diff --git a/CHANGELOG.md b/CHANGELOG.md
index a8802e816f..ca314391cf 100644
--- a/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](https://keepachangelog.com/en/1.0.0/).
## Unreleased
+- Feat #1667: Add log entry when minting DOI
- Fix #2094: Make Semgrep-based SAST analyzer available in tagged release
- Feat #701: Code refactoring to separate upload status transitions and notifications to prepare for upload status overhaul
- Security #1867: Update the gitlab static application security testing (SAST) job using the Semgrep-based analyzer
diff --git a/protected/controllers/AdminDatasetController.php b/protected/controllers/AdminDatasetController.php
index 8dce80810e..e40f931e7a 100644
--- a/protected/controllers/AdminDatasetController.php
+++ b/protected/controllers/AdminDatasetController.php
@@ -427,18 +427,28 @@ public function actionMint()
+ $action = 'DOI Minting';
+ $log = sprintf('Dataset %s', $doi);
$doiResponse = $client->request('GET', $mds_doi_url . '/' . $mds_prefix . '/' . $doi, [
'http_errors' => false,
'auth' => [$mds_username, $mds_password]
$result['doi_response'] = $doiResponse->getBody()->getContents();
$result['check_doi_status'] = $doiResponse->getStatusCode();
+ $isPresent = in_array($result['check_doi_status'], [200, 204]);
+ $log .= sprintf(' - Check DOI: %s', $isPresent ? "OK" : "DOI doesn't exist");
- if ($result['check_doi_status'] === 200 || $result['check_doi_status'] === 204 || $result['check_doi_status'] === 404) {
- $xml_data = $dataset->toXML();
+ if ($isPresent || $result['check_doi_status'] === 404) {
+ if (!$xml_data = $dataset->toXML()) {
+ $result['error'] = 'An error occurred while transforming the dataset as xml';
+ $log .= ' ERROR: An error occurred while transforming the dataset as xml';
+ echo json_encode($result);
+ Yii::app()->end();
+ }
$options = [
'headers' => [
- 'Content-Type' => 'text/xml; charset=UTF8',
+ 'Content-Type' => 'text/xml;charset=UTF8',
'auth' => [$mds_username, $mds_password],
'body' => $xml_data,
@@ -450,6 +460,7 @@ public function actionMint()
$keyStatus = sprintf('%s_md_status', $result['check_doi_status'] === 200 ? 'update' : 'create');
$result[$keyResponse] = $updateMdResponse->getBody()->getContents();
$result[$keyStatus] = $updateMdResponse->getStatusCode();
+ $log .= sprintf(' - %s md response: %s', $result['check_doi_status'] === 200 ? 'update' : 'create', 201 === $result[$keyStatus] ? "OK" : $result[$keyResponse]);
if (201 === $updateMdResponse->getStatusCode() && 404 === $result['check_doi_status']) {
$result['doi_data'] = 'doi=' . $mds_prefix . '/' . $doi . "\n" . 'url=http://gigadb.org/dataset/' . $doi;
@@ -466,9 +477,11 @@ public function actionMint()
$result['create_doi_response'] = $response->getBody()->getContents();
$result['create_doi_status'] = $response->getStatusCode();
+ $log .= sprintf(' - Create DOI: %s', $result['create_doi_status'] === 201 ? 'OK' : $result['create_doi_response']);
+ CurationLog::createGeneralCurationLogEntry($dataset->id, $action, $log);
echo json_encode($result);
diff --git a/protected/models/CurationLog.php b/protected/models/CurationLog.php
index 49b3779b94..b6289a398f 100644
--- a/protected/models/CurationLog.php
+++ b/protected/models/CurationLog.php
@@ -114,6 +114,15 @@ public static function createCurationLogEntry(int $id, string $fileName): bool
return $curationlog->save();
+ public static function createGeneralCurationLogEntry(int $id, string $action, string $content, $author = 'system'): bool
+ {
+ $curationLog = self::makeNewInstanceForCurationLogBy($id, $author);
+ $curationLog->action = $action;
+ $curationLog->comments = $content;
+ return $curationLog->save();
+ }
* alias to allow code from develop up to commit 4ab4399 to work
diff --git a/protected/models/Dataset.php b/protected/models/Dataset.php
index 53cd0d948b..8a7b012fa3 100644
--- a/protected/models/Dataset.php
+++ b/protected/models/Dataset.php
@@ -442,8 +442,8 @@ public function getUrlToRedirectAttribute() {
- * toXML(): fucntion tha treturn Datacite XML for this dataset
- * @return Datacite XML 4.0 for this dataset
+ * toXML(): function tha return Datacite XML for this dataset
+ * @return bool|string XML 4.0 for this dataset
public function toXML() {
$xmlstr = "\n".
