This repository provides the implementation for our paper Nitroaromatic explosives detection and quantification using attention-based transformer on surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy maps. We experimentally demonstrated that we significantly outperform or are on par with the existing approaches for explosives detection and quantification using raw SERS maps as input. We also open-source three SERS datasets measured down to very low concentrations: 4-NBT, 4-dinitrophenyl hydrazine (DNP), and Picric acid (PA) at
git clone
cd molecule_detection_quantification
conda env create -f molecule_env.yml
conda activate torch_dl
Download the dataset into folder datasets/
Download the model checkpoints into exp_data/VIT/
Please look at the file test_experiment.ipynb
for evaluating the experiment
./ detection quantification dataset gpu_index
detection: bool variable, true/false
quantification: bool variable, true/false
dataset: str variable, TOMAS/DNP/PA
gpu_index: int, which gpu to use
For example, to run a detection experiment on dataset DNP, you can simply run:
./ true false DNP 0
./ dataset model_group detection quantification version percentage gpu_index
dataset: str varialbe, TOMAS/DNP/PA
model_group: str variable, xception/unified_cnn/resnet
detection: bool variable, true/false
quantification: bool variable, true/false
version: int
percentage: float, 0.002/0.005/0.01/0.02/0.05/0.1/0.2/0.5/1.0
gpu_index: int
For example, to run a detection experiment on dataset PA with model xception, and you choose to average each SERS map with the Top-2% of the spectra that have the highest peak intensity:
./ PA xception true false 0 0.002 0
The processes for generating SERS maps are shown in the jupyter file SERS_maps_generation.ipynb
If you use this code, please cite:
author ="Li, Bo and Zappalá, Giulia and Dumont, Elodie and Boisen, Anja and Rindzevicius, Tomas and Schmidt, Mikkel N. and Alstrøm, Tommy S.",
title ="Nitroaromatic explosives’ detection and quantification using an attention-based transformer on surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy maps",
journal ="Analyst",
year ="2023",
publisher ="The Royal Society of Chemistry",
url ="",