Based off HTML5 Boilerplate skeleton for DocPad
- Install docpad
git clone [email protected]:magneticbear/
npm install && docpad run
- Open localhost:9778
- Install s3cmd:
brew install s3cmd
- Configure s3cmd with
s3cmd --configure
npm install && docpad generate
cd out
s3cmd sync . s3://
If you get an EMFILE error when running locally, it's likely because docpad-live-reload is trying to watch too many files at once. If you're on OS X, running the following commands will up the file watch limit.
echo 'kern.maxfiles=20480' | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf
echo -e 'limit maxfiles 8192 20480\nlimit maxproc 1000 2000' | sudo tee -a /etc/launchd.conf
echo 'ulimit -n 4096' | sudo tee -a /etc/profile
- Design and front-end by Mohammad Mozafarian
- Docpad conversion by JP Simard