question": "Who is the government leader of the Japan?",
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+ "Japan": "Fumio Kishida"
+ },
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+ "Economics",
+ "Politics"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "c0f42143f3dd3be1",
+ "question": "What is the total prize money in US dollars for the winner of the League World Championships that had a 4 or 5 game grand final?",
+ "decomposition": [
+ {
+ "id": "0f88f7af8c8afdf9",
+ "question": "Which League World Championships had a grand final with more than 3 games?",
+ "decomposition": [],
+ "answer": [
+ 2012,
+ 2014,
+ 2015,
+ 2016,
+ 2020,
+ 2021,
+ 2022
+ ],
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+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "e1e61ceb904c0230",
+ "question": "What was the winners prize of the 2012 League World Championship?",
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+ "answer": 1000000,
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+ }
+ },
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+ }
+ },
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+ "question": "What was the winners prize of the 2015 League World Championship?",
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+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "a41e5ed2f5295d85",
+ "question": "What was the winners prize of the 2016 League World Championship?",
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+ "answer": 2028000,
+ "depends_on": [
+ "0f88f7af8c8afdf9"
+ ],
+ "evidence": {
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+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "cd703c14162cd12d",
+ "question": "What was the winners prize of the 2020 League World Championship?",
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+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "85e201cdc94a0f75",
+ "question": "What was the winners prize of the 2021 League World Championship?",
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+ "answer": 495000,
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+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "e0539b473c185207",
+ "question": "What was the winners prize of the 2022 League World Championship?",
+ "decomposition": [],
+ "answer": 489500,
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+ "0f88f7af8c8afdf9"
+ ],
+ "evidence": {
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+ }
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+ "answer": 6568750,
+ "categories": [
+ "Video Games",
+ "Economics"
+ ]
+ }
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+3,"['round-trip', 'San Francisco to Paris', 'departing in two weeks']",Could you find a round-trip flight from San Francisco to Paris departing in two weeks?,0
+4,"['round-trip', 'San Francisco to Paris', 'departing in two weeks', 'returning after a 10-day stay']",Could you find a round-trip flight from San Francisco to Paris departing in two weeks and returning after a 10-day stay?,0
+5,"['round-trip', 'San Francisco to Paris', 'departing in two weeks', 'returning after a 10-day stay', 'economy class']","Could you find a round-trip flight from San Francisco to Paris departing in two weeks, returning after a 10-day stay, and in economy class?",0
+6,"['round-trip', 'San Francisco to Paris', 'departing in two weeks', 'returning after a 10-day stay', 'economy class', 'one layover maximum']","Could you find a round-trip flight from San Francisco to Paris departing in two weeks, returning after a 10-day stay, in economy class, with at most one layover?",0
+7,"['round-trip', 'San Francisco to Paris', 'departing in two weeks', 'returning after a 10-day stay', 'economy class', 'one layover maximum', 'departure after 8 PM']","Could you find a round-trip flight from San Francisco to Paris departing in two weeks, returning after a 10-day stay, in economy class, with at most one layover, and departing after 8 PM?",0
+8,"['round-trip', 'San Francisco to Paris', 'departing in two weeks', 'returning after a 10-day stay', 'economy class', 'one layover maximum', 'departure after 8 PM', 'maximum budget of $800']","Could you find a round-trip flight from San Francisco to Paris departing in two weeks, returning after a 10-day stay, in economy class, with at most one layover, departing after 8 PM, and not exceeding a $800 budget?",0
+3,"['one-way', 'Los Angeles to Tokyo', 'flying after 8 PM']",Can you look for a one-way flight from Los Angeles to Tokyo that departs after 8 PM?,2
+4,"['one-way', 'Los Angeles to Tokyo', 'flying after 8 PM', 'economy class']",Can you look for a one-way flight from Los Angeles to Tokyo in economy class that departs after 8 PM?,2
+5,"['one-way', 'Los Angeles to Tokyo', 'flying after 8 PM', 'economy class', 'non-stop']",Can you look for a non-stop one-way flight from Los Angeles to Tokyo in economy class that departs after 8 PM?,2
+6,"['one-way', 'Los Angeles to Tokyo', 'flying after 8 PM', 'economy class', 'non-stop', 'budget under $700']",Can you find a non-stop one-way flight from Los Angeles to Tokyo in economy class that departs after 8 PM and costs less than $700?,2
+7,"['one-way', 'Los Angeles to Tokyo', 'flying after 8 PM', 'economy class', 'non-stop', 'budget under $700', 'departing next week']",Can you find a non-stop one-way flight from Los Angeles to Tokyo in economy class that departs next week after 8 PM and costs less than $700?,2
+8,"['one-way', 'Los Angeles to Tokyo', 'flying after 8 PM', 'economy class', 'non-stop', 'budget under $700', 'departing next week', 'eco-friendly option']","Can you find an eco-friendly, non-stop one-way flight from Los Angeles to Tokyo in economy class that departs next week after 8 PM and costs less than $700?",2
+3,"['multi-city', 'New York to Rome to Barcelona', 'leaving next month']","I’m looking for a multi-city trip: New York to Rome and then Rome to Barcelona, leaving next month. Can you find that?",3
+4,"['multi-city', 'New York to Rome to Barcelona', 'leaving next month', 'non-stop flights only']","I’m looking for a multi-city trip: New York to Rome and then Rome to Barcelona, leaving next month, and I want non-stop flights only. Can you find that?",3
+5,"['multi-city', 'New York to Rome to Barcelona', 'leaving next month', 'non-stop flights only', 'returning in two weeks']","I’m looking for a multi-city trip: New York to Rome and then Rome to Barcelona, leaving next month and returning in two weeks, with non-stop flights only. Can you find that?",3
+6,"['multi-city', 'New York to Rome to Barcelona', 'leaving next month', 'non-stop flights only', 'returning in two weeks', 'economy class']","I’m looking for a multi-city trip: New York to Rome and then Rome to Barcelona, leaving next month and returning in two weeks. I prefer non-stop flights only and I’d like to fly economy class. Can you find that?",3
+7,"['multi-city', 'New York to Rome to Barcelona', 'leaving next month', 'non-stop flights only', 'returning in two weeks', 'economy class', 'leaving New York after 5 PM']","I’m looking for a multi-city trip: New York to Rome and then Rome to Barcelona, leaving next month after 5 PM and returning in two weeks. I prefer non-stop flights only and I’d like to fly economy class. Can you find that?",3
+8,"['multi-city', 'New York to Rome to Barcelona', 'leaving next month', 'non-stop flights only', 'returning in two weeks', 'economy class', 'leaving New York after 5 PM', 'prefer Delta airlines']","I’m looking for a multi-city trip: New York to Rome and then Rome to Barcelona, leaving next month after 5 PM and returning in two weeks. I prefer non-stop flights only and would like to fly economy class, preferably with Delta airlines. Can you find that?",3
+3,"['business class', 'from Chicago to Sydney', 'with a layover in Los Angeles']",I need a business class flight from Chicago to Sydney with a layover in Los Angeles. Can you find one?,4
+4,"['business class', 'from Chicago to Sydney', 'with a layover in Los Angeles', 'departing next week']",I need a business class flight from Chicago to Sydney with a layover in Los Angeles departing next week. Can you find one?,4
+5,"['business class', 'from Chicago to Sydney', 'with a layover in Los Angeles', 'departing next week', 'total flight time under 20 hours']","I need a business class flight from Chicago to Sydney with a layover in Los Angeles departing next week, and the total flight time should be under 20 hours. Can you find one?",4
+6,"['business class', 'from Chicago to Sydney', 'with a layover in Los Angeles', 'departing next week', 'total flight time under 20 hours', 'on an eco-friendly flight']","I need a business class flight from Chicago to Sydney with a layover in Los Angeles departing next week that is eco-friendly, and the total flight time should be under 20 hours. Can you find one?",4
+7,"['business class', 'from Chicago to Sydney', 'with a layover in Los Angeles', 'departing next week', 'total flight time under 20 hours', 'on an eco-friendly flight', 'preferably on United Airlines']","I need a business class flight from Chicago to Sydney with a layover in Los Angeles departing next week that is eco-friendly, and the total flight time should be under 20 hours, preferably on United Airlines. Can you find one?",4
+8,"['business class', 'from Chicago to Sydney', 'with a layover in Los Angeles', 'departing next week', 'total flight time under 20 hours', 'on an eco-friendly flight', 'preferably on United Airlines', 'arriving in Sydney before 5 PM']","I need a business class flight from Chicago to Sydney with a layover in Los Angeles departing next week that is eco-friendly, the total flight time should be under 20 hours, preferably on United Airlines, and it should arrive in Sydney before 5 PM. Can you find one?",4
+3,"['price under $500', 'from Miami to Seattle', 'departing next Tuesday']",Can you find a flight from Miami to Seattle departing next Tuesday that's under $500?,5
+4,"['price under $500', 'from Miami to Seattle', 'departing next Tuesday', 'returning next Friday']",Can you find a round-trip flight from Miami to Seattle departing next Tuesday and returning next Friday for under $500?,5
+5,"['price under $500', 'from Miami to Seattle', 'departing next Tuesday', 'returning next Friday', 'non-stop flights only']",Can you find a non-stop round-trip flight from Miami to Seattle departing next Tuesday and returning next Friday for under $500?,5
+6,"['price under $500', 'from Miami to Seattle', 'departing next Tuesday', 'returning next Friday', 'non-stop flights only', 'in economy class']",Can you find an economy class non-stop round-trip flight from Miami to Seattle departing next Tuesday and returning next Friday for under $500?,5
+7,"['price under $500', 'from Miami to Seattle', 'departing next Tuesday', 'returning next Friday', 'non-stop flights only', 'in economy class', 'after 8 AM departure']",Can you find an economy class non-stop round-trip flight from Miami to Seattle departing next Tuesday and returning next Friday with a departure after 8 AM for under $500?,5
+8,"['price under $500', 'from Miami to Seattle', 'departing next Tuesday', 'returning next Friday', 'non-stop flights only', 'in economy class', 'after 8 AM departure', 'with Delta Airlines']",Can you find an economy class non-stop round-trip flight on Delta Airlines from Miami to Seattle departing next Tuesday and returning next Friday with a departure after 8 AM for under $500?,5
+3,"['eco-friendly', 'from Berlin to Madrid', 'round-trip']","Find an eco-friendly round-trip flight from Berlin to Madrid, please.",6
+4,"['eco-friendly', 'from Berlin to Madrid', 'round-trip', 'departure next week']","Find an eco-friendly round-trip flight from Berlin to Madrid with departure next week, please.",6
+5,"['eco-friendly', 'from Berlin to Madrid', 'round-trip', 'departure next week', 'cabin class economy']","Find an eco-friendly round-trip flight from Berlin to Madrid with departure next week in economy class, please.",6
+6,"['eco-friendly', 'from Berlin to Madrid', 'round-trip', 'departure next week', 'cabin class economy', 'non-stop flights only']","Find an eco-friendly, non-stop round-trip flight from Berlin to Madrid with departure next week in economy class, please.",6
+7,"['eco-friendly', 'from Berlin to Madrid', 'round-trip', 'departure next week', 'cabin class economy', 'non-stop flights only', 'under $300']","Find an eco-friendly, non-stop round-trip flight from Berlin to Madrid with departure next week in economy class under $300, please.",6
+8,"['eco-friendly', 'from Berlin to Madrid', 'round-trip', 'departure next week', 'cabin class economy', 'non-stop flights only', 'under $300', 'return after 8 PM']","Find an eco-friendly, non-stop round-trip flight from Berlin to Madrid with departure next week in economy class under $300 and a return after 8 PM, please.",6
+3,"['round-trip', 'Paris to Tokyo', 'returning two weeks later']","I'm looking for a round-trip flight from Paris to Tokyo, coming back two weeks after I leave.",7
+4,"['round-trip', 'Paris to Tokyo', 'returning two weeks later', 'non-stop flights only']","I'm looking for a round-trip flight from Paris to Tokyo, coming back two weeks after I leave, and I prefer non-stop flights only.",7
+5,"['round-trip', 'Paris to Tokyo', 'returning two weeks later', 'non-stop flights only', 'departing in the evening']","I'm looking for a round-trip flight from Paris to Tokyo, coming back two weeks after I leave, non-stop flights only, and preferably departing in the evening.",7
+6,"['round-trip', 'Paris to Tokyo', 'returning two weeks later', 'non-stop flights only', 'departing in the evening', 'economy class']","I'm looking for a round-trip flight from Paris to Tokyo, coming back two weeks after I leave, non-stop flights only, preferably departing in the evening, and I want to book in economy class.",7
+7,"['round-trip', 'Paris to Tokyo', 'returning two weeks later', 'non-stop flights only', 'departing in the evening', 'economy class', 'budget under 1000 USD']","I'm looking for a round-trip flight from Paris to Tokyo, coming back two weeks after I leave, with non-stop flights only, preferably departing in the evening, in economy class, and a budget under 1000 USD.",7
+8,"['round-trip', 'Paris to Tokyo', 'returning two weeks later', 'non-stop flights only', 'departing in the evening', 'economy class', 'budget under 1000 USD', 'eco-friendly options']","I'm looking for a round-trip flight from Paris to Tokyo, coming back two weeks after I leave, with non-stop flights only, preferably departing in the evening, in economy class, a budget under 1000 USD, and considering eco-friendly options.",7
+3,"['multi-leg', 'London to Sydney via Singapore', 'departing next weekend']","Could you help me find a multi-leg flight from London to Sydney with a stop in Singapore, leaving next weekend?",8
+4,"['multi-leg', 'London to Sydney via Singapore', 'departing next weekend', 'economy class']","Could you help me find a multi-leg flight from London to Sydney with a stop in Singapore, leaving next weekend in economy class?",8
+5,"['multi-leg', 'London to Sydney via Singapore', 'departing next weekend', 'economy class', 'non-stop from Singapore']","Could you help me find a multi-leg flight from London to Sydney with a stop in Singapore, leaving next weekend in economy class, and ensure that the flight from Singapore is non-stop?",8
+6,"['multi-leg', 'London to Sydney via Singapore', 'departing next weekend', 'economy class', 'non-stop from Singapore', 'return in two weeks']","Could you help me find a multi-leg flight from London to Sydney with a stop in Singapore, leaving next weekend in economy class, ensuring a non-stop from Singapore, and returning in two weeks?",8
+7,"['multi-leg', 'London to Sydney via Singapore', 'departing next weekend', 'economy class', 'non-stop from Singapore', 'return in two weeks', 'depart between 8-10 AM']","Could you help me find a multi-leg flight from London to Sydney with a stop in Singapore, leaving next weekend in economy class, ensuring a non-stop from Singapore, returning in two weeks, and departing between 8-10 AM?",8
+8,"['multi-leg', 'London to Sydney via Singapore', 'departing next weekend', 'economy class', 'non-stop from Singapore', 'return in two weeks', 'depart between 8-10 AM', 'budget under $1000']","Could you help me find a multi-leg flight from London to Sydney with a stop in Singapore, leaving next weekend in economy class, ensuring a non-stop from Singapore, returning in two weeks, departing between 8-10 AM, and with a budget under $1000?",8
+3,"['one-way', 'San Francisco to Amsterdam', 'business class']",Can you search for a one-way business class flight from San Francisco to Amsterdam?,9
+4,"['one-way', 'San Francisco to Amsterdam', 'business class', 'non-stop flights only']",Can you search for a one-way business class flight from San Francisco to Amsterdam that is non-stop?,9
+5,"['one-way', 'San Francisco to Amsterdam', 'business class', 'non-stop flights only', 'departure after 8 PM']",Can you search for a one-way non-stop business class flight from San Francisco to Amsterdam departing after 8 PM?,9
+6,"['one-way', 'San Francisco to Amsterdam', 'business class', 'non-stop flights only', 'departure after 8 PM', 'within budget of $2000']",Can you search for a one-way non-stop business class flight from San Francisco to Amsterdam departing after 8 PM with a budget under $2000?,9
+7,"['one-way', 'San Francisco to Amsterdam', 'business class', 'non-stop flights only', 'departure after 8 PM', 'within budget of $2000', 'eco-friendly options prioritized']","Can you find a one-way non-stop business class flight from San Francisco to Amsterdam that departs after 8 PM, is under $2000, and prioritizes eco-friendly options?",9
+8,"['one-way', 'San Francisco to Amsterdam', 'business class', 'non-stop flights only', 'departure after 8 PM', 'within budget of $2000', 'eco-friendly options prioritized', 'operated by KLM or Delta Airlines']","Can you find a one-way non-stop business class flight from San Francisco to Amsterdam that departs after 8 PM, is under $2000, prioritizes eco-friendly options, and is operated by KLM or Delta Airlines?",9
+3,"['round-trip', 'Los Angeles to New York', 'non-stop']",Can you get me a round-trip flight from Los Angeles to New York that doesn't have any stops?,10
+4,"['round-trip', 'Los Angeles to New York', 'non-stop', 'depart after 6 PM']",Can you get me a round-trip flight from Los Angeles to New York that doesn't have any stops and departs after 6 PM?,10
+5,"['round-trip', 'Los Angeles to New York', 'non-stop', 'depart after 6 PM', 'return next week']","Can you get me a round-trip flight from Los Angeles to New York that doesn't have any stops and departs after 6 PM, returning next week?",10
+6,"['round-trip', 'Los Angeles to New York', 'non-stop', 'depart after 6 PM', 'return next week', 'economy class']","Can you get me a round-trip flight from Los Angeles to New York that doesn't have any stops, departs after 6 PM, returning next week in economy class?",10
+7,"['round-trip', 'Los Angeles to New York', 'non-stop', 'depart after 6 PM', 'return next week', 'economy class', 'budget limit $400']","Can you get me a round-trip flight from Los Angeles to New York that doesn't have any stops, departs after 6 PM, returning next week in economy class with a budget limit of $400?",10
+8,"['round-trip', 'Los Angeles to New York', 'non-stop', 'depart after 6 PM', 'return next week', 'economy class', 'budget limit $400', 'prefer eco-friendly options']","Can you get me a round-trip flight from Los Angeles to New York that doesn't have any stops, departs after 6 PM, returning next week in economy class with a budget limit of $400, and I prefer eco-friendly options?",10
+3,"['one-way', 'Miami to Cancun', 'departing tomorrow']",I need a one-way flight from Miami to Cancun leaving tomorrow. Can you find that?,11
+4,"['one-way', 'Miami to Cancun', 'departing tomorrow', 'early morning departure']",I need a one-way flight from Miami to Cancun leaving tomorrow with an early morning departure. Can you find that?,11
+5,"['one-way', 'Miami to Cancun', 'departing tomorrow', 'early morning departure', 'economy class']",I need a one-way economy class flight from Miami to Cancun leaving tomorrow with an early morning departure. Can you find that?,11
+6,"['one-way', 'Miami to Cancun', 'departing tomorrow', 'early morning departure', 'economy class', 'non-stop']","I need a one-way, non-stop economy class flight from Miami to Cancun leaving tomorrow with an early morning departure. Can you find that?",11
+7,"['one-way', 'Miami to Cancun', 'departing tomorrow', 'early morning departure', 'economy class', 'non-stop', 'budget under $300']","I need a one-way, non-stop economy class flight from Miami to Cancun leaving tomorrow with an early morning departure, and I prefer it to be under $300. Can you find that?",11
+8,"['one-way', 'Miami to Cancun', 'departing tomorrow', 'early morning departure', 'economy class', 'non-stop', 'budget under $300', 'preferred airline: Delta']","I need a one-way, non-stop economy class flight from Miami to Cancun leaving tomorrow with an early morning departure, and I prefer it to be under $300 with Delta Airlines. Can you find that?",11
+3,"['round-trip', 'Chicago to Dubai', 'next month']",I'd like to find a round-trip ticket from Chicago to Dubai sometime next month.,12
+4,"['round-trip', 'Chicago to Dubai', 'next month', 'economy class']","I'd like to find a round-trip ticket from Chicago to Dubai next month, traveling in economy class.",12
+5,"['round-trip', 'Chicago to Dubai', 'next month', 'economy class', 'non-stop flights only']","I'd like to find a round-trip ticket from Chicago to Dubai next month, traveling in economy class, with non-stop flights only.",12
+6,"['round-trip', 'Chicago to Dubai', 'next month', 'economy class', 'non-stop flights only', 'departure time after 8 AM']","I'd like to find a round-trip ticket from Chicago to Dubai next month, traveling in economy class, with non-stop flights only, departing after 8 AM.",12
+7,"['round-trip', 'Chicago to Dubai', 'next month', 'economy class', 'non-stop flights only', 'departure time after 8 AM', 'return within two weeks']","I'd like to find a round-trip ticket from Chicago to Dubai next month, traveling in economy class, with non-stop flights only, departing after 8 AM, and returning within two weeks.",12
+8,"['round-trip', 'Chicago to Dubai', 'next month', 'economy class', 'non-stop flights only', 'departure time after 8 AM', 'return within two weeks', 'preferred airline: Emirates']","I'd like to find a round-trip ticket from Chicago to Dubai next month, traveling in economy class, with non-stop flights only, departing after 8 AM, returning within two weeks, and preferably flying with Emirates.",12
+3,"['eco-friendly', 'Seattle to Boston', 'departing in the evening']",Please search for an eco-friendly flight from Seattle to Boston that departs in the evening.,13
