Introduced in version 1.4, users can be managed in groups, and each control can be assigned to one or more groups.
Log on as administrator, then open the "user management" module.
Select or add a user, in the "Groups" search box, type the name of the new group, the component will prompt you to create the group.
Send the changes, the group or groups are created.
To reduce complexity, fine-grained control management has not been implemented (read/write/execute).
When a control is assigned to a group, each user in the group becomes the "manager" of that control. They can therefore modify or delete it.
When an administrator creates a control, he/she must assign one or more groups with authority over it.
When a non-administrator user creates a control, it is automatically assigned to all its groups, but they are free to reduce this selection.
A control can only be registered if it has at least one group.