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Migration Guide

Dalmo Cirne edited this page Apr 27, 2016 · 4 revisions

Migration Guide

Migrating From Version 4 or 5 to Version 6

Here we address the steps to migrate from an earlier version of the SDK to the latest one.


If you currently have version 4.x or 5.x of the SDK instrumented in your app, you will need to update your Podfile.

Remove the old mParticle pod statement

pod 'mParticle', '~> 4'
pod 'mParticle-iOS-SDK', '~> 5'
pod 'mParticle-Apple-SDK', '~> 5'

and replace it with:

target '<Your Target>' do
    pod 'mParticle-Apple-SDK', '~> 6'

For further options configuring your Podfile such as including kits please see the Get the SDK section of our README or if you are building a multi-platform (iOS and tvOS) project see Multi-platform configuration.


Kits are now implemented as extensions to the mParticle SDK. Ergo, the wrapper to each kit is no longer deployed together with the core SDK, instead they are their own pod in CocoaPods.

If you are using kits with the mParticle SDK in your Podfile as in the sample below:

pod 'mParticle-Apple-SDK', '~> 5', :subspecs => ['Appboy']
pod 'mParticle-Apple-SDK/Appboy', '~> 5'

You will need to update the pod statement to:

target '<Your Target>' do
    pod 'mParticle-Appboy', '~> 6'

Kit Status and Retrieval Methods

The signature of the methods to verify the status of a kit and to retrieve a kit instance have changed to take a NSNumber representing the kit code. Previously those methods a raw value from the MPKitInstance enum.

- (nullable id const)kitInstance:(nonnull NSNumber *)kitCode;
- (BOOL)isKitActive:(nonnull NSNumber *)kitCode;

Import Statement

The import statement changes with version 6 of the SDK since it has been implemented as framework/module. The new syntax is:

import mParticle_Apple_SDK
@import mParticle_Apple_SDK;

If your app still needs to support iOS 7, please use:

#import <mParticle_Apple_SDK/mParticle.h>

If you're coming from version 4 or version 5, replace `#import ` or `#import ` with the option above that is most appropriate for you.

Moreover, in case you had the need to directly call methods from a 3rd party provider kit through the mParticle SDK, you no longer need to indirectly import their headers. You can just import them directly as indicated in the provider respective documentation. For example, if you were using:

#import <mParticle/Appboy/AppboyKit.h>

You will now use:

#import <AppboyKit.h>

Or whichever other way is recommended by the 3rd party provider.

Log Level

If you are using the .logLevel property to control what gets logged to the Xcode console and are coding in Objective-C, you will need to make a small change. We have renamed the MPLogLevel enum to MPILogLevel. The renamed values are: MPILogLevelNone, MPILogLevelError, MPILogLevelWarning, MPILogLevelDebug, and MPILogLevelVerbose.

For example, if you are setting the log level to debug as:

[MParticle sharedInstance].logLevel = MPLogLevelDebug;

You'd need to change it to:

[MParticle sharedInstance].logLevel = MPILogLevelDebug;
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