- automatically coerce based on implicit
- remove hardcoded ref type -> traits
- reuse string literals in memory
- let constructs (scope)
- methods
- type alias
- emit text should be parsed and emited again correctly, final result must be the same as the begin
- OR binary op should stop evaluation after the first non-zero result is yielded
- AND binary op should stop evaluation after the first zero result is yielded
- test file with self reference
- figure out private fields structs
- for loops sugar syntax
- for in sugar syntax
- robust type alias use cases and test suites
// this should yield an error
match x {
case 1 -> ???
case 1 -> ???
case 1 -> ???
case 1 -> ???
// doesnt work
match x {
else char -> ...
// assignment as firts code block stmt dowsnt work
match parse(rule, ruleName, parser, level + 1) {
case is Nil -> break
case ast is AST -> {
ret = match ret {
case is Nil -> ast
else -> AstCons(ret, ast)
every declaration with the same name of different impl must have the same visibility
exhaustive test of implicit coercion
ensure "is" always returns a boolean
internal variables/state are only accessible via getters/setters
arrays strings closure functions
// doesnt work
var x = if(cond) 1 else 2
// does work
var x = if(cond) {1} else {2}
// test parsing
enum test {}
// test parsing:
fun malloc(size: i32): i32 = {
if (size > 0) {
val sizeToAlloc = size + 8 /* asd */
if (sizeToAlloc > MAX_SIZE_32) {
parser fails with
match x {
case None -> 123
case is Some -> 123
There are enum types. The enum type has a name, and it consists of a set of named types which are assignable to the enum type.
This is possible because internaly the enum type is a sugar syntax for a union type.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ring_(mathematics) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parametric_polymorphism https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Option_type https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monad_(functional_programming)#Monad_laws https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Standard_ML https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Automated_theorem_proving https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Computer_algebra https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Breadth-first_search https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enumerated_type https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Union_type https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tagged_union https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First-class_function https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Namespace https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Entropy_(information_theory) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nullary_constructor
grammar changes:
# privatefun is tokenized as two tokens
# comments are not allowed between function parameters
# comments are not allowed between struct parameters
# comments are not allowed between enum parameters
# ??? is invalid
# index selectors and function name
porque si dallta checkeo de tipos sigue de largo para ExecutionHelper#testSrc?
fun externalEat(): UnsafeCPointer = eat() // fails horribly with wasm validation errors
fun externalEat(): UnsafeCPointer = eat() as UnsafeCPointer // doesn't fail