+4,"['eco-friendly', 'Seattle to Boston', 'departing in the evening', 'round-trip with return next month']",Please search for an eco-friendly round-trip flight from Seattle to Boston that departs in the evening and returns next month.,13
+5,"['eco-friendly', 'Seattle to Boston', 'departing in the evening', 'round-trip with return next month', 'non-stop']","Please search for an eco-friendly, non-stop, round-trip flight from Seattle to Boston that departs in the evening and returns next month.",13
+6,"['eco-friendly', 'Seattle to Boston', 'departing in the evening', 'round-trip with return next month', 'non-stop', 'economy class']","Please search for an eco-friendly, non-stop, economy class, round-trip flight from Seattle to Boston that departs in the evening and returns next month.",13
+7,"['eco-friendly', 'Seattle to Boston', 'departing in the evening', 'round-trip with return next month', 'non-stop', 'economy class', 'under $500']","Please search for an eco-friendly, non-stop, economy class, round-trip flight from Seattle to Boston that departs in the evening, returns next month, and is under $500.",13
+8,"['eco-friendly', 'Seattle to Boston', 'departing in the evening', 'round-trip with return next month', 'non-stop', 'economy class', 'under $500', 'operated by Delta Airlines']","Please search for an eco-friendly, non-stop, economy class, round-trip flight from Seattle to Boston that departs in the evening, returns next month, is under $500, and is operated by Delta Airlines.",13
+3,"['round-trip', 'San Francisco to Tokyo', 'departing in two weeks']",Could you search for a round-trip flight from San Francisco to Tokyo departing in two weeks?,14
+4,"['round-trip', 'San Francisco to Tokyo', 'departing in two weeks', 'economy class']",Could you search for a round-trip flight from San Francisco to Tokyo departing in two weeks in economy class?,14
+5,"['round-trip', 'San Francisco to Tokyo', 'departing in two weeks', 'economy class', 'non-stop flights only']","Could you search for a round-trip flight from San Francisco to Tokyo departing in two weeks in economy class, preferably non-stop flights only?",14
+6,"['round-trip', 'San Francisco to Tokyo', 'departing in two weeks', 'economy class', 'non-stop flights only', 'returning after one week']","Could you search for a round-trip flight from San Francisco to Tokyo, departing in two weeks and returning after one week, in economy class, non-stop flights only?",14
+7,"['round-trip', 'San Francisco to Tokyo', 'departing in two weeks', 'economy class', 'non-stop flights only', 'returning after one week', 'with a budget under $1000']","Could you search for a round-trip flight from San Francisco to Tokyo, departing in two weeks and returning after one week, in economy class, non-stop flights only, with a budget under $1000?",14
+8,"['round-trip', 'San Francisco to Tokyo', 'departing in two weeks', 'economy class', 'non-stop flights only', 'returning after one week', 'with a budget under $1000', 'preferably using Japan Airlines']","Could you search for a round-trip flight from San Francisco to Tokyo, departing in two weeks and returning after one week, in economy class, non-stop flights only, with a budget under $1000, preferably using Japan Airlines?",14
+3,"['economy class', 'Paris to New York', 'non-stop flight']","I'd like to find an economy class, non-stop flight from Paris to New York.",15
+4,"['economy class', 'Paris to New York', 'non-stop flight', 'departure next month']","I'd like to find an economy class, non-stop flight from Paris to New York departing next month.",15
+5,"['economy class', 'Paris to New York', 'non-stop flight', 'departure next month', 'morning departure']","I'd like to find an economy class, non-stop flight from Paris to New York departing next month in the morning.",15
+6,"['economy class', 'Paris to New York', 'non-stop flight', 'departure next month', 'morning departure', 'maximum budget of $500']","I'd like to find an economy class, non-stop flight from Paris to New York departing next month in the morning, with a maximum budget of $500.",15
+7,"['economy class', 'Paris to New York', 'non-stop flight', 'departure next month', 'morning departure', 'maximum budget of $500', 'Air France preferred']","I'd like to find an economy class, non-stop flight from Paris to New York departing next month in the morning, with a maximum budget of $500, preferably on Air France.",15
+8,"['economy class', 'Paris to New York', 'non-stop flight', 'departure next month', 'morning departure', 'maximum budget of $500', 'Air France preferred', 'eco-friendly flight option']","I'd like to find an economy class, non-stop flight from Paris to New York departing next month in the morning, with a maximum budget of $500, preferably on Air France, and an eco-friendly flight option.",15
+3,"['one-way', 'Los Angeles to Sydney', 'cheapest option']",What's the cheapest one-way flight from Los Angeles to Sydney?,16
+4,"['one-way', 'Los Angeles to Sydney', 'cheapest option', 'departing after 6 PM']",What's the cheapest one-way flight from Los Angeles to Sydney departing after 6 PM?,16
+5,"['one-way', 'Los Angeles to Sydney', 'cheapest option', 'departing after 6 PM', 'economy class']",What's the cheapest one-way flight in economy class from Los Angeles to Sydney departing after 6 PM?,16
+6,"['one-way', 'Los Angeles to Sydney', 'cheapest option', 'departing after 6 PM', 'economy class', 'non-stop']",What's the cheapest non-stop one-way flight in economy class from Los Angeles to Sydney departing after 6 PM?,16
+7,"['one-way', 'Los Angeles to Sydney', 'cheapest option', 'departing after 6 PM', 'economy class', 'non-stop', 'eco-friendly option']","What's the cheapest non-stop, eco-friendly one-way flight in economy class from Los Angeles to Sydney departing after 6 PM?",16
+8,"['one-way', 'Los Angeles to Sydney', 'cheapest option', 'departing after 6 PM', 'economy class', 'non-stop', 'eco-friendly option', 'using a specific airline']","What's the cheapest non-stop, eco-friendly one-way flight in economy class from Los Angeles to Sydney departing after 6 PM on a specific airline?",16
+3,"['multi-city', 'New York to Rome, then to Athens', 'next month']","Can you find a multi-city flight visiting New York, Rome, and Athens next month?",17
+4,"['multi-city', 'New York to Rome, then to Athens', 'next month', 'economy class']","Can you find an economy class multi-city flight visiting New York, Rome, and Athens next month?",17
+5,"['multi-city', 'New York to Rome, then to Athens', 'next month', 'economy class', 'depart after 8 PM']","Can you find an economy class multi-city flight visiting New York, Rome, and Athens next month, departing after 8 PM?",17
+6,"['multi-city', 'New York to Rome, then to Athens', 'next month', 'economy class', 'depart after 8 PM', 'total flight time under 20 hours']","Can you find an economy class multi-city flight visiting New York, Rome, and Athens next month, departing after 8 PM, with a total flight time under 20 hours?",17
+7,"['multi-city', 'New York to Rome, then to Athens', 'next month', 'economy class', 'depart after 8 PM', 'total flight time under 20 hours', 'non-stop between New York and Rome']","Can you find an economy class multi-city flight visiting New York, Rome, and Athens next month, departing after 8 PM, with a total flight time under 20 hours and a non-stop flight between New York and Rome?",17
+8,"['multi-city', 'New York to Rome, then to Athens', 'next month', 'economy class', 'depart after 8 PM', 'total flight time under 20 hours', 'non-stop between New York and Rome', 'lowest CO2 emissions possible']","Can you find an economy class multi-city flight visiting New York, Rome, and Athens next month, departing after 8 PM, with a total flight time under 20 hours, a non-stop flight between New York and Rome, and the lowest CO2 emissions possible?",17
+3,"['business class', 'Chicago to London', 'afternoon departure']",Find me a business class flight from Chicago to London that departs in the afternoon.,18
+4,"['business class', 'Chicago to London', 'afternoon departure', 'non-stop flights only']",Find me a business class flight from Chicago to London that departs in the afternoon and is non-stop.,18
+5,"['business class', 'Chicago to London', 'afternoon departure', 'non-stop flights only', 'within the next two weeks']","Find me a business class flight from Chicago to London that departs in the afternoon, is non-stop, and is within the next two weeks.",18
+6,"['business class', 'Chicago to London', 'afternoon departure', 'non-stop flights only', 'within the next two weeks', 'under $3000']","Find me a business class flight from Chicago to London that departs in the afternoon, is non-stop, is within the next two weeks, and costs under $3000.",18
+7,"['business class', 'Chicago to London', 'afternoon departure', 'non-stop flights only', 'within the next two weeks', 'under $3000', 'departure after 3 PM']","Find me a business class flight from Chicago to London that departs non-stop in the afternoon, after 3 PM, is within the next two weeks, and costs under $3000.",18
+8,"['business class', 'Chicago to London', 'afternoon departure', 'non-stop flights only', 'within the next two weeks', 'under $3000', 'departure after 3 PM', 'prefer American Airlines']","Find me a business class flight from Chicago to London that departs non-stop in the afternoon, after 3 PM, is within the next two weeks, costs under $3000, and preferably with American Airlines.",18
+3,"['eco-friendly', 'Berlin to Madrid', 'round-trip']",I'm looking for an eco-friendly round-trip flight from Berlin to Madrid.,19
+4,"['eco-friendly', 'Berlin to Madrid', 'round-trip', 'departure: next week']","I'm looking for an eco-friendly round-trip flight from Berlin to Madrid, departing next week.",19
+5,"['eco-friendly', 'Berlin to Madrid', 'round-trip', 'departure: next week', 'non-stop']","I'm looking for an eco-friendly round-trip non-stop flight from Berlin to Madrid, departing next week.",19
+6,"['eco-friendly', 'Berlin to Madrid', 'round-trip', 'departure: next week', 'non-stop', 'economy class']","I'm looking for an eco-friendly economy class round-trip non-stop flight from Berlin to Madrid, departing next week.",19
+7,"['eco-friendly', 'Berlin to Madrid', 'round-trip', 'departure: next week', 'non-stop', 'economy class', 'budget: under 300 euros']","I'm looking for an eco-friendly economy class round-trip non-stop flight from Berlin to Madrid, departing next week, with a budget under 300 euros.",19
+8,"['eco-friendly', 'Berlin to Madrid', 'round-trip', 'departure: next week', 'non-stop', 'economy class', 'budget: under 300 euros', 'departure time: after 8 PM']","I'm looking for an eco-friendly economy class round-trip non-stop flight from Berlin to Madrid, departing next week, with a budget under 300 euros and leaving after 8 PM.",19
+3,"['one-stop', 'Miami to Buenos Aires', 'overnight flight']","Can you find a one-stop, overnight flight from Miami to Buenos Aires?",20
+4,"['one-stop', 'Miami to Buenos Aires', 'overnight flight', 'round-trip']","Can you find a one-stop, overnight, round-trip flight from Miami to Buenos Aires?",20
+5,"['one-stop', 'Miami to Buenos Aires', 'overnight flight', 'round-trip', 'departing next weekend']","Can you find a one-stop, overnight, round-trip flight from Miami to Buenos Aires departing next weekend?",20
+6,"['one-stop', 'Miami to Buenos Aires', 'overnight flight', 'round-trip', 'departing next weekend', 'economy class']","Can you find a one-stop, overnight, round-trip flight in economy class from Miami to Buenos Aires departing next weekend?",20
+7,"['one-stop', 'Miami to Buenos Aires', 'overnight flight', 'round-trip', 'departing next weekend', 'economy class', 'departure between 8-10 PM']","Can you find a one-stop, overnight, round-trip flight in economy class from Miami to Buenos Aires departing next weekend between 8-10 PM?",20
+8,"['one-stop', 'Miami to Buenos Aires', 'overnight flight', 'round-trip', 'departing next weekend', 'economy class', 'departure between 8-10 PM', 'preferably American Airlines']","Can you find a one-stop, overnight, round-trip flight in economy class from Miami to Buenos Aires departing next weekend between 8-10 PM, preferably with American Airlines?",20
diff --git a/examples/WebAgent/evaluation/fanout/evaluator.py b/examples/WebAgent/evaluation/fanout/evaluator.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3602690e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/WebAgent/evaluation/fanout/evaluator.py
@@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
+import json
+from tqdm import tqdm
+import rouge_score
+import rouge_score.scoring
+from utils.helpers import answer_in_text, str_answer
+from utils.models import (
+ RougeScore,
+ RougeScorePart,
+from rouge_score.rouge_scorer import RougeScorer
+ROUGE_TYPES = ('rouge1', 'rouge2', 'rougeL')
+class FanOutQAEvaluator:
+ def __init__(self, test_data_path, start_idx=0, end_idx=20):
+ self.test_data = json.load(open(test_data_path))
+ self.questions = self.test_data[start_idx:end_idx]
+ self.question2id = {q['question']: q['id'] for q in self.questions}
+ self.questions_by_id = {q['id']: q for q in self.questions}
+ self.rouge = RougeScorer(ROUGE_TYPES, use_stemmer=True)
+ def evaluate_batch(self, evaluator_log_paths):
+ records = []
+ answers = []
+ for evaluator_log_path in tqdm(evaluator_log_paths, desc='Reading Browsing Data'):
+ question, answer, outcome = self._load_browsing_data(
+ evaluator_log_path
+ )
+ # question_id = self.question2id[question]
+ question_id = self.question2id.get(question)
+ if not question_id:
+ print(f'Skipping {evaluator_log_path}')
+ continue
+ # question = self.questions[idx]['question']
+ if outcome == 'Response Returned':
+ answers.append({'id': question_id, 'answer': answer})
+ records.append(
+ {
+ 'id': question_id,
+ 'question': question,
+ 'answer': answer,
+ 'outcome': outcome,
+ }
+ )
+ self.answers = answers
+ self.answers_by_id = {r['id']: r for r in answers}
+ result, raw_acc_scores = self._score_accuracy()
+ scores, raw_rouge_scores = self._score_rouge()
+ # Update records with the accuracy scores
+ for record in records:
+ record['acc'] = raw_acc_scores[record['id']]
+ row = {
+ 'acc_loose': result['loose'],
+ 'acc_strict': result['strict'],
+ 'rouge1': scores.rouge1.fscore,
+ 'rouge2': scores.rouge2.fscore,
+ 'rougeL': scores.rougeL.fscore,
+ }
+ return row, records
+ def _load_browsing_data(self, file_path, verbose=False):
+ data = json.load(open(file_path))
+ goal = data['goal']
+ response = None
+ error = data.get('error')
+ outcome = 'Response Returned'
+ final_action = data['history'][-1][1]
+ if error == 'Restarted due to environment freeze from too many actions at one time':
+ outcome = 'Action Error'
+ elif error:
+ outcome = 'Browser Crashed'
+ elif final_action.startswith('send_msg_to_user'):
+ start_idx = len('send_msg_to_user(')
+ end_idx = len(final_action) - len(')')
+ # print(final_action[start_idx:end_idx])
+ # response = eval(final_action[start_idx:end_idx])
+ response = final_action[start_idx:end_idx].strip('\'"')
+ # print(response)
+ if response == 'Error encountered when browsing.':
+ outcome = 'Webpage Parsing Error'
+ elif response == 'Too many errors encountered. Task failed.':
+ outcome = 'Action Error'
+ elif response == "Repetitive actions. Ending the task.":
+ outcome = 'Repetitive Actions'
+ elif response == "LLM output parsing error":
+ outcome = 'LLM Output Parsing Error'
+ else:
+ outcome = 'Max Steps Reached'
+ return goal, response, outcome
+ def _get_qa_pairs(self, only_score_answered=False):
+ """Yield pairs of questions and answers to score.
+ The answer may be None if there is no answer for a given question and ``only_score_answered`` is False.
+ """
+ if only_score_answered:
+ for a in self.answers:
+ q = self.questions_by_id.get(a['id'])
+ yield q, a
+ else:
+ for q in self.questions:
+ a = self.answers_by_id.get(q['id'])
+ yield q, a
+ def _score_accuracy(self, **kwargs):
+ """Get the loose and strict accuracy scores for the loaded qs and as."""
+ eval_len = len(self.questions)
+ raw_scores = {} # qid -> score
+ accs = []
+ n_perfect = 0
+ for q, a in self._get_qa_pairs(**kwargs):
+ if a is None:
+ accs.append(0)
+ raw_scores[q['id']] = 0
+ continue
+ result = answer_in_text(q['answer'], a['answer'])
+ accs.append(result['score'])
+ raw_scores[q['id']] = result['score']
+ if result['found']:
+ n_perfect += 1
+ assert len(accs) == eval_len
+ assert len(raw_scores) == eval_len
+ avg_acc = sum(accs) / eval_len
+ pct_perfect = n_perfect / eval_len
+ return dict(loose=avg_acc, strict=pct_perfect), raw_scores
+ def _score_rouge(self, **kwargs):
+ """Get the ROUGE-1, ROUGE-2, and ROUGE-L scores (P/R/F1) for the loaded qs and as."""
+ eval_len = len(self.questions)
+ raw_scores = {} # qid -> RougeScore
+ scores = {t: [] for t in ROUGE_TYPES} # rouge_type -> list[Score]
+ for q, a in self._get_qa_pairs():
+ if a is None:
+ for score in scores.values(**kwargs):
+ score.append(rouge_score.scoring.Score(0, 0, 0))
+ raw_scores[q['id']] = RougeScore(
+ **{
+ k: RougeScorePart(precision=0, recall=0, fscore=0)
+ for k in ROUGE_TYPES
+ }
+ )
+ continue
+ results = self.rouge.score(str_answer(q['answer']), str_answer(a['answer']))
+ for k, v in results.items():
+ scores[k].append(v)
+ raw_scores[q['id']] = RougeScore(
+ **{
+ k: RougeScorePart(
+ precision=v.precision, recall=v.recall, fscore=v.fmeasure
+ )
+ for k, v in results.items()
+ }
+ )
+ assert all(len(v) == eval_len for v in scores.values())
+ assert len(raw_scores) == eval_len
+ out = {}
+ for k, v in scores.items():
+ avg_precision = sum(s.precision for s in v) / eval_len
+ avg_recall = sum(s.recall for s in v) / eval_len
+ avg_fscore = sum(s.fmeasure for s in v) / eval_len
+ out[k] = RougeScorePart(
+ precision=avg_precision, recall=avg_recall, fscore=avg_fscore
+ )
+ return RougeScore(**out), raw_scores
diff --git a/examples/WebAgent/evaluation/fanout/run.py b/examples/WebAgent/evaluation/fanout/run.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2ec71c2a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/WebAgent/evaluation/fanout/run.py
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+import argparse
+from glob import glob
+import os
+import pandas as pd
+from evaluator import FanOutQAEvaluator
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ current_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
+ # Create the parser
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+ # Add arguments
+ parser.add_argument('job_name', type=str)
+ parser.add_argument('--browsing_data_dir', type=str,
+ default=os.path.join(current_dir, '..', '..', 'browsing_data'))
+ parser.add_argument('--groundtruth_path', type=str,
+ default=os.path.join(current_dir, '..', '..', 'task_data', 'fanout-final-dev.json'))
+ parser.add_argument('--start_idx', type=int, default=0)
+ parser.add_argument('--end_idx', type=int, default=9999)
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ evaluator = FanOutQAEvaluator(args.groundtruth_path, start_idx=args.start_idx, end_idx=args.end_idx)
+ my_evaluator_log_paths = glob(os.path.join(args.browsing_data_dir, args.job_name + '*.json'))
+ scores, records = evaluator.evaluate_batch(my_evaluator_log_paths)
+ print(scores)
+ records_df = pd.DataFrame(records)
+ # raw_acc_scores_df = pd.DataFrame(raw_acc_scores)
+ # records_df = records_df.merge(raw_acc_scores_df, on='id')
+ print(records_df.outcome.value_counts())
+ output_dir = os.path.join(current_dir, 'results')
+ os.makedirs(output_dir, exist_ok=True)
+ output_name = f'{args.job_name}_{args.start_idx}_{args.end_idx}_eval.csv'
+ records_df.to_csv(os.path.join(output_dir, output_name), index=False)
diff --git a/examples/WebAgent/evaluation/fanout/utils/helpers.py b/examples/WebAgent/evaluation/fanout/utils/helpers.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cab26775
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/WebAgent/evaluation/fanout/utils/helpers.py
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+import itertools
+import re
+from .norm import normalize
+def answer_in_text(reference, candidate):
+ """What proportion of answer strings found in the reference can also be found in the candidate?"""
+ if isinstance(reference, list):
+ missing = []
+ for a in reference:
+ result = answer_in_text(a, candidate)
+ missing.extend(result['missing'])
+ n_found = len(reference) - len(missing)
+ return dict(
+ found=n_found == len(reference),
+ score=n_found / len(reference),
+ missing=missing,
+ )
+ elif isinstance(reference, dict):
+ missing = []
+ vals = itertools.chain(reference.keys(), reference.values())
+ for a in vals:
+ result = answer_in_text(a, candidate)
+ missing.extend(result['missing'])
+ n_ref = len(reference) * 2
+ n_found = n_ref - len(missing) # kvs
+ return dict(found=n_found == n_ref, score=n_found / n_ref, missing=missing)
+ else:
+ if isinstance(reference, bool):
+ reference = 'yes' if reference else 'no'
+ # primitive
+ norm_ans = normalize(reference)
+ norm_cand = normalize(candidate)
+ # ensure the answer is surrounded by word boundaries
+ if not re.search(rf'\b{re.escape(norm_ans)}\b', norm_cand):
+ return dict(found=False, score=0, missing=[norm_ans])
+ return dict(found=True, score=1, missing=[])
+def str_answer(ans) -> str:
+ """Ensure the answer is a string for string-based metrics like ROUGE. Don't normalize it otherwise."""
+ if isinstance(ans, list):
+ return '\n'.join(map(str_answer, ans))
+ elif isinstance(ans, dict):
+ return '\n'.join(f'{k} - {str_answer(v)}' for k, v in ans.items())
+ elif isinstance(ans, bool):
+ return 'yes' if ans else 'no'
+ elif ans is None:
+ return ''
+ return str(ans)
diff --git a/examples/WebAgent/evaluation/fanout/utils/models.py b/examples/WebAgent/evaluation/fanout/utils/models.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..71f3294c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/WebAgent/evaluation/fanout/utils/models.py
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+from dataclasses import asdict, dataclass
+from typing import TypedDict
+class AccuracyScore:
+ loose: float
+ """Loose accuracy: The mean proportion of reference strings found in the generation."""
+ strict: float
+ """Strict accuracy: The proportion of questions with a loose accuracy of 1.0."""
+class RougeScorePart:
+ precision: float
+ recall: float
+ fscore: float
+class RougeScore:
+ rouge1: RougeScorePart
+ rouge2: RougeScorePart
+ rougeL: RougeScorePart
+class EvaluationSingleScore:
+ question_id: str
+ acc: float
+ rouge: RougeScore
+ bleurt: float
+ gpt: int
+class EvaluationScore:
+ acc: AccuracyScore
+ rouge: RougeScore
+ bleurt: float
+ gpt: float
+ raw: list[EvaluationSingleScore]
+ def to_dict(self, include_raw: bool = False):
+ data = asdict(self)
+ if not include_raw:
+ data.pop('raw', None)
+ return data
+class Answer(TypedDict):
+ """A dictionary of the form ``{"id": "...", "answer": "..."}``."""
