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CLI Commands

Max edited this page Mar 21, 2022 · 37 revisions

To use the CLI:

cd mmx-node
source ./

The node needs to be running, see Getting Started for how to start it.

Wallet CLI

To check your balance: mmx wallet show

To show wallet activity: mmx wallet log

To send coins: mmx wallet send -a 1.234 -t <address>

To show the first 10 addresses: mmx wallet show 10

To get a specific receiving address: mmx wallet get address <index>

To show wallet activity since height: mmx wallet log <since>

To show wallet activity for last N heights: mmx wallet log -N

To get the seed value from a wallet: mmx wallet get seed

To use a non-default wallet specify -j <index> with above commands (at the end).

Node CLI

To check on the node: mmx node info

To check on the peers: mmx node peers

To check on a transaction: mmx node tx <txid>

To check the balance of an address: mmx node balance <address>

To check the history of an address: mmx node history <address> [since]

To dump a contract: mmx node get contract <address>

To dump a transaction: mmx node get tx <txid>

To dump a block: mmx node get block <height>

To dump a block header: mmx node get header <height>

To force a re-sync: mmx node sync

To get connected peers: mmx node get peers

Farmer CLI

To check on the farm: mmx farm info

To get total space in bytes: mmx farm get space

To show plot directories: mmx farm get dirs

To reload plots: mmx farm reload

Stake Minting

Some tokens can be minted by staking another currency over time. This is the case with MMT, an example token on testnet, it has a stake factor of 1/10000 per block for MMX. So if you stake 1000 MMX you will create 0.1 MMT per block.

To start staking you first create a mmx.contract.Staking contract as follows:

	"__type": "mmx.contract.Staking",
	"owner": "mmx1nn8u9etvnghq7x8atj2y55he76z9yvxalc9t3nx8ym0xqr4yuzvsdf8jp8",
	"currency": "mmx1rywgqms3crugehp22c624w02g6ls7y2frq8kwc0fcyxa5ywusldsc8s5qj",
	"reward_addr": "mmx1nn8u9etvnghq7x8atj2y55he76z9yvxalc9t3nx8ym0xqr4yuzvsdf8jp8"

Where currency is the token contract address, above example is for MMT. Make sure to replace owner and reward_addr with addresses that you control and save the file with a .json extension somewhere.

Once you have written the contract you can deploy it on the blockchain:

mmx wallet deploy path/to/contract.json

You will see that the contract has been deployed together with it's address:

Deployed mmx.contract.Staking as mmx16e6ecj2a5u5gvxfrwjdh5v7s5x5snclj3vft5atr3pagxddq7d9qdqhc2q

Note: You need some MMX to perform this step, around 0.01 MMX should be enough.

After deploying the contract you should be able to see it in mmx wallet show:

Contract: mmx16e6ecj2a5u5gvxfrwjdh5v7s5x5snclj3vft5atr3pagxddq7d9qdqhc2q (mmx.contract.Staking)

Note: The address will be different for you.

To confirm the contracts content you can dump it via:

mmx node get contract mmx16e6ecj2a5u5gvxfrwjdh5v7s5x5snclj3vft5atr3pagxddq7d9qdqhc2q

Now you can send MMX to this contract via:

mmx wallet send -a 10 -t mmx16e6ecj2a5u5gvxfrwjdh5v7s5x5snclj3vft5atr3pagxddq7d9qdqhc2q

Make sure to replace the address with your contract address.

You should see the staked balances in mmx wallet show:

Contract: mmx16e6ecj2a5u5gvxfrwjdh5v7s5x5snclj3vft5atr3pagxddq7d9qdqhc2q (mmx.contract.Staking)
  Balance: 10 MMX (10000000)

The rewards will be sent to reward_addr when you remove the balance from this contract again. However there is a minimum period the coins have to be residing in the contract, on testnet it's currently just 18 blocks. You can withdraw before that time, but you wont get any rewards.

To withdraw balance from the contract and trigger a minting reward:

mmx wallet send_from -a 10 -s mmx16e6ecj2a5u5gvxfrwjdh5v7s5x5snclj3vft5atr3pagxddq7d9qdqhc2q -t mmx1nn8u9etvnghq7x8atj2y55he76z9yvxalc9t3nx8ym0xqr4yuzvsdf8jp8

Make sure to replace the source -s with your contract address and target -t with your destination address.

After withdrawing the balance you should see the reward being sent to your reward_addr within the same transaction:

[9759] RECEIVE + 0.33 MMT (330000) -> mmx1nn8u9etvnghq7x8atj2y55he76z9yvxalc9t3nx8ym0xqr4yuzvsdf8jp8
[9759] RECEIVE + 10 MMX (10000000) -> mmx1nn8u9etvnghq7x8atj2y55he76z9yvxalc9t3nx8ym0xqr4yuzvsdf8jp8

You can also send the funds right back to the contract.

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