@@ -594,7 +594,6 @@ public function toXML() {
return $xml->asXML();
diff --git a/protected/views/adminDataset/_form.php b/protected/views/adminDataset/_form.php
index b6e47ce795..fca4062026 100644
--- a/protected/views/adminDataset/_form.php
+++ b/protected/views/adminDataset/_form.php
@@ -358,18 +358,22 @@
'data' => ['doi' => 'js:$("#Dataset_identifier").val()'],
'dataType' => 'json',
'success' => new CJavaScriptExpression('function(output) {
- if (output.check_doi_status == 200 && output.update_md_status == 201) {
+ if (output.check_doi_status === 200 && output.update_md_status === 201) {
$("#minting").addClass("alert alert-info").html("This DOI exists in datacite already, no need to mint, but the metadata is updated!");
- } else if (output.check_doi_status == 200 && output.update_md_status == 422) {
+ } else if (output.check_doi_status === 204 && output.create_md_status === 201) {
+ $("#minting").addClass("alert alert-info").html("This DOI exists but is not registered, no need to mint, but the metadata has been created!");
+ } else if (output.check_doi_status === 200 && output.update_md_status !== 201) {
$("#minting").addClass("alert alert-info").html("This DOI exists in datacite, but failed to update metadata because of: " + output.update_md_response);
- } else if (output.create_md_status == 201 && output.create_doi_status == 201) {
- $("#minting").addClass("alert alert-success").html("New DOI successfully minted");
- } else if (output.check_doi_status == 404 && output.create_md_status == 422) {
+ } else if (output.check_doi_status === 204 && output.create_md_status !== 201) {
+ $("#minting").addClass("alert alert-info").html("This DOI exists in datacite, but failed to create metadata because of: " + output.create_md_response);
+ } else if (output.check_doi_status === 404 && output.create_md_status !== 201) {
$("#minting").addClass("alert alert-danger").html("This DOI cannot be created because of the metadata status: " + output.create_md_status + ". Details can be found at here");
- } else if (output.check_doi_status == 200 && output.update_md_status != 200) {
- $("#minting").addClass("alert alert-danger").html("Error with metadata status: " + output.update_md_status + " and DOI status: " + output.check_doi_status + " Details can be found at here");
+ } else if (output.create_md_status === 201 && output.create_doi_status !== 201) {
+ $("#minting").addClass("alert alert-success").html("New DOI couldn\'t be minted");
+ } else if (output.create_md_status === 201 && output.create_doi_status === 201) {
+ $("#minting").addClass("alert alert-success").html("New DOI successfully minted");
} else {
- $("#minting").addClass("alert alert-danger").html("DOI status: " + output.check_doi_status + ". An error occurred");
+ $("#minting").addClass("alert alert-danger").html("An error occurred");
if (output.error) {
@@ -380,10 +384,10 @@
- 'class' => 'btn background-btn m-0',
- 'id' => 'mint_doi_button',
- 'disabled' => in_array($model->upload_status, $status_array),
- 'title' => 'This botton will take all the dataset information stored in GigaDB and convert it to the DataCite schema in XML and via an API call, register that information with DataCite',
+ 'class' => 'btn background-btn m-0',
+ 'id' => 'mint_doi_button',
+ 'disabled' => in_array($model->upload_status, $status_array),
+ 'title' => 'This button will take all the dataset information stored in GigaDB and convert it to the DataCite schema in XML and via an API call, register that information with DataCite',
'data-toggle' => 'tooltip'
diff --git a/tests/acceptance/AdminDatasetCurationLog.feature b/tests/acceptance/AdminDatasetCurationLog.feature
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..53890adda8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/acceptance/AdminDatasetCurationLog.feature
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+Feature: curation log entry under the dataset form
+ As a curator
+ I want to see see a curation log entry after minting DOI
+ So that the curation log entry is visible
+ Background:
+ Given I have signed in as admin
+ @ok
+ Scenario: Minting Doi and adding curation log entry
+ When I am on "/adminDataset/update/id/8"
+ And I press the button "Mint DOI"
+ And I wait "3" seconds
+ And I should see "This DOI exists in datacite already, no need to mint, but the metadata is updated!"
+ Then I am on "/adminDataset/update/id/8"
+ And I should see "Dataset 100006 - Check DOI: OK - update md response: OK"