+ id: str
+ answer: str
diff --git a/examples/WebAgent/evaluation/fanout/utils/norm.py b/examples/WebAgent/evaluation/fanout/utils/norm.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9d177fca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/WebAgent/evaluation/fanout/utils/norm.py
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+import logging
+import re
+import ftfy
+log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class LazySpacy:
+ """Lazily load the spacy pipeline when needed to save memory."""
+ def __init__(self, model: str):
+ self.model = model
+ self.pipe = None
+ def _load_pipe(self):
+ import spacy
+ self.pipe = spacy.load('en_core_web_sm')
+ def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ if self.pipe is None:
+ self._load_pipe()
+ return self.pipe(*args, **kwargs)
+nlp = LazySpacy('en_core_web_sm')
+def normalize(text, remove_stopwords=False):
+ """
+ Normalize a given string for string-based metrics. Specifically, this does the following:
+ - fix encoding errors (ftfy)
+ - normalize numbers
+ - lemmatize words
+ - remove stopwords (optional)
+ - remove punctuation
+ - remove redundant whitespace
+ """
+ text = str(text).lower()
+ text = ftfy.fix_text(text)
+ text = normalize_numbers(text)
+ text = lemmatize(text, remove_stopwords=remove_stopwords)
+ text = remove_punct(text)
+ text = normalize_whitespace(text)
+ return text
+def normalize_numbers(text: str):
+ """Use regex to normalize numbers with commas"""
+ # numbers with commas
+ comma_sub_text = re.sub(
+ r'(\d+,)+\d+(\.\d+)?', lambda m: m[0].replace(',', ''), text
+ )
+ return comma_sub_text
+def lemmatize(text: str, remove_stopwords=False):
+ """Return a normalized string with each word replaced by its lemmatized version."""
+ doc = nlp(text)
+ if remove_stopwords:
+ return ' '.join(tok.lemma_ for tok in doc if not tok.is_stop)
+ return ' '.join(tok.lemma_ for tok in doc)
+def remove_punct(text: str):
+ """Remove all punctuation from the string."""
+ return re.sub(r'[,.?!:;]', '', text)
+def normalize_whitespace(text: str):
+ """Replace all whitespace with a single space."""
+ return re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', text)
diff --git a/examples/WebAgent/evaluation/flight/evaluator.py b/examples/WebAgent/evaluation/flight/evaluator.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..988ef9d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/WebAgent/evaluation/flight/evaluator.py
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
+import json
+import os
+import numpy as np
+from tqdm import tqdm
+import pandas as pd
+from openai import OpenAI
+from datetime import datetime
+import sys
+current_directory = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
+sys.path.append(os.path.join(current_directory, '..', '..'))
+from reasoners.agent.llm import parser
+# Get the directory of the current file
+default_api_key_path = os.path.join(current_directory, '..', '..', 'default_api_key.txt')
+if os.path.exists(default_api_key_path):
+ DEFAULT_API_KEY = open(default_api_key_path).read().strip()
+ DEFAULT_API_KEY = os.environ.get('OPENAI_API_KEY', None)
+def retry(client, messages, keys, num_retries=5):
+ tries = 0
+ for i in range(num_retries):
+ completion = client.chat.completions.create(
+ model='gpt-4o', messages=messages
+ )
+ response = completion.choices[0].message.content
+ ans_dict, success, error = parser(response, keys)
+ if success:
+ return ans_dict
+ tries += 1
+ messages.append({'role': 'assistant', 'content': response})
+ msg = f'Query failed. Retrying {tries}/{num_retries}.\n[LLM]:\n{response}\n[User]:\n{error}'
+ print(msg)
+ messages.append({'role': 'user', 'content': error})
+ raise ValueError(f'Could not parse a valid value after {num_retries} retries.')
+class FlightSearchEvaluator:
+ def __init__(self, questions_path, start_idx=0, end_idx=99999, api_key=None):
+ if not api_key:
+ api_key = DEFAULT_API_KEY
+ print('Using API Key:', api_key)
+ self.client = OpenAI(api_key=api_key)
+ # questions_path = '../task_data/flight_search_questions_no_pass_rel_date_20.csv'
+ df = pd.read_csv(questions_path)
+ df = df.iloc[start_idx:end_idx]
+ self.question_to_constraints_dict = df.set_index('question').to_dict(orient='index')
+ def evaluate(self, browsing_data_path):
+ data = json.load(open(browsing_data_path))
+ goal = data['goal']
+ if goal not in self.question_to_constraints_dict:
+ print(f'Skipping {browsing_data_path} due to not being included in evaluated questions.')
+ return None
+ constraints = self.question_to_constraints_dict[goal]['constraints']
+ data_datetime_str = os.path.basename(browsing_data_path).split('.')[0].split('_')[-1]
+ data_datetime = datetime.strptime(data_datetime_str, '%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S')
+ data_datetime_prompt = data_datetime.strftime('%a, %b %d, %Y %H:%M:%S')
+ if not data['history']:
+ return {'goal': goal,
+ 'constraints': constraints,
+ 'observations': [],
+ 'message': None,
+ 'outcome': 'No Output',
+ 'grounded': False,
+ 'relevant': False,
+ 'llm_output': None}
+ observations = []
+ for step in data['history']:
+ obs = step[-1]['observation']['clean_axtree_txt']
+ observations.append(obs)
+ last_action = data['history'][-1][-1]['action']
+ outcome = 'Response Returned'
+ message = None
+ error = data.get('error')
+ final_action = data['history'][-1][1]
+ if final_action.startswith('send_msg_to_user'):
+ start_idx = len('send_msg_to_user(')
+ end_idx = len(final_action) - len(')')
+ message = eval(final_action[start_idx:end_idx])
+ if message == 'Error encountered when browsing.':
+ outcome = 'Webpage Parsing Error'
+ elif message == 'Too many errors encountered. Task failed.':
+ outcome = 'Action Error'
+ elif message == "Repetitive actions. Ending the task.":
+ outcome = 'Repetitive Actions'
+ elif error:
+ outcome = 'Browser Crashed'
+ else:
+ outcome = 'Max Steps Reached'
+ # if outcome == 'Response Returned' and False:
+ if outcome == 'Response Returned':
+ step_template = "## Step {step_num} Observation:\n\n{obs}"
+ step_prompts = [step_template.format(step_num=i+1, obs=obs) for i, obs in enumerate(observations)]
+ history_prompt = '\n\n'.join(step_prompts)
+ prompt = self._get_evaluation_prompt(data_datetime_prompt, history_prompt, constraints, goal, message)
+ messages = [
+ {'role': 'user', 'content': prompt},
+ ]
+ ans_dict = retry(self.client, messages,
+ ['think', 'grounding', 'relevance'])
+ # grounded = ans_dict['grounding'].lower() == 'yes'
+ grounded = 'yes' in ans_dict['grounding'].lower()
+ # relevant = ans_dict['relevance'].lower() == 'yes'
+ relevant = 'yes' in ans_dict['relevance'].lower()
+ else:
+ ans_dict = None
+ grounded = False
+ relevant = False
+ return {'goal': goal,
+ 'constraints': constraints,
+ 'observations': observations,
+ 'message': message,
+ 'outcome': outcome,
+ 'grounded': grounded,
+ 'relevant': relevant,
+ 'llm_output': ans_dict}
+ def _get_evaluation_prompt(self, datetime_prompt, history_prompt, constraints, goal, message):
+ prompt = f"""\
+# Interaction Date and Time:
+# Interaction History:
+Above are the webpages an assistant interacted with while trying to answer the user's query.
+The user is looking for flights with the following constraints:
+Here is the exact query provided by the user:
+Here is the assistant's response:
+Your task is to evaluate two aspects of the response:
+1) Whether the assistant's response is supported by the interaction history, and
+2) Whether the assistant's response satisfies the user constraints to the extent allowed by the results.
+Some Context:
+- To determine the seating class of a flight being returned, refer to the value of the "Change seating class" combobox.
+- It is not always possible to satisfy all the user constraints. In this case, examine whether the response is as close to the user constraints as possible.
+Answer in the following format:
+Your thoughts and reasoning.
+Your assessment of whether the response is supported by the interaction history. Answer "yes" or "no"
+Your assessment of whether the response satisfies the user constraints to the extent allowed by the results. Answer "yes" or "no"
+ return prompt
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/examples/WebAgent/evaluation/flight/generate_data.py b/examples/WebAgent/evaluation/flight/generate_data.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3e724566
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/WebAgent/evaluation/flight/generate_data.py
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+from datetime import datetime
+from openai import OpenAI
+from tqdm import tqdm
+import json
+import sys
+import pandas as pd
+import os
+import sys
+# Get the directory of the current file
+current_directory = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
+default_api_key_path = os.path.join(current_directory, '..', '..', 'default_api_key.txt')
+if os.path.exists(default_api_key_path):
+ DEFAULT_API_KEY = open(default_api_key_path).read().strip()
+ DEFAULT_API_KEY = os.environ.get('OPENAI_API_KEY', None)
+client = OpenAI(api_key=DEFAULT_API_KEY)
+current_datetime = datetime.now().strftime('%a, %b %d, %Y %H:%M:%S')
+system_prompt = f'You are a creative writer who is an expert at crafting questions to help train assistants who answer user queries. Current date and time: {current_datetime}'
+instruction_prompt = """\
+Your task is to create a robust benchmark for evaluating an AI's ability to search for flights through a platform like Google Flights/ \
+To ensure the dataset effectively represents real-world use cases. Here are some important factors to consider:
+1. Diversity of Queries
+- Range of Destinations: Include both common and obscure destinations to test how well the model handles varying levels of demand.
+- Dates and Duration: Include different date ranges, including last-minute flights, peak travel dates (like holidays), and extended trips. Ensure there’s a variety in trip duration as well.
+- Passenger Variability: Include solo travelers, families, and group travel (e.g., one adult vs. two adults and two children) since these change the search parameters and price results.
+- Class and Preference: Vary preferences like cabin class (economy, business, first) and filters (non-stop, one stop, preferred airlines, etc.).
+- Budget Constraints: Test price sensitivity by setting different budget limits to see how well the AI handles trade-offs.
+2. Complexity of Requirements
+- Multi-Leg Flights: Add queries for multi-city trips or those requiring complex layovers.
+- Dynamic Constraints: Include queries with dynamic constraints, such as “find the cheapest flight but depart between 8-10 AM,” to see if the model can adapt its search within specific time frames.
+- Conditional Preferences: Test cases where users might want options based on multiple conditions, like “either find the cheapest non-stop or the shortest two-stop option.”
+In practice, the questions typically vary in the following dimensions:
+- Ticket type (round-trip, one-way, etc.)
+- Routes (origin and destination)
+- Layover location(s)
+- Dates (departure and/or return)
+- Flight time (departure and arrival)
+- Total flight time
+- Airlines
+- Cabin class (economy, business, etc.)
+- Aircraft
+- Eco-friendly options (CO2 Emissions)
+Given a number of constraints, \
+you should first provide a list of constraints, with the number of constraints equal to the specification. \
+After that, you will generate a question a typical user will ask which imposes those constraints. \
+You should repeat this for at least 7 times to generate a set of questions with simple language. \
+Make sure that the number of constraints in the question matches the number of constraints specified.
+Do not include constraints about the number of passengers. \
+If the constraint is a date, you can use relative dates (e.g., "tomorrow", "next month", "after 8 PM", etc.). \
+Avoid using specific dates like "December 25th" to ensure the questions are relevant throughout the year.
+Your response should follow the JSON format below:
+Number of Constraints:
+ "num_constraints": ,
+ "questions": [
+ {
+ "constraints": [],
+ "question":
+ },
+ ...
+ ]
+Below is a concrete example:
+Number of Constraints: 3
+ "num_constraints": 3,
+ "questions": [
+ {
+ "constraints": ["one-way", "New York to London", "departing next Friday"],
+ "question": "Can you find a one-way flight from New York to London departing next Friday?"
+ },
+ ...
+ ]
+input_template = """\
+Your Response:
+Number of Constraints: {num_constraints}
+def get_questions(num_constraints, num_questions):
+ questions = []
+ while len(questions) < num_questions:
+ prompt = instruction_prompt + "\n\n" + input_template.format(num_constraints=num_constraints)
+ messages = [
+ {"role": "system", "content": system_prompt},
+ {"role": "user", "content": prompt}
+ ]
+ try:
+ completion = client.chat.completions.create(
+ model="gpt-4o",
+ messages=messages,
+ response_format={"type": "json_object"}
+ )
+ response = completion.choices[0].message.content
+ data = json.loads(response)
+ questions += data['questions']
+ except Exception as e:
+ print(e)
+ continue
+ return questions
+def collect_data(all_num_constraints, num_questions):
+ num_constraints_to_questions = {}
+ for num_constraints in tqdm(all_num_constraints):
+ questions = get_questions(num_constraints, num_questions)
+ num_constraints_to_questions[num_constraints] = questions
+ # Filter for banned months
+ banned_months = ['January', 'February', 'March', 'April',
+ 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August',
+ 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December']
+ banned_months = [month.lower() for month in banned_months]
+ data = []
+ for num_constraints, questions in num_constraints_to_questions.items():
+ for question in questions[:]:
+ contains_banned_months = any([question['question'].lower().split().count(month) > 0 \
+ for month in banned_months])
+ if contains_banned_months:
+ continue
+ data.append(question)
+ return data
+# data = collect_data([3, 4, 5, 6])
+data = collect_data([3], 20)
+data_df = pd.DataFrame(data)
+data_df['num_constraints'] = data_df['constraints'].apply(len)
+for i, row in data_df.iterrows():
+ print(f"Question {i + 1}: {row['question']}")
+ print(f"Constraints: {row['constraints']}")
+ print()
+current_directory = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
+data_df.to_csv(os.path.join(current_directory, '..', '..', 'task_data', 'flightqa_3constraint.csv'), index=False)
+# data_df_20 = data_df.groupby('num_constraints').apply(lambda x: x.head()).reset_index(drop=True)
+# data_df_20.to_csv('../task_data/flight_search_questions_no_pass_rel_date_20.csv', index=False)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/examples/WebAgent/evaluation/flight/run.py b/examples/WebAgent/evaluation/flight/run.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1ecebd43
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/WebAgent/evaluation/flight/run.py
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+import argparse
+from glob import glob
+import os
+import pandas as pd
+import json
+from evaluator import FlightSearchEvaluator
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ current_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
+ # Create the parser
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+ # Add arguments
+ parser.add_argument('job_name', type=str)
+ parser.add_argument('--browsing_data_dir', type=str,
+ default=os.path.join(current_dir, '..', '..', 'browsing_data'))
+ parser.add_argument('--questions_path', type=str,
+ default=os.path.join(current_dir, '..', '..', 'task_data', 'flightqa_counterfactual.csv'))
+ parser.add_argument('--start_idx', type=int, default=0)
+ parser.add_argument('--end_idx', type=int, default=9999)
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ evaluator = FlightSearchEvaluator(args.questions_path, args.start_idx, args.end_idx)
+ browsing_data_paths = glob(os.path.join(args.browsing_data_dir, args.job_name + '*.json'))
+ records = []
+ for browsing_data_path in browsing_data_paths:
+ basename = os.path.basename(browsing_data_path)
+ print(basename)
+ eval_record = evaluator.evaluate(browsing_data_path)
+ if eval_record:
+ records.append(eval_record)
+ # {'goal': goal,
+ # 'constraints': constraints,
+ # 'observations': observations,
+ # 'message': message,
+ # 'outcome': outcome,
+ # 'grounded': grounded,
+ # 'relevant': relevant,
+ # 'llm_output': ans_dict}
+ records_df = pd.DataFrame(records)
+ records_df['correct'] = records_df['grounded'] & records_df['relevant']
+ print(records_df[['correct', 'grounded', 'relevant']].mean())
+ print(records_df.outcome.value_counts())
+ output_dir = os.path.join(current_dir, 'results')
+ os.makedirs(output_dir, exist_ok=True)
+ output_name = f'{args.job_name}_{args.start_idx}_{args.end_idx}_eval.json'
+ json.dump(records, open(os.path.join(output_dir, output_name), 'w'))
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/examples/WebAgent/main.py b/examples/WebAgent/main.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d3785ef3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/WebAgent/main.py
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+import argparse
+import base64
+from datetime import datetime
+from glob import glob
+import io
+import json
+import os
+import signal
+import sys
+from reasoners import ReasonerAgent
+from baseline import BrowsingAgent
+from utils.llm import LLM
+from utils.browser import get_serializable_obs, TimeoutException, timeout_handler
+from utils.datasets import get_dataset
+from utils.logger import get_agent_logger
+import gymnasium as gym
+__SLOW_MO = None
+__HEADLESS = True
+__TIMEOUT = 5000
+__VIEWPORT = {'width': 1280, 'height': 720}
+model_info = {
+ 'gpt-4o': ('https://api.openai.com/v1/', 'openai'),
+ 'Meta-Llama-3.1-70B-Instruct': ('http://localhost:8000/v1', 'openai')
+agent_dict = {
+ 'reasoner': ReasonerAgent,
+ 'openhands': BrowsingAgent
+def main(job_name,
+ model,
+ api_key,
+ output_dir,
+ goal,
+ agent,
+ config_name,
+ max_steps,
+ timeout):
+ base_url, custom_llm_provider = model_info[model]
+ llm = LLM(model=model,
+ api_key=api_key,
+ base_url=base_url,
+ custom_llm_provider=custom_llm_provider)
+ timestamp = datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S-%f')
+ log_filename = f'{timestamp}.log'
+ logger = get_agent_logger(log_filename)
+ agent_cls = agent_dict[agent]
+ agent = agent_cls(llm, config_name=config_name, logger=logger)
+ env = gym.make(
+ 'browsergym/openended',
+ task_kwargs={'start_url': 'about:blank', 'goal': goal},
+ wait_for_user_message=__WAIT_FOR_USER_MESSAGE,
+ headless=__HEADLESS,
+ slow_mo=__SLOW_MO,
+ viewport=__VIEWPORT,
+ timeout=__TIMEOUT,
+ # disable_env_checker=True,
+ )
+ print('Environment started')
+ env = env.env.env
+ history = []
+ error = ''
+ obs, info = env.reset()
+ action = ''
+ step_count = 0
+ while not action.startswith('send_msg_to_user') and step_count < max_steps:
+ serializable_obs = get_serializable_obs(env, obs)
+ action, thoughts = agent.step(serializable_obs)
+ history.append((serializable_obs, action, thoughts))
+ signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, timeout_handler)
+ # Start the alarm
+ signal.alarm(timeout)
+ try:
+ # Wait for the result within the specified timeout
+ obs, reward, terminated, truncated, info = env.step(action)
+ except TimeoutException:
+ print(f"Environment step timed out after {timeout} seconds")
+ error = f"Environment step timed out after {timeout} seconds"
+ break
+ except Exception as e:
+ print('Error when trying to take an action: %s', e)
+ error = str(e)
+ break
+ finally:
+ # Disable the alarm after the function call
+ signal.alarm(0)
+ step_count += 1
+ is_complete = (action.startswith('send_msg_to_user') \
+ and action not in ["send_msg_to_user('Error encountered when browsing.')",
+ "send_msg_to_user('Too many errors encountered. Task failed.')"])
+ session_data = {
+ 'goal': goal,
+ 'history': history,
+ 'is_complete': is_complete,
+ 'error': error,
+ }
+ os.makedirs(output_dir, exist_ok=True)
+ current_datetime = datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S')
+ output_filename = job_name + '_' + current_datetime + '.json'
+ with open(os.path.join(output_dir, output_filename), 'w') as f:
+ json.dump(session_data, f)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ default_api_key_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'default_api_key.txt')
+ default_api_key = None
+ if os.path.exists(default_api_key_path):
+ with open(default_api_key_path, 'r') as fr:
+ default_api_key = fr.read().strip()
+ # Create the parser
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
+ description="Run inference on your model with a given dataset."
+ )
+ # Job arguments
+ parser.add_argument('job_name', type=str)
+ parser.add_argument('--max_steps', type=int, default=30)
+ parser.add_argument('--timeout', type=int, default=30)
+ # IO arguments
+ parser.add_argument('--dataset', type=str, required=True)
+ parser.add_argument('--data_root', type=str, default='./data/')
+ parser.add_argument('--start_idx', type=int, default=0)
+ parser.add_argument('--end_idx', type=int, default=9999999)
+ parser.add_argument('--output_dir', type=str, default='./browsing_data')
+ # LLM arguments
+ parser.add_argument('--model', type=str, default='gpt-4o')
+ parser.add_argument('--api_key', type=str, default=default_api_key)
+ # Agent arguments
+ parser.add_argument('--agent', type=str, default='reasoner')
+ parser.add_argument('--config_name', type=str, default='browsergym')
+ # Parse the arguments
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ questions = get_dataset(args.dataset, args.data_root)
+ for i in range(args.start_idx, min(args.end_idx, len(questions))):
+ instruction = questions[i]
+ job_name = args.job_name + f'_{i}'
+ if glob(os.path.join(args.output_dir, f'{job_name}_*.json')) == []:
+ main(job_name,
+ args.model,
+ args.api_key,
+ args.output_dir,
+ instruction,
+ args.agent,
+ args.config_name,
+ args.max_steps,
+ args.timeout)
+ else:
+ print(f"Existing log detected for {job_name}, skipping ...")
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/examples/WebAgent/requirements.txt b/examples/WebAgent/requirements.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f3f90114
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/WebAgent/requirements.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/examples/WebAgent/utils/browser.py b/examples/WebAgent/utils/browser.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..389d9231
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/WebAgent/utils/browser.py
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+import io
+import base64
+import numpy as np
+from PIL import Image
+def get_scroll_position(page):
+ return page.evaluate("""() => {
+ const scrollTop = window.scrollY;
+ const windowHeight = window.innerHeight;
+ const documentHeight = document.documentElement.scrollHeight;
+ const remainingPixels = documentHeight - (scrollTop + windowHeight);
+ return {
+ 'scrollTop': scrollTop,
+ 'windowHeight': windowHeight,
+ 'documentHeight': documentHeight,
+ 'remainingPixels': remainingPixels
+ };
+ }""")
+def image_to_jpg_base64_url(
+ image: np.ndarray | Image.Image, add_data_prefix: bool = False
+ """Convert a numpy array to a base64 encoded jpeg image url."""
