curl >; chmod 755; ./
sudo mkdir /nudgepad
sudo chown $who:$whoGroup /nudgepad
cd /nudgepad
git clone
cd mon
sudo make install
cd /nudgepad
git clone
cd git-extras
sudo make install
cd /nudgepad
git clone
cd n
sudo make install
Note: NudgePad requires node v0.8.*. NudgePad does NOT currently work reliably with node v0.10.x due to a proxy/websocket (issue #1).
cd /nudgepad
sudo n 0.8.25
cd /nudgepad
git clone
cd /nudgepad/nudgepad
sudo npm install
sudo chown -R $who:$whoGroup node_modules
# move node_modules to parent dir
mv /nudgepad/nudgepad/node_modules /nudgepad/
sudo npm install -g
/nudgepad/nudgepad/system/ start
# Go to http://localhost
echo "alias np='/nudgepad/nudgepad/system/'" >> ~/.bash_profile
# The next line is to allow you to run np as sudo if you need to for some things.
echo "alias sudo='sudo '" >> ~/.bash_profile
# Reload your bash_profile to get the np command
source ~/.bash_profile
Instructions are for Ubuntu
curl >; chmod 755; ./
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get install git gcc make imagemagick sendmail-bin python-software-properties python g++
sudo mkdir /nudgepad
sudo chown `whoami`:`whoami` /nudgepad
cd /nudgepad
git clone
cd mon
sudo make install
cd /nudgepad
git clone
cd git-extras
sudo make install
cd /nudgepad
git clone
cd n
sudo make install
Note: NudgePad requires node v0.8.*. NudgePad does NOT currently work reliably with node v0.10.x due to a proxy/websocket (issue #1).
cd /nudgepad
sudo n 0.8.25
echo fs.inotify.max_user_watches=524288 | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf && sudo sysctl -p
sudo groupadd projects
# where ubuntu = your username
sudo usermod -a -G projects `whoami`
echo Enter your hostname
read newHostname
# enter your hostname
echo $newHostname | sudo tee /etc/hostname >/dev/null
sudo hostname $newHostname
# Name your hostname with the root domain of the server
# We recommend then adding a * CNAME record to your DNS
cd /nudgepad
git clone
cd /nudgepad/nudgepad
sudo npm install
sudo chown -R `whoami`:`whoami` node_modules
# move node_modules to parent dir
mv /nudgepad/nudgepad/node_modules /nudgepad/
sudo npm install -g
/nudgepad/nudgepad/system/ start
# Go to http://localhost
echo "alias np='/nudgepad/nudgepad/system/'" >> ~/.bash_profile
# The next line is to allow you to run np as sudo if you need to for some things.
echo "alias sudo='sudo '" >> ~/.bash_profile
# Reload your bash_profile to get the np command
source ~/.bash_profile
Occasionally you'll need to update your environment's PATH variable to make sure that the node_modules/.bin folder is included. For example, you may need to add this to your .bash_profile or .bashrc:
export PATH="$PATH:/nudgepad/node_modules/.bin"
NudgePad uses Google's Clojure Compiler to package the client app.
To install:
sudo apt-get install unzip
sudo apt-get install java7-jdk
mkdir /nudgepad/compiler
cd /nudgepad/compiler
Stop NudgePad
np stop
Delete /nudgepad folder (WARNING: This deletes all your Project data)
rm -rf /nudgepad
If you added a shortcut in your bash_profile, remove that:
vim ~.bash_profile
Remove any domain records NudgePad created in your hosts file:
vim /etc/hosts
On Nix, you may need to delete some users.