The function addStatusIconsFA() can be used to add icons in front of a text in a Browse column using font awesome icons.
☛ Add this JavaScript to your form's Custom Code field: ❓ How to add Custom Code
function addStatusIconsFA(col, statusArr) {
$("[data-nu-column='"+col+"']").each(function(index) {
var status = $(this).html();
var index = statusArr.findIndex(x => x.status === status);
var _class = statusArr[index].class;
var color = statusArr[index].color;
$(this).prepend('<i class="'+ _class +'" aria-hidden="true" style="font-size:medium;color:'+color+';"></i> ');
Add a status icon in the first column when the Browse Screen is loaded.
☛ Change the status descriptions, icons, colors in statusArr if necessary.
var statusArr = [
{status:"Pending",class:"fa fa-clock-o",color:"#f1c40f"}, // orange
{status:"Completed",class:"fa fa-check-circle",color:"#2ecc71"}, // green
{status:"Cancelled",class:"fa fa-ban",color:"#e74c3c"}, // red
{status:"New",class:"fa fa-circle-o",color:"#707070"}, // grey
{status:"In progress",class:"fa fa-spinner",color:"#3498db"} // blue
if (nuFormType() == 'browse') {
addStatusIconsFA(0, statusArr); // 0 = 1st column
☛ Create a new folder /ressources in the root directory of nuBuilder and place your image files there.
☛ Add this JavaScript code to your form's Custom Code field.
function addStatusIcons(col) {
$("[data-nu-column='"+col+"']").each(function(index) {
var status = $(this).html();
var icon = 'ressources/' + status.replace(' ','_').toLowerCase() + '.png';
var x = '<img src="' + icon + '" style="vertical-align:middle;width:18px;height:18px;">' + ' ' + status;
if (nuFormType() == 'browse') {