+ if isinstance(image, np.ndarray):
+ image = Image.fromarray(image)
+ if image.mode in ('RGBA', 'LA'):
+ image = image.convert('RGB')
+ width, height = image.size
+ # logger.info(f'Width: {width}, Height: {height}')
+ buffered = io.BytesIO()
+ image.save(buffered, format='JPEG', quality=10)
+ image_base64 = base64.b64encode(buffered.getvalue()).decode()
+ return (
+ f'data:image/jpeg;base64,{image_base64}'
+ if add_data_prefix
+ else f'{image_base64}'
+ )
+def get_serializable_obs(env, obs):
+ scroll_position = get_scroll_position(env.page)
+ obs['scroll_position'] = scroll_position
+ # make observation serializable
+ obs['screenshot'] = image_to_jpg_base64_url(obs['screenshot'])
+ obs['active_page_index'] = obs['active_page_index'].item()
+ obs['elapsed_time'] = obs['elapsed_time'].item()
+ return obs
+# Define a custom exception for timeout
+class TimeoutException(Exception): ...
+# Function to handle the alarm signal
+def timeout_handler(signum, frame):
+ raise TimeoutException("Environment step timed out")
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/examples/WebAgent/utils/config.py b/examples/WebAgent/utils/config.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..05e46b35
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/WebAgent/utils/config.py
@@ -0,0 +1,268 @@
+# import argparse
+import logging
+import os
+# import pathlib
+# import platform
+import uuid
+from dataclasses import dataclass, field, fields, is_dataclass
+from types import UnionType
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, get_args, get_origin
+# import toml
+from dotenv import load_dotenv
+from .singleton import Singleton
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class LLMConfig(metaclass=Singleton):
+ """
+ Configuration for the LLM model.
+ Attributes:
+ model: The model to use.
+ api_key: The API key to use.
+ base_url: The base URL for the API. This is necessary for local LLMs. It is also used for Azure embeddings.
+ api_version: The version of the API.
+ embedding_model: The embedding model to use.
+ embedding_base_url: The base URL for the embedding API.
+ embedding_deployment_name: The name of the deployment for the embedding API. This is used for Azure OpenAI.
+ aws_access_key_id: The AWS access key ID.
+ aws_secret_access_key: The AWS secret access key.
+ aws_region_name: The AWS region name.
+ num_retries: The number of retries to attempt.
+ retry_min_wait: The minimum time to wait between retries, in seconds. This is exponential backoff minimum. For models with very low limits, this can be set to 15-20.
+ retry_max_wait: The maximum time to wait between retries, in seconds. This is exponential backoff maximum.
+ timeout: The timeout for the API.
+ max_chars: The maximum number of characters to send to and receive from the API. This is a fallback for token counting, which doesn't work in all cases.
+ temperature: The temperature for the API.
+ top_p: The top p for the API.
+ custom_llm_provider: The custom LLM provider to use. This is undocumented in opendevin, and normally not used. It is documented on the litellm side.
+ max_input_tokens: The maximum number of input tokens. Note that this is currently unused, and the value at runtime is actually the total tokens in OpenAI (e.g. 128,000 tokens for GPT-4).
+ max_output_tokens: The maximum number of output tokens. This is sent to the LLM.
+ input_cost_per_token: The cost per input token. This will available in logs for the user to check.
+ output_cost_per_token: The cost per output token. This will available in logs for the user to check.
+ """
+ model: str = 'gpt-4o'
+ api_key: str | None = None
+ base_url: str | None = None
+ model_port_config_file: str | None = None
+ api_version: str | None = None
+ embedding_model: str = 'local'
+ embedding_base_url: str | None = None
+ embedding_deployment_name: str | None = None
+ aws_access_key_id: str | None = None
+ aws_secret_access_key: str | None = None
+ aws_region_name: str | None = None
+ num_retries: int = 5
+ retry_min_wait: int = 3
+ retry_max_wait: int = 60
+ timeout: int | None = None
+ max_chars: int = 5_000_000 # fallback for token counting
+ temperature: float = 0
+ top_p: float = 0.5
+ custom_llm_provider: str | None = None
+ max_input_tokens: int | None = None
+ max_output_tokens: int | None = None
+ input_cost_per_token: float | None = None
+ output_cost_per_token: float | None = None
+ def defaults_to_dict(self) -> dict:
+ """
+ Serialize fields to a dict for the frontend, including type hints, defaults, and whether it's optional.
+ """
+ dict = {}
+ for f in fields(self):
+ dict[f.name] = get_field_info(f)
+ return dict
+ def __str__(self):
+ attr_str = []
+ for f in fields(self):
+ attr_name = f.name
+ attr_value = getattr(self, f.name)
+ if attr_name in ['api_key', 'aws_access_key_id', 'aws_secret_access_key']:
+ attr_value = '******' if attr_value else None
+ attr_str.append(f'{attr_name}={repr(attr_value)}')
+ return f"LLMConfig({', '.join(attr_str)})"
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return self.__str__()
+class AgentConfig(metaclass=Singleton):
+ """
+ Configuration for the agent.
+ Attributes:
+ name: The name of the agent.
+ memory_enabled: Whether long-term memory (embeddings) is enabled.
+ memory_max_threads: The maximum number of threads indexing at the same time for embeddings.
+ """
+ name: str = 'CodeActAgent'
+ memory_enabled: bool = False
+ memory_max_threads: int = 2
+ def defaults_to_dict(self) -> dict:
+ """
+ Serialize fields to a dict for the frontend, including type hints, defaults, and whether it's optional.
+ """
+ dict = {}
+ for f in fields(self):
+ dict[f.name] = get_field_info(f)
+ return dict
+class AppConfig(metaclass=Singleton):
+ """
+ Configuration for the app.
+ Attributes:
+ llm: The LLM configuration.
+ agent: The agent configuration.
+ runtime: The runtime environment.
+ file_store: The file store to use.
+ file_store_path: The path to the file store.
+ workspace_base: The base path for the workspace. Defaults to ./workspace as an absolute path.
+ workspace_mount_path: The path to mount the workspace. This is set to the workspace base by default.
+ workspace_mount_path_in_sandbox: The path to mount the workspace in the sandbox. Defaults to /workspace.
+ workspace_mount_rewrite: The path to rewrite the workspace mount path to.
+ cache_dir: The path to the cache directory. Defaults to /tmp/cache.
+ sandbox_container_image: The container image to use for the sandbox.
+ run_as_devin: Whether to run as devin.
+ max_iterations: The maximum number of iterations.
+ max_budget_per_task: The maximum budget allowed per task, beyond which the agent will stop.
+ e2b_api_key: The E2B API key.
+ sandbox_type: The type of sandbox to use. Options are: ssh, exec, e2b, local.
+ use_host_network: Whether to use the host network.
+ ssh_hostname: The SSH hostname.
+ disable_color: Whether to disable color. For terminals that don't support color.
+ sandbox_user_id: The user ID for the sandbox.
+ sandbox_timeout: The timeout for the sandbox.
+ debug: Whether to enable debugging.
+ enable_auto_lint: Whether to enable auto linting. This is False by default, for regular runs of the app. For evaluation, please set this to True.
+ """
+ llm: LLMConfig = field(default_factory=LLMConfig)
+ agent: AgentConfig = field(default_factory=AgentConfig)
+ runtime: str = 'server'
+ file_store: str = 'memory'
+ file_store_path: str = '/tmp/file_store'
+ workspace_base: str = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'workspace')
+ workspace_mount_path: str | None = None
+ workspace_mount_path_in_sandbox: str = '/workspace'
+ workspace_mount_rewrite: str | None = None
+ cache_dir: str = '/tmp/cache'
+ sandbox_container_image: str = 'ghcr.io/opendevin/sandbox' + (
+ f':{os.getenv("OPEN_DEVIN_BUILD_VERSION")}'
+ if os.getenv('OPEN_DEVIN_BUILD_VERSION')
+ else ':main'
+ )
+ run_as_devin: bool = True
+ max_iterations: int = 100
+ max_budget_per_task: float | None = None
+ e2b_api_key: str = ''
+ sandbox_type: str = 'ssh' # Can be 'ssh', 'exec', or 'e2b'
+ use_host_network: bool = False
+ ssh_hostname: str = 'localhost'
+ disable_color: bool = False
+ sandbox_user_id: int = os.getuid() if hasattr(os, 'getuid') else 1000
+ sandbox_timeout: int = 120
+ initialize_plugins: bool = True
+ persist_sandbox: bool = False
+ ssh_port: int = 63710
+ ssh_password: str | None = None
+ jwt_secret: str = uuid.uuid4().hex
+ debug: bool = False
+ enable_auto_lint: bool = (
+ False # once enabled, OpenDevin would lint files after editing
+ )
+ defaults_dict: ClassVar[dict] = {}
+ def __post_init__(self):
+ """
+ Post-initialization hook, called when the instance is created with only default values.
+ """
+ AppConfig.defaults_dict = self.defaults_to_dict()
+ def defaults_to_dict(self) -> dict:
+ """
+ Serialize fields to a dict for the frontend, including type hints, defaults, and whether it's optional.
+ """
+ dict = {}
+ for f in fields(self):
+ field_value = getattr(self, f.name)
+ # dataclasses compute their defaults themselves
+ if is_dataclass(type(field_value)):
+ dict[f.name] = field_value.defaults_to_dict()
+ else:
+ dict[f.name] = get_field_info(f)
+ return dict
+ def __str__(self):
+ attr_str = []
+ for f in fields(self):
+ attr_name = f.name
+ attr_value = getattr(self, f.name)
+ if attr_name in ['e2b_api_key', 'github_token']:
+ attr_value = '******' if attr_value else None
+ attr_str.append(f'{attr_name}={repr(attr_value)}')
+ return f"AppConfig({', '.join(attr_str)}"
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return self.__str__()
+def get_field_info(field):
+ """
+ Extract information about a dataclass field: type, optional, and default.
+ Args:
+ field: The field to extract information from.
+ Returns: A dict with the field's type, whether it's optional, and its default value.
+ """
+ field_type = field.type
+ optional = False
+ # for types like str | None, find the non-None type and set optional to True
+ # this is useful for the frontend to know if a field is optional
+ # and to show the correct type in the UI
+ # Note: this only works for UnionTypes with None as one of the types
+ if get_origin(field_type) is UnionType:
+ types = get_args(field_type)
+ non_none_arg = next((t for t in types if t is not type(None)), None)
+ if non_none_arg is not None:
+ field_type = non_none_arg
+ optional = True
+ # type name in a pretty format
+ type_name = (
+ field_type.__name__ if hasattr(field_type, '__name__') else str(field_type)
+ )
+ # default is always present
+ default = field.default
+ # return a schema with the useful info for frontend
+ return {'type': type_name.lower(), 'optional': optional, 'default': default}
+# llm_config = LLMConfig()
+config = AppConfig()
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/examples/WebAgent/utils/datasets.py b/examples/WebAgent/utils/datasets.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..67dee25b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/WebAgent/utils/datasets.py
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+import argparse
+import json
+import os
+from glob import glob
+# from main import main
+import pandas as pd
+def get_fanoutqa_dataset(data_root, filename='fanout-final-dev.json'):
+ data_path = os.path.join(data_root, filename)
+ with open(data_path) as f:
+ data = json.load(f)
+ questions = [row['question'] for row in data]
+ return questions
+def get_flightqa_dataset(data_root, filename='flightqa_counterfactual.csv'):
+ data_path = os.path.join(data_root, filename)
+ data_df = pd.read_csv(data_path)
+ questions = data_df['question'].tolist()
+ return questions
+def get_dataset(dataset, data_root):
+ if dataset == 'fanout':
+ questions = get_fanoutqa_dataset(data_root)
+ elif dataset == 'flightqa':
+ questions = get_flightqa_dataset(data_root)
+ else:
+ raise ValueError(f'Invalid dataset: {dataset}')
+ return questions
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/examples/WebAgent/utils/llm.py b/examples/WebAgent/utils/llm.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5754803c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/WebAgent/utils/llm.py
@@ -0,0 +1,309 @@
+import warnings
+from functools import partial
+with warnings.catch_warnings():
+ warnings.simplefilter('ignore')
+ import litellm
+from litellm import completion as litellm_completion
+from litellm import completion_cost as litellm_completion_cost
+from litellm.exceptions import (
+ APIConnectionError,
+ RateLimitError,
+ ServiceUnavailableError,
+from litellm.types.utils import CostPerToken
+from tenacity import (
+ retry,
+ retry_if_exception_type,
+ stop_after_attempt,
+ wait_random_exponential,
+from .config import config
+from .metrics import Metrics
+from .logger import reasoners_logger as logger
+__all__ = ['LLM']
+message_separator = '\n\n----------\n\n'
+class LLM:
+ """
+ The LLM class represents a Language Model instance.
+ Attributes:
+ model_name (str): The name of the language model.
+ api_key (str): The API key for accessing the language model.
+ base_url (str): The base URL for the language model API.
+ api_version (str): The version of the API to use.
+ max_input_tokens (int): The maximum number of tokens to send to the LLM per task.
+ max_output_tokens (int): The maximum number of tokens to receive from the LLM per task.
+ llm_timeout (int): The maximum time to wait for a response in seconds.
+ custom_llm_provider (str): A custom LLM provider.
+ """
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ model=None,
+ api_key=None,
+ base_url=None,
+ api_version=None,
+ num_retries=None,
+ retry_min_wait=None,
+ retry_max_wait=None,
+ llm_timeout=None,
+ llm_temperature=None,
+ llm_top_p=None,
+ custom_llm_provider=None,
+ max_input_tokens=None,
+ max_output_tokens=None,
+ llm_config=None,
+ metrics=None,
+ ):
+ """
+ Initializes the LLM. If LLMConfig is passed, its values will be the fallback.
+ Passing simple parameters always overrides config.
+ Args:
+ model (str, optional): The name of the language model. Defaults to LLM_MODEL.
+ api_key (str, optional): The API key for accessing the language model. Defaults to LLM_API_KEY.
+ base_url (str, optional): The base URL for the language model API. Defaults to LLM_BASE_URL. Not necessary for OpenAI.
+ api_version (str, optional): The version of the API to use. Defaults to LLM_API_VERSION. Not necessary for OpenAI.
+ num_retries (int, optional): The number of retries for API calls. Defaults to LLM_NUM_RETRIES.
+ retry_min_wait (int, optional): The minimum time to wait between retries in seconds. Defaults to LLM_RETRY_MIN_TIME.
+ retry_max_wait (int, optional): The maximum time to wait between retries in seconds. Defaults to LLM_RETRY_MAX_TIME.
+ max_input_tokens (int, optional): The maximum number of tokens to send to the LLM per task. Defaults to LLM_MAX_INPUT_TOKENS.
+ max_output_tokens (int, optional): The maximum number of tokens to receive from the LLM per task. Defaults to LLM_MAX_OUTPUT_TOKENS.
+ custom_llm_provider (str, optional): A custom LLM provider. Defaults to LLM_CUSTOM_LLM_PROVIDER.
+ llm_timeout (int, optional): The maximum time to wait for a response in seconds. Defaults to LLM_TIMEOUT.
+ llm_temperature (float, optional): The temperature for LLM sampling. Defaults to LLM_TEMPERATURE.
+ metrics (Metrics, optional): The metrics object to use. Defaults to None.
+ """
+ if llm_config is None:
+ llm_config = config.llm
+ model = model if model is not None else llm_config.model
+ api_key = api_key if api_key is not None else llm_config.api_key
+ base_url = base_url if base_url is not None else llm_config.base_url
+ api_version = api_version if api_version is not None else llm_config.api_version
+ num_retries = num_retries if num_retries is not None else llm_config.num_retries
+ retry_min_wait = (
+ retry_min_wait if retry_min_wait is not None else llm_config.retry_min_wait
+ )
+ retry_max_wait = (
+ retry_max_wait if retry_max_wait is not None else llm_config.retry_max_wait
+ )
+ llm_timeout = llm_timeout if llm_timeout is not None else llm_config.timeout
+ llm_temperature = (
+ llm_temperature if llm_temperature is not None else llm_config.temperature
+ )
+ llm_top_p = llm_top_p if llm_top_p is not None else llm_config.top_p
+ custom_llm_provider = (
+ custom_llm_provider
+ if custom_llm_provider is not None
+ else llm_config.custom_llm_provider
+ )
+ max_input_tokens = (
+ max_input_tokens
+ if max_input_tokens is not None
+ else llm_config.max_input_tokens
+ )
+ max_output_tokens = (
+ max_output_tokens
+ if max_output_tokens is not None
+ else llm_config.max_output_tokens
+ )
+ metrics = metrics if metrics is not None else Metrics()
+ # logger.info(f'Initializing LLM with model: {model}')
+ self.llm_config = llm_config
+ self.model_name = model
+ self.api_key = api_key
+ self.base_url = base_url
+ self.api_version = api_version
+ self.max_input_tokens = max_input_tokens
+ self.max_output_tokens = max_output_tokens
+ self.llm_timeout = llm_timeout
+ self.custom_llm_provider = custom_llm_provider
+ self.metrics = metrics
+ # litellm actually uses base Exception here for unknown model
+ self.model_info = None
+ try:
+ if not self.model_name.startswith('openrouter'):
+ self.model_info = litellm.get_model_info(self.model_name.split(':')[0])
+ else:
+ self.model_info = litellm.get_model_info(self.model_name)
+ # noinspection PyBroadException
+ except Exception:
+ logger.warning(f'Could not get model info for {self.model_name}')
+ if self.max_input_tokens is None:
+ if self.model_info is not None and 'max_input_tokens' in self.model_info:
+ self.max_input_tokens = self.model_info['max_input_tokens']
+ else:
+ # Max input tokens for gpt3.5, so this is a safe fallback for any potentially viable model
+ self.max_input_tokens = 4096
+ if self.max_output_tokens is None:
+ if self.model_info is not None and 'max_output_tokens' in self.model_info:
+ self.max_output_tokens = self.model_info['max_output_tokens']
+ else:
+ # Enough tokens for most output actions, and not too many for a bad llm to get carried away responding
+ # with thousands of unwanted tokens
+ self.max_output_tokens = 1024
+ self._completion = partial(
+ litellm_completion,
+ model=self.model_name,
+ api_key=self.api_key,
+ base_url=self.base_url,
+ api_version=self.api_version,
+ custom_llm_provider=custom_llm_provider,
+ max_tokens=self.max_output_tokens,
+ timeout=self.llm_timeout,
+ temperature=llm_temperature,
+ top_p=llm_top_p,
+ )
+ completion_unwrapped = self._completion
+ def attempt_on_error(retry_state):
+ logger.error(
+ f'{retry_state.outcome.exception()}. Attempt #{retry_state.attempt_number} | You can customize these settings in the configuration.',
+ exc_info=False,
+ )
+ return True
+ @retry(
+ reraise=True,
+ stop=stop_after_attempt(num_retries),
+ wait=wait_random_exponential(min=retry_min_wait, max=retry_max_wait),
+ retry=retry_if_exception_type(
+ (RateLimitError, APIConnectionError, ServiceUnavailableError)
+ ),
+ after=attempt_on_error,
+ )
+ def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
+ if 'messages' in kwargs:
+ messages = kwargs['messages']
+ else:
+ messages = args[1]
+ debug_message = ''
+ for message in messages:
+ debug_message += message_separator + message['content']
+ # llm_prompt_logger.debug(debug_message)
+ resp = completion_unwrapped(*args, **kwargs)
+ message_back = resp['choices'][0]['message']['content']
+ # llm_response_logger.debug(message_back)
+ return resp
+ self._completion = wrapper # type: ignore
+ @property
+ def completion(self):
+ """
+ Decorator for the litellm completion function.
+ """
+ return self._completion
+ def do_completion(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ Wrapper for the litellm completion function.
+ Check the complete documentation at https://litellm.vercel.app/docs/completion
+ """
+ resp = self._completion(*args, **kwargs)
+ self.post_completion(resp)
+ return resp
+ def post_completion(self, response: str) -> None:
+ """
+ Post-process the completion response.
+ """
+ try:
+ cur_cost = self.completion_cost(response)
+ except Exception:
+ cur_cost = 0
+ logger.info(
+ 'Cost: %.2f USD | Accumulated Cost: %.2f USD',
+ cur_cost,
+ self.metrics.accumulated_cost,
+ )
+ def get_token_count(self, messages):
+ """
+ Get the number of tokens in a list of messages.
+ Args:
+ messages (list): A list of messages.
+ Returns:
+ int: The number of tokens.
+ """
+ return litellm.token_counter(model=self.model_name, messages=messages)
+ def is_local(self):
+ """
+ Determines if the system is using a locally running LLM.
+ Returns:
+ boolean: True if executing a local model.
+ """
+ if self.base_url is not None:
+ for substring in ['localhost', '' '']:
+ if substring in self.base_url:
+ return True
+ elif self.model_name is not None:
+ if self.model_name.startswith('ollama'):
+ return True
+ return False
+ def completion_cost(self, response):
+ """
+ Calculate the cost of a completion response based on the model. Local models are treated as free.
+ Add the current cost into total cost in metrics.
+ Args:
+ response (list): A response from a model invocation.
+ Returns:
+ number: The cost of the response.
+ """
+ extra_kwargs = {}
+ if (
+ # config.llm.input_cost_per_token is not None
+ # and config.llm.output_cost_per_token is not None
+ self.llm_config.input_cost_per_token is not None
+ and self.llm_config.output_cost_per_token is not None
+ ):
+ cost_per_token = CostPerToken(
+ # input_cost_per_token=config.llm.input_cost_per_token,
+ # output_cost_per_token=config.llm.output_cost_per_token,
+ input_cost_per_token=self.llm_config.input_cost_per_token,
+ output_cost_per_token=self.llm_config.output_cost_per_token,
+ )
+ logger.info(f'Using custom cost per token: {cost_per_token}')
+ extra_kwargs['custom_cost_per_token'] = cost_per_token
+ if not self.is_local():
+ try:
+ cost = litellm_completion_cost(
+ completion_response=response, **extra_kwargs
+ )
+ self.metrics.add_cost(cost)
+ return cost
+ except Exception:
+ logger.warning('Cost calculation not supported for this model.')
