Adding a back and forward button gives the user the possibility to go to the previous or the next record without the need to go back to the Browse Screen first.
Add two button objects to you form:
- A First Button with Title "Next" and in Custom Code, add an onclick event with the Javascript
- A Second Button with Title "Back" and in Custom Code, add an onclick event with the Javascript
This will allow the user to cycle through the records being returned from the Browse Screen.
Note: This example is limited to the records that are shown on the current Browse page.
The advanced code does not have this limitation but it requires a PHP Procedure.
☛ Add this JavaScript to your form's Custom Code field:
function openRecord(r, test) {
var result = false;
var bc = nuFORM.breadcrumbs[nuFORM.breadcrumbs.length - 2];
if (typeof bc === 'undefined') {
return result;
var rows = bc.browse_rows;
pks = => x[0]);
var idx = pks.indexOf(nuCurrentProperties().record_id);
gotoPk = pks[idx + r];
result = typeof gotoPk !== "undefined";
if (result && !test === true) {
nuForm(nuGetProperty('form_id'), gotoPk, '', '', '1');
return result;
function setBtnEnabled(objId, value) {
value === false ? nuDisable(objId) : nuEnable(objId);
// When the Edit Screen is loaded, we set the enabled status of the buttons by calling openRecord()
// and a second parameter test.
// This will return a boolean flag indicating wheter there is a next or previous record.
if (nuFormType() == 'edit') {
setBtnEnabled('btn_next', openRecord(1, true));
setBtnEnabled('btn_back', openRecord(-1, true));