+ return 0.0
+ def __str__(self):
+ if self.api_version:
+ return f'LLM(model={self.model_name}, api_version={self.api_version}, base_url={self.base_url})'
+ elif self.base_url:
+ return f'LLM(model={self.model_name}, base_url={self.base_url})'
+ return f'LLM(model={self.model_name})'
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return str(self)
diff --git a/examples/WebAgent/utils/logger.py b/examples/WebAgent/utils/logger.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1ba7445c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/WebAgent/utils/logger.py
@@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
+import logging
+import os
+import re
+import sys
+import traceback
+from datetime import datetime
+from typing import Literal, Mapping
+from termcolor import colored
+from .config import config
+DISABLE_COLOR_PRINTING = config.disable_color
+ColorType = Literal[
+ 'red',
+ 'green',
+ 'yellow',
+ 'blue',
+ 'magenta',
+ 'cyan',
+ 'light_grey',
+ 'dark_grey',
+ 'light_red',
+ 'light_green',
+ 'light_yellow',
+ 'light_blue',
+ 'light_magenta',
+ 'light_cyan',
+ 'white',
+LOG_COLORS: Mapping[str, ColorType] = {
+ 'BACKGROUND LOG': 'blue',
+ 'ACTION': 'green',
+ 'OBSERVATION': 'yellow',
+ 'DETAIL': 'cyan',
+ 'ERROR': 'red',
+ 'PLAN': 'light_magenta',
+class ColoredFormatter(logging.Formatter):
+ def format(self, record):
+ msg_type = record.__dict__.get('msg_type', None)
+ if msg_type in LOG_COLORS and not DISABLE_COLOR_PRINTING:
+ msg_type_color = colored(msg_type, LOG_COLORS[msg_type])
+ msg = colored(record.msg, LOG_COLORS[msg_type])
+ time_str = colored(
+ self.formatTime(record, self.datefmt), LOG_COLORS[msg_type]
+ )
+ name_str = colored(record.name, LOG_COLORS[msg_type])
+ level_str = colored(record.levelname, LOG_COLORS[msg_type])
+ if msg_type in ['ERROR']:
+ return f'{time_str} - {name_str}:{level_str}: {record.filename}:{record.lineno}\n{msg_type_color}\n{msg}'
+ return f'{time_str} - {msg_type_color}\n{msg}'
+ elif msg_type == 'STEP':
+ msg = '\n\n==============\n' + record.msg + '\n'
+ return f'{msg}'
+ return super().format(record)
+console_formatter = ColoredFormatter(
+ '\033[92m%(asctime)s - %(name)s:%(levelname)s\033[0m: %(filename)s:%(lineno)s - %(message)s',
+ datefmt='%H:%M:%S',
+file_formatter = logging.Formatter(
+ '%(asctime)s - %(name)s:%(levelname)s: %(filename)s:%(lineno)s - %(message)s',
+ datefmt='%H:%M:%S',
+llm_formatter = logging.Formatter('%(message)s')
+class SensitiveDataFilter(logging.Filter):
+ def filter(self, record):
+ # start with attributes
+ sensitive_patterns = [
+ 'api_key',
+ 'aws_access_key_id',
+ 'aws_secret_access_key',
+ 'e2b_api_key',
+ 'github_token',
+ ]
+ # add env var names
+ env_vars = [attr.upper() for attr in sensitive_patterns]
+ sensitive_patterns.extend(env_vars)
+ # and some special cases
+ sensitive_patterns.append('LLM_API_KEY')
+ sensitive_patterns.append('SANDBOX_ENV_GITHUB_TOKEN')
+ # this also formats the message with % args
+ msg = record.getMessage()
+ record.args = ()
+ for attr in sensitive_patterns:
+ pattern = rf"{attr}='?([\w-]+)'?"
+ msg = re.sub(pattern, f"{attr}='******'", msg)
+ # passed with msg
+ record.msg = msg
+ return True
+def get_console_handler():
+ """
+ Returns a console handler for logging.
+ """
+ console_handler = logging.StreamHandler()
+ console_handler.setLevel(logging.INFO)
+ console_handler.setFormatter(console_formatter)
+ return console_handler
+def get_file_handler(log_dir=None):
+ """
+ Returns a file handler for logging.
+ """
+ log_dir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'logs') if log_dir is None else log_dir
+ os.makedirs(log_dir, exist_ok=True)
+ timestamp = datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
+ file_name = f'opendevin_{timestamp}.log'
+ file_handler = logging.FileHandler(os.path.join(log_dir, file_name))
+ if config.debug:
+ file_handler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
+ file_handler.setFormatter(file_formatter)
+ return file_handler
+# Set up logging
+def log_uncaught_exceptions(ex_cls, ex, tb):
+ """
+ Logs uncaught exceptions along with the traceback.
+ Args:
+ ex_cls (type): The type of the exception.
+ ex (Exception): The exception instance.
+ tb (traceback): The traceback object.
+ Returns:
+ None
+ """
+ logging.error(''.join(traceback.format_tb(tb)))
+ logging.error('{0}: {1}'.format(ex_cls, ex))
+sys.excepthook = log_uncaught_exceptions
+reasoners_logger = logging.getLogger('reasoners_logger')
+reasoners_logger.propagate = False
+reasoners_logger.debug('Logging initialized')
+ 'Logging to %s', os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'logs', 'agent_model.log')
+# Exclude LiteLLM from logging output
+logging.getLogger('LiteLLM').disabled = True
+logging.getLogger('LiteLLM Router').disabled = True
+logging.getLogger('LiteLLM Proxy').disabled = True
+def get_agent_logger(log_file='default_log.log', log_dir=None):
+ current_file_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
+ log_dir = os.path.join(current_file_path, '..', 'logs') if log_dir is None else log_dir
+ os.makedirs(log_dir, exist_ok=True)
+ logger_name = f"agent_{log_file.replace('.log', '')}"
+ logger = logging.getLogger(logger_name)
+ logger.setLevel(logging.INFO)
+ # Set log file
+ ## Clear existing handlers if any
+ if logger.hasHandlers():
+ logger.handlers.clear()
+ ## Set up file handler with the specified log file
+ file_handler = logging.FileHandler(os.path.join(log_dir, log_file))
+ file_handler.setFormatter(file_formatter)
+ logger.addHandler(file_handler)
+ logger.addHandler(get_console_handler())
+ logger.addFilter(SensitiveDataFilter(logger.name))
+ logger.propagate = False
+ logger.debug('Logging initialized')
+ logger.debug('Logging to %s', os.path.join(log_dir, log_file))
+ return logger
diff --git a/examples/WebAgent/utils/metrics.py b/examples/WebAgent/utils/metrics.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..863b4192
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/WebAgent/utils/metrics.py
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+class Metrics:
+ """
+ Metrics class can record various metrics during running and evaluation.
+ Currently we define the following metrics:
+ accumulated_cost: the total cost (USD $) of the current LLM.
+ """
+ def __init__(self) -> None:
+ self._accumulated_cost: float = 0.0
+ self._costs: list[float] = []
+ @property
+ def accumulated_cost(self) -> float:
+ return self._accumulated_cost
+ @accumulated_cost.setter
+ def accumulated_cost(self, value: float) -> None:
+ if value < 0:
+ raise ValueError('Total cost cannot be negative.')
+ self._accumulated_cost = value
+ @property
+ def costs(self) -> list:
+ return self._costs
+ def add_cost(self, value: float) -> None:
+ if value < 0:
+ raise ValueError('Added cost cannot be negative.')
+ self._accumulated_cost += value
+ self._costs.append(value)
+ def get(self):
+ """
+ Return the metrics in a dictionary.
+ """
+ return {'accumulated_cost': self._accumulated_cost, 'costs': self._costs}
+ def log(self):
+ """
+ Log the metrics.
+ """
+ metrics = self.get()
+ logs = ''
+ for key, value in metrics.items():
+ logs += f'{key}: {value}\n'
+ return logs
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/examples/WebAgent/utils/singleton.py b/examples/WebAgent/utils/singleton.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5247fcef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/WebAgent/utils/singleton.py
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+import dataclasses
+class Singleton(type):
+ _instances: dict = {}
+ def __call__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
+ if cls not in cls._instances:
+ cls._instances[cls] = super(Singleton, cls).__call__(*args, **kwargs)
+ else:
+ # allow updates, just update existing instance
+ # perhaps not the most orthodox way to do it, though it simplifies client code
+ # useful for pre-defined groups of settings
+ instance = cls._instances[cls]
+ for key, value in kwargs.items():
+ setattr(instance, key, value)
+ return cls._instances[cls]
+ @classmethod
+ def reset(cls):
+ # used by pytest to reset the state of the singleton instances
+ for instance_type, instance in cls._instances.items():
+ print('resetting... ', instance_type)
+ for field in dataclasses.fields(instance_type):
+ if dataclasses.is_dataclass(field.type):
+ setattr(instance, field.name, field.type())
+ else:
+ setattr(instance, field.name, field.default)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/reasoners/__init__.py b/reasoners/__init__.py
index 9ee0a3fa..f4dc7c52 100644
--- a/reasoners/__init__.py
+++ b/reasoners/__init__.py
@@ -1 +1,4 @@
-from .base import WorldModel, LanguageModel, SearchConfig, Reasoner, SearchAlgorithm, GenerateOutput, State, Action, Example, Trace, Evaluator, DefaultWorldModel, Tool
\ No newline at end of file
+from .base import WorldModel, LanguageModel, SearchConfig, Reasoner, SearchAlgorithm, GenerateOutput, State, Action, Example, Trace, Evaluator, DefaultWorldModel, Tool
+from .agent import ReasonerAgent
+__all__ = ['WorldModel', 'LanguageModel', 'SearchConfig', 'Reasoner', 'SearchAlgorithm', 'GenerateOutput', 'State', 'Action', 'Example', 'Trace', 'Evaluator', 'DefaultWorldModel', 'Tool', 'ReasonerAgent']
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/reasoners/agent/__init__.py b/reasoners/agent/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0987f82c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/reasoners/agent/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+from .agent import ReasonerAgent
+__all__ = ['ReasonerAgent']
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/reasoners/agent/agent.py b/reasoners/agent/agent.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b2abda28
--- /dev/null
+++ b/reasoners/agent/agent.py
@@ -0,0 +1,249 @@
+from typing import Any
+from logging import Logger
+from .base import AgentModule, AgentVariable
+from .llm import LLM, OpenDevinParserLLM, OpenDevinParserMultiResponseLLM
+from .modules import (
+ PolicyPlanner, ReasonerPlanner,
+ PromptedActor, PromptedCritic, PromptedEncoder,
+ PromptedPolicy, PromptedWorldModel
+from .variables import (
+ AgentInstructionEnvironmentIdentity,
+ BrowserGymActionSpace, OpenDevinBrowserActionSpace,
+ BrowserGymObservationSpace, OpenDevinBrowserObservationSpace,
+ StepKeyValueMemory, StepPromptedMemory
+from .prompts import (
+ actor_prompt_template_dict,
+ critic_prompt_template,
+ encoder_prompt_template_dict,
+ memory_update_prompt_template_dict,
+ policy_prompt_template_dict,
+ world_model_prompt_template_dict,
+from .configs import (browsergym_config, browsergym_world_model_config,
+ opendevin_config, opendevin_world_model_config,
+ webarena_config, webarena_world_model_config)
+ 'browsergym': browsergym_config,
+ 'browsergym_world_model': browsergym_world_model_config,
+ 'opendevin': opendevin_config,
+ 'opendevin_llama': opendevin_config,
+ 'opendevin_world_model': opendevin_world_model_config,
+ 'webarena': webarena_config,
+ 'webarena_world_model': webarena_world_model_config,
+class ReasonerAgent:
+ def __init__(self,
+ llm: Any,
+ config_name: str,
+ logger: Logger = None,
+ **kwargs):
+ self.llm = llm
+ self.config_name = config_name
+ self.config = CONFIG_LIBRARY[config_name]
+ self.logger = logger
+ self.environment = self.config['environment']
+ self.encoder_prompt_type = self.config['encoder_prompt_type']
+ self.planner_type = self.config['planner_type']
+ self.actor_prompt_type = self.config['actor_prompt_type']
+ self.memory_type = self.config['memory_type']
+ self.policy_output_name = self.config['policy_output_name']
+ self.module_error_message = self.config['module_error_message']
+ # Action space and observation space
+ if self.environment == 'browsergym':
+ self.action_space = BrowserGymActionSpace(
+ action_subsets=['chat', 'bid'],
+ use_nav=True,
+ strict=False,
+ multiaction=False,
+ )
+ self.observation_space = BrowserGymObservationSpace()
+ elif self.environment == 'opendevin':
+ self.action_space = OpenDevinBrowserActionSpace(
+ action_subsets=['chat', 'bid'],
+ use_nav=self.config['use_nav'],
+ strict=False,
+ multiaction=False,
+ )
+ self.observation_space = OpenDevinBrowserObservationSpace(
+ eval_mode=self.config['eval_mode'],
+ truncation=self.config['truncate_axtree']
+ )
+ else:
+ raise ValueError(f'Unsupported environment: {self.environment}')
+ # Agent identity
+ self.identity = AgentInstructionEnvironmentIdentity(
+ agent_name=self.config['agent_name'],
+ agent_description=self.config['agent_description'],
+ observation_space=self.observation_space,
+ action_space=self.action_space,
+ )
+ # Encoder
+ self.encoder_llm = OpenDevinParserLLM(llm, ['state'])
+ encoder_prompt_template = encoder_prompt_template_dict[self.encoder_prompt_type]
+ self.encoder = PromptedEncoder(
+ self.identity, self.encoder_llm, prompt_template=encoder_prompt_template
+ )
+ # Memory
+ if self.memory_type == 'step_prompted':
+ self.memory_update_llm = OpenDevinParserLLM(llm, ['memory_update'])
+ memory_update_prompt_template = memory_update_prompt_template_dict[self.config['memory_prompt_type']]
+ self.memory = StepPromptedMemory(self.identity, self.memory_update_llm,
+ prompt_template=memory_update_prompt_template,
+ keys=[self.policy_output_name])
+ elif self.memory_type == 'step_key_value':
+ self.memory = StepKeyValueMemory(['state', self.policy_output_name])
+ else:
+ raise ValueError(f'Invalid memory type: {self.memory_type}')
+ # Planner
+ if self.planner_type == 'world_model':
+ self.policy_prompt_type = self.config['policy_prompt_type']
+ self.world_model_prompt_type = self.config['world_model_prompt_type']
+ self.planner_search_num_actions = self.config['planner_search_num_actions']
+ self.planner_search_depth = self.config['planner_search_depth']
+ self.planner_critic_num_samples = self.config['planner_critic_num_samples']
+ self.policy_llm = OpenDevinParserMultiResponseLLM(
+ llm, [self.policy_output_name], ['think']
+ )
+ policy_prompt_template = policy_prompt_template_dict[self.policy_prompt_type]
+ self.policy = PromptedPolicy(
+ self.identity, self.policy_llm, prompt_template=policy_prompt_template
+ )
+ self.world_model_llm = OpenDevinParserLLM(
+ llm, ['next_state']
+ )
+ world_model_prompt_template = world_model_prompt_template_dict[self.world_model_prompt_type]
+ self.world_model = PromptedWorldModel(
+ self.identity,
+ self.world_model_llm,
+ prompt_template=world_model_prompt_template,
+ )
+ self.critic_llm = OpenDevinParserMultiResponseLLM(
+ llm, ['status', 'on_the_right_track'], ['think']
+ )
+ self.critic = PromptedCritic(
+ self.identity, self.critic_llm, prompt_template=critic_prompt_template
+ )
+ self.planner = ReasonerPlanner(self.policy, self.world_model, self.critic,
+ search_num_actions=self.planner_search_num_actions,
+ search_depth=self.planner_search_depth,
+ policy_output_name=self.policy_output_name,
+ critic_num_samples=self.planner_critic_num_samples,
+ llm_base_url=llm.base_url,
+ llm_api_key=llm.api_key)
+ elif self.planner_type == 'policy':
+ self.policy_prompt_type = self.config['policy_prompt_type']
+ policy_prompt_template = policy_prompt_template_dict[self.policy_prompt_type]
+ self.policy_llm = OpenDevinParserLLM(
+ llm, [self.policy_output_name], ['think']
+ )
+ self.policy = PromptedPolicy(
+ self.identity, self.policy_llm, prompt_template=policy_prompt_template
+ )
+ self.planner = PolicyPlanner(self.policy)
+ # Actor
+ self.actor_llm = OpenDevinParserLLM(llm, ['action'])
+ actor_prompt_template = actor_prompt_template_dict[self.actor_prompt_type]
+ self.actor = PromptedActor(
+ self.identity, self.actor_llm, prompt_template=actor_prompt_template
+ )
+ self.reset()
+ def reset(self):
+ for attr_name in dir(self):
+ # Skip special methods and attributes
+ if not attr_name.startswith('__'):
+ attr_value = getattr(self, attr_name)
+ if isinstance(attr_value, LLM) or isinstance(attr_value, AgentModule):
+ attr_value.logger = self.logger
+ elif isinstance(attr_value, AgentVariable):
+ attr_value.reset()
+ self.last_action = ''
+ self.num_repeats = 0
+ self.total_cost = 0
+ def _maybe_log(self, msg):
+ if self.logger is not None:
+ self.logger.info(msg)
+ def _finish_with_module_error(self, step_info):
+ return_action = self.module_error_message
+ step_info.update({'action': return_action})
+ return return_action, step_info
+ def _log_total_accumulated_cost(self):
+ total_cost = 0
+ for attr_name in dir(self):
+ # Skip special methods and attributes
+ if not attr_name.startswith('__'):
+ attr_value = getattr(self, attr_name)
+ if isinstance(attr_value, LLM):
+ total_cost += attr_value.cost_accumulator
+ self.total_cost = total_cost
+ self._maybe_log(f'*Total Accumulated Cost*: {total_cost:.2f}')
+ def step(self, raw_obs):
+ step_info = {}
+ # observation, info = self.observation_space.parse_observation(raw_obs)
+ obs, obs_info = self.observation_space.parse_observation(raw_obs)
+ self._maybe_log(f'*Observation*: {obs}')
+ step_info.update({'obs': obs, 'obs_info': obs_info})
+ if obs_info.get('return_action') is not None:
+ action = obs_info['return_action']
+ step_info.update({'action': action})
+ return self.action_space.parse_action(action, step_info)
+ self.identity.update(user_instruction=obs_info['goal'])
+ kwargs = {}
+ state = self.encoder(obs, self.memory).get('state')
+ self._maybe_log(f'*State*: {state}')
+ step_info.update({'state': state})
+ if not state: return self._finish_with_module_error(step_info)
+ plan = self.planner(state, self.memory, **kwargs).get(self.policy_output_name)
+ self._maybe_log(f'*Plan*: {plan}')
+ step_info.update({'plan': plan, self.policy_output_name: plan})
+ if not plan: return self._finish_with_module_error(step_info)
+ action = self.actor(obs, state, self.memory, plan, **kwargs).get('action')
+ self._maybe_log(f'*Action*: {action}')
+ step_info.update({'action': action})
+ if not action: return self._finish_with_module_error(step_info)
+ try:
+ self.memory.update(**step_info)
+ except KeyError as e:
+ print(e)
+ return self._finish_with_module_error(step_info)
+ step_info.update(self.memory.current_step)
+ if self.memory_type == 'step_prompted':
+ self._maybe_log(f"*Memory update*: {self.memory.current_step['memory_update']}")
+ self.memory.step()
+ self._log_total_accumulated_cost()
+ return self.action_space.parse_action(action, step_info)
diff --git a/reasoners/agent/base.py b/reasoners/agent/base.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..75f6ed6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/reasoners/agent/base.py
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+from abc import abstractmethod
+class AgentVariable:
+ @abstractmethod
+ def update(self, *args, **kwargs): ...
+ @abstractmethod
+ def get_value(self, *args, **kwargs): ...
+ def reset(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ pass
+ def __str__(self):
+ return self.get_value()
+class AgentModule:
+ @abstractmethod
+ def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): ...
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/reasoners/agent/configs.py b/reasoners/agent/configs.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2581e02b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/reasoners/agent/configs.py
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+import copy
+default_web_agent_config = {
+ 'agent_name': 'Web Browsing Agent',
+ 'agent_description': """An information and automation assistant who responds to \
+user instructions by browsing the internet. The assistant strives to answer each question \
+accurately, thoroughly, efficiently, and politely, and to be forthright when it is \
+impossible to answer the question or carry out the instruction. The assistant will \
+end the task once it sends a message to the user.""",
+ 'memory_type': 'step_prompted',
+ 'memory_prompt_type': 'default',
+ 'encoder_prompt_type': 'no_memory',
+ 'planner_type': 'policy',
+ 'policy_prompt_type': 'no_update',
+ 'policy_output_name': 'intent',
+ 'actor_prompt_type': 'with_memory',
+ 'module_error_message': 'send_msg_to_user("LLM output parsing error")'
+browsergym_config = copy.copy(default_web_agent_config)
+ 'environment': 'browsergym',
+browsergym_world_model_config = copy.copy(browsergym_config)
+ 'planner_type': 'world_model',
+ 'world_model_prompt_type': 'with_update',
+ 'planner_search_num_actions': 5,
+ 'planner_search_depth': 1,
+ 'planner_critic_num_samples': 20,
+opendevin_config = copy.copy(default_web_agent_config)
+ 'environment': 'opendevin',
+ 'use_nav': True,
+ 'eval_mode': False,
+ 'truncate_axtree': True,
+opendevin_llama_config = copy.copy(opendevin_config)
+ 'agent_description': 'An information and automation assistant who responds to \
+user instructions by browsing the internet. The assistant strives to answer each question \
+accurately, thoroughly, efficiently, and politely, and to be forthright when it is \
+impossible to answer the question or carry out the instruction. The assistant will \
+end the task once it sends a message to the user. The assistant remembers that bids \
+are numbers in square brackets at the beginning of each line, and prioritizes reputable \
+or stable websites like Google, Wikipedia, and Google Flights.',
+ 'memory_prompt_type': 'llama'
+opendevin_world_model_config = copy.copy(opendevin_config)
+ 'planner_type': 'world_model',
+ 'world_model_prompt_type': 'with_update',
+ 'planner_search_num_actions': 5,
+ 'planner_search_depth': 1,
+ 'planner_critic_num_samples': 20,
+webarena_config = copy.copy(opendevin_config)
+ 'agent_description': """An information and automation assistant that interacts with the browser \
+and responds to user instructions. The response follows the following rules: \
+1. When the intent is a question, and a complete answer to the question has been found, \
+then send the answer to the user; 2. the intent wants to locate specific information or navigate to \
+a particular section of a site, and the current page satisfies, then stop and tell the user you found the required information; \
+3. the intent want to conduct an operation, and has been done, then stop and tell the user the operation has been completed."
+The assistatnt should try to acheive the goal in the current site without navigating to sites \
+like Google. Be forthright when it is impossible to answer the question or carry out the task. \
+The assistant will end the task once it sends a message to the user.""",
+ 'use_nav': False,
+ 'eval_mode': True,
+ 'truncate_axtree': False,
+ 'actor_prompt_type': 'with_memory_concise_instruction',
+webarena_world_model_config = copy.copy(webarena_config)
+ 'planner_type': 'world_model',
+ 'world_model_prompt_type': 'with_update',
+ 'planner_search_num_actions': 5,
+ 'planner_search_depth': 1,
+ 'planner_critic_num_samples': 20,
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/reasoners/agent/llm.py b/reasoners/agent/llm.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6c829948
--- /dev/null
+++ b/reasoners/agent/llm.py
@@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
+from abc import abstractmethod
+from functools import partial
+import os
+import time
+import traceback
+from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Callable, Optional, Tuple, List, Union
+from logging import Logger
+from .utils import ParseError, parse_html_tags_raise
+ from opendevin.llm.llm import LLM as OpenDevinLLM
+class LLM:
+ @abstractmethod
+ def __call__(self, *args, **kargs): ...
+# LOG_FOLDER = '../ama-logs'
+def identity(x):
+ return x, True, None
+def parser(text, keys, optional_keys=()):
+ try:
+ ans_dict = parse_html_tags_raise(text, keys, optional_keys)
+ except ParseError as e:
+ return None, False, str(e)
+ return ans_dict, True, ''
+class OpenDevinParserLLM(LLM):
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ opendevin_llm: 'OpenDevinLLM',
+ keys: Union[List[str], Tuple[str]] = (),
+ optional_keys: Union[List[str], Tuple[str]] = (),
+ logger: Logger = None,
+ max_retries: int = 4,
+ ):
+ super().__init__()
+ self.opendevin_llm = opendevin_llm
+ self.logger = logger
+ self.keys = keys
+ self.optional_keys = optional_keys
+ if not self.keys and not self.optional_keys:
+ self.parser = identity
+ else:
+ self.parser = partial(parser, keys=keys, optional_keys=optional_keys)
+ self.max_retries = max_retries
+ self.cost_accumulator = 0
+ def __call__(self, user_prompt, system_prompt=None, **kwargs):
+ messages = []
+ if system_prompt:
+ messages.append({'role': 'system', 'content': system_prompt})
+ messages.append({'role': 'user', 'content': user_prompt})
+ try:
+ ans_dict = self._retry(
+ messages, self.parser, n_retries=self.max_retries, **kwargs
+ )
+ ans_dict['n_retry'] = (len(messages) - 3) / 2
+ except ValueError as e:
+ # Likely due to maximum retry. We catch it here to be able to return
+ # the list of messages for further analysis
+ ans_dict = {}
+ ans_dict['err_msg'] = str(e)
+ ans_dict['stack_trace'] = traceback.format_exc()
+ ans_dict['n_retries'] = self.max_retries
+ ans_dict['messages'] = messages
+ ans_dict['prompt'] = user_prompt
+ # if LOG_FOLDER and os.path.isdir(LOG_FOLDER):
+ # with open(f'{LOG_FOLDER}/{str(int(time.time()))}.log', 'w') as f:
+ # for m in messages:
+ # f.write(f"{m['role']}\n\n{m['content']}\n\n\n")
+ return ans_dict
+ def _retry(
+ self,
+ messages,
+ parser,
+ n_retries=4,
+ min_retry_wait_time=60,
+ rate_limit_max_wait_time=60 * 30,
+ **kwargs,
+ ):
+ tries = 0
+ rate_limit_total_delay = 0
+ while tries < n_retries and rate_limit_total_delay < rate_limit_max_wait_time:
+ response = self.opendevin_llm.completion(
+ messages=messages,
+ # messages=truncated_messages, # added
+ **kwargs,
+ )
+ answer = response['choices'][0]['message']['content'].strip()
+ messages.append({'role': 'assistant', 'content': answer})
+ value, valid, retry_message = parser(answer)
+ if valid:
+ self.log_cost(response)
+ return value
+ tries += 1
+ msg = f'Query failed. Retrying {tries}/{n_retries}.\n[LLM]:\n{answer}\n[User]:\n{retry_message}'
+ if self.logger:
+ self.logger.info(msg)
+ messages.append({'role': 'user', 'content': retry_message})
+ raise ValueError(f'Could not parse a valid value after {n_retries} retries.')
+ def log_cost(self, response):
+ # TODO: refactor to unified cost tracking
+ try:
+ cur_cost = self.opendevin_llm.completion_cost(response)
+ except Exception:
+ cur_cost = 0
+ self.cost_accumulator += cur_cost
+ if self.logger:
+ self.logger.info(
+ 'Cost: %.2f USD | Accumulated Cost: %.2f USD',
+ cur_cost,
+ self.cost_accumulator,
+ )
+class OpenDevinParserMultiResponseLLM(OpenDevinParserLLM):
+ def __call__(self, user_prompt, system_prompt=None, **kwargs):
+ messages = []
+ if system_prompt:
+ messages.append({'role': 'system', 'content': system_prompt})
+ messages.append({'role': 'user', 'content': user_prompt})
+ try:
+ ans_dicts = self._retry(
+ messages, self.parser, n_retries=self.max_retries, **kwargs
+ )
+ ans_dict = {'answers': ans_dicts}
+ ans_dict['n_retry'] = (len(messages) - 3) / 2
+ except ValueError as e:
+ # Likely due to maximum retry. We catch it here to be able to return
+ # the list of messages for further analysis
+ ans_dict = {}
+ ans_dict['err_msg'] = str(e)
+ ans_dict['stack_trace'] = traceback.format_exc()
+ ans_dict['n_retries'] = self.max_retries
+ ans_dict['messages'] = messages
+ ans_dict['prompt'] = user_prompt
+ return ans_dict
+ def _retry(
+ self,
+ messages,
+ parser,
+ n_retries=4,
+ min_retry_wait_time=60,
+ rate_limit_max_wait_time=60 * 30,
+ n=1,
+ **kwargs,
+ ):
+ output_values = []
+ tries = 0
+ rate_limit_total_delay = 0
+ while tries < n_retries and rate_limit_total_delay < rate_limit_max_wait_time:
+ remaining_n = n - len(output_values)
+ response = self.opendevin_llm.completion(
+ messages=messages,
+ # messages=truncated_messages, # added
+ n=remaining_n,
+ **kwargs,
+ )
+ answers = [c['message']['content'].strip() for c in response['choices']]
+ # answer = response['choices'][0]['message']['content'].strip()
+ # messages.append({'role': 'assistant', 'content': answer})
+ # value, valid, retry_message = parser(answer)
+ self.log_cost(response)
+ outputs = [parser(answer) for answer in answers]
+ invalid_answer = None
+ invalid_retry_message = None
+ for answer, (value, valid, retry_message) in zip(answers, outputs):
+ if valid:
+ output_values.append(value)
+ if len(output_values) == n:
+ # self.log_cost(response)
+ return output_values
+ else:
+ invalid_answer = value
+ invalid_retry_message = retry_message
+ # if valid:
+ # self.log_cost(response)
+ # return value
+ tries += 1
+ msg = f'Query failed. Retrying {tries}/{n_retries}.\n[LLM]:\n{invalid_answer}\n[User]:\n{invalid_retry_message}'
+ if self.logger:
+ self.logger.info(msg)
+ # messages.append({'role': 'user', 'content': retry_message})
+ raise ValueError(f'Could not parse a valid value after {n_retries} retries.')
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/reasoners/agent/modules/__init__.py b/reasoners/agent/modules/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0002cbd4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/reasoners/agent/modules/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+from .actor import PromptedActor
+from .critic import PromptedCritic
+from .encoder import PromptedEncoder
+from .planner import PolicyPlanner, ReasonerPlanner
+from .policy import PromptedPolicy
+from .world_model import PromptedWorldModel
+__all__ = [
+ 'PromptedActor', 'PromptedCritic', 'PromptedEncoder',
+ 'PolicyPlanner', 'ReasonerPlanner',
+ 'PromptedPolicy', 'PromptedWorldModel']
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/reasoners/agent/modules/actor.py b/reasoners/agent/modules/actor.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b36bc111
--- /dev/null
+++ b/reasoners/agent/modules/actor.py
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+from abc import abstractmethod
+from ..base import AgentModule
+class Actor(AgentModule):
+ @abstractmethod
+ def __call__(self, observation, state, memory, plan, **kwargs): ...
+class PromptedActor(Actor):
+ def __init__(self, identity, llm, prompt_template):
+ super().__init__()
+ self.identity = identity
+ self.llm = llm
+ self.prompt_template = prompt_template
+ def __call__(self, observation, state, memory, plan, llm_kwargs=None, **kwargs):
+ if llm_kwargs is None:
+ llm_kwargs = {}
+ user_prompt = self.prompt_template.format(
+ observation=observation, state=state, memory=memory, plan=plan, **kwargs
+ )
+ llm_response = self.llm(
+ system_prompt=str(self.identity), user_prompt=user_prompt, **llm_kwargs
+ )
+ return llm_response
diff --git a/reasoners/agent/modules/critic.py b/reasoners/agent/modules/critic.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1021b21c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/reasoners/agent/modules/critic.py
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+from abc import abstractmethod
+from ..base import AgentModule
+class Critic(AgentModule):
+ @abstractmethod
+ def __call__(self, state, memory, *args, **kwargs): ...
+class PromptedCritic(Critic):
+ def __init__(self, identity, llm, prompt_template):
+ super().__init__()
+ self.identity = identity
+ self.llm = llm
+ self.prompt_template = prompt_template
+ def __call__(self, state, memory, llm_kwargs=None, **kwargs):
+ if llm_kwargs is None:
+ llm_kwargs = {}
+ user_prompt = self.prompt_template.format(state=state, memory=memory, **kwargs)
+ llm_output = self.llm(
+ system_prompt=str(self.identity), user_prompt=user_prompt, **llm_kwargs
+ )
+ return llm_output
diff --git a/reasoners/agent/modules/encoder.py b/reasoners/agent/modules/encoder.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..51185403
--- /dev/null
+++ b/reasoners/agent/modules/encoder.py
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+from abc import abstractmethod
+from ..base import AgentModule
+class Encoder(AgentModule):
+ @abstractmethod
+ def __call__(self, observation, *args, **kwargs): ...
+class PromptedEncoder(Encoder):
+ def __init__(self, identity, llm, prompt_template):
+ super().__init__()
+ self.identity = identity
+ self.llm = llm
+ self.prompt_template = prompt_template
+ def __call__(self, observation, memory, **kwargs):
+ user_prompt = self.prompt_template.format(
+ observation=observation, memory=memory, **kwargs
+ )
+ llm_output = self.llm(
+ system_prompt=str(self.identity), user_prompt=user_prompt, **kwargs
+ )
+ return llm_output
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/reasoners/agent/modules/planner.py b/reasoners/agent/modules/planner.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..42034f82
--- /dev/null
+++ b/reasoners/agent/modules/planner.py
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+from abc import abstractmethod
+import copy
+from ..base import AgentModule
+from .policy import Policy
+from .world_model import WorldModel
+from .critic import Critic
+from .planner_utils import SearchConfigWrapper, WorldModelWrapper
+from reasoners import Reasoner
+from reasoners.algorithm import DFS
+class Planner(AgentModule):
+ @abstractmethod
+ def __call__(self, state, memory, *args, **kwargs): ...
+class PolicyPlanner(Planner):
+ def __init__(self, policy: Policy):
+ super().__init__()
+ self.policy = policy
+ def __call__(self, state, memory, **kwargs):
+ plan_response = self.policy(state=state, memory=memory, **kwargs)
+ return plan_response
+class ReasonerPlanner(Planner):
+ def __init__(self, policy: Policy, world_model: WorldModel, critic: Critic,
+ search_num_actions: int, search_depth: int, policy_output_name: str, critic_num_samples: int,
+ llm_base_url: str, llm_api_key: str,
+ **kwargs):
+ super().__init__()
+ self.policy = policy
+ self.world_model = world_model
+ self.critic = critic
+ self.policy_output_name = policy_output_name
+ self.reasoner_world_model = WorldModelWrapper(world_model, action_name=self.policy_output_name)
+ self.reasoner_search_config = SearchConfigWrapper(policy, critic,
+ policy_freq_top_k=search_num_actions,
+ policy_output_name=policy_output_name,
+ critic_n=critic_num_samples,
+ search_depth=search_depth,
+ llm_base_url=llm_base_url,
+ llm_api_key=llm_api_key,
+ return_if_single_first_action=True)
+ # self.reasoner_search_algo = MCTS(output_trace_in_each_iter=True, disable_tqdm=False)
+ self.reasoner_search_algo = DFS(max_per_state=search_num_actions,
+ depth=search_depth,
+ prior=False,
+ return_if_single_first_action=True)
+ self.reasoner = Reasoner(
+ world_model=self.reasoner_world_model,
+ search_config=self.reasoner_search_config,
+ search_algo=self.reasoner_search_algo,
+ )
+ self.logger = None
+ def __call__(self, state, memory, **kwargs):
+ # We need to define the llm reasoner
+ example = {'state': state, 'memory': copy.deepcopy(memory)}
+ example.update(kwargs)
+ self.reasoner_world_model.logger = self.logger
+ self.reasoner_search_config.logger = self.logger
+ result = self.reasoner(example)
+ cur_node = result.terminal_nodes[0]
+ while cur_node.depth > 1: # go to the first layer
+ cur_node = cur_node.parent
+ # intent = result.terminal_state['action_history'][0]
+ plan = cur_node.action['action']
+ return {self.policy_output_name: plan}
diff --git a/reasoners/agent/modules/planner_utils.py b/reasoners/agent/modules/planner_utils.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..34554d5d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/reasoners/agent/modules/planner_utils.py
@@ -0,0 +1,402 @@
+import copy
+import json
+from openai import OpenAI
+# from opendevin.core.logger import opendevin_logger as logger
+from reasoners import SearchConfig as ReasonersSearchConfig
+from reasoners import WorldModel as ReasonersWorldModel
+class WorldModelWrapper(ReasonersWorldModel):
+ def __init__(self, world_model, action_name, **kwargs):
+ super().__init__()
+ self.world_model = world_model
+ self.action_name = action_name
+ self.logger = None
+ def init_state(self):
+ return {
+ 'memory': copy.deepcopy(self.example['memory']),
+ 'state': self.example['state'],
+ 'action_history': [],
+ }
+ def step(self, state, action):
+ """World Model"""
+ # h[t+1] = f(h[t], s[t], a[t])
+ next_memory = copy.deepcopy(state['memory'])
+ memory_update = {
+ 'state': state['state'],
+ self.action_name: action['action'],
+ 'plan': action['action'],
+ }
+ next_memory.update(**memory_update)
+ llm_output = self.world_model(memory=next_memory, **next_memory.current_step)
+ next_memory.step()
+ next_state = {
+ 'state': llm_output['next_state'],
+ # 'memory': copy.deepcopy(state['memory']),
+ 'memory': next_memory,
+ 'action_history': state['action_history'] + [action['action']],
+ }
+ # next_state['memory'].update(state=state['state'], intent=action['action'])
+ # next_state['memory'].step()
+ if self.logger:
+ self.logger.info(f"Proposed Action: {action['action']}")
+ if 'memory_update' in next_memory.history[-1]:
+ memory_update = next_memory.history[-1]['memory_update']
+ self.logger.info(f"Memory Update: {memory_update}")
+ self.logger.info(f"Next State: {next_state['state']}")
+ # else:
+ # logger.info(f"Proposed Action: {action['action']}")
+ # if 'memory_update' in next_memory.history[-1]:
+ # memory_update = next_memory.history[-1]['memory_update']
+ # logger.info(f"Memory Update: {memory_update}")
+ # logger.info(f"Next State: {next_state['state']}")
+ return next_state, {'next_state': next_state}
+ def is_terminal(self, state):
+ return False
+ def update_example(self, example, **kwargs):
+ super().update_example(example, **kwargs)
+class SearchConfigWrapper(ReasonersSearchConfig):
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ policy,
+ critic,
+ policy_temperature=1.0,
+ policy_top_p=0.95,
+ policy_n=20,
+ policy_freq_top_k=5,
+ policy_output_name='action',
+ critic_temperature=1.0,
+ critic_top_p=0.95,
+ critic_n=20,
+ search_depth=1,
+ llm_base_url=None,
+ llm_api_key=None,
+ **kwargs
+ ):
+ super().__init__()
+ self.policy = policy
+ self.critic = critic
+ self.policy_temperature = policy_temperature
+ self.policy_top_p = policy_top_p
+ self.policy_n = policy_n
+ self.policy_freq_top_k = policy_freq_top_k
+ self.policy_output_name = policy_output_name
+ self.critic_temperature = critic_temperature
+ self.critic_top_p = critic_top_p
+ self.critic_n = critic_n
+ self.search_depth = search_depth
+ self.llm_base_url = llm_base_url
+ self.llm_api_key = llm_api_key
+ self.logger = None
+ def get_actions(self, state):
+ # Sample 20 actions
+ llm_output = self.policy(
+ state['state'],
+ state['memory'],
+ llm_kwargs={
+ 'temperature': self.policy_temperature,
+ 'top_p': self.policy_top_p,
+ 'n': self.policy_n,
+ },
+ )
+ action2freqs = {}
+ for ans_dict in llm_output['answers']:
+ action = ans_dict[self.policy_output_name]
+ freq, _ = action2freqs.get(action, (0, ''))
+ action2freqs[action] = (freq + 1, ans_dict.get('think'))
+ # total_freq = sum([freq for freq, _ in action2freqs.values()])
+ if self.logger:
+ # self.logger.info(f'Num Reward Samples: {len(thoughts)}')
+ self.logger.info(f'Action2Freqs: {action2freqs}')
+ # else:
+ # logger.info(f'Action2Freqs: {action2freqs}')
+ # logger.info(f"Action2Freqs: {action2freqs}")
+ cluster2freqs = {}
+ while len(cluster2freqs) == 0:
+ cluster2freqs = self._cluster_actions(action2freqs)
+ if self.logger:
+ self.logger.info(f'Cluster2Freqs: {cluster2freqs}')
+ # else:
+ # logger.info(f'Cluster2Freqs: {cluster2freqs}')
+ action_freq_thoughts = [
+ (action, freq, think) for action, (freq, think) in cluster2freqs.items()
+ ]
+ action_freq_thoughts.sort(key=lambda x: -x[1])
+ action_freq_thoughts = action_freq_thoughts[: self.policy_freq_top_k]
+ action_outputs = [
+ {'action': action, 'freq': freq, 'think': think}
+ for action, freq, think in action_freq_thoughts
+ ]
+ if self.logger:
+ self.logger.info(f'Num Actions Limit: {self.policy_freq_top_k}')
+ self.logger.info('Action Options:')
+ for a in action_outputs:
+ self.logger.info(
+ f"Action: {a['action']}, Freq: {a['freq']}, Think: {a['think']}"
+ )
+ # else:
+ # logger.info(f'Num Actions Limit: {self.policy_freq_top_k}')
+ # logger.info('Action Options:')
+ # for a in action_outputs:
+ # logger.info(
+ # f"Action: {a['action']}, Freq: {a['freq']}, Think: {a['think']}"
+ # )
+ return action_outputs
+ def fast_reward(self, state, action):
+ return 0.0, {}
+ def reward(self, state, action, next_state, **kwargs):
+ depth = len(next_state['action_history'])
+ if depth < self.search_depth:
+ reward = 0.0
+ if self.logger:
+ self.logger.info(f'Current depth is {depth}, less than search depth {self.search_depth}')
+ self.logger.info(f'Reward: {reward}')
+ # else:
+ # logger.info(f'Current depth is {depth}, less than search depth {self.search_depth}')
+ # logger.info(f'Reward: {reward}')
+ return reward, {}
+ llm_output = self.critic(
+ next_state['state'],
+ next_state['memory'],
+ llm_kwargs={
+ 'temperature': self.critic_temperature,
+ 'top_p': self.critic_top_p,
+ 'n': self.critic_n,
+ },
+ )
+ """Assuming the following response format:
+ Thoughts:
+ Status: “success” or “failure”
+ On the right track to success: “yes” or “no”
+ """
+ scores = []
+ thoughts = []
+ for ans_dict in llm_output['answers']:
+ # print(ans_dict)
+ if ans_dict['status'] == 'success':
+ score = 1
+ elif ans_dict['on_the_right_track'] == 'yes':
+ score = 0.5
+ else:
+ score = 0
+ scores.append(score)
+ thoughts.append(ans_dict.get('think'))
+ reward = sum(scores) / len(scores)
+ # logger.info(f"Score Examples: {scores[:5]}")
+ # logger.info(f"Thought Examples: {thoughts[:5]}")
+ if self.logger:
+ self.logger.info(f'Thought Example: {thoughts[0]}')
+ self.logger.info(f'Num Reward Samples: {len(thoughts)}')
+ self.logger.info(f'Reward: {reward}')
+ # else:
+ # logger.info(f'Thought Example: {thoughts[0]}')
+ # logger.info(f'Num Reward Samples: {len(thoughts)}')
+ # logger.info(f'Reward: {reward}')
+ # raise
+ return reward, {'scores': scores, 'thoughts': thoughts}
+ def _cluster_actions(self, action2freqs):
+ client = OpenAI(base_url=self.llm_base_url,
+ api_key=self.llm_api_key)
+ action_candidate_dict = {
+ i: action for i, action in enumerate(action2freqs.keys())
+ }
+ action_candidate_json = json.dumps(action_candidate_dict, indent=2)
+ input_prompt = self._get_cluster_input_template().format(
+ action_candidate_json=action_candidate_json
+ )
+ llm_prompt = (
+ self._get_cluster_instruction_prompt()
+ + '\n\n'
+ + self._get_cluster_example_prompt()
+ + '\n\n'
+ + input_prompt
+ )
+ # print(llm_prompt)
+ # Run LLM for clustering
+ system_prompt = 'You are an expert at clustering text.'
+ messages = [
+ {'role': 'system', 'content': system_prompt},
+ {'role': 'user', 'content': llm_prompt},
+ ]
+ num_retries = 5
+ for i in range(num_retries):
+ try:
+ completion = client.chat.completions.create(
+ model='gpt-4o', messages=messages, response_format={'type': 'json_object'}
+ )
+ response = completion.choices[0].message.content
+ clusters_dict = json.loads(response)
+ break
+ except Exception as e:
+ if i == num_retries - 1:
+ raise e
+ if self.logger:
+ self.logger.error(f'Error: {e}. Retrying...')
+ # else:
+ # logger.error(f'Error: {e}. Retrying...')
+ # completion = client.chat.completions.create(
+ # model='gpt-4o', messages=messages, response_format={'type': 'json_object'}
+ # )
+ # response = completion.choices[0].message.content
+ # clusters_dict = json.loads(response)
+ cluster2freqs = {}
+ for cluster_id, cluster_info in clusters_dict.items():
+ action = cluster_info[self.policy_output_name]
+ cluster2freqs[action] = (0, '')
+ for candidate_id in cluster_info['candidates']:
+ candidate = action_candidate_dict[int(candidate_id)]
+ candidate_freq, candidate_think = action2freqs.get(candidate, (0, ''))
+ cluster_freq, _ = cluster2freqs[action]
+ cluster2freqs[action] = (cluster_freq + candidate_freq, candidate_think)
+ # print(cluster2freqs)
+ return cluster2freqs
+ def _get_cluster_instruction_prompt(self):
+ return """\
+Here is the action space for a browser agent to navigate in a webpage:
+16 different types of actions are available:
+noop(wait_ms: float = 1000)
+send_msg_to_user(text: str)
+scroll(delta_x: float, delta_y: float)
+fill(bid: str, value: str)
+select_option(bid: str, options: str | list[str])
+click(bid: str, button: Literal['left', 'middle', 'right'] = 'left', modifiers: list[typing.Literal['Alt', 'Control', 'Meta', 'Shift']] = [])
+dblclick(bid: str, button: Literal['left', 'middle', 'right'] = 'left', modifiers: list[typing.Literal['Alt', 'Control', 'Meta', 'Shift']] = [])
+hover(bid: str)
+press(bid: str, key_comb: str)
+focus(bid: str)
+clear(bid: str)
+drag_and_drop(from_bid: str, to_bid: str)
+upload_file(bid: str, file: str | list[str])
+goto(url: str)
+Only a single action can be provided at once. Example:
+ fill('a12', 'example with "quotes"')
+Below, you will find lists of intents, or natural language descriptions of actions that, when executed, will translate to one of the function calls above. \
+The intents will be provided in the following JSON format:
+ "intent_id": "intent description"
+Your task is to cluster list of intents into semantically equivalent groups, where each group represents intents that lead to the same action when executed \
+(i.e., navigating to the Google homepage is translated to goto('https://www.google.com')) and would therefore correspond to the same API call \
+in a Playwright browser. Intents that use different wording but convey the same action should be grouped together. Try to minimize the number of clusters.
+Represent the clustering results using a JSON object where each cluster has a unique identifier, and each identifier maps to a list of actions in that cluster. \
+See below for an abstract example:
+ "cluster_id": {
+ "intent": "representative intent name for this cluster",
+ "candidates": [
+ "
+ ]
+ }
+ def _get_cluster_example_prompt(self):
+ return """\
+Concrete Example 1:
+Dictionary of Intents:
+ "0": "Navigate to the Google homepage by entering its URL.",
+ "1": "Go to the Google homepage.",
+ "2": "Go to the Google homepage",
+ "3": "Go to the Google homepage by navigating to 'https://www.google.com'",
+ "4": "Go to the home page of Google"
+["Navigate to the Google homepage by entering its URL.", "Go to the Google homepage.", "Go to the Google homepage", "Go to the Google homepage by navigating to \"https://www.google.com\"", "Go to the home page of Google"]
+Clustering Results:
+ "cluster_1": {
+ "intent": "Navigate to the Google homepage",
+ "candidates": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
+ }
+ def _get_cluster_input_template(self):
+ return """\
+Concrete Example 2:
+Dictionary of Intents:
+Clustering Results:
diff --git a/reasoners/agent/modules/policy.py b/reasoners/agent/modules/policy.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5a924a45
--- /dev/null
+++ b/reasoners/agent/modules/policy.py
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+from abc import abstractmethod
+from ..base import AgentModule
+class Policy(AgentModule):
+ @abstractmethod
+ def __call__(self, state, memory, *args, **kwargs): ...
+class PromptedPolicy(Policy):
+ def __init__(self, identity, llm, prompt_template):
+ self.identity = identity
+ self.llm = llm
+ self.prompt_template = prompt_template
+ def __call__(self, state, memory, llm_kwargs=None, **kwargs):
+ if llm_kwargs is None:
+ llm_kwargs = {}
+ user_prompt = self.prompt_template.format(state=state, memory=memory, **kwargs)
+ llm_output = self.llm(
+ system_prompt=str(self.identity), user_prompt=user_prompt, **llm_kwargs
+ )
+ return llm_output
diff --git a/reasoners/agent/modules/world_model.py b/reasoners/agent/modules/world_model.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6e11f968
--- /dev/null
+++ b/reasoners/agent/modules/world_model.py
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+from abc import abstractmethod
+from ..base import AgentModule
+class WorldModel(AgentModule):
+ @abstractmethod
+ def __call__(self, state, memory, plan, **kwargs): ...
+class PromptedWorldModel(WorldModel):
+ def __init__(self, identity, llm, prompt_template):
+ super().__init__()
+ self.identity = identity
+ self.llm = llm
+ self.prompt_template = prompt_template
+ def __call__(self, state, memory, plan, llm_kwargs=None, **kwargs):
+ if llm_kwargs is None:
+ llm_kwargs = {}
+ user_prompt = self.prompt_template.format(
+ state=state, memory=memory, plan=plan, **kwargs
+ )
+ llm_output = self.llm(
+ system_prompt=str(self.identity), user_prompt=user_prompt, **llm_kwargs
+ )
+ return llm_output
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/reasoners/agent/prompts.py b/reasoners/agent/prompts.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1a9aab46
--- /dev/null
+++ b/reasoners/agent/prompts.py
@@ -0,0 +1,420 @@
+# Encoder
+encoder_prompt_template_with_memory = """\
+# Observation:
+# State:
+Summarize the current state of the webpage observation, focusing on the most \
+recent action you took and any errors encountered. Note any dialogs, progress \
+indicators, or significant changes such as items in your cart or sites visited. \
+Describe the impact of your previous action on the webpage, including any new \
+interactive elements. Include any inferred information that may help achieve \
+the goal. Information from steps earlier are for reference only. Focus on \
+objective description of the current observation and any inferences you can \
+draw from it. Report any error messages displayed. Do not include your next \
+planned actions; focus solely on providing an objective summary.
+Wrap your response in the tag and .\
+encoder_prompt_template_no_memory = """\
+# Observation:
+# State:
+Describe all the elements in the current webpage observation. Note any dialogs, \
+progress indicators, or error messages. Include any interactive elements and their \
+values or if they are blank. \
+Note any detailed information such as facts, entities, or data that are relevant \
+to the task. Report any error messages like whether the last action was correct. \
+Try to be as comprehensive and detailed as possible.
+Wrap your response in the tag and .\
+encoder_prompt_template_dict = {
+ 'with_memory': encoder_prompt_template_with_memory,
+ 'no_memory': encoder_prompt_template_no_memory
+memory_update_prompt_template = """\
+# State:
+# Action Intent:
+# Memory Update:
+Summarize the changes in the webpage observation that should be remembered for \
+achieving your goal and for predicting the next state. Note any new elements, \
+any elements no longer visible, or any changes in the content of existing elements. \
+Also note if there is no change. Include any other inferred information that may help \
+you decide the next action, such as whether an action intent is successful, or whether \
+progress has been made or reversed. Do not include your next planned actions. Revise \
+your belief from previous history if the current state contradicts it.
+Wrap your response in the tag and .\
+memory_update_prompt_template_llama = """\
+# State:
+# Action Intent:
+# Memory Update:
+Concisely summarize the changes in the webpage observation that should be remembered for \
+achieving your goal and for predicting the next state. Note any new elements, \
+any elements no longer visible, or any changes in the content of existing elements. \
+Also note if there is no change. Avoid including irrelevant information. \
+Include any other inferred information that may help \
+you decide the next action, such as whether the previous action intent is successful, or whether \
+progress has been made or reversed. Do not include your next planned actions. Revise \
+your belief from previous history if the current state contradicts it.
+Wrap your response in the tag and .\
+memory_update_prompt_template_dict = {
+ 'default': memory_update_prompt_template,
+ 'llama': memory_update_prompt_template_llama
+# Memory
+memory_prompt_template = """\
+# State:
+# Action Intent:
+# Updated Memory
+Edit your memory to include the key information and reasoning from the current state that should be remembered \
+for achieving your goal and for predicting the next state.
+Wrap your response in the tag and .\
+# Policy
+policy_prompt_template_no_memory_update = """\
+# Current State:
+# Intent:
+Describe the action the assistant should take next to carry out the user's \
+instruction. \
+Avoid using phrases such as "To accomplish the goal," "I will," "To \
+proceed.". Avoid ending with phrases like "to execute the search." \
+Describe one action at a time and avoid combining multiple steps. \
+Refrain from mentioning specific element IDs as they may change \
+during execution. Limit your response to one phrase and include any details \
+that help select the correct action. Be creative and propose novel \
+methods to achieve the goal. Avoid creating accounts without user \
+permission or providing personal information. Concrete example \
+would be "Go to the home page of Google Flights." and "Click on the 'Search' button."
+Wrap your response in the following format:
+Your thoughts and reasoning process
+Description of the action to perform next
+policy_prompt_template_with_memory_update = """\
+# Current State:
+# Memory Update:
+# Intent:
+Describe the action the assistant should take next to carry out the user's \
+instruction. \
+Avoid using phrases such as "To accomplish the goal," "I will," "To \
+proceed.". Avoid ending with phrases like "to execute the search." \
+Describe one action at a time and avoid combining multiple steps. \
+Refrain from mentioning specific element IDs as they may change \
+during execution. Limit your response to one phrase and include any details \
+that help select the correct action. Be creative and propose novel \
+methods to achieve the goal. Avoid creating accounts without user \
+permission or providing personal information. Concrete example \
+would be "Go to the home page of Google Flights." and "Click on the 'Search' button."
+Wrap your response in the following format:
+Your thoughts and reasoning process
+Description of the action to perform next
+policy_prompt_template_dict = {
+ 'no_update': policy_prompt_template_no_memory_update,
+ 'with_update': policy_prompt_template_with_memory_update
+# World Model
+world_model_prompt_template_no_update = """\
+# Current State:
+# Current Intent:
+# Next State:
+Your task is to predict the effect of an action by the agent on a webpage. You are given the interaction history, \
+the current state of the webpage, and the agent's current intent for what action to take next. The interaction \
+history includes the sequence of actions intended by the agent and the resulting changes to the webpage. \
+Note that the action intent may not be executed successfully, so you will have to infer whether the action was successful. \
+You are required to predict the new changes that will occur on the webpage \
+after the agent attempts to execute their intent, such as the appearance of new elements, the disappearance of existing \
+elements, or changes in the content of existing elements. The operation type and the element to operate \
+will be provided in the prompt.
+Wrap your response in the following format:
+Based on the interaction history, current state, and current intent, please predict the changes after \
+the agent attempts to carry out the intent. Use present tense. Try to be as comprehensive and detailed as possible. \
+Avoid starting phrases like "Based on the interaction history, current state, and current intent".
+world_model_prompt_template_with_update = """\
+# Current State:
+# Memory Update:
+# Action Intent:
+# Next State:
+Describe all the elements in the webpage after the agent attempts to carry out the intent. \
+Note that the execution may not be successful, so you will have to infer the result of the action. \
+Note any dialogs, progress indicators, or error messages. Include any interactive elements and their \
+values or if they are blank. Note any detailed information such as facts, entities, or data that are relevant \
+to the task. Report any error messages displayed. Try to be as comprehensive and detailed as possible.
+Wrap your response in the following format:
+Follow the format of the current state description. Use present tense. \
+Avoid starting phrases like "Based on the interaction history, current state, and current intent".
+world_model_prompt_template_no_memory_with_update = """\
+# Current State:
+# Memory Update:
+# Action Intent:
+# Next State:
+Describe all the elements in the webpage after the agent attempts to carry out the intent. \
+Note that the execution may not be successful, so you will have to infer the result of the action. \
+Note any dialogs, progress indicators, or error messages. Include any interactive elements and their \
+values or if they are blank. Note any detailed information such as facts, entities, or data that are relevant \
+to the task. Report any error messages displayed. Try to be as comprehensive and detailed as possible.
+Wrap your response in the following format:
+Follow the format of the current state description. Use present tense. \
+Avoid starting phrases like "Based on the interaction history, current state, and current intent".
+world_model_prompt_template_no_memory_with_update_with_knowledge = """\
+# Current State:
+# Memory Update:
+# Action Intent:
+# Next State:
+Describe all the elements in the webpage after the agent attempts to carry out the intent. \
+Note that the execution may not be successful, so you will have to infer the result of the action. \
+Note any dialogs, progress indicators, or error messages. Include any interactive elements and their \
+values or if they are blank. Note any detailed information such as facts, entities, or data that are relevant \
+to the task. Report any error messages displayed. Try to be as comprehensive and detailed as possible.
+Wrap your response in the following format:
+Follow the format of the current state description. Use present tense. \
+Avoid starting phrases like "Based on the interaction history, current state, and current intent".
+world_model_prompt_template_dict = {
+ 'no_update': world_model_prompt_template_no_update,
+ 'with_update': world_model_prompt_template_with_update,
+ 'no_memory_with_update': world_model_prompt_template_no_memory_with_update,
+ 'no_memory_with_update_with_knowledge': world_model_prompt_template_no_memory_with_update_with_knowledge
+# Critic
+critic_prompt_template = """\
+# Final State:
+# Task Success and Progress:
+Your task is to evaluate the performance of the agent. Given the agent's instruction, interaction history, the final \
+state of the webpage, and the agent’s responses to the user if any, your goal is to decide whether the agent’s execution \
+is successful or not. If the current state is a failure but it looks like the agent is on the right track towards \
+success, you should also output as such.
+Wrap your response in the following format:
+Your thoughts and reasoning process
+"success" or "failure"
+"yes" or "no"
+actor_prompt_template_with_memory = """\
+# Observation:
+# Current State:
+# Current Intent:
+# Action:
+Choose an API call that will carry out the intent when executed in the webpage. \
+Use only one action at a time. You must not enclose bid inputs in [brackets] but instead in 'single quotes'. \
+Interact only with elements in the current step observation. Your response \
+will be executed as a Python function call, so ensure it adheres to the format \
+and argument data type specifications defined in the action space.
+Wrap your response in the tag and .\
+actor_prompt_template_with_memory_concise_instruction = """\
+# Observation:
+# Current State:
+# Current Intent:
+# Action:
+Choose an API call that will carry out the intent when executed in the webpage. \
+Use only one action at a time. You must not enclose bid inputs in [brackets] but instead in 'single quotes'. \
+Interact only with elements in the current step observation. Your response \
+will be executed as a Python function call, so ensure it adheres to the format \
+and argument data type specifications defined in the action space.
+If you are sending a message to the user, give very short answer in words, numerics, or the requested url \
+and only include the direct answer to the question given in the user instruction.
+Wrap your response in the tag and .\
+actor_prompt_template_no_memory = """\
+# Observation:
+# Current State:
+# Current Intent:
+# Action:
+Choose an API call that will carry out the intent when executed in the webpage. \
+Use only one action at a time. You must not enclose bid inputs in [brackets] but instead in 'single quotes'. \
+Interact only with elements in the current step observation. Your response \
+will be executed as a Python function call, so ensure it adheres to the format \
+and argument data type specifications defined in the action space.
+Wrap your response in the tag and .\
+actor_prompt_template_with_memory_with_update = """\
+# Observation:
+# Current State:
+# Memory Update:
+# Current Intent:
+# Action:
+Choose an API call that will carry out the intent when executed in the webpage. \
+Use only one action at a time. You must not enclose bid inputs in [brackets] but instead in 'single quotes'. \
+Interact only with elements in the current step observation. Your response \
+will be executed as a Python function call, so ensure it adheres to the format \
+and argument data type specifications defined in the action space.
+Wrap your response in the tag and .\
+actor_prompt_template_dict = {
+ 'with_memory': actor_prompt_template_with_memory,
+ 'with_memory_concise_instruction': actor_prompt_template_with_memory,
+ 'no_memory': actor_prompt_template_no_memory,
+ 'with_memory_with_update': actor_prompt_template_with_memory_with_update
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/reasoners/agent/utils.py b/reasoners/agent/utils.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e98ae3c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/reasoners/agent/utils.py
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+import collections
+import re
+from warnings import warn
+import yaml
+def yaml_parser(message):
+ """Parse a yaml message for the retry function."""
+ # saves gpt-3.5 from some yaml parsing errors
+ message = re.sub(r':\s*\n(?=\S|\n)', ': ', message)
+ try:
+ value = yaml.safe_load(message)
+ valid = True
+ retry_message = ''
+ except yaml.YAMLError as e:
+ warn(str(e), stacklevel=2)
+ value = {}
+ valid = False
+ retry_message = "Your response is not a valid yaml. Please try again and be careful to the format. Don't add any apology or comment, just the answer."
+ return value, valid, retry_message
+def _compress_chunks(text, identifier, skip_list, split_regex='\n\n+'):
+ """Compress a string by replacing redundant chunks by identifiers. Chunks are defined by the split_regex."""
+ text_list = re.split(split_regex, text)
+ text_list = [chunk.strip() for chunk in text_list]
+ counter = collections.Counter(text_list)
+ def_dict = {}
+ id = 0
+ # Store items that occur more than once in a dictionary
+ for item, count in counter.items():
+ if count > 1 and item not in skip_list and len(item) > 10:
+ def_dict[f'{identifier}-{id}'] = item
+ id += 1
+ # Replace redundant items with their identifiers in the text
+ compressed_text = '\n'.join(text_list)
+ for key, value in def_dict.items():
+ compressed_text = compressed_text.replace(value, key)
+ return def_dict, compressed_text
+def compress_string(text):
+ """Compress a string by replacing redundant paragraphs and lines with identifiers."""
+ # Perform paragraph-level compression
+ def_dict, compressed_text = _compress_chunks(
+ text, identifier='§', skip_list=[], split_regex='\n\n+'
+ )
+ # Perform line-level compression, skipping any paragraph identifiers
+ line_dict, compressed_text = _compress_chunks(
+ compressed_text, '¶', list(def_dict.keys()), split_regex='\n+'
+ )
+ def_dict.update(line_dict)
+ # Create a definitions section
+ def_lines = ['']
+ for key, value in def_dict.items():
+ def_lines.append(f'{key}:\n{value}')
+ def_lines.append('')
+ definitions = '\n'.join(def_lines)
+ return definitions + '\n' + compressed_text
+def extract_html_tags(text, keys):
+ """Extract the content within HTML tags for a list of keys.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ text : str
+ The input string containing the HTML tags.
+ keys : list of str
+ The HTML tags to extract the content from.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ dict
+ A dictionary mapping each key to a list of subset in `text` that match the key.
+ Notes
+ -----
+ All text and keys will be converted to lowercase before matching.
+ """
+ content_dict = {}
+ # text = text.lower()
+ # keys = set([k.lower() for k in keys])
+ for key in keys:
+ pattern = f'<{key}>(.*?){key}>'
+ matches = re.findall(pattern, text, re.DOTALL)
+ if matches:
+ content_dict[key] = [match.strip() for match in matches]
+ return content_dict
+class ParseError(Exception):
+ pass
+def parse_html_tags_raise(text, keys=(), optional_keys=(), merge_multiple=False):
+ """A version of parse_html_tags that raises an exception if the parsing is not successful."""
+ content_dict, valid, retry_message = parse_html_tags(
+ text, keys, optional_keys, merge_multiple=merge_multiple
+ )
+ if not valid:
+ raise ParseError(retry_message)
+ return content_dict
+def parse_html_tags(text, keys=(), optional_keys=(), merge_multiple=False):
+ """Satisfy the parse api, extracts 1 match per key and validates that all keys are present
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ text : str
+ The input string containing the HTML tags.
+ keys : list of str
+ The HTML tags to extract the content from.
+ optional_keys : list of str
+ The HTML tags to extract the content from, but are optional.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ dict
+ A dictionary mapping each key to subset of `text` that match the key.
+ bool
+ Whether the parsing was successful.
+ str
+ A message to be displayed to the agent if the parsing was not successful.
+ """
+ all_keys = tuple(keys) + tuple(optional_keys)
+ content_dict = extract_html_tags(text, all_keys)
+ retry_messages = []
+ for key in all_keys:
+ if key not in content_dict:
+ if key not in optional_keys:
+ retry_messages.append(f'Missing the key <{key}> in the answer.')
+ else:
+ val = content_dict[key]
+ content_dict[key] = val[0]
+ if len(val) > 1:
+ if not merge_multiple:
+ retry_messages.append(
+ f'Found multiple instances of the key {key}. You should have only one of them.'
+ )
+ else:
+ # merge the multiple instances
+ content_dict[key] = '\n'.join(val)
+ valid = len(retry_messages) == 0
+ retry_message = '\n'.join(retry_messages)
+ return content_dict, valid, retry_message
diff --git a/reasoners/agent/variables/__init__.py b/reasoners/agent/variables/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..86668a85
--- /dev/null
+++ b/reasoners/agent/variables/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+from .action_space import BrowserGymActionSpace, OpenDevinBrowserActionSpace
+from .identity import AgentInstructionEnvironmentIdentity
+from .memory import StepKeyValueMemory, StepPromptedMemory
+from .observation_space import BrowserGymObservationSpace, OpenDevinBrowserObservationSpace
+__all__ = [
+ 'AgentInstructionEnvironmentIdentity',
+ 'BrowserGymObservationSpace',
+ 'BrowserGymActionSpace',
+ 'OpenDevinBrowserActionSpace',
+ 'OpenDevinBrowserObservationSpace',
+ 'StepKeyValueMemory',
+ 'StepPromptedMemory',
diff --git a/reasoners/agent/variables/action_space.py b/reasoners/agent/variables/action_space.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..dcd86ba6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/reasoners/agent/variables/action_space.py
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+import ast
+from abc import abstractmethod
+import json
+from ..base import AgentVariable
+class ActionSpace(AgentVariable):
+ @abstractmethod
+ def parse_action(self, action, *args, **kwargs): ...
+class BrowserGymActionSpace(ActionSpace):
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ action_subsets=('chat', 'bid'),
+ use_nav=True,
+ strict=False,
+ multiaction=False,
+ ):
+ super().__init__()
+ self.action_subsets = action_subsets
+ self.use_nav = use_nav
+ self.strict = strict
+ self.multiaction = multiaction
+ if self.use_nav:
+ self.action_subsets.append('nav')
+ from browsergym.core.action.highlevel import HighLevelActionSet
+ self.action_space = HighLevelActionSet(
+ subsets=self.action_subsets,
+ strict=self.strict, # less strict on the parsing of the actions
+ multiaction=self.multiaction, # enable to agent to take multiple actions at once
+ )
+ self.reset()
+ def reset(self):
+ self.last_action = ''
+ self.num_repeats = 0
+ def get_value(self):
+ return self.action_space.describe(
+ with_long_description=False, with_examples=True
+ )
+ def parse_action(self, action, step_info, **kwargs):
+ if not action.startswith('scroll') and action == self.last_action:
+ self.num_repeats += 1
+ else:
+ self.num_repeats = 0
+ self.last_action = action
+ if self.num_repeats >= 3:
+ action = 'send_msg_to_user("Repetitive actions. Ending the task.")'
+ step_info.update({'action': action})
+ return action, step_info
+class OpenDevinBrowserActionSpace(BrowserGymActionSpace):
+ def parse_action(self, action, thought, **kwargs):
+ from opendevin.events.action import (
+ AgentFinishAction,
+ BrowseInteractiveAction,
+ MessageAction,
+ )
+ for action_type in [AgentFinishAction, BrowseInteractiveAction, MessageAction]:
+ if isinstance(action, action_type):
+ return action
+ if isinstance(thought, dict):
+ thought = json.dumps(thought)
+ action_str = action
+ # handle send message to user function call in BrowserGym
+ msg_content = ''
+ for sub_action in action_str.split('\n'):
+ if 'send_msg_to_user(' in sub_action:
+ tree = ast.parse(sub_action)
+ args = tree.body[0].value.args # type: ignore
+ msg_content = args[0].value
+ from opendevin.events.action import BrowseInteractiveAction
+ return BrowseInteractiveAction(
+ browser_actions=action_str,
+ thought=thought,
+ browsergym_send_msg_to_user=msg_content,
+ )
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/reasoners/agent/variables/identity.py b/reasoners/agent/variables/identity.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..80fbcdc8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/reasoners/agent/variables/identity.py
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+from datetime import datetime
+from ..base import AgentVariable
+class Identity(AgentVariable): ...
+class AgentInstructionEnvironmentIdentity(Identity):
+ """An identity that describes the agent and the environment it is in."""
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ agent_name,
+ agent_description,
+ observation_space,
+ action_space,
+ user_instruction=None,
+ ):
+ super(Identity).__init__()
+ self.agent_name = agent_name
+ self.agent_description = agent_description
+ self.user_instruction = user_instruction
+ self.observation_space = observation_space
+ self.action_space = action_space
+ def reset(self):
+ self.user_instruction = None
+ def update(self, user_instruction):
+ self.user_instruction = user_instruction
+ def get_value(self):
+ current_datetime = datetime.now().strftime('%a, %b %d, %Y %H:%M:%S')
+ return f"""\
+# Name:
+# Description:
+# Observation Space:
+# Action Space:
+# Instruction:
+# Current Date and Time:
diff --git a/reasoners/agent/variables/memory.py b/reasoners/agent/variables/memory.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bd43f5a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/reasoners/agent/variables/memory.py
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+from abc import abstractmethod
+from ..base import AgentVariable
+class Memory(AgentVariable):
+ @abstractmethod
+ def step(self, *args, **kwargs): ...
+class StepKeyValueMemory(Memory):
+ def __init__(self, keys):
+ super().__init__()
+ self.keys = keys
+ self.reset()
+ def reset(self):
+ self.history = []
+ self.current_step = dict()
+ def step(self):
+ self.history.append(self.current_step)
+ self.current_step = dict()
+ def update(self, **kwargs):
+ self.current_step.update(kwargs)
+ def get_value(self):
+ memory_lines = ['# History:']
+ # memory_lines = []
+ if not self.history:
+ memory_lines.append('Beginning of interaction.')
+ for i, step in enumerate(self.history):
+ step_lines = [f'## Step {i + 1}']
+ for key in self.keys:
+ step_lines.append(f'### {key.capitalize()}:\n{step[key]}')
+ memory_lines.append('\n'.join(step_lines))
+ return '\n\n'.join(memory_lines)
+class StepPromptedMemory(StepKeyValueMemory):
+ def __init__(self, identity, llm, prompt_template, keys, memory_key='memory_update'):
+ super().__init__(keys)
+ assert memory_key not in keys
+ self.identity = identity
+ self.llm = llm
+ self.prompt_template = prompt_template
+ self.memory_key = memory_key
+ self.reset()
+ def update(self, llm_kwargs=None, **kwargs):
+ if llm_kwargs is None:
+ llm_kwargs = {}
+ user_prompt = self.prompt_template.format(
+ memory=self.get_value(),
+ **kwargs
+ )
+ llm_output = self.llm(
+ system_prompt=str(self.identity), user_prompt=user_prompt, **llm_kwargs
+ )
+ self.current_step[self.memory_key] = llm_output[self.memory_key]
+ super().update(**kwargs)
+ def get_value(self):
+ memory_lines = ['# History:']
+ # memory_lines = []
+ if not self.history:
+ memory_lines.append('Beginning of interaction.')
+ for i, step in enumerate(self.history):
+ step_lines = [f'## Step {i + 1}']
+ step_lines.append(f'### State:\n{step[self.memory_key]}')
+ for key in self.keys:
+ step_lines.append(f'### {key.capitalize()}:\n{step[key]}')
+ memory_lines.append('\n'.join(step_lines))
+ return '\n\n'.join(memory_lines)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/reasoners/agent/variables/observation_space.py b/reasoners/agent/variables/observation_space.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1a3fa956
--- /dev/null
+++ b/reasoners/agent/variables/observation_space.py
@@ -0,0 +1,339 @@
+from abc import abstractmethod
+from ..base import AgentVariable
+from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Dict, List, Tuple
+import time, random
+ from opendevin.controller.state.state import State as OpenDevinState
+class ObservationSpace(AgentVariable):
+ @abstractmethod
+ def parse_observation(self, *args, **kwargs) -> Tuple[Any, Dict]: ...
+browser_observation_space_description = """\
+The text representation and screenshot of the part of webpage visible in the viewport of a browser. \
+Here is an abstract description of the information available in the webpage text representation:
+- Identification Information:
+ - URL: The web address that specifies the location of the webpage.
+ - Document Properties: Attributes such as scroll position and viewport dimensions that describe the current viewing context.
+- Structural Hierarchy:
+ - Root Element: The primary container for the webpage, indicating its overall theme or purpose.
+ - Nested Elements: A hierarchy of sections, containers, and components that organize content logically (e.g., headers, footers, sidebars).
+- Interactive Components:
+ - Links: Elements that can be clicked to navigate to other pages or sections, often labeled descriptively.
+ - Buttons: Interactive controls that trigger actions (e.g., submitting forms, opening menus).
+- Content Types:
+ - Text: Main content, headings, and subheadings that provide information and context.
+ - Images and Media: Visual elements that enhance the understanding or appeal of the content.
+ - Forms and Inputs: Fields for user input, including text boxes, dropdowns, and checkboxes.
+- Functional Areas:
+ - Navigation Menus: Organized sets of links that allow users to explore different sections of the site.
+ - Search Interface: Components that enable users to search for content within the site, including input fields and associated buttons.
+- State Information:
+ - Visibility and Expand/Collapse States: Indicators showing whether certain elements are active, visible, or in a collapsed state, impacting user interaction.
+ - Focus States: Information on which elements are currently focused, important for keyboard navigation and accessibility.
+- Accessibility Features:
+ - Role and Description Information: Metadata that provides context about the purpose of elements, useful for screen readers and assistive technologies.
+- General User Considerations:
+ - Navigation: Recognizing how to traverse the webpage using links and buttons.
+ - Interactivity: Understanding how to engage with forms, search fields, and dynamic components.
+ - Content Engagement: Identifying and interpreting various content types to glean necessary information.\
+class BrowserGymObservationSpace(ObservationSpace):
+ def __init__(self):
+ super().__init__()
+ self.reset()
+ def reset(self):
+ self.goal = None
+ self.error_accumulator = 0
+ def get_value(self):
+ return browser_observation_space_description
+ def parse_observation(self, obs):
+ scroll_position = obs['scroll_position']
+ error_prefix = ''
+ self.goal = obs['goal']
+ current_obs = {}
+ # print(self.obs.keys())
+ # print(self.obs['last_action_error'])
+ if obs['last_action_error']:
+ # add error recovery prompt prefix
+ error_prefix = f'IMPORTANT! Last action is incorrect:\n{obs["last_action"]}\n{obs["last_action_error"]}\nThink again with the current observation of the page.\n'
+ try:
+ from browsergym.utils.obs import flatten_axtree_to_str
+ cur_axtree_txt = flatten_axtree_to_str(
+ obs['axtree_object'],
+ extra_properties=obs['extra_element_properties'],
+ with_clickable=True,
+ filter_visible_only=True,
+ )
+ except Exception as e:
+ print(
+ 'Error when trying to process the accessibility tree: %s', e
+ )
+ # cur_axtree_txt = 'Error when trying to process the accessibility tree. No observation is available.'
+ return None, {'return_action': "send_msg_to_user('Error encountered when browsing.')"}
+ clean_axtree_lines = []
+ num_static_text_lines = 0
+ max_static_text_lines = 20
+ last_bracket_line = 0
+ max_after_last_bracket_lines = 10
+ for i, line in enumerate(cur_axtree_txt.split('\n')):
+ if line.strip().startswith('['):
+ last_bracket_line = i
+ for i, line in enumerate(cur_axtree_txt.split('\n')):
+ if line.strip().startswith('StaticText') or line.strip().startswith(
+ 'ListMarker'
+ ):
+ num_static_text_lines += 1
+ else:
+ num_static_text_lines = 0
+ if num_static_text_lines <= max_static_text_lines and i < (
+ last_bracket_line + max_after_last_bracket_lines
+ ):
+ clean_axtree_lines.append(line)
+ clean_axtree_txt = '\n'.join(clean_axtree_lines)
+ scroll_progress = (
+ 1 - scroll_position['remainingPixels'] / scroll_position['documentHeight']
+ )
+ clean_axtree_txt = (
+ f"URL {obs['url']}\n"
+ f"Scroll Position: {scroll_position['scrollTop']}, "
+ f"Window Height: {scroll_position['windowHeight']}, "
+ f"Webpage Height: {scroll_position['documentHeight']}, "
+ f"Remaining Pixels: {scroll_position['remainingPixels']}, "
+ f"Scrolling Progress: {scroll_progress:.1%}\n"
+ ) + clean_axtree_txt
+ obs_prompt = clean_axtree_txt
+ if len(error_prefix) > 0:
+ obs_prompt = f'{error_prefix}\n' + obs_prompt
+ current_obs = {
+ 'clean_axtree_txt': obs_prompt,
+ 'error_prefix': error_prefix,
+ 'goal': self.goal,
+ }
+ obs_txt = obs_prompt
+ obs_info = current_obs
+ if error_prefix:
+ self.error_accumulator += 1
+ if self.error_accumulator > 3:
+ obs_info.update({'return_action': "send_msg_to_user('Too many errors encountered. Task failed.')"})
+ return obs_txt, obs_info
+ else:
+ self.error_accumulator = 0
+ # return current_obs, {}
+ return obs_txt, obs_info
+class OpenDevinBrowserObservationSpace(BrowserGymObservationSpace):
+ """An identity that describes the agent and the environment it is in."""
+ def __init__(self, eval_mode, truncation=True):
+ super().__init__()
+ self.eval_mode = eval_mode
+ self.truncation = truncation
+ self.reset()
+ def parse_observation(self, opendevin_state: "OpenDevinState") -> Tuple[Any, Dict]:
+ last_obs, last_action, return_action = self._process_control_flow(
+ opendevin_state
+ )
+ if return_action is not None:
+ return None, {'return_action': return_action}
+ # current_obs, return_action = self._parse_current_obs(last_obs)
+ obs_info, return_action = self._parse_current_obs(last_obs)
+ obs_txt = obs_info['clean_axtree_txt']
+ if return_action:
+ obs_info.update({'return_action': return_action})
+ # return current_obs, {'return_action': return_action}
+ return obs_txt, obs_info
+ def _process_control_flow(self, env_state):
+ from opendevin.events.action import (
+ AgentFinishAction,
+ BrowseInteractiveAction,
+ MessageAction,
+ )
+ from opendevin.events.event import EventSource
+ goal = env_state.get_current_user_intent()
+ if goal is None:
+ goal = env_state.inputs['task']
+ self.goal = goal
+ # messages: List[str] = []
+ prev_actions: List[str] = []
+ last_obs = None
+ last_action = None
+ # if EVAL_MODE and len(env_state.history) == 1:
+ if len(env_state.history) == 1:
+ # for webarena and miniwob++ eval, we need to retrieve the initial observation already in browser env
+ # initialize and retrieve the first observation by issuing an noop OP
+ # For non-benchmark browsing, the browser env starts with a blank page, and the agent is expected to first navigate to desired websites
+ time.sleep(10 + random.random() * 5)
+ return (
+ last_obs,
+ last_action,
+ BrowseInteractiveAction(browser_actions='noop()'),
+ )
+ for prev_action, obs in env_state.history:
+ # Go through the history to get the last action
+ if isinstance(prev_action, BrowseInteractiveAction):
+ # Create a list of past actions
+ prev_actions.append(prev_action.browser_actions)
+ last_obs = obs
+ last_action = prev_action
+ elif (
+ isinstance(prev_action, MessageAction)
+ and prev_action.source == EventSource.AGENT
+ ):
+ # agent has responded, task finish.
+ return (
+ last_obs,
+ last_action,
+ AgentFinishAction(outputs={'content': prev_action.content}),
+ )
+ if self.eval_mode:
+ prev_actions = prev_actions[1:] # remove the first noop action
+ # prev_action_str = '\n'.join(prev_actions)
+ # if the final BrowserInteractiveAction exec BrowserGym's send_msg_to_user,
+ # we should also send a message back to the user in OpenDevin and call it a day
+ if (
+ isinstance(last_action, BrowseInteractiveAction)
+ and last_action.browsergym_send_msg_to_user
+ ):
+ # Here the browser interaction action from BrowserGym can also include a message to the user
+ # When we see this browsergym action we should use a MessageAction from OpenDevin
+ return (
+ last_obs,
+ last_action,
+ MessageAction(last_action.browsergym_send_msg_to_user),
+ )
+ return last_obs, last_action, None
+ def _parse_current_obs(self, last_obs):
+ from browsergym.utils.obs import flatten_axtree_to_str
+ from opendevin.events.observation import BrowserOutputObservation
+ from opendevin.core.logger import opendevin_logger as logger
+ from opendevin.events.action import MessageAction
+ cur_axtree_txt = ''
+ error_prefix = ''
+ current_obs = {}
+ if isinstance(last_obs, BrowserOutputObservation):
+ # The browser output observation belongs to OpenDevin
+ if last_obs.error:
+ # add error recovery prompt prefix
+ # error_prefix = f'IMPORTANT! Last action is incorrect:\n{last_obs.last_browser_action}\nThink again with the current observation of the page.\n'
+ error_prefix += f'IMPORTANT! Last action is incorrect:\n{last_obs.last_browser_action}\n{last_obs.last_browser_action_error}\nThink again with the current observation of the page.\n'
+ try:
+ cur_axtree_txt = flatten_axtree_to_str(
+ last_obs.axtree_object,
+ extra_properties=last_obs.extra_element_properties,
+ with_clickable=True,
+ filter_visible_only=True,
+ )
+ scroll_progress = (
+ 1
+ - last_obs.scroll_position['remainingPixels']
+ / last_obs.scroll_position['documentHeight']
+ )
+ cur_axtree_txt = (
+ f"URL {last_obs.url}\n"
+ f"Scroll Position: {last_obs.scroll_position['scrollTop']}, "
+ f"Window Height: {last_obs.scroll_position['windowHeight']}, "
+ f"Webpage Height: {last_obs.scroll_position['documentHeight']}, "
+ f"Remaining Pixels: {last_obs.scroll_position['remainingPixels']}, "
+ f"Scrolling Progress: {scroll_progress:.1%}\n"
+ ) + cur_axtree_txt
+ logger.info(last_obs.scroll_position)
+ except Exception as e:
+ logger.error(
+ 'Error when trying to process the accessibility tree: %s', e
+ )
+ cur_axtree_txt = 'Error when trying to process the accessibility tree. No observation is available.'
+ # return current_obs, MessageAction('Error encountered when browsing.')
+ if error_prefix:
+ self.error_accumulator += 1
+ if self.error_accumulator > 3:
+ return current_obs, MessageAction(
+ 'Too many errors encountered. Task failed.'
+ )
+ else:
+ self.error_accumulator = 0
+ ### Above is record keeping by world model
+ if self.truncation:
+ clean_axtree_lines = []
+ num_static_text_lines = 0
+ max_static_text_lines = 20
+ last_bracket_line = 0
+ max_after_last_bracket_lines = 10
+ for i, line in enumerate(cur_axtree_txt.split('\n')):
+ if line.strip().startswith('['):
+ last_bracket_line = i
+ for i, line in enumerate(cur_axtree_txt.split('\n')):
+ if line.strip().startswith('StaticText') or line.strip().startswith(
+ 'ListMarker'
+ ):
+ num_static_text_lines += 1
+ else:
+ num_static_text_lines = 0
+ if num_static_text_lines <= max_static_text_lines and i < (
+ last_bracket_line + max_after_last_bracket_lines
+ ):
+ clean_axtree_lines.append(line)
+ clean_axtree_txt = '\n'.join(clean_axtree_lines)
+ obs_prompt = clean_axtree_txt
+ else:
+ obs_prompt = cur_axtree_txt
+ if len(error_prefix) > 0:
+ obs_prompt = f'{error_prefix}\n' + obs_prompt
+ current_obs = {
+ 'clean_axtree_txt': obs_prompt,
+ 'raw_axtree_txt': cur_axtree_txt,
+ # 'axtree_txt': "AXSTART "+cur_axtree_txt+" AXEND",
+ 'error_prefix': error_prefix,
+ 'goal': self.goal,
+ }
+ return current_obs, None
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/reasoners/algorithm/dfs.py b/reasoners/algorithm/dfs.py
index 4d6fed64..5b075d56 100644
--- a/reasoners/algorithm/dfs.py
+++ b/reasoners/algorithm/dfs.py
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
from typing import NamedTuple, List, Tuple
import itertools
from typing import Generic, Optional, NamedTuple, Callable, Hashable
+import copy
class DFSNode:
id_iter = itertools.count()
@@ -62,7 +62,8 @@ def __init__(self,
max_per_state: int = 3,
depth: int = 10,
prior: bool = True,
- max_terminal_nodes: int = 10):
+ max_terminal_nodes: int = 10,
+ return_if_single_first_action: bool = False):
self.max_per_state = max_per_state
self.depth = depth # not used
self.total_states = total_states
@@ -70,6 +71,7 @@ def __init__(self,
self.stat_cnt = 0
self.prior = prior # use fast_reward as prior score
self.max_terminal_nodes = max_terminal_nodes
+ self.return_if_single_first_action = return_if_single_first_action
def _reset(self):
self.terminals = []
@@ -104,6 +106,17 @@ def dfs(self, world: WorldModel, config: SearchConfig, cur_node: DFSNode):
if len(new_actions) == 0:
print('terminal return: no new action')
+ # if only one action on the first layer, return
+ if self.return_if_single_first_action and len(new_actions) == 1 and cur_node.depth == 0:
+ print('terminal return: only one action no the first layer')
+ new_node = DFSNode(state=None, action=new_actions[0], parent=cur_node,
+ fast_reward=0, fast_reward_details=None, is_terminal=False)
+ new_node.cum_rewards = cur_node.cum_rewards + [new_node.reward]
+ cur_node.add_child(new_node)
+ self.terminals.append(new_node)
+ return
## sort possible actions by score
if self.prior:
actions_with_prior = [(a, config.fast_reward(cur_state, a)) for a in new_actions]
@@ -114,7 +127,7 @@ def dfs(self, world: WorldModel, config: SearchConfig, cur_node: DFSNode):
cnt_per_state = 0
for action in new_actions:
action, (fast_reward, fast_reward_details) = action
- new_state = world.step(cur_state, action)
+ # new_state = world.step(cur_state, action)
if self.stat_cnt < self.total_states:
cnt_per_state += 1
if cnt_per_state > self.max_per_state: